Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2016

Filtered by School Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2016.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

200 of 553 entries are shown.
1 - 200
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Rows per page:
1 Barker College Hornsby Agriculture Badaoui, Celine
2 Barker College Hornsby Agriculture Dilanchian, Ani Lucine
3 Barker College Hornsby Agriculture Dooley, Jacob Patrick
4 Barker College Hornsby Agriculture Dring, Sarah Ashley
5 Barker College Hornsby Agriculture Haste, Ryan Murdoch
6 Barker College Hornsby Agriculture Hodge, Nicholas David
7 Barker College Hornsby Agriculture Nevison, Matthew James
8 Barker College Hornsby Ancient History Burke, Liam Michael
9 Barker College Hornsby Ancient History Compton, Dana Nicole
10 Barker College Hornsby Ancient History Darwell, Samuel Francis
11 Barker College Hornsby Ancient History Grant, Lachlan Harry
12 Barker College Hornsby Ancient History Gunzenhauser, Devlin Bernard
13 Barker College Hornsby Ancient History Hyde, Hugo Fraser
14 Barker College Hornsby Ancient History Landis, Sean Harry
15 Barker College Hornsby Ancient History Lawrence, Alice Margaret
16 Barker College Hornsby Ancient History Lee, Evan Yinglan
17 Barker College Hornsby Ancient History Litster, Cynthia Yolanda
18 Barker College Hornsby Ancient History Overmass, Morgan Kailin
19 Barker College Hornsby Ancient History Prince, Samuel James
20 Barker College Hornsby Ancient History Rabinowitz, Jodi
21 Barker College Hornsby Biology Allchurch, William Harry
22 Barker College Hornsby Biology Armour, Cameron Michael
23 Barker College Hornsby Biology Armsworth, Stephen Parker
24 Barker College Hornsby Biology Badaoui, Celine
25 Barker College Hornsby Biology Barney, Ryan Connor
26 Barker College Hornsby Biology Bell, Liam Craig
27 Barker College Hornsby Biology Carrick, Samuel Charles
28 Barker College Hornsby Biology Charlton, Benjamin Riley
29 Barker College Hornsby Biology Cormio, Julia Kate
30 Barker College Hornsby Biology Cubbin, Lachlan James
31 Barker College Hornsby Biology Day, Fisher Thomas
32 Barker College Hornsby Biology Dooley, Jacob Patrick
33 Barker College Hornsby Biology Gorniak, Alexander Lee
34 Barker College Hornsby Biology Gunzenhauser, Devlin Bernard
35 Barker College Hornsby Biology Kon, Sebastian Li
36 Barker College Hornsby Biology McKell, Baeden Bruce
37 Barker College Hornsby Biology Purkiss, Finley David
38 Barker College Hornsby Biology Pym, Robert John
39 Barker College Hornsby Biology Salisbury, Natasha Kate
40 Barker College Hornsby Biology Sorby, Rowan Eugene
41 Barker College Hornsby Biology Theisz, Nadine
42 Barker College Hornsby Biology Wells, Ryan Patrick
43 Barker College Hornsby Biology Wicks, Eloise Jennifer
44 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Adams, Samuel George
45 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Allchurch, William Harry
46 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Banks, Noah Floyd
47 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Bergin, Eleanor Lucy
48 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Brech, Maggie Elizabeth
49 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Carrick, Samuel Charles
50 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Choi, Mitchell Stephen
51 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Dilanchian, Ani Lucine
52 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Hodge, Kimberley May
53 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Hunt, Hugh David
54 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Lewis, Ashleigh Brooke
55 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Liebmann, Alexander James
56 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Love, Genevieve Ann
57 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Lupou, Diana Brigitte
58 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Miller, Alexander Benjamin
59 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Morkel, Christian Andre
60 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Narula, Milan
61 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Nichols, Robert John
62 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies O'Brien, Lucy Helen
63 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies O'Connor, Lachlan Keyte
64 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Ou, Ricky
65 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Peterson, William Thomas
66 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Playford, Benjamin Jonathon
67 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Russell, Hannah Rose
68 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Separovich, Sarah Grace
69 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Singh, Ashwin Paul
70 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Stals, Tiaan
71 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Vaughn, Oliver Peter
72 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Vinson, Dominic Benjamin
73 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Williamson, Talia Schmidt
74 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Ying, Roger
75 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Yu, David Xinke
76 Barker College Hornsby Chemistry Allen, Annika Elizabeth
77 Barker College Hornsby Chemistry Arora, Kshitij
78 Barker College Hornsby Chemistry Cary, Andrew James
79 Barker College Hornsby Chemistry Charlton, Benjamin Riley
80 Barker College Hornsby Chemistry Chi, Christopher Ge-Soong
81 Barker College Hornsby Chemistry Chin, Aaron Ming-Tsiang
82 Barker College Hornsby Chemistry Day, Fisher Thomas
83 Barker College Hornsby Chemistry Gordon, William David
84 Barker College Hornsby Chemistry Johnston, Ross Gavin
85 Barker College Hornsby Chemistry Kairaitis, Benjamin Alexander
86 Barker College Hornsby Chemistry Koorey, Edward James
87 Barker College Hornsby Chemistry McPherson, Luke William
88 Barker College Hornsby Chemistry Qu, Leon
89 Barker College Hornsby Chemistry Rowe, Philip John
90 Barker College Hornsby Chemistry Salisbury, Natasha Kate
91 Barker College Hornsby Chemistry Veivers, Luke Henry
92 Barker College Hornsby Chemistry Wang, David Zhen
93 Barker College Hornsby Chemistry Zhu, Justin
94 Barker College Hornsby Chinese Continuers Chee, Andrew Jian Wei
95 Barker College Hornsby Chinese Continuers Hunt, Hugh David
96 Barker College Hornsby Chinese Continuers Kon, Sebastian Li
97 Barker College Hornsby Chinese Extension Hunt, Hugh David
98 Barker College Hornsby Chinese Extension Kon, Sebastian Li
99 Barker College Hornsby Design and Technology Darwell, Samuel Francis
100 Barker College Hornsby Design and Technology Fletcher, Michael Adair
101 Barker College Hornsby Design and Technology Metcalfe, Claire Maree
102 Barker College Hornsby Design and Technology Overmass, Morgan Kailin
103 Barker College Hornsby Design and Technology Peterson, Joel Stuart
104 Barker College Hornsby Drama Aitken, Sophie Louise
105 Barker College Hornsby Drama Allen, Annika Elizabeth
106 Barker College Hornsby Drama Ballantyne, Sarah Lillian
107 Barker College Hornsby Drama Bird, Amelia Rose
108 Barker College Hornsby Drama Cummins, Oliver Sebastian
109 Barker College Hornsby Drama Gilbert, Eve Timor
110 Barker College Hornsby Drama Greenberg, Nicholas Patrick
111 Barker College Hornsby Drama Heath, Sophie Beth
112 Barker College Hornsby Drama Hyde, Hugo Fraser
113 Barker College Hornsby Drama Landis, Sean Harry
114 Barker College Hornsby Drama Lewis, Ashleigh Brooke
115 Barker College Hornsby Drama Marriott, Isabella Marie
116 Barker College Hornsby Drama Mildren, Katharina Louise
117 Barker College Hornsby Drama O'Brien, Lucy Helen
118 Barker College Hornsby Drama Pryce, Frederick Thomas
119 Barker College Hornsby Drama Rabinowitz, Jodi
120 Barker College Hornsby Drama Samios, Oscar Alfie
121 Barker College Hornsby Drama Whiting, Olivia Rose
122 Barker College Hornsby Earth and Environmental Science Armsworth, Stephen Parker
123 Barker College Hornsby Earth and Environmental Science Biddle, Phoebe Alice
124 Barker College Hornsby Earth and Environmental Science Brown, Jack Edward
125 Barker College Hornsby Earth and Environmental Science Carrick, Samuel Charles
126 Barker College Hornsby Earth and Environmental Science Cowdery, Emma Louise
127 Barker College Hornsby Earth and Environmental Science Davies, Suzanne Jenna
128 Barker College Hornsby Earth and Environmental Science Davis, Luke William
129 Barker College Hornsby Earth and Environmental Science Fahey, Hugo William
130 Barker College Hornsby Earth and Environmental Science Graham, Adam Michael
131 Barker College Hornsby Earth and Environmental Science Hall, Ryan William
132 Barker College Hornsby Earth and Environmental Science Jostsons, Max Philip
133 Barker College Hornsby Earth and Environmental Science McKell, Baeden Bruce
134 Barker College Hornsby Earth and Environmental Science Nevison, Matthew James
135 Barker College Hornsby Earth and Environmental Science Newell, Mackenzie Stanford
136 Barker College Hornsby Earth and Environmental Science O'Connor, Lachlan Keyte
137 Barker College Hornsby Earth and Environmental Science Ou, Ricky
138 Barker College Hornsby Earth and Environmental Science Rodgers, Callum Francis Mullin
139 Barker College Hornsby Earth and Environmental Science Veivers, Luke Henry
140 Barker College Hornsby Earth and Environmental Science Wells, Ryan Patrick
141 Barker College Hornsby Earth and Environmental Science Woodrow, Samuel James
142 Barker College Hornsby Economics Armour, Cameron Michael
143 Barker College Hornsby Economics Arora, Kshitij
144 Barker College Hornsby Economics Bellamy, Matthew John
145 Barker College Hornsby Economics Choi, Mitchell Stephen
146 Barker College Hornsby Economics Gomes, Zachary Christian
147 Barker College Hornsby Economics Goodwin, Edward John
148 Barker College Hornsby Economics Hodge, Nicholas David
149 Barker College Hornsby Economics Irving, Jack William
150 Barker College Hornsby Economics Kim, Kevin Min
151 Barker College Hornsby Economics Lee, Evan Yinglan
152 Barker College Hornsby Economics Litster, Cynthia Yolanda
153 Barker College Hornsby Economics Nichols, Robert John
154 Barker College Hornsby Economics Playford, Benjamin Jonathon
155 Barker College Hornsby Economics Rodgers, Callum Francis Mullin
156 Barker College Hornsby Economics Stals, Tiaan
157 Barker College Hornsby Economics Wells, Ryan Patrick
158 Barker College Hornsby Economics Ying, Roger
159 Barker College Hornsby Economics Yu, David Xinke
160 Barker College Hornsby Economics Zhu, Justin
161 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Aitken, Sophie Louise
162 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Allchurch, William Harry
163 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Armour, Cameron Michael
164 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Arora, Kshitij
165 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Badaoui, Celine
166 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Bailey, Thomas Frederick
167 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Bellamy, Matthew John
168 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Bird, Amelia Rose
169 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Burke, Liam Michael
170 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Charlton, Benjamin Riley
171 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Chi, Christopher Ge-Soong
172 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Choi, Mitchell Stephen
173 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Cubbin, Lachlan James
174 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Cummins, Oliver Sebastian
175 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Dandie, Alexander Charles
176 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Davis, Luke William
177 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Dilanchian, Ani Lucine
178 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Dooley, Jacob Patrick
179 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Edgar, Thomson David
180 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Glendenning, Molly Elizabeth
181 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Gomes, Zachary Christian
182 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Greenberg, Nicholas Patrick
183 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Gunzenhauser, Devlin Bernard
184 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Heath, Sophie Beth
185 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Hodge, Kimberley May
186 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Hu, Sylvia
187 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Johnston, Ross Gavin
188 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Kairaitis, Benjamin Alexander
189 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Kim, Christina Suh Yeon
190 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Kim, Kevin Min
191 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Koorey, Edward James
192 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Landis, Sean Harry
193 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Lawrence, Alice Margaret
194 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Lee, Christopher Wing-Kai
195 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Lee, Evan Yinglan
196 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Lewis, Ashleigh Brooke
197 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Liang, Rachel
198 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Litster, Cynthia Yolanda
199 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Loader, Elizajane Mary
200 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Love, Genevieve Ann
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 24 Oct 2024
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