Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2016

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2016.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

200 of 37779 entries are shown.
37337 - 37536
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37337 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Henoch, Jennifer Valora
37338 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Turner, Georgina
37339 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Russian Continuers Averkieva, Anastasia
37340 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Senior Science Ardern, Sarah-Brittany
37341 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Senior Science Coffey, Madison
37342 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Senior Science Vaz, Madeleine
37343 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Society and Culture Ahn, Han Joo
37344 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Society and Culture Antigua, Maria
37345 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Society and Culture Atwell, Josephine
37346 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Society and Culture Burton, Shinead
37347 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Society and Culture Duncan-Nagy, Josephine Louise
37348 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Society and Culture Grobler, Katarina
37349 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Society and Culture Heppard Burgess, Bianca
37350 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Society and Culture Hoshiarpur, Alena
37351 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Society and Culture Janitz, Rebecca Patricia
37352 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Society and Culture Lai, Lauren
37353 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Society and Culture Leach, Alexandra
37354 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Society and Culture Liew, Helaine
37355 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Society and Culture Moody, Jacqueline
37356 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Society and Culture Moran, Lisa
37357 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Society and Culture Park, Jiyeong
37358 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Society and Culture Sarlak, Sogol
37359 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Society and Culture Seroukas, Nicolette
37360 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Society and Culture Tillman, Courtney Louise
37361 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Society and Culture Tillman, Lauren
37362 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Society and Culture van Laun, Anna
37363 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Society and Culture Zhou, Angela
37364 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Studies of Religion II Willy, Vanessa
37365 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Textiles and Design Hefferan, Samantha
37366 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Textiles and Design Wagg, Amelia
37367 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Visual Arts Plahn, Tegan
37368 Willoughby Girls High School Willoughby Visual Arts Richmond-Capone, Carina
37369 Willyama High School Broken Hill Ancient History Barraclough, Airlie Bree
37370 Willyama High School Broken Hill Ancient History McLean, Grace Anne
37371 Willyama High School Broken Hill Engineering Studies Gleeson, Damien James
37372 Willyama High School Broken Hill Legal Studies McLean, Grace Anne
37373 Willyama High School Broken Hill Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Barraclough, Airlie Bree
37374 Willyama High School Broken Hill Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Graham, Shannon Skye
37375 Willyama High School Broken Hill Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Pryor, Jessica Jazmin
37376 Willyama High School Broken Hill Society and Culture Kingdon, Atalaya Lee
37377 Willyama High School Broken Hill Society and Culture McLean, Grace Anne
37378 Windsor High School McGraths Hill Music 1 Mount, Patrick
37379 Windsor High School McGraths Hill Music 1 Wilkie, Chyna
37380 Wingham High School Wingham Entertainment Industry Examination Ritchie, Sarah
37381 Wingham High School Wingham Music 1 Callaghan, Grace
37382 Winmalee High School Winmalee Ancient History Nicholson, Bridonie
37383 Winmalee High School Winmalee Ancient History Scott, Matthew
37384 Winmalee High School Winmalee Biology Ferraivolo, Francis
37385 Winmalee High School Winmalee Biology Rheinberger, Grace
37386 Winmalee High School Winmalee Biology Scott, Matthew
37387 Winmalee High School Winmalee Chemistry Shead, Susan
37388 Winmalee High School Winmalee Community and Family Studies Lancaster, Chloe
37389 Winmalee High School Winmalee Drama Adams-Ward, Aislin
37390 Winmalee High School Winmalee Drama Clifford, Siobhan
37391 Winmalee High School Winmalee Drama Ridgway, Alice
37392 Winmalee High School Winmalee Drama Shead, Susan
37393 Winmalee High School Winmalee Engineering Studies Bailey, Nathan
37394 Winmalee High School Winmalee Engineering Studies Curley, Liam
37395 Winmalee High School Winmalee English (Advanced) Clifford, Siobhan
37396 Winmalee High School Winmalee English (Advanced) Rheinberger, Grace
37397 Winmalee High School Winmalee English (Advanced) Shead, Susan
37398 Winmalee High School Winmalee English (Advanced) Sherriff, James
37399 Winmalee High School Winmalee English (Advanced) Tandan, Ranuka
37400 Winmalee High School Winmalee English Extension 1 Hawkins, Laura
37401 Winmalee High School Winmalee English Extension 1 Nicholson, Bridonie
37402 Winmalee High School Winmalee English Extension 1 Pasilow, Natasha
37403 Winmalee High School Winmalee English Extension 1 Rheinberger, Grace
37404 Winmalee High School Winmalee English Extension 1 Shead, Susan
37405 Winmalee High School Winmalee English Extension 1 Sherriff, James
37406 Winmalee High School Winmalee English Extension 1 Tandan, Ranuka
37407 Winmalee High School Winmalee History Extension Sherriff, James
37408 Winmalee High School Winmalee History Extension Tandan, Ranuka
37409 Winmalee High School Winmalee Legal Studies Dreves, Daniel
37410 Winmalee High School Winmalee Mathematics Mitchell, Aaron
37411 Winmalee High School Winmalee Mathematics Shead, Susan
37412 Winmalee High School Winmalee Mathematics Extension 1 Curley, Liam
37413 Winmalee High School Winmalee Mathematics Extension 1 Shead, Susan
37414 Winmalee High School Winmalee Mathematics General 2 Rheinberger, Grace
37415 Winmalee High School Winmalee Mathematics General 2 Sherriff, James
37416 Winmalee High School Winmalee Mathematics General 2 Tandan, Ranuka
37417 Winmalee High School Winmalee Modern History Sherriff, James
37418 Winmalee High School Winmalee Modern History Tandan, Ranuka
37419 Winmalee High School Winmalee Music 1 Davey, Zachary
37420 Winmalee High School Winmalee Music 1 Sherriff, James
37421 Winmalee High School Winmalee Music 2 Clifford, Siobhan
37422 Winmalee High School Winmalee Music Extension Clifford, Siobhan
37423 Winmalee High School Winmalee Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Ahern, Isobel
37424 Winmalee High School Winmalee Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Boyd, Louis
37425 Winmalee High School Winmalee Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Lancaster, Chloe
37426 Winmalee High School Winmalee Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Scott, Matthew
37427 Winmalee High School Winmalee Physics Curley, Liam
37428 Winmalee High School Winmalee Senior Science Broderick, Gemma
37429 Winmalee High School Winmalee Senior Science Noss, Michael
37430 Winmalee High School Winmalee Senior Science Pastore, Mik
37431 Winmalee High School Winmalee Society and Culture Kearns, Lydia
37432 Winmalee High School Winmalee Society and Culture Kinder, Emily
37433 Winmalee High School Winmalee Visual Arts Hawkins, Laura
37434 Winmalee High School Winmalee Visual Arts Ridgway, Alice
37435 Winmalee High School Winmalee Visual Arts Shead, Susan
37436 Winmalee High School Winmalee Visual Arts Tandan, Ranuka
37437 Wollemi College Werrington Business Studies Gonzaga, Michael
37438 Wollemi College Werrington English (Advanced) Gonzaga, Michael
37439 Wollemi College Werrington English Extension 1 Gonzaga, Michael
37440 Wollemi College Werrington English Extension 2 Gonzaga, Michael
37441 Wollemi College Werrington Maltese Continuers Pirotta, James
37442 Wollemi College Werrington Mathematics Gonzaga, Michael
37443 Wollemi College Werrington Mathematics Pirotta, James
37444 Wollemi College Werrington Mathematics Santiago, Stanley
37445 Wollemi College Werrington Mathematics General 2 Dowling, Jeramiah
37446 Wollemi College Werrington Visual Arts Weber, Blake
37447 Wollondilly Anglican College Tahmoor Ancient History Keen, Grayce
37448 Wollondilly Anglican College Tahmoor Design and Technology Law, Rebekah
37449 Wollondilly Anglican College Tahmoor Economics Apps, Gabrielle (Gabby)
37450 Wollondilly Anglican College Tahmoor English Extension 1 Gaidzionis, Alexandra
37451 Wollondilly Anglican College Tahmoor English Extension 1 Keen, Grayce
37452 Wollondilly Anglican College Tahmoor Mathematics Apps, Gabrielle (Gabby)
37453 Wollondilly Anglican College Tahmoor Mathematics General 2 Burrett, Stephen
37454 Wollondilly Anglican College Tahmoor Mathematics General 2 Law, Rebekah
37455 Wollondilly Anglican College Tahmoor Modern History Apps, Gabrielle (Gabby)
37456 Wollondilly Anglican College Tahmoor Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Gaidzionis, Alexandra
37457 Wollondilly Anglican College Tahmoor Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Law, Rebekah
37458 Wollondilly Anglican College Tahmoor Visual Arts Vong, Jonathan
37459 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Biology de Nobrega, Georgia Lily
37460 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Biology Howard, Melinda Nicole
37461 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Biology Jenkins, Melissa Jade
37462 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Biology Kaban, Kaan
37463 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Biology Prica, Tiana
37464 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Business Studies MacKenzie, Arlena Jenny
37465 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Community and Family Studies Hand, Erin Julie
37466 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Community and Family Studies McCombie, Kira
37467 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Dance Cairns, Rhya Jade
37468 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Dance Carrall, Sky Ambah
37469 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Dance Coleman, Jamie Alinta
37470 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Dance Kelly, Brianna Neve
37471 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Dance McArthur, Rachel Ann
37472 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Dance Morgan, Taylah Shanai
37473 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Dance Nicholls, Candice Skye
37474 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Dance Rogan, Chloe Leigh
37475 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Dance Sawyer, Rebecca Nicole
37476 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Drama Boulton, Jeremy James
37477 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Drama Bowler, Nelson James
37478 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Drama Cairns, Rhya Jade
37479 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Drama Coleman, Jamie Alinta
37480 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Drama Feneri, Anastasia
37481 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Drama Gottle, Abbie Jada
37482 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Drama Grogan, Lachlan Michael
37483 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Drama Hand, Erin Julie
37484 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Drama McQueen, Aimee
37485 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Drama Randall, Trea Avila
37486 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Drama Sigsworth, Talia Maree
37487 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Drama Smee, Imogen Catherine
37488 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Drama Styger, Rozlyn
37489 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow English Extension 1 Kelly, Waihanea Mae
37490 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow English Extension 1 Lavers, Isobel Antonia
37491 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow English Extension 1 Sawyer, Rebecca Nicole
37492 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Entertainment Industry Examination Boulton, Jeremy James
37493 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Information Processes and Technology Howard, Ashley Sarah
37494 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Information Processes and Technology Howard, Melinda Nicole
37495 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Italian Beginners Coleman, Jamie Alinta
37496 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Italian Beginners Kelly, Brianna Neve
37497 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Mathematics MacKenzie, Arlena Jenny
37498 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Mathematics General 2 Greenfield, Lachlan Patrick
37499 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Mathematics General 2 Nicholls, Candice Skye
37500 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Mathematics General 2 Prica, Tiana
37501 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Modern History Coleman, Jamie Alinta
37502 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Modern History Lavers, Isobel Antonia
37503 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Music 1 Bowler, Nelson James
37504 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Music 1 Bracamonte, Bethany Antonia
37505 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Music 1 Ellevsen, Jacob
37506 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Music 1 Feneri, Anastasia
37507 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Music 1 Grogan, Lachlan Michael
37508 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Music 1 Hand, Erin Julie
37509 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Music 1 Randall, Trea Avila
37510 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Music 1 Rooney, Miles
37511 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Music 1 Sigsworth, Talia Maree
37512 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Music 1 Smee, Imogen Catherine
37513 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Music Extension Boulton, Jeremy James
37514 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Music Extension Clark, Jayden Anthony
37515 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Draca, Maria
37516 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Jenkins, Melissa Jade
37517 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Personal Development, Health and Physical Education McCombie, Kira
37518 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Sawyer, Rebecca Nicole
37519 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Society and Culture Boulton, Jeremy James
37520 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Society and Culture Carrall, Sky Ambah
37521 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Society and Culture Howard, Ashley Sarah
37522 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Society and Culture Kurt, Melisa Elisa
37523 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Society and Culture Prica, Tiana
37524 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Society and Culture Randall, Trea Avila
37525 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Visual Arts Benic, Olivia Ann
37526 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Visual Arts de Nobrega, Georgia Lily
37527 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Visual Arts Eklund, Mia Rose
37528 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Visual Arts Kelly, Waihanea Mae
37529 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Visual Arts MacKenzie, Arlena Jenny
37530 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Visual Arts Nicholls, Candice Skye
37531 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Visual Arts Prica, Tiana
37532 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Visual Arts Purser, Sophie Luise
37533 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Visual Arts Sawyer, Rebecca Nicole
37534 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Visual Arts Smee, Imogen Catherine
37535 Wollumbin High School Murwillumbah Community and Family Studies Stanley, Fiona
37536 Wollumbin High School Murwillumbah Legal Studies Stanley, Fiona
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 24 Oct 2024
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