Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2015

Filtered by School Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2015.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

38 of 88 entries are shown.
51 - 88
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Rows per page:
51 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics General 2 Dwyer, Jarrod
52 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics General 2 Hill, Ashlee
53 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics General 2 Keegan, Joshua
54 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics General 2 Marks, Thomas
55 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics General 2 McMahon, Claire
56 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics General 2 Percic, Benjamin
57 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics General 2 Weir, Georgia
58 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Modern History Conneely, Brendan
59 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Modern History Ross, Lachlan
60 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Modern History Stechiwskyj, Alana
61 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Music 1 Allen, Jonathan
62 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Music 1 Beardsley, Harry
63 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Music 1 Setiawan, Marsela
64 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Music 1 West, Jordan
65 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Bacon, Hannah
66 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Breen, Nathan
67 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Personal Development, Health and Physical Education McCarthy, Megan
68 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Personal Development, Health and Physical Education O'Leary, James
69 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Senior Science Micallef, Tamara
70 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Senior Science West, Jordan
71 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Society and Culture Achenza, Madeleine
72 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Society and Culture Fonseca, Kristen
73 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Society and Culture McMahon, Claire
74 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Society and Culture Warner, Sol
75 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Studies of Religion I Achenza, Madeleine
76 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Studies of Religion I Boyd, Thomas
77 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Studies of Religion I Conneely, Brendan
78 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Studies of Religion I Martin, Claire
79 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Studies of Religion I McCarthy, Megan
80 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Studies of Religion I McMahon, Claire
81 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Studies of Religion I Ross, Lachlan
82 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Visual Arts Fyfe, Sara
83 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Visual Arts Hogan, Taneesha
84 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Visual Arts Long, Claire
85 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Visual Arts Lulic, Nada
86 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Visual Arts Micallef, Tamara
87 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Visual Arts Muhlbock, Eliza
88 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Visual Arts Platzer, Claudia
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 14 Oct 2024
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