Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2018

Filtered by School Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2018.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

116 of 166 entries are shown.
51 - 166
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Rows per page:
51 Newington College Stanmore Engineering Studies Wu, Benjamin
52 Newington College Stanmore English (Advanced) Clarke, Harrison James
53 Newington College Stanmore English (Advanced) Giordan, Christopher Anthony
54 Newington College Stanmore English (Advanced) Huang, Raymond Gar Wing
55 Newington College Stanmore English (Advanced) Kaplan, Joshua Daniel
56 Newington College Stanmore English (Advanced) Knight, James Lindsay Bronnelle
57 Newington College Stanmore English (Advanced) Papasavvas, Thomas
58 Newington College Stanmore English (Advanced) Smith, Oliver Blaikie
59 Newington College Stanmore English (Advanced) Suh, Jeno
60 Newington College Stanmore English (Advanced) Vaughan, Riley Justus
61 Newington College Stanmore English Extension 1 Clarke, Harrison James
62 Newington College Stanmore English Extension 1 El-Zein, Ali Charles Mossop
63 Newington College Stanmore English Extension 1 Giordan, Christopher Anthony
64 Newington College Stanmore English Extension 1 Machin, Alec Henry
65 Newington College Stanmore English Extension 1 McIntyre, Lachlan Tiger
66 Newington College Stanmore English Extension 1 Osmand, William Gerard
67 Newington College Stanmore English Extension 1 Pople, George Felix Mcdougal
68 Newington College Stanmore English Extension 1 Stephen, Paul Bill
69 Newington College Stanmore Geography Aisatullin, Sigi John
70 Newington College Stanmore Geography El-Zein, Ali Charles Mossop
71 Newington College Stanmore Geography O'Shea, Oliver Nicholas
72 Newington College Stanmore Geography van Walsum, Michael Sean
73 Newington College Stanmore History Extension Milton, Declan Edward
74 Newington College Stanmore Industrial Technology Drake, Rupert Jack Macworth
75 Newington College Stanmore Industrial Technology Grippi, Luca
76 Newington College Stanmore Information Processes and Technology Foster, Dylan Tyler
77 Newington College Stanmore Latin Continuers Rahman, Nazim
78 Newington College Stanmore Latin Continuers Suh, Jeno
79 Newington College Stanmore Latin Extension Huang, Raymond Gar Wing
80 Newington College Stanmore Latin Extension Rahman, Nazim
81 Newington College Stanmore Latin Extension Suh, Jeno
82 Newington College Stanmore Latin Extension Vaughan, Riley Justus
83 Newington College Stanmore Legal Studies Machin, Alec Henry
84 Newington College Stanmore Legal Studies Memak, Maytta Indigo
85 Newington College Stanmore Legal Studies Pople, George Felix Mcdougal
86 Newington College Stanmore Legal Studies Whitnall, Thomas Alexander David
87 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics Burton, Gus James Reginald
88 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics Drake, Rupert Jack Macworth
89 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics Elwaw, Mark Joseph
90 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics Fowler, David Alexander Welch
91 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics Goodhand, Zachary William
92 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics Harrison, Andrew Leigh
93 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics Huang, Raymond Gar Wing
94 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics Hunt, Ethan Shen
95 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics Kalis, Christopher Stavros
96 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics Knight, James Lindsay Bronnelle
97 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics Larkings, Henry George
98 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics Liu, Andrew Lin Long
99 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics Nikos, Liam George
100 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics Qian, Liang
101 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics Rowland, Harrison James Ure
102 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics Stuart, Albert Thomas Zev
103 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics Sundquist, Tom Anderson
104 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics Watson, Lachlan Euan
105 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics Zheng, Ricky
106 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics Extension 1 Elwaw, Mark Joseph
107 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics Extension 1 Huang, Raymond Gar Wing
108 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics Extension 1 Kaplan, Joshua Daniel
109 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics Extension 1 Knight, James Lindsay Bronnelle
110 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics Extension 1 Larkings, Henry George
111 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics Extension 1 McFarlane, Hamish Clifford
112 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics Extension 1 Papasavvas, Thomas
113 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics Extension 1 Rahman, Nazim
114 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics Extension 1 Rowland, Harrison James Ure
115 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics Extension 1 Smith, Oliver Blaikie
116 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics Extension 1 Sundquist, Tom Anderson
117 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics Extension 1 Wu, Benjamin
118 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics Extension 1 Zheng, Ricky
119 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics Extension 2 Kaplan, Joshua Daniel
120 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics Extension 2 Papasavvas, Thomas
121 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics Extension 2 Wu, Benjamin
122 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics General 2 Duvall, Angus Graham Norman
123 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics General 2 Freire, Brandon
124 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics General 2 Nottage, Askam Reed
125 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics General 2 Shearman, Conor Jasper
126 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics General 2 Taylor, Benjamin Richard
127 Newington College Stanmore Mathematics General 2 Woolbank, Samuel Thomas
128 Newington College Stanmore Modern Greek Beginners Diniotis, Athan Elias
129 Newington College Stanmore Modern Greek Beginners Howe, Paul Zachary
130 Newington College Stanmore Modern Greek Beginners Kalis, Christopher Stavros
131 Newington College Stanmore Modern Greek Beginners Nikos, Liam George
132 Newington College Stanmore Modern History Giordan, Christopher Anthony
133 Newington College Stanmore Modern History Machin, Alec Henry
134 Newington College Stanmore Modern History Pople, George Felix Mcdougal
135 Newington College Stanmore Music 1 Del Vecchio, Luke Francis
136 Newington College Stanmore Music 1 Dotson, Mackenzie Charles
137 Newington College Stanmore Music 2 Liu, Andrew Lin Long
138 Newington College Stanmore Music 2 Liu, Yimu
139 Newington College Stanmore Music 2 Maclean, Nicholas Lachlan
140 Newington College Stanmore Music 2 Smith, Oliver Blaikie
141 Newington College Stanmore Music Extension Liu, Andrew Lin Long
142 Newington College Stanmore Music Extension Liu, Yimu
143 Newington College Stanmore Music Extension Maclean, Nicholas Lachlan
144 Newington College Stanmore Music Extension McCausland, Liam Yaohan
145 Newington College Stanmore Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Clarke, Harrison James
146 Newington College Stanmore Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Kaplan, Joshua Daniel
147 Newington College Stanmore Physics Harrison, Andrew Leigh
148 Newington College Stanmore Physics Kaplan, Joshua Daniel
149 Newington College Stanmore Physics Knight, James Lindsay Bronnelle
150 Newington College Stanmore Physics Papasavvas, Thomas
151 Newington College Stanmore Physics Rahman, Nazim
152 Newington College Stanmore Physics Smith, Oliver Blaikie
153 Newington College Stanmore Software Design and Development Barker, Thomas Rex
154 Newington College Stanmore Software Design and Development McEvoy, Jarrah William Donald
155 Newington College Stanmore Software Design and Development Rollason, Deklan Peter
156 Newington College Stanmore Software Design and Development Sims, Nicholas David
157 Newington College Stanmore Software Design and Development Stuart, Albert Thomas Zev
158 Newington College Stanmore Software Design and Development Windon, Simon James Carton
159 Newington College Stanmore Studies of Religion I El-Zein, Ali Charles Mossop
160 Newington College Stanmore Visual Arts Favero, Jack
161 Newington College Stanmore Visual Arts McEvoy, Jarrah William Donald
162 Newington College Stanmore Visual Arts Mueller, Angus Bernhard
163 Newington College Stanmore Visual Arts Pople, George Felix Mcdougal
164 Newington College Stanmore Visual Arts Straatveit, Oskar Alexander Nils
165 Newington College Stanmore Visual Arts Stuart, Albert Thomas Zev
166 Newington College Stanmore Visual Arts Tucker, Ben
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 23 Oct 2024
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