Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2017

Filtered by Subject Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2017.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

50 of 1082 entries are shown.
1 - 50
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1 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Extension 2 Aamir, Aniqa
2 Marist College Eastwood Eastwood Mathematics Extension 2 Aching, Will
3 Holy Spirit Catholic College Lakemba Lakemba Mathematics Extension 2 Adeel, Nahum
4 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Extension 2 Afsar, Sadin
5 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst Mathematics Extension 2 Aggarwal, Ashwin
6 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Extension 2 Agius, Dominic
7 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Extension 2 Ahluwalia, Rahul
8 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Extension 2 Ahmad, Saad
9 Alpha Omega Senior College Auburn Mathematics Extension 2 Ahmed, Fahaad
10 The Kings School North Parramatta Mathematics Extension 2 Ai, Yifan
11 Baulkham Hills High School Baulkham Hills Mathematics Extension 2 Al-Hilfi, Sami
12 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst Mathematics Extension 2 Alexakis, Christopher
13 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Extension 2 Allan, Matthew
14 Normanhurst Boys High School Normanhurst Mathematics Extension 2 Alva, Samaar
15 Macquarie Fields High School Macquarie Fields Mathematics Extension 2 Amos, Mark
16 Fort Street High School Petersham Mathematics Extension 2 An, Sugie Hyo Bin
17 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst Mathematics Extension 2 Anderson, Maxwell
18 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst Mathematics Extension 2 Anura, Aravindh Hamsathvan
19 Killara High School Killara Mathematics Extension 2 Ao, Daniel
20 Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Mathematics Extension 2 Aradhya, Shreegowri
21 Wyndham College Quakers Hill Mathematics Extension 2 Arefin, Wozaila
22 Girraween High School Girraween Mathematics Extension 2 Arora, Kabir
23 James Ruse Agricultural High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 2 Arudselvan, Vanathy
24 Normanhurst Boys High School Normanhurst Mathematics Extension 2 Ayalasomayajula, Srikar
25 Trinity Catholic College Auburn Campus Auburn Mathematics Extension 2 Ayoub, Louis
26 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Extension 2 Ayub, Faysal
27 Baulkham Hills High School Baulkham Hills Mathematics Extension 2 Ayvazyan, Alexander
28 North Sydney Boys High School Crows Nest Mathematics Extension 2 Baik, Jun Kyu
29 Baulkham Hills High School Baulkham Hills Mathematics Extension 2 Balakirishnan, Darsiha
30 Baulkham Hills High School Baulkham Hills Mathematics Extension 2 Balakirishnan, Duvaraha
31 James Ruse Agricultural High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 2 Bang, John
32 James Ruse Agricultural High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 2 Bang, Samuel
33 James Ruse Agricultural High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 2 Bansal, Aastha
34 Girraween High School Girraween Mathematics Extension 2 Banwait, Jasmin
35 Girraween High School Girraween Mathematics Extension 2 Barar, Rohan
36 James Ruse Agricultural High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 2 Barman, Atul
37 Merewether High School Broadmeadow Mathematics Extension 2 Bazaei, Asmae
38 Wollondilly Anglican College Tahmoor Mathematics Extension 2 Bell, Jamieson
39 North Sydney Boys High School Crows Nest Mathematics Extension 2 Ben, Ma
40 Killara High School Killara Mathematics Extension 2 Benstead, John
41 Chevalier College Burradoo Mathematics Extension 2 Bermingham, Nicholas
42 De La Salle College Revesby Heights Revesby Heights Mathematics Extension 2 Bernal, Cristian
43 Penrith High School Penrith Mathematics Extension 2 Bhasin, Mridul
44 The Kings School North Parramatta Mathematics Extension 2 Bhatia, Arian
45 Burwood Girls High School Croydon Mathematics Extension 2 Bi, Yuntian (Betty)
46 Oakhill College Castle Hill Mathematics Extension 2 Biala, Xavier
47 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Extension 2 Birrell, Anastasia
48 Bethlehem College Ashfield Mathematics Extension 2 Bishay, Julie
49 Baulkham Hills High School Baulkham Hills Mathematics Extension 2 Bocks, Laura
50 James Ruse Agricultural High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 2 Bonilla Ataides, Juan Pablo
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 14 Feb 2023
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