Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2017

Filtered by School Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2017.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

71 of 121 entries are shown.
51 - 121
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51 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why French Continuers Gordon, Eleanor
52 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why French Continuers Howarth, Sophie
53 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why French Continuers Laussucq, Anna
54 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Geography Buckley, Kristen
55 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why History Extension Horne, Jennifer
56 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why History Extension Mastroianni, Gabriela
57 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why History Extension Peggie, Jack
58 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Information Processes and Technology Arcidiacono, Nathan
59 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Legal Studies Beauchamp, Richard
60 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Mathematics Boot, Harry
61 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Mathematics Briant, Benjamin
62 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Mathematics Bunton, Natasha
63 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Mathematics Dobell, Mia
64 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Mathematics Flodin, Simon
65 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Mathematics Hansen, Samuel
66 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Mathematics Jones, Caitlin
67 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Mathematics Konijn, Zali
68 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Mathematics Langsford, Thomas
69 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Mathematics Mitchell, James
70 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Mathematics Parkinson, Ella
71 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Mathematics Pietsch, Samuel
72 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Mathematics Scott, Henry
73 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Mathematics Shreeve, Jenna
74 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Mathematics Soin, Nanki
75 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Mathematics Extension 1 Anderson, Mackenzie
76 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Mathematics Extension 1 Cameron, Madeleine
77 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Mathematics Extension 1 Davies, Marina
78 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Mathematics Extension 1 Gao, Shenghan
79 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Mathematics Extension 1 Liang, Yiyi
80 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Mathematics Extension 1 Lu, Jiajing
81 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Mathematics Extension 2 Cameron, Madeleine
82 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Mathematics Extension 2 Gao, Shenghan
83 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Mathematics Extension 2 Lu, Jiajing
84 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Mathematics General 2 Buckley, Kristen
85 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Mathematics General 2 Cahalan, Madeleine
86 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Mathematics General 2 Castle, Angela
87 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Mathematics General 2 Chen, Ruiyu
88 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Mathematics General 2 Cripps, Angus
89 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Mathematics General 2 Howe, Jack
90 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Mathematics General 2 Nell, William
91 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Mathematics General 2 Rabbitts, Renee
92 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Mathematics General 2 Rizzo-Lopez, Indigo
93 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Mathematics General 2 Townhill, Jacimo
94 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Mathematics General 2 Wang, Angela Tianshi
95 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Modern History Atkinson, Chloe
96 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Modern History Horne, Jennifer
97 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Modern History Mastroianni, Gabriela
98 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Modern History Peggie, Jack
99 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Modern History Shreeve, Jenna
100 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Modern History Wickham, Gemma
101 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Music 1 Constable, Lucy
102 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Music 1 Cooper, Nicholas
103 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Music 2 Anderson, Mackenzie
104 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Music 2 Peggie, Jack
105 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Buckley, Kristen
106 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Personal Development, Health and Physical Education James, Mitchell
107 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Personal Development, Health and Physical Education McAlpine, Hugh
108 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Rabbitts, Renee
109 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Shreeve, Jenna
110 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Wickham, Gemma
111 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Physics Anderson, Mackenzie
112 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Software Design and Development Cameron, Madeleine
113 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Software Design and Development Flodin, Simon
114 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Studies of Religion I Berg, Maya
115 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Studies of Religion I Bevan, Amelia
116 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Studies of Religion I Duncan, Ella
117 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Studies of Religion I Lindsay, George
118 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Studies of Religion I Sweetnam, Amy
119 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Studies of Religion I Tuckey, Georgia
120 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Visual Arts Gordon, Eleanor
121 St Lukes Grammar School Dee Why Visual Arts O'Sullivan, Matilda
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 14 Feb 2023
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