Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2017

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2017.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

200 of 39654 entries are shown.
2092 - 2291
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2092 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Merrick, Daniel Allan
2093 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Moffat, Jemima Grace
2094 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Park, Seock Jin
2095 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Preston, Louisa Mary
2096 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Reid, Tyler Addison
2097 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Sebesfi, Roland Alexander
2098 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Solomon, William Christopher
2099 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Stals, June
2100 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Toomey, Olivia May
2101 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Vishney, Maxim Zachary
2102 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Vodicka, Eloise Julia
2103 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Wong, Patrick Jie
2104 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Zammit, Sean Michael
2105 Barker College Hornsby English (Standard) Nicol, Angus Peter
2106 Barker College Hornsby English (Standard) Post, Thomas Liam Quill
2107 Barker College Hornsby English Extension 1 Brittain, Alice Mary
2108 Barker College Hornsby English Extension 1 Covey, Jackson Hans
2109 Barker College Hornsby English Extension 1 Davis, Sophia Isabella
2110 Barker College Hornsby English Extension 1 Faulkner, Lachlan James
2111 Barker College Hornsby English Extension 1 Fredriksson, Elsa
2112 Barker College Hornsby English Extension 1 Gilmore, Benjamin Carl
2113 Barker College Hornsby English Extension 1 Grishina-Gunn, Andre Michael
2114 Barker College Hornsby English Extension 1 Hawken, Angus Cameron
2115 Barker College Hornsby English Extension 1 Hughes, Savannah Joy
2116 Barker College Hornsby English Extension 1 Ku, Catherine
2117 Barker College Hornsby English Extension 1 Lorschy, Joshua
2118 Barker College Hornsby English Extension 1 Macourt, Felicity
2119 Barker College Hornsby English Extension 1 McLean, Harriet Rebecca
2120 Barker College Hornsby English Extension 1 McVicker, Sarah Jane
2121 Barker College Hornsby English Extension 1 Merrick, Daniel Allan
2122 Barker College Hornsby English Extension 1 Moffat, Jemima Grace
2123 Barker College Hornsby English Extension 1 Morgan, Isaac Tomas
2124 Barker College Hornsby English Extension 1 Pak, Jayden Hyun-Woo
2125 Barker College Hornsby English Extension 1 Schreuder, Kirsten Grace
2126 Barker College Hornsby English Extension 1 Solomon, William Christopher
2127 Barker College Hornsby English Extension 1 Thomas, Connor James
2128 Barker College Hornsby English Extension 1 Toomey, Olivia May
2129 Barker College Hornsby English Extension 1 Vishney, Maxim Zachary
2130 Barker College Hornsby English Extension 2 Berney-Gibson, Fergus Keane
2131 Barker College Hornsby English Extension 2 Butler, Callan Sheridan
2132 Barker College Hornsby English Extension 2 Gilmore, Benjamin Carl
2133 Barker College Hornsby English Extension 2 Grishina-Gunn, Andre Michael
2134 Barker College Hornsby English Extension 2 Hawken, Angus Cameron
2135 Barker College Hornsby English Extension 2 Macourt, Felicity
2136 Barker College Hornsby English Extension 2 McLean, Harriet Rebecca
2137 Barker College Hornsby English Extension 2 Merrick, Daniel Allan
2138 Barker College Hornsby English Extension 2 Morgan, Isaac Tomas
2139 Barker College Hornsby English Extension 2 Schreuder, Kirsten Grace
2140 Barker College Hornsby English Extension 2 Solomon, William Christopher
2141 Barker College Hornsby English Extension 2 Vishney, Maxim Zachary
2142 Barker College Hornsby Geography Bayliss-Smith, Imogen Louise
2143 Barker College Hornsby Geography Falkov, Francesca Lily
2144 Barker College Hornsby Geography Lee, Joshua Guan
2145 Barker College Hornsby Geography Manion, James Peter
2146 Barker College Hornsby Geography Parker, Luke Ryan
2147 Barker College Hornsby Geography Vick, Cameron James
2148 Barker College Hornsby History Extension D'Lima, Olivia Ines
2149 Barker College Hornsby History Extension Davey, Eve Lauren
2150 Barker College Hornsby History Extension Drummond, Sophie Eve
2151 Barker College Hornsby History Extension Fairfield, Andrew James
2152 Barker College Hornsby History Extension Gupte, Ashwin Vijay
2153 Barker College Hornsby History Extension Hughes, Savannah Joy
2154 Barker College Hornsby History Extension Kalra, Neil Varun
2155 Barker College Hornsby History Extension Ku, Catherine
2156 Barker College Hornsby History Extension Meldrum, Jacques Guy
2157 Barker College Hornsby History Extension Solomon, William Christopher
2158 Barker College Hornsby History Extension Stals, June
2159 Barker College Hornsby History Extension Wong, Patrick Jie
2160 Barker College Hornsby Industrial Technology Meek, James Patrick
2161 Barker College Hornsby Industrial Technology Piper, Izaac William
2162 Barker College Hornsby Industrial Technology Raue, Oskar Joseph
2163 Barker College Hornsby Industrial Technology Sheppard, Henry Eastment
2164 Barker College Hornsby Industrial Technology Tasho, Samuel John
2165 Barker College Hornsby Information Processes and Technology Beck, Michael James
2166 Barker College Hornsby Japanese Continuers Meng, Zixi
2167 Barker College Hornsby Japanese Extension Meng, Zixi
2168 Barker College Hornsby Legal Studies Abadee, Jack Richard
2169 Barker College Hornsby Legal Studies Ballard, Lachlan
2170 Barker College Hornsby Legal Studies Bird, Eden Oliver
2171 Barker College Hornsby Legal Studies Brittain, Alice Mary
2172 Barker College Hornsby Legal Studies Burdett, Katarina Maia
2173 Barker College Hornsby Legal Studies Christen, Annabelle Kate
2174 Barker College Hornsby Legal Studies Covey, Jackson Hans
2175 Barker College Hornsby Legal Studies Crampton, Catherine Alexandra
2176 Barker College Hornsby Legal Studies D'Cruz, Timothy Glenn
2177 Barker College Hornsby Legal Studies D'Lima, Olivia Ines
2178 Barker College Hornsby Legal Studies Davey, Eve Lauren
2179 Barker College Hornsby Legal Studies Drummond, Sophie Eve
2180 Barker College Hornsby Legal Studies Fairfield, Andrew James
2181 Barker College Hornsby Legal Studies Garagounis, Brittany Georgia
2182 Barker College Hornsby Legal Studies Harding, Will McKenzie
2183 Barker College Hornsby Legal Studies Heward-Belle, Sarah Marie
2184 Barker College Hornsby Legal Studies Hughes, Savannah Joy
2185 Barker College Hornsby Legal Studies Jelbart, Zachary David
2186 Barker College Hornsby Legal Studies Kiss, Gemma Louise
2187 Barker College Hornsby Legal Studies Lorschy, Joshua
2188 Barker College Hornsby Legal Studies Macourt, Felicity
2189 Barker College Hornsby Legal Studies Maher, Sophie Louise
2190 Barker College Hornsby Legal Studies McClelland, Reeve Thomas
2191 Barker College Hornsby Legal Studies McCorry, Mary Shannon
2192 Barker College Hornsby Legal Studies McLean, Harriet Rebecca
2193 Barker College Hornsby Legal Studies Meldrum, Jacques Guy
2194 Barker College Hornsby Legal Studies Moffat, Jemima Grace
2195 Barker College Hornsby Legal Studies Morgan, Isaac Tomas
2196 Barker College Hornsby Legal Studies Schreuder, Kirsten Grace
2197 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Bagot, Samuel Edward
2198 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Beck, Michael James
2199 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Chang, Connery John
2200 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Cheung, Jared Duc-Lok
2201 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics D'Cruz, Timothy Glenn
2202 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Davey, Eve Lauren
2203 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Davis, Sophia Isabella
2204 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Duce, Benedict Augustus
2205 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Ford, Justin Stransham
2206 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Grishina-Gunn, Andre Michael
2207 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Hodge, Abbey Lavinia
2208 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Hoyer, Hannah Lynda
2209 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Jelbart, Zachary David
2210 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Karrasch, Marshal Mackay
2211 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Khouw, Nicholas Jin Han
2212 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Kiss, Gemma Louise
2213 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Ku, Catherine
2214 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Liang, Wai Wai
2215 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Liu, Kelvin
2216 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Lorschy, Joshua
2217 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Manion, James Peter
2218 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Marais, Simon Barend
2219 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics McVicker, Sarah Jane
2220 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Nichols, Thomas Harry
2221 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Opie, Timothy Donald
2222 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Park, Seock Jin
2223 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Preston, Louisa Mary
2224 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Ridhalgh, Thomas Arthur
2225 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Ryan, Ruby Celeste
2226 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Sekhar, Vrushabh
2227 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Smith, Max David
2228 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Tinker, Benjamin Rafi
2229 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Weerasekera, Yanik Kanishka
2230 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Wong, Patrick Jie
2231 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Wood, Lachlan James
2232 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Yip, Darryl Gabriel
2233 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 1 Bridge, Zachary Harrison
2234 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 1 Daniel, Henry Peter
2235 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 1 Gilmore, Benjamin Carl
2236 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 1 Gray, Henry Eric
2237 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 1 Hamilton, Adam Daniel
2238 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 1 Hazelton, David Matthew
2239 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 1 Kelly, Sinead Beth
2240 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 1 Khouw, Nicholas Jin Han
2241 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 1 Ku, Catherine
2242 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 1 Lee, Josiah Hao-En
2243 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 1 Leung, Jason Sebastian
2244 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 1 Liao, Brandon Travis
2245 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 1 Liu, Kelvin
2246 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 1 Lorschy, Benjamin
2247 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 1 Lowe, Nicholas David
2248 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 1 Lu, Yi Ming
2249 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 1 Mackay, Robert Gordon
2250 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 1 McHarg, Andrew James
2251 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 1 Meng, Zixi
2252 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 1 O'Hanna, Joshua Wyatt
2253 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 1 Park, Seock Jin
2254 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 1 Parker, Luke Ryan
2255 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 1 Preston, Louisa Mary
2256 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 1 Rajchert, Andrew John
2257 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 1 Reeve, Chaylee Kathleen
2258 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 1 Sebesfi, Roland Alexander
2259 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 1 Smith, Max David
2260 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 1 Tapner, Thomas Charles
2261 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 1 Thomas, Connor James
2262 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 1 van Woerkom, Falito
2263 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 1 White, Bailey Robert
2264 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 1 Wong, Patrick Jie
2265 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 1 Woodley, Luke James
2266 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 1 Young, David
2267 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 1 Zammit, Sean Michael
2268 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 2 Bridge, Zachary Harrison
2269 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 2 Daniel, Henry Peter
2270 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 2 Hamilton, Adam Daniel
2271 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 2 Mackay, Robert Gordon
2272 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 2 Rajchert, Andrew John
2273 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 2 White, Bailey Robert
2274 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics Extension 2 Young, David
2275 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics General 2 Abadee, Jack Richard
2276 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics General 2 Abbott, William David
2277 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics General 2 Alsop, Dominic Luke
2278 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics General 2 Bastas, Adam Paris
2279 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics General 2 Bright, Lauren Susan
2280 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics General 2 Buffa, Daniel John
2281 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics General 2 Burke, Matthew Ryan
2282 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics General 2 Crampton, Catherine Alexandra
2283 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics General 2 Crowder, Sophie Ishbel
2284 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics General 2 Drummond, Sophie Eve
2285 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics General 2 Elliott, Jack Jordan
2286 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics General 2 Fairfield, Andrew James
2287 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics General 2 Falkov, Francesca Lily
2288 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics General 2 Fernie, Edward Brenton
2289 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics General 2 Freckmann, Riley Charles
2290 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics General 2 Hilton, Lachlan James
2291 Barker College Hornsby Mathematics General 2 Homarwidjaja, Nathanael Azaziah
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 14 Feb 2023
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