Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2015

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2015.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

25 of 36294 entries are shown.
14442 - 14466
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14442 La Salle Academy Lithgow Industrial Technology Felton, Hannah
14443 La Salle Academy Lithgow Industrial Technology Groves, Rylan
14444 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Business Studies El-Hayek, James
14445 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Business Studies Nguyen, Vincent
14446 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Economics Doorbinnia, Jordan
14447 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown English (Advanced) Doorbinnia, Jordan
14448 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown English (Advanced) Hooper, Joseph
14449 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown English (Advanced) Lopez, Mateo
14450 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown English (Advanced) Starkovski, Stefan
14451 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown English Extension 1 Lopez, Mateo
14452 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Geography Starkovski, Stefan
14453 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Legal Studies Hooper, Joseph
14454 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Legal Studies Jovanoski, Kristian
14455 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Legal Studies Lopez, Mateo
14456 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Legal Studies Starkovski, Stefan
14457 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Mathematics Extension 1 Croan, Michael
14458 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Mathematics General 2 Starkovski, Stefan
14459 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Modern History El-Hayek, James
14460 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Modern History Hooper, Joseph
14461 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Modern History Lopez, Mateo
14462 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Hooper, Joseph
14463 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Visual Arts Lobarbio, Jake
14464 Lake Illawarra High School Lake Illawarra Music 1 Willis, Jack
14465 Lake Macquarie High School Booragul Music 1 Razon, Jamie Lyn
14466 Lake Macquarie High School Booragul Senior Science Williams, Suphattra Anne
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 14 Oct 2024
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