Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2016

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2016.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

200 of 37779 entries are shown.
7426 - 7625
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7426 Coonabarabran High School Coonabarabran Modern History Sanders, Aimee
7427 Coonabarabran High School Coonabarabran Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Elton, Georgina
7428 Cootamundra High School Cootamundra Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Camilleri, Benjamin
7429 Cootamundra High School Cootamundra Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Godbier, Kya Ray
7430 Corowa High School Corowa Chemistry Delaney, Jack
7431 Corowa High School Corowa Engineering Studies Pearsall, Bradley
7432 Corowa High School Corowa English (Advanced) Delaney, Jack
7433 Corowa High School Corowa English (Advanced) Johnston, William
7434 Corowa High School Corowa English (Advanced) Knight, Christine
7435 Corowa High School Corowa English (Advanced) Moore, Caitlyn
7436 Corowa High School Corowa English Extension 1 Delaney, Jack
7437 Corowa High School Corowa English Extension 1 Knight, Christine
7438 Corowa High School Corowa Industrial Technology Van Ree, Izaak
7439 Corowa High School Corowa Legal Studies Johnston, William
7440 Corowa High School Corowa Modern History Knight, Christine
7441 Corowa High School Corowa Music 1 Delaney, Jack
7442 Corowa High School Corowa Music 1 Johnston, William
7443 Corowa High School Corowa Music 1 Toy, Matthew
7444 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats Ancient History Ciccone, Kristin
7445 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats Biology Yerbury, Maddison
7446 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats Business Studies Agius, Georgina
7447 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats Business Studies Oxborough, Georgia
7448 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats Business Studies Popovski, Jacob
7449 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats Business Studies Young, Jackson
7450 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats Chemistry Mariani, Luke
7451 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats Community and Family Studies Brady, Brooke
7452 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats Construction Examination Crowe, Elijah
7453 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats Construction Examination May, Ryan
7454 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats English (Advanced) Mariani, Luke
7455 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats English (Advanced) Yerbury, Maddison
7456 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats English Extension 1 Lauricella, Blake
7457 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats English Extension 1 Yerbury, Maddison
7458 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats Geography Maturana, Ruben
7459 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats Hospitality Examination Bartley, Alliza
7460 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats Hospitality Examination Ralston, Jason
7461 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats Hospitality Examination Woods, Emily
7462 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats Industrial Technology Jurd, Nathan
7463 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats Industrial Technology Lenarduzzi, Charles
7464 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats Legal Studies Steele, Megan
7465 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats Legal Studies Woods, Emily
7466 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats Mathematics Jurd, Nathan
7467 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats Mathematics Extension 1 Jurd, Nathan
7468 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats Mathematics Extension 1 Mariani, Luke
7469 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats Mathematics Extension 2 Mariani, Luke
7470 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats Mathematics General 2 Fagnano, Emily
7471 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats Modern History Rickard, Jarrod
7472 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats Music 1 Lauricella, Blake
7473 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats Music 1 O'Brien, Harry
7474 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Brady, Brooke
7475 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Mathews, Micaela
7476 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Ralston, Jason
7477 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Young, Jackson
7478 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats Physics Mariani, Luke
7479 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats Society and Culture Hass, Chloe
7480 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats Studies of Religion I Mariani, Luke
7481 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats Studies of Religion I Maturana, Ruben
7482 Corpus Christi Catholic High School Oak Flats Studies of Religion I Woods, Emily
7483 Corrimal High School Corrimal Chinese Beginners Smith, Nina
7484 Corrimal High School Corrimal English (Standard) Osborne, Maddison
7485 Covenant Christian School Belrose Ancient History Manwaring, Julian
7486 Covenant Christian School Belrose Ancient History McCarthy-Reece, Stephanie
7487 Covenant Christian School Belrose Biology Chen, Jonathan
7488 Covenant Christian School Belrose Biology Morton, Joseph
7489 Covenant Christian School Belrose Biology Sims, Theresa
7490 Covenant Christian School Belrose Biology White, Lauren
7491 Covenant Christian School Belrose Biology Wye, Jessica
7492 Covenant Christian School Belrose Business Studies Jaggers, Luke
7493 Covenant Christian School Belrose Chemistry Liu, Helena
7494 Covenant Christian School Belrose Design and Technology Higgs, Baptiste Jonathan
7495 Covenant Christian School Belrose Design and Technology Wong, Eleanor
7496 Covenant Christian School Belrose Drama McCarthy-Reece, Stephanie
7497 Covenant Christian School Belrose Dutch Continuers Borghgraef, David
7498 Covenant Christian School Belrose English (Advanced) Liu, Helena
7499 Covenant Christian School Belrose English (Advanced) McCarthy-Reece, Stephanie
7500 Covenant Christian School Belrose English (Advanced) Petrovski, Jared
7501 Covenant Christian School Belrose English (Advanced) Sims, Theresa
7502 Covenant Christian School Belrose English (Advanced) White, Lauren
7503 Covenant Christian School Belrose English Extension 1 Manwaring, Julian
7504 Covenant Christian School Belrose English Extension 1 McCarthy-Reece, Stephanie
7505 Covenant Christian School Belrose English Extension 1 Petrovski, Jared
7506 Covenant Christian School Belrose English Extension 1 White, Lauren
7507 Covenant Christian School Belrose French Continuers Lebourdais, Marie
7508 Covenant Christian School Belrose Geography Kendrew, Meredith
7509 Covenant Christian School Belrose History Extension McCarthy-Reece, Stephanie
7510 Covenant Christian School Belrose History Extension White, Lauren
7511 Covenant Christian School Belrose Legal Studies Bond, Emily
7512 Covenant Christian School Belrose Legal Studies Ee, Cheryl
7513 Covenant Christian School Belrose Legal Studies Thornton, Grace
7514 Covenant Christian School Belrose Mathematics Chen, Jonathan
7515 Covenant Christian School Belrose Mathematics Ee, Cheryl
7516 Covenant Christian School Belrose Mathematics Higgs, Baptiste Jonathan
7517 Covenant Christian School Belrose Mathematics Horton, Daniel
7518 Covenant Christian School Belrose Mathematics Jaggers, Luke
7519 Covenant Christian School Belrose Mathematics Jourdan, Hunter
7520 Covenant Christian School Belrose Mathematics Kendrew, Meredith
7521 Covenant Christian School Belrose Mathematics O'Neill, Rachelle
7522 Covenant Christian School Belrose Mathematics Sims, Theresa
7523 Covenant Christian School Belrose Mathematics Waller, Olivia
7524 Covenant Christian School Belrose Mathematics Wye, Jessica
7525 Covenant Christian School Belrose Mathematics Extension 1 Chow, Jerry Chiwah
7526 Covenant Christian School Belrose Mathematics Extension 1 Ee, Cheryl
7527 Covenant Christian School Belrose Mathematics Extension 1 Higgs, Baptiste Jonathan
7528 Covenant Christian School Belrose Mathematics Extension 1 Liu, Helena
7529 Covenant Christian School Belrose Mathematics Extension 2 Liu, Helena
7530 Covenant Christian School Belrose Mathematics General 2 Bilton, John
7531 Covenant Christian School Belrose Mathematics General 2 Morton, Joseph
7532 Covenant Christian School Belrose Mathematics General 2 White, Lauren
7533 Covenant Christian School Belrose Modern History McCarthy-Reece, Stephanie
7534 Covenant Christian School Belrose Modern History Morton, Joseph
7535 Covenant Christian School Belrose Modern History White, Lauren
7536 Covenant Christian School Belrose Music 1 Bilton, John
7537 Covenant Christian School Belrose Music 1 Grey, Curtis
7538 Covenant Christian School Belrose Music 1 Kendrew, Meredith
7539 Covenant Christian School Belrose Music 1 Mayrick, Rachael
7540 Covenant Christian School Belrose Music 1 Ringrow, Hannah
7541 Covenant Christian School Belrose Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Kendrew, Meredith
7542 Covenant Christian School Belrose Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Wye, Jessica
7543 Covenant Christian School Belrose Physics Liu, Helena
7544 Covenant Christian School Belrose Software Design and Development Higgs, Baptiste Jonathan
7545 Covenant Christian School Belrose Studies of Religion I Manwaring, Julian
7546 Covenant Christian School Belrose Visual Arts Jago, Noah
7547 Covenant Christian School Belrose Visual Arts Manwaring, Julian
7548 Covenant Christian School Belrose Visual Arts Rofe, Annie
7549 Cowra High School Cowra English Extension 1 Ellison, Meggan
7550 Cowra High School Cowra History Extension Ellison, Meggan
7551 Cowra High School Cowra Mathematics Extension 1 Sculthorpe, Brendan
7552 Cowra High School Cowra Music 1 Cooper, Charlotte
7553 Cowra High School Cowra Music 1 McKeown, Jade
7554 Cowra High School Cowra Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Baker, Toby
7555 Cowra High School Cowra Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Johnson, Maddison
7556 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Ancient History Baden, William Samuel
7557 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Ancient History Chryssafis, William
7558 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Ancient History Parker, James Henry
7559 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Ancient History Turner, Michael John
7560 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Biology Finlayson, Sam Timothy
7561 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Biology Gibson, Claude Oliver
7562 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Biology Koltai, Harley Brett
7563 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Biology Maratos, Jeremy
7564 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Biology Parker, James Henry
7565 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Biology Rael, Nicholas Theo
7566 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Biology Smith, Henry James
7567 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Business Studies Aroney, Luca Nicholas
7568 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Business Studies Baden, William Samuel
7569 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Business Studies Burston, Oliver Jack
7570 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Business Studies Ekins, James William
7571 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Business Studies Facioni, Zachary Elan
7572 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Business Studies Gafen, Jonathan Sebastian
7573 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Business Studies Gibbs, Thomas Nathan
7574 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Business Studies Giesser, Aaron James
7575 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Business Studies Giesser, Joshua Adam
7576 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Business Studies Matters, Mackenzie Francis
7577 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Business Studies McNamara, Robert Peter
7578 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Business Studies O'Connor, Spencer Wallace
7579 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Business Studies Pilton, Joff Francis
7580 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Business Studies Smith, Lachlan Reid
7581 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Chemistry Akres, Benjamin Paul
7582 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Chemistry Clarke, Benjamin John
7583 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Chemistry Cunio, Alexander
7584 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Chemistry Parker, James Henry
7585 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Chemistry Renton, Edward James
7586 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Chemistry Tasker, Tobias
7587 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Chemistry Turner, Michael John
7588 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Chemistry Wang, Daniel
7589 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Chemistry Wang, Zenith
7590 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Chemistry Wardman, Hunter
7591 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Chinese Continuers Gibson, Claude Oliver
7592 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Design and Technology Lewis, Edward Thomas
7593 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Design and Technology O'Connor, Spencer Wallace
7594 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Design and Technology Rajek, Jordan
7595 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Design and Technology Stansfield, Benjamin Joseph
7596 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Drama Chryssafis, William
7597 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Drama Frost, Richard Anthony
7598 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Drama Homer, Michael Peter
7599 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Drama Lau, Joshua Nathan
7600 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Drama Marsh, Harry Joseph
7601 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Drama Rosanove, Charles
7602 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Drama Shanahan, Luke Patrick
7603 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Earth and Environmental Science Gibson, Claude Oliver
7604 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Earth and Environmental Science McClure, Frederick Peter
7605 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Economics Anderson, Jack Granger
7606 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Economics Baden, William Samuel
7607 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Economics Berman, Jake
7608 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Economics Chryssafis, William
7609 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Economics Fishlock, Cooper Hamilton
7610 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Economics Gibson, George Fraser
7611 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Economics Hayward, Angus Elliot
7612 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Economics Lowe, Alexander Parker
7613 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Economics Luu, Michael James
7614 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Economics Papatheodorakis, Michael Emmanuel
7615 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Economics Philip, Logan Richard
7616 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Economics Rael, Nicholas Theo
7617 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Economics Reynolds, Matthew Shawn
7618 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Economics Roozendaal, Liam
7619 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Economics Sheller, Will Camac
7620 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Economics Smith, Lachlan Reid
7621 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Economics Susing, Julian Christopher
7622 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill Economics Turner, Michael John
7623 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill English (Advanced) Akres, Benjamin Paul
7624 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill English (Advanced) Berman, Jake
7625 Cranbrook School Bellevue Hill English (Advanced) Clarke, Benjamin John
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 24 Oct 2024
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