Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2016

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2016.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

100 of 37779 entries are shown.
32351 - 32450
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32351 St Vincents College Potts Point English Extension 1 Watkins, Maisie
32352 St Vincents College Potts Point German Continuers Jones, Sarah
32353 St Vincents College Potts Point Japanese Beginners Condon, Hannah
32354 St Vincents College Potts Point Legal Studies Blencowe, Sarah
32355 St Vincents College Potts Point Legal Studies Gelland, Phillipa
32356 St Vincents College Potts Point Legal Studies Hetherington, Kirsten (Kirsty)
32357 St Vincents College Potts Point Legal Studies King, Shannon
32358 St Vincents College Potts Point Legal Studies Roydhouse, Jennifer
32359 St Vincents College Potts Point Legal Studies Ryan, Grace
32360 St Vincents College Potts Point Mathematics Keogh, Sarah
32361 St Vincents College Potts Point Mathematics Murray-Nobbs, Emily
32362 St Vincents College Potts Point Mathematics Roydhouse, Jennifer
32363 St Vincents College Potts Point Mathematics Ryan, Grace
32364 St Vincents College Potts Point Mathematics Extension 1 Murray-Nobbs, Emily
32365 St Vincents College Potts Point Mathematics General 2 Day, Eliza
32366 St Vincents College Potts Point Mathematics General 2 Griffiths, Sarah
32367 St Vincents College Potts Point Mathematics General 2 King, Shannon
32368 St Vincents College Potts Point Mathematics General 2 Morgan, Alice
32369 St Vincents College Potts Point Mathematics General 2 Waring, Elena
32370 St Vincents College Potts Point Modern History Heal, Tilly
32371 St Vincents College Potts Point Modern History Holborow, Isabel
32372 St Vincents College Potts Point Modern History Jones, Sarah
32373 St Vincents College Potts Point Modern History Thomas, Meghan
32374 St Vincents College Potts Point Music 1 McIntyre, Bronte
32375 St Vincents College Potts Point Music 1 Robertson, Charlotte
32376 St Vincents College Potts Point Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Demetriou, Isabella
32377 St Vincents College Potts Point Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Hetherington, Kirsten (Kirsty)
32378 St Vincents College Potts Point Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Hunter, Isabella (Bella)
32379 St Vincents College Potts Point Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Ryan, Grace
32380 St Vincents College Potts Point Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Starr, Georgina (Georgie)
32381 St Vincents College Potts Point Society and Culture Day, Eliza
32382 St Vincents College Potts Point Society and Culture Griffiths, Sarah
32383 St Vincents College Potts Point Society and Culture Starr, Georgina (Georgie)
32384 St Vincents College Potts Point Studies of Religion I Hetherington, Kirsten (Kirsty)
32385 St Vincents College Potts Point Studies of Religion I Robertson, Charlotte
32386 St Vincents College Potts Point Studies of Religion I Tighe, Juliette
32387 St Vincents College Potts Point Studies of Religion II Day, Eliza
32388 St Vincents College Potts Point Studies of Religion II Griffiths, Sarah
32389 St Vincents College Potts Point Studies of Religion II Heal, Tilly
32390 St Vincents College Potts Point Studies of Religion II Jones, Sarah
32391 St Vincents College Potts Point Studies of Religion II Roydhouse, Jennifer
32392 St Vincents College Potts Point Studies of Religion II Ryan, Grace
32393 St Vincents College Potts Point Studies of Religion II Waring, Elena
32394 St Vincents College Potts Point Visual Arts Holborow, Isabel
32395 St Vincents College Potts Point Visual Arts Jones, Sarah
32396 St Vincents College Potts Point Visual Arts Moore, Jinx
32397 St Vincents College Potts Point Visual Arts Morrissey, Chloe
32398 St Vincents College Potts Point Visual Arts Robertson, Charlotte
32399 St Vincents College Potts Point Visual Arts Roydhouse, Jennifer
32400 St Vincents College Potts Point Visual Arts Waring, Elena
32401 St Vincents College Potts Point Visual Arts Watkins, Maisie
32402 Stella Maris College Manly Ancient History Jennings, Mia
32403 Stella Maris College Manly Ancient History McGrath, Anna
32404 Stella Maris College Manly Ancient History Warner, Venice
32405 Stella Maris College Manly Ancient History Wildash, Lexy
32406 Stella Maris College Manly Biology Chapman, Rebecca
32407 Stella Maris College Manly Biology Diaz, Rebecca
32408 Stella Maris College Manly Biology Lee, Annabelle
32409 Stella Maris College Manly Biology Rankin, Jemima
32410 Stella Maris College Manly Biology Rondot-Wilson, Elodie
32411 Stella Maris College Manly Business Studies Barton, Elaine
32412 Stella Maris College Manly Business Studies Candrick, Alison
32413 Stella Maris College Manly Business Studies Cox, Grace
32414 Stella Maris College Manly Business Studies Oldfield, Bronte
32415 Stella Maris College Manly Business Studies Smith, Lillian
32416 Stella Maris College Manly Business Studies Wildash, Lexy
32417 Stella Maris College Manly Chemistry Joseph, Grace
32418 Stella Maris College Manly Chinese Background Speakers Chen, Peixin
32419 Stella Maris College Manly Chinese Background Speakers Huang, Yilan
32420 Stella Maris College Manly Chinese Background Speakers Yang, Xin
32421 Stella Maris College Manly Design and Technology Broe, Alexandra
32422 Stella Maris College Manly Design and Technology Brown, Olivia
32423 Stella Maris College Manly Design and Technology Cox, Grace
32424 Stella Maris College Manly Design and Technology Crapis, Cristina
32425 Stella Maris College Manly Design and Technology Hill, Madison
32426 Stella Maris College Manly Design and Technology Mason, Victoria
32427 Stella Maris College Manly Design and Technology Mills, Lilly
32428 Stella Maris College Manly Design and Technology Palme, Tiarna
32429 Stella Maris College Manly Design and Technology Smith, Lillian
32430 Stella Maris College Manly Design and Technology Wynn Jones, Phoebe
32431 Stella Maris College Manly Drama Joseph, Grace
32432 Stella Maris College Manly Drama Torrington, Sarah
32433 Stella Maris College Manly Earth and Environmental Science Chippindall, Ciara
32434 Stella Maris College Manly Earth and Environmental Science Kirkby, Grace
32435 Stella Maris College Manly English (Advanced) Chippindall, Ciara
32436 Stella Maris College Manly English (Advanced) Diaz, Rebecca
32437 Stella Maris College Manly English (Advanced) Joseph, Grace
32438 Stella Maris College Manly English (Advanced) Warner, Venice
32439 Stella Maris College Manly Food Technology Chippindall, Ciara
32440 Stella Maris College Manly French Beginners Shepherd, Sydney
32441 Stella Maris College Manly Geography Diaz, Rebecca
32442 Stella Maris College Manly Hospitality Examination Joseph, Grace
32443 Stella Maris College Manly Hospitality Examination Lightbody, Harriet
32444 Stella Maris College Manly Hospitality Examination Palme, Tiarna
32445 Stella Maris College Manly Hospitality Examination Reedy, Cara
32446 Stella Maris College Manly Information Processes and Technology Diaz, Rebecca
32447 Stella Maris College Manly Information Processes and Technology Reedy, Cara
32448 Stella Maris College Manly Japanese Beginners Yu, Shiqi
32449 Stella Maris College Manly Japanese Beginners Zhuang, Anqi
32450 Stella Maris College Manly Legal Studies Fletcher, Ava
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 24 Oct 2024
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