Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2015

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2015.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

25 of 36294 entries are shown.
1 - 25
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1 Green Valley Islamic College Green Valley Business Studies Abbas, Noor Abdulleh
2 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Engineering Studies Abberton, Benjamin William
3 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst Mathematics General 2 Abbey, Joanna
4 Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus Glebe Ancient History Abbott, Audrey
5 Killara High School Killara English (Advanced) Abbott, Chelsea Jade
6 Killara High School Killara Mathematics Abbott, Chelsea Jade
7 Killara High School Killara Modern History Abbott, Chelsea Jade
8 Killara High School Killara Society and Culture Abbott, Chelsea Jade
9 Killara High School Killara Visual Arts Abbott, Chelsea Jade
10 Marist College Eastwood Eastwood Biology Abbott, Jake
11 The Kings School North Parramatta Mathematics General 2 Abboud, Adam Jamal
12 The Kings School North Parramatta Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Abboud, Adam Jamal
13 St Mary and St Minas Coptic Orthodox College Rockdale Mathematics Extension 1 Abd Elmesseh, Miriam
14 Homebush Boys High School Homebush Chemistry Abdalla, Mohamed
15 Homebush Boys High School Homebush English (Advanced) Abdalla, Mohamed
16 Greystanes High School Greystanes Community and Family Studies Abdallah, Zuhour
17 Greystanes High School Greystanes Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Abdallah, Zuhour
18 Amity College Prestons Prestons Mathematics General 2 Abdelkarim, Adam
19 Amity College Prestons Prestons Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Abdelkarim, Adam
20 Amity College Prestons Prestons Studies of Religion II Abdelkarim, Adam
21 St Marys Senior High School St Marys Arabic Continuers Abdelmalak, Samah Girgis Ishak
22 Amity College Prestons Prestons Mathematics Extension 1 Abdioglu, Aydin
23 Amity College Prestons Prestons Mathematics Extension 2 Abdioglu, Aydin
24 Beverly Hills Girls High School Beverly Hills English (Advanced) Abdoh, Mariam
25 Beverly Hills Girls High School Beverly Hills Mathematics Abdoh, Mariam
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 14 Oct 2024
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