Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2015

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2015.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

100 of 36294 entries are shown.
1 - 100
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1 Champagnat Catholic College Maroubra Aboriginal Studies Wilson, Benjamin
2 Cheltenham Girls High School Beecroft Aboriginal Studies Aiyer, Savitha
3 Cheltenham Girls High School Beecroft Aboriginal Studies Drake, Anna Charlotte
4 Cheltenham Girls High School Beecroft Aboriginal Studies Drego, Annika Daphne
5 Cheltenham Girls High School Beecroft Aboriginal Studies Fernando, Anouki Claire
6 Cheltenham Girls High School Beecroft Aboriginal Studies Finlayson, Jennifer Kate
7 Cheltenham Girls High School Beecroft Aboriginal Studies Fung, Annesa Wing Hei
8 Cheltenham Girls High School Beecroft Aboriginal Studies Goldsmith, Emily Meg
9 Cheltenham Girls High School Beecroft Aboriginal Studies La, Kimberly Wing Shan
10 Cheltenham Girls High School Beecroft Aboriginal Studies Lam, Alison Wing-Sea
11 Cheltenham Girls High School Beecroft Aboriginal Studies Ooi, Andrea Xiao Xuan
12 Cheltenham Girls High School Beecroft Aboriginal Studies Schaefer, Alexandra Jade
13 Cheltenham Girls High School Beecroft Aboriginal Studies Skala, Olivia Jade
14 Cheltenham Girls High School Beecroft Aboriginal Studies Smith, Sarah Louise
15 Cherrybrook Technology High School Cherrybrook Aboriginal Studies Lee, Jayna Mackenzie
16 Grafton High School Grafton Aboriginal Studies Moore, Briony Rose
17 Hunter School of Performing Arts Broadmeadow Aboriginal Studies Minns, Teagan Jade
18 Hunter School of Performing Arts Broadmeadow Aboriginal Studies Plummer, Taylah Jane
19 Hunter School of Performing Arts Broadmeadow Aboriginal Studies Teagle, Ayrley Bronte
20 Inverell High School Inverell Aboriginal Studies Adams, Ebony Cecilia Frances
21 Inverell High School Inverell Aboriginal Studies McLennan, Brooke Elizabeth
22 Killara High School Killara Aboriginal Studies Duce, Heloise Augusta
23 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst Aboriginal Studies Miller, Claire
24 St Ignatius College Lane Cove Aboriginal Studies O'Brien, Luke Michael
25 St John The Evangelist Catholic High School Nowra Aboriginal Studies Schornegg, Holly
26 Albury High School Albury Agriculture Heran, Michael
27 All Saints College Bathurst Bathurst Agriculture Sinderberry, Emily Jade
28 Barker College Hornsby Agriculture Ashton, Shannon Kate
29 Barker College Hornsby Agriculture du Preez, Willem Daniel
30 Barker College Hornsby Agriculture Edwards, Julian Alexander
31 Barker College Hornsby Agriculture Lack, William Thomas
32 Barker College Hornsby Agriculture Redman, Jack Brett
33 Barker College Hornsby Agriculture Sherrard, Angus David
34 Barker College Hornsby Agriculture Thompson, Bruce Murray
35 Barker College Hornsby Agriculture Woods, James Thornton
36 Bede Polding College South Windsor Agriculture Owen, Rebecca
37 Braidwood Central School Braidwood Agriculture Corby, Forbes
38 Braidwood Central School Braidwood Agriculture Neilsen, Inga
39 Brisbane Water Secondary College Woy Woy Campus Woy Woy Agriculture Crossing, Hephzibah
40 Calrossy Anglican School Tamworth Agriculture de Jong, Katie
41 Calrossy Anglican School Tamworth Agriculture Nielsen, Claudia
42 Canberra Grammar School Red Hill, ACT Agriculture Hall-Lomax, Joe
43 Canberra Grammar School Red Hill, ACT Agriculture Harper, Nat
44 Canberra Grammar School Red Hill, ACT Agriculture Moore, Jonathon
45 Canberra Grammar School Red Hill, ACT Agriculture Pickard, Tom
46 Canberra Grammar School Red Hill, ACT Agriculture Templeman, David Charles
47 Canberra Grammar School Red Hill, ACT Agriculture Thomson, Damien
48 Chevalier College Burradoo Agriculture Capps, Jessica
49 Frensham School Mittagong Agriculture Kelly, Savannah Joy
50 Frensham School Mittagong Agriculture Prell, Madeleine Mary
51 Gosford High School Gosford Agriculture Chinchilla, Georgia
52 Gosford High School Gosford Agriculture Newell, Liam
53 Gosford High School Gosford Agriculture Seaton, Keila
54 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Agriculture Chand, Michelle Varsha
55 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Agriculture Chua, Elaine Yeeleng
56 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Agriculture Dinh, Therese Hoang Hieu Hanh
57 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Agriculture Forrester, Andre Robert Harrison
58 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Agriculture Giang, Nathan Martin
59 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Agriculture Lam, Branda
60 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Agriculture Lauv, Clinton
61 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Agriculture Marlow-Conway, Jackson Wentworth
62 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Agriculture Mewburn, Alexander Colin
63 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Agriculture Nguyen, Monica Thu
64 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Agriculture Reddy, Namratha
65 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Agriculture Tat, Natalie
66 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Agriculture Tran, Kimberly
67 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Agriculture Wajzer, Mathew Richard
68 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Agriculture Zhuang, Joseph Zhuo Dao
69 Inverell High School Inverell Agriculture Mepham, Esther Erin Mercedes
70 James Ruse Agricultural High School Carlingford Agriculture Abdu, Jumaana
71 James Ruse Agricultural High School Carlingford Agriculture Chen, Haoliang Henry
72 James Ruse Agricultural High School Carlingford Agriculture Chen, Shirley
73 James Ruse Agricultural High School Carlingford Agriculture Cui, Alex
74 James Ruse Agricultural High School Carlingford Agriculture Fu, Michele
75 James Ruse Agricultural High School Carlingford Agriculture Hinton, Cameron
76 James Ruse Agricultural High School Carlingford Agriculture Hossain, Afif
77 James Ruse Agricultural High School Carlingford Agriculture Huang, Joel Qing Ze
78 James Ruse Agricultural High School Carlingford Agriculture Hwang, Bridget
79 James Ruse Agricultural High School Carlingford Agriculture Ji, Yutong
80 James Ruse Agricultural High School Carlingford Agriculture Krishnaswamy, Rohan
81 James Ruse Agricultural High School Carlingford Agriculture Lin, George Yuhan
82 James Ruse Agricultural High School Carlingford Agriculture Lo, Andre Chu Qiao
83 James Ruse Agricultural High School Carlingford Agriculture Mar, Emily
84 James Ruse Agricultural High School Carlingford Agriculture Parameshwaran, Balaki
85 James Ruse Agricultural High School Carlingford Agriculture Paul, Priom
86 James Ruse Agricultural High School Carlingford Agriculture Pham, Jade Hoang
87 James Ruse Agricultural High School Carlingford Agriculture Sun, Georgia
88 James Ruse Agricultural High School Carlingford Agriculture Sun, Helen
89 James Ruse Agricultural High School Carlingford Agriculture Sun, Jessie Liu
90 James Ruse Agricultural High School Carlingford Agriculture Tchang, Andrew
91 James Ruse Agricultural High School Carlingford Agriculture Vaseeharan, Abiramy
92 James Ruse Agricultural High School Carlingford Agriculture Wang, Cathy
93 James Ruse Agricultural High School Carlingford Agriculture Young, Rowena
94 James Ruse Agricultural High School Carlingford Agriculture Zhang, Oliver
95 James Ruse Agricultural High School Carlingford Agriculture Zhao, Jenny
96 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Agriculture Kemp, Lachlan Harrison
97 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty Agriculture House, Ellen Jill
98 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty Agriculture Offord, Isobelle Sarah
99 Mater Dei Catholic College Wagga Wagga Agriculture Male, Dylan
100 Mudgee High School Mudgee Agriculture Kurtz, Katelyn Mary
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 14 Oct 2024
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