Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2015

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2015.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

100 of 36294 entries are shown.
14442 - 14541
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14442 La Salle Academy Lithgow Industrial Technology Felton, Hannah
14443 La Salle Academy Lithgow Industrial Technology Groves, Rylan
14444 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Business Studies El-Hayek, James
14445 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Business Studies Nguyen, Vincent
14446 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Economics Doorbinnia, Jordan
14447 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown English (Advanced) Doorbinnia, Jordan
14448 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown English (Advanced) Hooper, Joseph
14449 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown English (Advanced) Lopez, Mateo
14450 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown English (Advanced) Starkovski, Stefan
14451 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown English Extension 1 Lopez, Mateo
14452 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Geography Starkovski, Stefan
14453 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Legal Studies Hooper, Joseph
14454 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Legal Studies Jovanoski, Kristian
14455 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Legal Studies Lopez, Mateo
14456 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Legal Studies Starkovski, Stefan
14457 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Mathematics Extension 1 Croan, Michael
14458 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Mathematics General 2 Starkovski, Stefan
14459 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Modern History El-Hayek, James
14460 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Modern History Hooper, Joseph
14461 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Modern History Lopez, Mateo
14462 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Hooper, Joseph
14463 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Visual Arts Lobarbio, Jake
14464 Lake Illawarra High School Lake Illawarra Music 1 Willis, Jack
14465 Lake Macquarie High School Booragul Music 1 Razon, Jamie Lyn
14466 Lake Macquarie High School Booragul Senior Science Williams, Suphattra Anne
14467 Lake Munmorah High School Lake Munmorah Hospitality Examination Makin, Tanesha Isabelle
14468 Lake Munmorah High School Lake Munmorah Mathematics Extension 1 Hills, Jack
14469 Lakes Grammar An Anglican School Warnervale English Extension 2 Collard, Silas
14470 Lakes Grammar An Anglican School Warnervale Mathematics General 2 Moffett, William
14471 Lakes Grammar An Anglican School Warnervale Music 1 Collard, Silas
14472 Lakes Grammar An Anglican School Warnervale Music 1 Talbot, Bronte
14473 Lambton High School Lambton Biology Hamilton, Lauren Eleni
14474 Lambton High School Lambton Earth and Environmental Science Ambrose, Madison Lee
14475 Lambton High School Lambton Industrial Technology Ekin, Nicholas Keith
14476 Lambton High School Lambton Information Processes and Technology Barr, John Joseph
14477 Lambton High School Lambton Information Processes and Technology Kellett, Joshua Stephen
14478 Lambton High School Lambton Mathematics Hamilton, Lauren Eleni
14479 Lambton High School Lambton Mathematics Extension 1 Hamilton, Lauren Eleni
14480 Lambton High School Lambton Mathematics Extension 1 Liu, Haowen
14481 Lambton High School Lambton Mathematics General 2 Ambrose, Madison Lee
14482 Lambton High School Lambton Mathematics General 2 Myers, Mackenzie Bree
14483 Lambton High School Lambton Modern History Bourne Blue, Memphis Rebecca
14484 Lambton High School Lambton Modern History Hamilton, Lauren Eleni
14485 Lambton High School Lambton Music 1 Long, Darcy Jacob
14486 Lambton High School Lambton Music Extension Turner, Bradley Cameron
14487 Lambton High School Lambton Senior Science Myers, Mackenzie Bree
14488 Lambton High School Lambton Society and Culture Unicomb, Lexi Briann
14489 Lambton High School Lambton Visual Arts Bramble, Jake Leighton
14490 Lambton High School Lambton Visual Arts Chapman, Tyler John
14491 Lambton High School Lambton Visual Arts Gillard, Jemma Kate
14492 Lambton High School Lambton Visual Arts Hayward, Annie-Rose
14493 Lambton High School Lambton Visual Arts Hopkins, Chloe Louise
14494 Leeton High School Leeton Business Studies Wang, Anna
14495 Leeton High School Leeton English Extension 1 Wallace, Georgia
14496 Leeton High School Leeton Legal Studies Wang, Anna
14497 Leeton High School Leeton Mathematics Meline, Lucas Mark
14498 Leeton High School Leeton Mathematics Wang, Anna
14499 Leeton High School Leeton Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Meline, Lucas Mark
14500 Leumeah High School Leumeah English (Advanced) Baraka, Boruge
14501 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora Biology Biggs, Kimberley Ann
14502 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora Business Studies Biggs, Kimberley Ann
14503 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora Design and Technology Gamma, Declan James
14504 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora Drama Kerr, Tealle Ocean May
14505 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora Mathematics Seccull, Anouk Ivy
14506 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora Mathematics Extension 1 Charge, James Bruce McDonald
14507 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora Mathematics Extension 1 Tomizawa, Taiki
14508 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Sullivan, Niamh Emily
14509 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora Senior Science Davis-McMillan, Samuel
14510 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora Senior Science Kieffer, Jeffrey
14511 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora Senior Science Sutcliffe, Yasmine Helena
14512 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora Senior Science Webley, Paige Annabelle
14513 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora Visual Arts McPherson, Max Pearce Thatcher
14514 Lisarow High School Lisarow Chemistry Eyers, Aspen John Joshua
14515 Lisarow High School Lisarow Engineering Studies Eyers, Aspen John Joshua
14516 Lisarow High School Lisarow Mathematics General 2 Brown, Emma Rose
14517 Lisarow High School Lisarow Mathematics General 2 Coutts-Bain, Daelin Alexander
14518 Lisarow High School Lisarow Mathematics General 2 Lecky, Bradley Ronald
14519 Lisarow High School Lisarow Modern History Brown, Emma Rose
14520 Lisarow High School Lisarow Senior Science Oliver, Jaiden Richard
14521 Lithgow High School Lithgow Ancient History Zuanic, Krystelle
14522 Lithgow High School Lithgow Drama Clarke, Courtney May
14523 Lithgow High School Lithgow Music 1 Clarke, Courtney May
14524 Lithgow High School Lithgow Visual Arts Cleaver, Kerensa Mary Hazel
14525 Lithgow High School Lithgow Visual Arts Lawson, Jessica Jane
14526 Lithgow High School Lithgow Visual Arts Long-Jaccoud, Louis Edouard
14527 Lithgow High School Lithgow Visual Arts Luchetti, Jessie Elizabeth Bech
14528 Lithgow High School Lithgow Visual Arts Thompson, Emily Paige
14529 Liverpool Boys High School Liverpool Legal Studies Mawla, Arshadul
14530 Liverpool Boys High School Liverpool Mathematics Nunag, Paulo Daniel Claudio
14531 Liverpool Boys High School Liverpool Mathematics General 2 Regala, Raphael Edric
14532 Liverpool Girls High School Liverpool Ancient History Al Majed, Shahad
14533 Liverpool Girls High School Liverpool Ancient History Inthavone, Christina
14534 Liverpool Girls High School Liverpool Ancient History Mohammed Amin, Hanna
14535 Liverpool Girls High School Liverpool Arabic Continuers Younes, Rand Husam
14536 Liverpool Girls High School Liverpool Arabic Extension Younes, Rand Husam
14537 Liverpool Girls High School Liverpool Chemistry Younes, Rand Husam
14538 Liverpool Girls High School Liverpool English (Advanced) Al Majed, Shahad
14539 Liverpool Girls High School Liverpool English (Advanced) Bandhara, Meghali
14540 Liverpool Girls High School Liverpool English (Advanced) Inthavone, Christina
14541 Liverpool Girls High School Liverpool English (Advanced) Liu, Emily
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 14 Oct 2024
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