Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2017

Filtered by School Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2017.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

171 of 171 entries are shown.
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1 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Aboriginal Studies Bronier, Naomi Rachel
2 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Aboriginal Studies Choi, Hyomin
3 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Aboriginal Studies Glass, Karri
4 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Aboriginal Studies Jessup, Clare Therese Pamela
5 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Aboriginal Studies McIntosh, Imogen Mae
6 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Aboriginal Studies McLoughlin, Charlotte
7 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Aboriginal Studies Moran, Ashlinn
8 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Aboriginal Studies Paffard, Natalie
9 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Aboriginal Studies Regan, Charlotte Rose
10 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Ancient History Cranney, Madison Isabella
11 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Ancient History Dampney, Kate Louise
12 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Ancient History Finlay, Nicole Marissa
13 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Ancient History Milton, Emma Jane
14 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Ancient History Regan, Charlotte Rose
15 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Ancient History Royston, Caitlin Frances
16 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Ancient History Searant, Lily Ruth Theresa
17 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Automotive Examination Tilley, Rachelle Sharon
18 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Biology Castle, Katelyn Martina
19 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Biology Dixon, Boronia Matilda
20 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Biology Heckman, Eleanor Grace
21 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Biology Kambersky, Karolina
22 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Biology Lee, Carissa Michelle
23 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Biology Lu, Wendy
24 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Biology Milton, Susan Anne
25 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Biology Pentecost, Bianca Monique
26 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Biology Perrin, Anneleise
27 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Biology Polifrone-Occelli, Cellina Catherine
28 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Biology Stroethoff, Natasha Juliette
29 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Biology Waltl, Bronte Rose
30 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Biology Waterhouse, Brooke Amy
31 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Business Studies Gibbins, Chelsea Grace
32 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Business Studies Grant, Samantha Maryann
33 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Business Studies Hogg, Tahlia Emily
34 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Business Studies Hull, Grace Elizabeth
35 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Business Studies Milton, Susan Anne
36 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Chemistry Kambersky, Karolina
37 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Chemistry Polifrone-Occelli, Cellina Catherine
38 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Chemistry Webb, Allison Louise
39 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Chinese and Literature Chen, Yanzhu
40 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Chinese and Literature Li, Mingming
41 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Chinese and Literature Weng, Caihe (Wendy)
42 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Chinese and Literature Zhang, Jingxin
43 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Chinese and Literature Zi, Yitengzi
44 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Community and Family Studies Gravemade, Caitlin Mary
45 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Community and Family Studies Linden, Sienna Rose
46 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Community and Family Studies Loughland, Rose Mia
47 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Community and Family Studies Osborne, Bridget Ann
48 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Community and Family Studies Pusic, Jordan
49 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Community and Family Studies Webb, Allison Louise
50 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Dance Anthony, Cassi Gai
51 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Dance Imai, Ena
52 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Dance Martin, Nancy Rose
53 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Earth and Environmental Science Miles, Inesse Stomann
54 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Economics Gush, Sarah Joanne
55 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Economics Murphy, Kristina Elizabeth
56 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English (Advanced) Anthony, Cassi Gai
57 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English (Advanced) Bahar, Chelsea Sera
58 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English (Advanced) Bowers, Zoe Lillian Grace
59 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English (Advanced) Castle, Katelyn Martina
60 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English (Advanced) Dixon, Boronia Matilda
61 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English (Advanced) Grant, Samantha Maryann
62 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English (Advanced) Greer, Lauren Briony Zoe
63 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English (Advanced) Gush, Sarah Joanne
64 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English (Advanced) Heckman, Eleanor Grace
65 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English (Advanced) Lee, Carissa Michelle
66 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English (Advanced) McIntosh, Imogen Mae
67 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English (Advanced) Murphy, Kristina Elizabeth
68 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English (Advanced) Nutting, Imogen Daisy
69 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English (Advanced) Osborne, Bridget Ann
70 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English (Advanced) Parry, Maya Rose
71 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English (Advanced) Petersen, Clancy Heather
72 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English (Advanced) Pycraft, Alyssia Sabrina
73 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English (Advanced) Regan, Charlotte Rose
74 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English (Advanced) Thomas, Mia Lee
75 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English (Standard) Lewis, Jina
76 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English (Standard) Lu, Wendy
77 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English (Standard) Massi, Amelia Grace
78 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English (Standard) Mellowes, Ashley Elizabeth
79 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English (Standard) O'Reilly, Emily Macmillan
80 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English (Standard) Pentecost, Bianca Monique
81 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English (Standard) Searant, Lily Ruth Theresa
82 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English Extension 1 Bowers, Zoe Lillian Grace
83 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English Extension 1 Lee, Carissa Michelle
84 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Food Technology Blume, Rachel Mollie
85 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Food Technology Gravemade, Caitlin Mary
86 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Food Technology Perrin, Anneleise
87 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale German Beginners Greer, Lauren Briony Zoe
88 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale German Beginners Milton, Emma Jane
89 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale History Extension Bowers, Zoe Lillian Grace
90 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale History Extension Cranney, Madison Isabella
91 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Hospitality Examination Dampney, Kate Louise
92 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Hospitality Examination Smith, Lilly Acacia May
93 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Information Processes and Technology van Dort, Rachel Shona
94 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Japanese Beginners Cai, Wenqing (Polly)
95 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Japanese Beginners Chen, Yuyan
96 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Japanese Beginners Li, Mingming
97 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Japanese Continuers Hutchins, Jesse Kaiya
98 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Korean in Context Kim, Alice
99 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Legal Studies Grant, Samantha Maryann
100 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Cai, Wenqing (Polly)
101 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Castle, Katelyn Martina
102 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Gibbins, Chelsea Grace
103 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Gush, Sarah Joanne
104 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Kambersky, Karolina
105 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Milton, Susan Anne
106 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Murphy, Kristina Elizabeth
107 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Polifrone-Occelli, Cellina Catherine
108 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Webb, Allison Louise
109 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Extension 1 Chen, Lishan
110 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Extension 1 Chen, Yuyan
111 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Extension 1 Gush, Sarah Joanne
112 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Extension 1 Han, Weiting
113 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Extension 1 Kambersky, Karolina
114 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Extension 1 Li, Mingming
115 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Extension 1 Murphy, Kristina Elizabeth
116 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Extension 1 Polifrone-Occelli, Cellina Catherine
117 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Extension 1 Webb, Allison Louise
118 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Extension 1 Weng, Caihe (Wendy)
119 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Extension 1 Zhong, Weixian
120 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Extension 2 Chen, Lishan
121 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Extension 2 Chen, Yuyan
122 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Extension 2 Li, Mingming
123 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics General 2 Cronin, Isabella Grace
124 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics General 2 Hogg, Tahlia Emily
125 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics General 2 Kauffmann, Eva Helene
126 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics General 2 Waterhouse, Brooke Amy
127 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Modern History Anthony, Cassi Gai
128 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Modern History Bowers, Zoe Lillian Grace
129 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Modern History Dixon, Boronia Matilda
130 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Modern History Heckman, Eleanor Grace
131 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Modern History Lee, Carissa Michelle
132 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Modern History Parry, Maya Rose
133 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Modern History Regan, Charlotte Rose
134 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Modern History Wong, Emily
135 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Music 1 Dixon, Boronia Matilda
136 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Music 2 Milton, Susan Anne
137 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Music Extension Milton, Susan Anne
138 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Blume, Rachel Mollie
139 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Castle, Katelyn Martina
140 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Personal Development, Health and Physical Education D'Urso, Emelia Francesca
141 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Hull, Grace Elizabeth
142 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Massi, Amelia Grace
143 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Samardzic, Vanya
144 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Shimakage, Rayna
145 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Smith, Emma Caitlin
146 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Waltl, Bronte Rose
147 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Waterhouse, Brooke Amy
148 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Physics Kambersky, Karolina
149 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Physics Murphy, Kristina Elizabeth
150 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Physics Polifrone-Occelli, Cellina Catherine
151 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Society and Culture Greer, Lauren Briony Zoe
152 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Society and Culture Lee, Carissa Michelle
153 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Society and Culture Osborne, Bridget Ann
154 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Society and Culture Pycraft, Alyssia Sabrina
155 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Society and Culture Searant, Lily Ruth Theresa
156 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Society and Culture Waltl, Sophie Maree
157 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Software Design and Development Gush, Sarah Joanne
158 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Textiles and Design Castle, Katelyn Martina
159 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Textiles and Design Hogg, Tahlia Emily
160 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Textiles and Design McRae, Olivia Catherine
161 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Textiles and Design Patterson, Brianna Asprey
162 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Textiles and Design Petersen, Clancy Heather
163 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Textiles and Design Stroethoff, Natasha Juliette
164 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Visual Arts Finlay, Nicole Marissa
165 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Visual Arts Greer, Lauren Briony Zoe
166 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Visual Arts Guo, Milly
167 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Visual Arts Gush, Sarah Joanne
168 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Visual Arts Lu, Wendy
169 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Visual Arts Petersen, Clancy Heather
170 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Visual Arts Pusic, Jordan
171 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Visual Arts Wilson, Kate Elizabeth
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 14 Feb 2023
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