Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2018

Filtered by School Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2018.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

50 of 162 entries are shown.
1 - 50
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1 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Ancient History Phillips, Stephen
2 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Ancient History Soin, Nanki
3 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Biology Hargrove, Mackensie
4 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Biology Krek, Lucinda
5 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Biology Smith, Benjamin
6 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Biology Soin, Jasmine
7 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Biology van der Maas, Lara
8 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Business Studies Mills, Olivia
9 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Business Studies van der Maas, Lara
10 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Business Studies Van Eck, Zane
11 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Chemistry Pietsch, Samuel
12 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Chinese and Literature Ding, Feifan
13 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Chinese and Literature Qiu, Yaqi
14 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Design and Technology Bowman, Oliver
15 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Design and Technology Liu, Anni
16 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Design and Technology Parkinson, Ella
17 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Design and Technology Tuckey, Georgia
18 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Drama Bevan, Amelia
19 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Drama Lindsay, George
20 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Drama Parkinson, Ella
21 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Economics Briant, Benjamin
22 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Economics Dobell, Mia
23 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Economics Pietsch, Samuel
24 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Economics Scott, Henry
25 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Economics Van Eck, Zane
26 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why English (Advanced) Allen, Kathryn
27 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why English (Advanced) Berg, Maya
28 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why English (Advanced) Bowman, Oliver
29 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why English (Advanced) Brooks, Jasmin
30 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why English (Advanced) Brown, Cicely
31 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why English (Advanced) Byrne, Natalia
32 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why English (Advanced) Dobell, Mia
33 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why English (Advanced) Duncan, Ella
34 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why English (Advanced) Hargreaves, Cassandra
35 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why English (Advanced) Hargrove, Mackensie
36 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why English (Advanced) Haynes, Mackenzie
37 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why English (Advanced) Howarth, Sophie
38 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why English (Advanced) Langsford, Thomas
39 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why English (Advanced) Parkinson, Ella
40 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why English (Advanced) Phillips, Stephen
41 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why English (Advanced) Pietsch, Samuel
42 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why English (Advanced) Soin, Jasmine
43 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why English (Advanced) Soin, Nanki
44 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why English (Advanced) Sweetnam, Amy
45 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why English (Advanced) Tuckey, Georgia
46 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why English (Advanced) van der Maas, Lara
47 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why English (Advanced) Van Eck, Zane
48 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why English (Advanced) Viljoen, Joshua
49 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why English Extension 1 Brown, Cicely
50 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why English Extension 1 Byrne, Natalia
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 23 Oct 2024
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