Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2015

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2015.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

200 of 36294 entries are shown.
11538 - 11737
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11538 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Physics Fu, Nelson
11539 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Physics Kong, Elaine
11540 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Physics Lam, Jonathan
11541 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Physics Lao, Eric
11542 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Physics Liu, Xiu
11543 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Physics Mashrur, Zarif
11544 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Physics Nguyen, Victor Vu Thien Cong
11545 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Physics Ontri, Gautham
11546 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Physics Pham, Henry Tien Hong
11547 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Physics Prasawat, Hammill
11548 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Physics Sik-Kwok-Wong, Justin
11549 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Physics Siu, Jenny
11550 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Physics Sivieng, Jason Peter
11551 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Physics Thakur, Arunav
11552 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Physics Thomas, Jeff
11553 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Physics Tran, Andrew Anh Tien
11554 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Physics Tran, Viet Toan
11555 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Physics Veng, Henry
11556 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Physics Zhuang, Joseph Zhuo Dao
11557 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Primary Industries Examination Bush, Jack Raymond
11558 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Primary Industries Examination Essam, Scott Alexander
11559 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Senior Science Callen-Pell, Jayden Caleb
11560 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Senior Science Canham, Claire
11561 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Senior Science Cavanagh, Caitlin Sarah
11562 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Senior Science Hoang, Daniel Nam
11563 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Senior Science Huynh, Andy
11564 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Senior Science Jeyadevan, Nikhil
11565 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Senior Science Khan, Zaheen Hasan
11566 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Senior Science Kong, Joanna May
11567 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Senior Science Lam, Christine
11568 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Senior Science Le, Maria Tra Mi
11569 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Senior Science Lee, Cindy
11570 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Senior Science Marlow-Conway, Jackson Wentworth
11571 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Senior Science Nguyen, Danny Quoc Cuong
11572 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Senior Science Quirk, Oliver Geoffery
11573 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Senior Science Thlang, William
11574 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Senior Science Tran, Alison Trinh
11575 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Senior Science Tran, Nicholas Martin
11576 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Senior Science Tran, Tania Maria
11577 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Senior Science Ung, Jenny
11578 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Senior Science Ung, Steven
11579 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Senior Science Vella, Teale Paige
11580 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Senior Science Whybrow, Jamie Leah
11581 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Senior Science Wu, Daniel
11582 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Serbian Continuers Mrkela, Anamarija
11583 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Studies of Religion I Huynh, Tamlyn Emily
11584 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Studies of Religion I Muramudali, Kelsi Anushika
11585 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Studies of Religion I Teoh, Sherline Frances Xua
11586 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Studies of Religion I Tran, Cathy
11587 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Studies of Religion I Tran, Felicia
11588 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Studies of Religion I Tran, Nicole My Huyen
11589 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Studies of Religion I Umali, Krisha Cheyene
11590 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Tamil Continuers Shanmugam, Vidhya Sree Bharathi
11591 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Visual Arts Imam Hossain, Syeada
11592 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Visual Arts Lin, Yan
11593 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Visual Arts Sheng, Li
11594 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Visual Arts Tong, Lillian
11595 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus Cordeaux Heights Business Studies Barrett, Michael
11596 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus Cordeaux Heights Business Studies Ceroni, Isaac
11597 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus Cordeaux Heights Business Studies Murphy, Joel
11598 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus Cordeaux Heights Design and Technology Cook, Madison
11599 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus Cordeaux Heights English (Advanced) Delaney, Grace Alexandra
11600 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus Cordeaux Heights English (Advanced) Tenhave, Annalise
11601 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus Cordeaux Heights French Beginners Tenhave, Annalise
11602 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus Cordeaux Heights French Beginners Till, Olivia
11603 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus Cordeaux Heights Mathematics Ceroni, Isaac
11604 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus Cordeaux Heights Mathematics Murphy, Joel
11605 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus Cordeaux Heights Mathematics Extension 1 McEwan, Samuel
11606 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus Cordeaux Heights Mathematics General 2 Shaw, Mikaela
11607 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus Cordeaux Heights Physics McEwan, Samuel
11608 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus Cordeaux Heights Textiles and Design Shaw, Mikaela
11609 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus Cordeaux Heights Visual Arts Shaw, Mikaela
11610 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus Cordeaux Heights Visual Arts Tenhave, Annalise
11611 Illawarra Christian School Tongarra Campus Albion Park Ancient History Gates, Ashleigh
11612 Illawarra Christian School Tongarra Campus Albion Park Chemistry Cuthbertson, Samuel
11613 Illawarra Christian School Tongarra Campus Albion Park Hospitality Examination Gates, Ashleigh
11614 Illawarra Christian School Tongarra Campus Albion Park Mathematics Extension 1 Cuthbertson, Samuel
11615 Illawarra Christian School Tongarra Campus Albion Park Mathematics Extension 2 Cuthbertson, Samuel
11616 Illawarra Christian School Tongarra Campus Albion Park Physics Cuthbertson, Samuel
11617 Illawarra Institute Wollongong Campus Wollongong Biology Weigang, Clyde Lalena Adana
11618 Illawarra Institute Wollongong Campus Wollongong Mathematics General 2 Shuttleworth, Blake Alan
11619 Illawarra Institute Wollongong Campus Wollongong Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Weigang, Clyde Lalena Adana
11620 Illawarra Institute Wollongong Campus Wollongong Turkish Continuers Arik, Tilsim
11621 Illawarra Sports High School Berkeley Biology Sylvester, Emma
11622 Illawarra Sports High School Berkeley Industrial Technology Peppoloni, Ricky
11623 Inaburra School Bangor Biology Eckberg, Christian Stephen
11624 Inaburra School Bangor Business Studies Eckberg, Christian Stephen
11625 Inaburra School Bangor Business Studies Francis, Peter
11626 Inaburra School Bangor Business Studies McNally, Conner
11627 Inaburra School Bangor Business Studies Rowan, Celeste Emma
11628 Inaburra School Bangor Business Studies Saba, Jawdat
11629 Inaburra School Bangor Business Studies Samios, Nicholas
11630 Inaburra School Bangor Business Studies Smith, Morgan
11631 Inaburra School Bangor Business Studies Woods, Rachel
11632 Inaburra School Bangor Community and Family Studies Annison, Rebecca
11633 Inaburra School Bangor Dance Ettingshausen, Matiese
11634 Inaburra School Bangor Drama Broughton, Lucinda
11635 Inaburra School Bangor Drama Shaw, Sarah
11636 Inaburra School Bangor Earth and Environmental Science Manion, Claire
11637 Inaburra School Bangor Earth and Environmental Science Patmore, Paige
11638 Inaburra School Bangor English (Advanced) Chiba, Emi
11639 Inaburra School Bangor English (Advanced) Francis, Peter
11640 Inaburra School Bangor English (Advanced) Hackfath, Joshua
11641 Inaburra School Bangor English (Advanced) Nakhla, Rebekah
11642 Inaburra School Bangor English (Advanced) Samios, Nicholas
11643 Inaburra School Bangor English (Advanced) Smith, Morgan
11644 Inaburra School Bangor English (Advanced) Woods, Rachel
11645 Inaburra School Bangor English Extension 1 Chan, Tsering
11646 Inaburra School Bangor English Extension 1 Hackfath, Joshua
11647 Inaburra School Bangor English Extension 1 Shaw, Sarah
11648 Inaburra School Bangor English Extension 1 Smith, Morgan
11649 Inaburra School Bangor English Extension 2 Hackfath, Joshua
11650 Inaburra School Bangor English Extension 2 Smith, Morgan
11651 Inaburra School Bangor Geography Francis, Peter
11652 Inaburra School Bangor History Extension Smith, Morgan
11653 Inaburra School Bangor Industrial Technology Rotherham, Lachlan
11654 Inaburra School Bangor Legal Studies Hackfath, Joshua
11655 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics Coulter, Ashley
11656 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics General 2 Eckberg, Christian Stephen
11657 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics General 2 Fenger, Lachlan
11658 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics General 2 Francis, Peter
11659 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics General 2 Hockings, Lachlan
11660 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics General 2 Howard, James
11661 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics General 2 Liston, William
11662 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics General 2 Rann, Mitchell
11663 Inaburra School Bangor Mathematics General 2 Rotherham, Lachlan
11664 Inaburra School Bangor Modern History Chiba, Emi
11665 Inaburra School Bangor Modern History Smith, Morgan
11666 Inaburra School Bangor Music 1 Blayney, Sarah
11667 Inaburra School Bangor Music 1 Charles, Claire
11668 Inaburra School Bangor Music 1 Cofie, Chantel
11669 Inaburra School Bangor Music 1 Finch, Joshua
11670 Inaburra School Bangor Music 1 Holzwart, Emily
11671 Inaburra School Bangor Music 1 Jacome, Larissa Hope
11672 Inaburra School Bangor Music 1 Miedzinski, Giorgia
11673 Inaburra School Bangor Music 1 Miller, Kelly
11674 Inaburra School Bangor Music 1 Rixon, Jessica
11675 Inaburra School Bangor Music 2 Miller, Rohan
11676 Inaburra School Bangor Music Extension Baker, Simon
11677 Inaburra School Bangor Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Francis, Peter
11678 Inaburra School Bangor Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Hackfath, Joshua
11679 Inaburra School Bangor Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Miller, Rohan
11680 Inaburra School Bangor Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Rowan, Celeste Emma
11681 Inaburra School Bangor Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Samios, Nicholas
11682 Inaburra School Bangor Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Woods, Rachel
11683 Inaburra School Bangor Software Design and Development Walls, Andrew
11684 Inaburra School Bangor Visual Arts Chiba, Emi
11685 International Grammar School Ultimo Ancient History Hannan-Moon, Esther
11686 International Grammar School Ultimo Ancient History Whitehead, Laura
11687 International Grammar School Ultimo Biology Wilkie, Maira
11688 International Grammar School Ultimo Chemistry Morgan, Charlie
11689 International Grammar School Ultimo Chemistry Rowell, Alexander Rohan Hickie
11690 International Grammar School Ultimo Chemistry Samir, Noah
11691 International Grammar School Ultimo Drama Baghai, Naysan
11692 International Grammar School Ultimo Drama Cowap, Frances
11693 International Grammar School Ultimo Drama Finlayson-Cook, Phoebe
11694 International Grammar School Ultimo Drama Hannan-Moon, Esther
11695 International Grammar School Ultimo Drama West, Luke Christopher
11696 International Grammar School Ultimo Economics Bhunthumwatchrarod, Winnalit
11697 International Grammar School Ultimo Economics Malikides, Cian
11698 International Grammar School Ultimo Economics Perron, Hugo
11699 International Grammar School Ultimo Economics Salkeld, Andrew
11700 International Grammar School Ultimo Economics Woods, Frank
11701 International Grammar School Ultimo English (Advanced) Baghai, Naysan
11702 International Grammar School Ultimo English (Advanced) Le, Emma
11703 International Grammar School Ultimo English (Advanced) Morgan, Charlie
11704 International Grammar School Ultimo English (Advanced) Pardoel, Jordan
11705 International Grammar School Ultimo English (Advanced) Reitmans, Kailesh
11706 International Grammar School Ultimo English (Advanced) Ryan, Felix
11707 International Grammar School Ultimo English (Advanced) Salkeld, Andrew
11708 International Grammar School Ultimo English (Advanced) Samir, Noah
11709 International Grammar School Ultimo English (Advanced) Wahl, Rebecca
11710 International Grammar School Ultimo English (Advanced) West, Luke Christopher
11711 International Grammar School Ultimo English (Advanced) Whitehead, Laura
11712 International Grammar School Ultimo English (Advanced) Wilkie, Maira
11713 International Grammar School Ultimo English Extension 1 West, Luke Christopher
11714 International Grammar School Ultimo French Beginners Wahl, Rebecca
11715 International Grammar School Ultimo French Continuers Reitmans, Kailesh
11716 International Grammar School Ultimo Geography Kohane, Felix
11717 International Grammar School Ultimo Geography Woods, Frank
11718 International Grammar School Ultimo History Extension Casimir, Naomi
11719 International Grammar School Ultimo History Extension West, Luke Christopher
11720 International Grammar School Ultimo Indonesian Beginners Roure, Emilie
11721 International Grammar School Ultimo Italian Continuers Adams, Maxim
11722 International Grammar School Ultimo Italian Continuers Grippi, Siena
11723 International Grammar School Ultimo Mathematics Adams, Maxim
11724 International Grammar School Ultimo Mathematics Berney, Kim
11725 International Grammar School Ultimo Mathematics Bevins, Amelia
11726 International Grammar School Ultimo Mathematics Chinn, Nathan
11727 International Grammar School Ultimo Mathematics Filo, Mikaela
11728 International Grammar School Ultimo Mathematics Garrett, Samuel
11729 International Grammar School Ultimo Mathematics Li, Vanessa
11730 International Grammar School Ultimo Mathematics Reitmans, Kailesh
11731 International Grammar School Ultimo Mathematics Stewart, William
11732 International Grammar School Ultimo Mathematics Whitehead, Laura
11733 International Grammar School Ultimo Mathematics Winestock, Zelda
11734 International Grammar School Ultimo Mathematics Extension 1 Christopher, Julien
11735 International Grammar School Ultimo Mathematics Extension 1 Giacobbe, Nicholas
11736 International Grammar School Ultimo Mathematics Extension 1 Morgan, Charlie
11737 International Grammar School Ultimo Mathematics Extension 1 Perron, Hugo
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 14 Oct 2024
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