Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2015

Filtered by Subject Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2015.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

200 of 3240 entries are shown.
2701 - 2900
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2701 Strathfield Girls High School Strathfield Mathematics Choi, Hannah
2702 Strathfield Girls High School Strathfield Mathematics Hua, Jennifer Phung Gia
2703 Strathfield Girls High School Strathfield Mathematics Jegatheeswaran, Ramya
2704 Strathfield Girls High School Strathfield Mathematics Kim, Min Joo
2705 Strathfield Girls High School Strathfield Mathematics Lai, Tze Wei
2706 Strathfield Girls High School Strathfield Mathematics Lee, Adriana Bee
2707 Strathfield Girls High School Strathfield Mathematics Lee, Angela
2708 Strathfield Girls High School Strathfield Mathematics Lee, Kimberley Danbi
2709 Strathfield Girls High School Strathfield Mathematics Li, Yuling
2710 Strathfield Girls High School Strathfield Mathematics Liang, Jiajia
2711 Strathfield Girls High School Strathfield Mathematics Lin, Yvonne
2712 Strathfield Girls High School Strathfield Mathematics Lo, Rachel Manuel
2713 Strathfield Girls High School Strathfield Mathematics Ly, Olivia
2714 Strathfield Girls High School Strathfield Mathematics Neil, Tamara Jane
2715 Strathfield Girls High School Strathfield Mathematics Park, Su Hyeon
2716 Strathfield Girls High School Strathfield Mathematics Phung, Elizabeth
2717 Strathfield Girls High School Strathfield Mathematics Rachel, Rhea
2718 Strathfield Girls High School Strathfield Mathematics Rahim, Maziah
2719 Strathfield Girls High School Strathfield Mathematics Rai, Snigdha
2720 Strathfield Girls High School Strathfield Mathematics Reihberg-Laaksonen, Larissa
2721 Strathfield Girls High School Strathfield Mathematics Satheesan, Mathushah
2722 Strathfield Girls High School Strathfield Mathematics Sathiyamoorthy, Hamshini
2723 Strathfield Girls High School Strathfield Mathematics Shi, Sharon
2724 Strathfield Girls High School Strathfield Mathematics Situ, Amy Xiaoyi
2725 Strathfield Girls High School Strathfield Mathematics Sun, Michelle
2726 Strathfield Girls High School Strathfield Mathematics Surukanti, Tharuni
2727 Strathfield Girls High School Strathfield Mathematics Tang, Rebecca
2728 Strathfield Girls High School Strathfield Mathematics Tapodhan, Anandini Asim
2729 Strathfield Girls High School Strathfield Mathematics Vigneswaran, Kavija
2730 Strathfield Girls High School Strathfield Mathematics Wang, Lolita
2731 Strathfield Girls High School Strathfield Mathematics Yan, Kangling
2732 Strathfield Girls High School Strathfield Mathematics Ye, Ruizhe
2733 Strathfield Girls High School Strathfield Mathematics Yuen, Bianca Kelly
2734 Strathfield Girls High School Strathfield Mathematics Zhang, Jessica
2735 Strathfield Girls High School Strathfield Mathematics Zhuang, Jennifer
2736 Strathfield South High School Enfield Mathematics Zheng, Haolin (Harley)
2737 Sutherland Shire Christian School Barden Ridge Mathematics Grose, Andrew
2738 Sutherland Shire Christian School Barden Ridge Mathematics Holden, Olivia
2739 Sutherland Shire Christian School Barden Ridge Mathematics Naude, Marika
2740 Sutherland Shire Christian School Barden Ridge Mathematics Velkovski, Blake
2741 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Abeysekera, Manil Walimuni Mendis
2742 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Agrawal, Kabir
2743 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Ahamed Jiffry, Akhlaaq
2744 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Ahn, Daniel Joongyoung
2745 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Alam, Faiyaz Bin
2746 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Ali Khan, Mohammad Tajwar
2747 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Arvind, Sudarshan
2748 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Bai, Gary Yuran
2749 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Bang, David
2750 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Banh, William
2751 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Betbeder-Matibet, Marc Nemo
2752 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Bui, Vincent Quang Vinh
2753 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Cai, James Dean
2754 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Chan, Matthew Yik Ho
2755 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Chandrasekaran, Ganeshmoorthy
2756 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Chee, James Macgregor
2757 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Chen, Anthony
2758 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Chen, Julian
2759 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Chen, William
2760 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Chen, William Billy
2761 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Chua, Victor
2762 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Dai, Steven
2763 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Dang, Peter Minh Thien
2764 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Deep, Amit Singh Minhas
2765 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Ding, Richard
2766 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Dong, Tony
2767 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics George, Thomas Mathew
2768 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Goh, Dylan Yikwah
2769 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Goh, James William
2770 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Gordon, Dexter James
2771 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Ha, William Bao Loc
2772 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Han, Yichen
2773 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Han-McEvoy, George
2774 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics He, Dominic
2775 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Hoad, Luke David
2776 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Hua, Raymond Ruo Xiao
2777 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Huang, Hardy He
2778 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Hung, Zachary Zhen Ting
2779 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Hussaini, Ibrahim Ali
2780 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Jiang, Daniel Yun Chao
2781 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Jin, Kevin
2782 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Joseph, Renjith
2783 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Joshi, Advait Bhalchandra
2784 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Jung, Ji Min
2785 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Kadappu, Preetham Krishna
2786 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Karahasan, Aidin
2787 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Khondaker, Alif
2788 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Kim, Hyeonsueng
2789 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Kim, Sung-Chan
2790 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Lam, Ka-Kei Andy
2791 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Lee, Nicholas Yu-Ren
2792 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Liang, Alex Gaoshan
2793 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Libman, Michael Alexander
2794 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Lim, Darren Tseng-Chun
2795 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Lin, Johnson
2796 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Lin, Victor
2797 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Liu, Andy
2798 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Liu, Welles
2799 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Liu, Yisheng V
2800 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Lo, Thomas Wenying
2801 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Long, Yu Bin Benjamin
2802 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Lu, Andrew Zou
2803 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Lu, Jia Chen
2804 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Lu, Kevin Wen Liang
2805 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Mao, Alexander Nicholas
2806 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Mo, Raymond Yuesheng
2807 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Mohamed, Ihsan
2808 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Morshedi, Fayed Intisar
2809 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Murugananthan, Varunan
2810 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Nagesh, Ashish
2811 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Ng, Rafael King Hei
2812 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Nguyen, Andrew Duy Kien
2813 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Nguyen, Brendan Amcon
2814 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Nguyen, James Quang Thuy
2815 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Nguyen, Thomas Phuc Nguong
2816 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Nomula, Vishal
2817 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Pham, Alec Hoang Khiem
2818 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Rahman, Nafis
2819 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Robinson, Kevin
2820 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Rusli, Anthony Fernando
2821 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Saha, Rick
2822 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Saini, Saransh Kumar
2823 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Schofield, Jayden
2824 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Schofield, Luke
2825 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Seong, Ryan Kisu
2826 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Sexton, William Satya
2827 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Shen, Roy
2828 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Shringarpure, Salil
2829 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Siu, Michael
2830 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics So, Alex
2831 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Song, Bo-Ping Rick
2832 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Song, Justin
2833 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Song, Neil Yuhao
2834 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Subbanna, Karthik
2835 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Sun, Ryan Michael
2836 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Torres, Chanum
2837 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Tran, Justin Phan
2838 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Tse, Aaron Ching-Wai
2839 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Tseu-Tjoa, Oliver
2840 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Tu, Julian Peng Hanh
2841 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Vakirtzis, Stratton Stephanos
2842 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Wang, Gerry
2843 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Wang, Xiangsheng
2844 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Wang, York Si Jie
2845 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Wu, Benjamin
2846 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Wu, Jia Yi Andrew
2847 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Xiao, Calvin
2848 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Xu, Daniel Andrew
2849 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Xue, Daniel Vincent
2850 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Xue, Steven
2851 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Yan, Angelo
2852 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Yang, Lee
2853 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Ye, James
2854 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Yuan, Gordon Zhiliang
2855 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Zhang, Anthony Qi Hao
2856 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Zhang, Jonathan Silei
2857 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Zhang, Samuel Ji En
2858 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Zhang, Tiger Shuyi
2859 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Zhou, Ervin
2860 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Zhu, Andrew
2861 Sydney Boys High School Moore Park Mathematics Zhu, Qi Jason
2862 Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Mathematics Aziz, Inshirah
2863 Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Mathematics Biggins-Gilchrist, Sarah
2864 Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Mathematics Chawla, Mehar
2865 Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Mathematics Chen, Kira Xiang
2866 Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Mathematics Chen, Tracy
2867 Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Mathematics Chen, Vicky Ying
2868 Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Mathematics Choi, Jamie
2869 Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Mathematics Cohen, Pola
2870 Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Mathematics Fang, Isabel
2871 Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Mathematics Feng, Jessica
2872 Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Mathematics Griffin, Edie
2873 Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Mathematics Guo, Catherine
2874 Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Mathematics Han, Penelope
2875 Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Mathematics Han, Si Yang
2876 Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Mathematics He, Jessica
2877 Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Mathematics He, Kelly
2878 Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Mathematics He, Mei Qi
2879 Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Mathematics He, Yujin April
2880 Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Mathematics Ho, Chelsea
2881 Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Mathematics Hong, Jessica
2882 Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Mathematics Huang, Si Hua
2883 Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Mathematics Jin, Adeline
2884 Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Mathematics Kam, Julia
2885 Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Mathematics Karpin, Tiffany
2886 Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Mathematics Khan, Nazoa
2887 Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Mathematics Kirk, Eleanor
2888 Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Mathematics Kumanan, Aruthy
2889 Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Mathematics Lei, Donna
2890 Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Mathematics Links, Ayla
2891 Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Mathematics Liu, Bonnie
2892 Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Mathematics Ly-Dam, Vanessa
2893 Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Mathematics Matin, Aanika
2894 Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Mathematics Napper, Juliette
2895 Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Mathematics Nguyen, Jessica
2896 Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Mathematics Nguyen, Sarah Linh
2897 Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Mathematics Nguyen, Vivien Anh Thu
2898 Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Mathematics Nguyen, Vivien Thuy
2899 Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Mathematics Not For Publication
2900 Sydney Girls High School Surry Hills Mathematics Petsoglou, Maree
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 14 Oct 2024
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