Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2016

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2016.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

200 of 37779 entries are shown.
24008 - 24207
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24008 Prairiewood High School Prairiewood Mathematics Extension 2 Avila Molina, Juan Sebastian
24009 Prairiewood High School Prairiewood Mathematics Extension 2 Keo, Profita Chesda
24010 Prairiewood High School Prairiewood Mathematics Extension 2 La, Adrian Mason
24011 Prairiewood High School Prairiewood Mathematics Extension 2 Manansala, Brian
24012 Prairiewood High School Prairiewood Mathematics Extension 2 Nguyen, Linh Thuy
24013 Prairiewood High School Prairiewood Modern History Xu, Donnalyn
24014 Prairiewood High School Prairiewood Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Nguyen, Ngoc Anh Linh
24015 Prairiewood High School Prairiewood Physics Isaac, Ramail
24016 Prairiewood High School Prairiewood Physics La, Adrian Mason
24017 Prairiewood High School Prairiewood Physics Manansala, Brian
24018 Prairiewood High School Prairiewood Physics Nguyen, Linh Thuy
24019 Prairiewood High School Prairiewood Senior Science Hong, Stacy
24020 Prairiewood High School Prairiewood Society and Culture Thai, Christina Kasey
24021 Prairiewood High School Prairiewood Visual Arts Al Sudani, Jumana
24022 Prairiewood High School Prairiewood Visual Arts Xu, Donnalyn
24023 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Ancient History Kritikos, Stephanie
24024 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Ancient History Ma, Nancy
24025 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Ancient History Macarounas, Elizabeth
24026 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Biology Blinkhorn, Ruby
24027 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Biology Lorenz, Jemima
24028 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Biology Macarounas, Elizabeth
24029 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Biology To, Deborah
24030 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Biology Wheatley, Lauren
24031 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Biology Woo, Kimberley
24032 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Business Studies Antoun, Georgia
24033 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Business Studies Diskoros, Amelia
24034 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Business Studies Kerr, Alexandra
24035 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Business Studies Murray, Renee
24036 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Business Studies Ritchie, Margaret
24037 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Business Studies Wheatley, Lauren
24038 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Business Studies Yang, Hai Xin
24039 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Chemistry Dennien, Georgia
24040 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Chemistry Feng, Zhiyi
24041 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Chemistry Kang, Esther
24042 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Chemistry Lam, Philippa
24043 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Chemistry Sung, Nicole
24044 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Chemistry Taylor, Catherine
24045 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Chemistry Teh, Natalie
24046 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Chemistry Woo, Kimberley
24047 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Chinese Background Speakers Feng, Zhiyi
24048 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Chinese Continuers Jones, Georgia
24049 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Chinese Continuers Teh, Natalie
24050 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Chinese Continuers Tirtariyadi, Claire
24051 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Chinese Extension Teh, Natalie
24052 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Chinese Extension Tirtariyadi, Claire
24053 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Design and Technology Murray, Renee
24054 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Drama Blinkhorn, Ruby
24055 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Drama Candi, Gisella
24056 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Drama Clark, Tierney
24057 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Drama Golder, Hannah
24058 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Drama Kartsounis, Constantina
24059 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Drama McCarthy, Annelise
24060 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Drama Rowse, Lucy
24061 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Economics Geng, Chung Yi Joie
24062 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Economics Hu, Wendy
24063 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Economics Ma, Nancy
24064 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Economics Yang, Hai Xin
24065 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon English (Advanced) Bicego, Isabella
24066 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon English (Advanced) Blinkhorn, Ruby
24067 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon English (Advanced) Carnuccio, Emma Louise Symonds
24068 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon English (Advanced) Chen, Yi
24069 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon English (Advanced) Dennien, Georgia
24070 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon English (Advanced) Diskoros, Amelia
24071 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon English (Advanced) Dive, Kristen
24072 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon English (Advanced) Hu, Wendy
24073 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon English (Advanced) Jones, Georgia
24074 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon English (Advanced) Joun, Ingrid
24075 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon English (Advanced) Kang, Esther
24076 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon English (Advanced) Kritikos, Stephanie
24077 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon English (Advanced) Lam, Philippa
24078 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon English (Advanced) Ly, Taylor
24079 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon English (Advanced) Ma, Nancy
24080 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon English (Advanced) Macarounas, Elizabeth
24081 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon English (Advanced) Mai, Cam Tu
24082 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon English (Advanced) McCarthy, Annelise
24083 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon English (Advanced) Sung, Nicole
24084 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon English (Advanced) Teh, Natalie
24085 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon English (Advanced) To, Deborah
24086 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon English (Advanced) Townshend, Serena
24087 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon English (Advanced) Wang, Jingtong
24088 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon English (Advanced) Woo, Kimberley
24089 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon English (Advanced) Yang, Hai Xin
24090 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon English Extension 1 Chen, Yi
24091 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon English Extension 1 Lam, Philippa
24092 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon English Extension 2 Bicego, Isabella
24093 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon English Extension 2 Diskoros, Amelia
24094 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon English Extension 2 Tucker, Beatrice
24095 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Food Technology Page, Georgia
24096 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon French Continuers Kang, Esther
24097 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon French Continuers Lam, Philippa
24098 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon French Continuers Wang, Jingtong
24099 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon French Extension Kang, Esther
24100 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon French Extension Lam, Philippa
24101 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon French Extension Wang, Jingtong
24102 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Geography Geng, Chung Yi Joie
24103 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Geography Macarounas, Elizabeth
24104 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Heritage Chinese (Mandarin) Chen, Yi
24105 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Heritage Chinese (Mandarin) Wang, Jingtong
24106 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Heritage Chinese (Mandarin) Yang, Hai Xin
24107 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon History Extension Ma, Nancy
24108 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Italian Continuers Carnuccio, Emma Louise Symonds
24109 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Italian Extension Carnuccio, Emma Louise Symonds
24110 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Japanese Continuers He, Maggie
24111 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Japanese Continuers Ng, Hayley
24112 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Japanese Extension He, Maggie
24113 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Legal Studies Dennien, Georgia
24114 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Legal Studies Geng, Chung Yi Joie
24115 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Legal Studies Joun, Ingrid
24116 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Legal Studies Kritikos, Stephanie
24117 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Legal Studies Macarounas, Elizabeth
24118 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Legal Studies Nestor, Brianna
24119 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Legal Studies Pascoe, Cailin
24120 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Legal Studies Ritchie, Margaret
24121 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Antoun, Georgia
24122 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Bouletos, Christina
24123 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Chen, Alison
24124 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Chen, Katherine
24125 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Chen, Kathy
24126 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Davis, Eleanor
24127 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Gao, Angela
24128 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Law, Sophia
24129 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Lee, Stephanie
24130 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Li, Patricia
24131 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Li, Vanessa
24132 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Liao, Gloria
24133 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Lin, Jade
24134 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Liu, Emma
24135 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Lowe, Alison
24136 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Lu, Kelsey
24137 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Raleigh, Julia
24138 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Ritchie, Margaret
24139 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Shreeve, Zoe
24140 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Sweeting, Laura
24141 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Tam, Sabrina
24142 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Tanevska, Emma
24143 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Taylor, Catherine
24144 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Tirtariyadi, Claire
24145 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Tu, Nicola
24146 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Wang, Michelle
24147 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Zhu, Isabella
24148 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Extension 1 Chen, Alison
24149 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Extension 1 Chen, Kathy
24150 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Extension 1 Davis, Eleanor
24151 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Extension 1 Feng, Zhiyi
24152 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Extension 1 Law, Sophia
24153 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Extension 1 Lee, Stephanie
24154 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Extension 1 Li, Patricia
24155 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Extension 1 Li, Vanessa
24156 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Extension 1 Liao, Gloria
24157 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Extension 1 Lin, Jade
24158 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Extension 1 Liu, Emma
24159 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Extension 1 Lowe, Alison
24160 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Extension 1 Lu, Kelsey
24161 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Extension 1 Mai, Cam Tu
24162 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Extension 1 Tam, Sabrina
24163 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Extension 1 Tanevska, Emma
24164 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Extension 1 Tu, Nicola
24165 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Extension 1 Wang, Michelle
24166 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Extension 1 Zhu, Isabella
24167 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Extension 2 Feng, Zhiyi
24168 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Extension 2 Wang, Jingtong
24169 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics Extension 2 Yang, Hai Xin
24170 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics General 2 Atkins, Jasmine
24171 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics General 2 Macarounas, Elizabeth
24172 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics General 2 Page, Georgia
24173 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Mathematics General 2 Vey-Cox, Emma
24174 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Modern Greek Beginners Bakoulis, Kelly-Maree
24175 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Modern Greek Beginners Caldelis, Evangelia
24176 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Modern Greek Beginners Kritikos, Stephanie
24177 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Modern Greek Beginners Patsalos, Nicoletta
24178 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Modern History Hu, Wendy
24179 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Modern History Kang, Esther
24180 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Music 1 McMichael, Maya
24181 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Music 1 Sharpe, Lauren
24182 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Music 1 Woolcott, Amelia
24183 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Music 2 Sung, Nicole
24184 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Music 2 Tucker, Beatrice
24185 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Music Extension Sung, Nicole
24186 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Blinkhorn, Ruby
24187 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Edwards, Emily
24188 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Garlick Bock, Ava
24189 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Hooton, Isabelle
24190 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Kendall, Jacinta
24191 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Kerr, Alexandra
24192 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Ly, Taylor
24193 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Personal Development, Health and Physical Education McCarthy, Annelise
24194 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Page, Georgia
24195 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Shouldice, Lauren
24196 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Wheatley, Lauren
24197 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Physics Hu, Wendy
24198 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Physics Ma, Nancy
24199 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Physics Sung, Nicole
24200 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Physics Wang, Jingtong
24201 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Studies of Religion II Diskoros, Amelia
24202 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Textiles and Design Candi, Gisella
24203 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Textiles and Design Murray, Renee
24204 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Textiles and Design Page, Georgia
24205 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Textiles and Design Perivolaris, Georgia
24206 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Visual Arts Golder, Hannah
24207 Presbyterian Ladies College Sydney Croydon Visual Arts He, Maggie
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 24 Oct 2024
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