Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2015

Filtered by School Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2015.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

142 of 192 entries are shown.
51 - 192
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51 Sefton High School Sefton English (Advanced) Nguyen, Tommy
52 Sefton High School Sefton English (Advanced) Nguyen, Victor Hoang Khoi
53 Sefton High School Sefton English (Advanced) Nhan, Justin Fay
54 Sefton High School Sefton English (Advanced) Park, Sung Yeon
55 Sefton High School Sefton English (Advanced) Phung, Jennifer
56 Sefton High School Sefton English (Advanced) Shen, Michael Ming Zhe
57 Sefton High School Sefton English (Advanced) Tu, Cherie
58 Sefton High School Sefton English (Advanced) Tu, Raychel Yap
59 Sefton High School Sefton English (Advanced) Virakorn, Elizabeth Anh
60 Sefton High School Sefton English (Advanced) Yan, Le Wei
61 Sefton High School Sefton English (Advanced) Yuen, Anna Fung
62 Sefton High School Sefton English (Standard) Ngo, An Thien
63 Sefton High School Sefton English Extension 1 Dao, Elizabeth Nguyen
64 Sefton High School Sefton English Extension 1 Ha, Trenett
65 Sefton High School Sefton English Extension 1 Lam, Louisa Mach
66 Sefton High School Sefton English Extension 1 Lau, Vanessa Pui Shan
67 Sefton High School Sefton English Extension 1 Nguyen, Victor Hoang Khoi
68 Sefton High School Sefton English Extension 1 Phung, Jennifer
69 Sefton High School Sefton English Extension 1 Shen, Michael Ming Zhe
70 Sefton High School Sefton Entertainment Industry Examination Yuen, Anna Fung
71 Sefton High School Sefton History Extension Do, Amy Ngoc Anh
72 Sefton High School Sefton History Extension Ha, Trenett
73 Sefton High School Sefton Hospitality Examination Tu, Cherie
74 Sefton High School Sefton Hospitality Examination Valencia, Anastasia
75 Sefton High School Sefton Information Processes and Technology Huynh, Tony Thanh
76 Sefton High School Sefton Information Processes and Technology Lin, Yang
77 Sefton High School Sefton Information Processes and Technology Phung, Jennifer
78 Sefton High School Sefton Legal Studies Kaouar, Silvana
79 Sefton High School Sefton Legal Studies Tu, Cherie
80 Sefton High School Sefton Legal Studies Yuen, Anna Fung
81 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Dang, Calvin
82 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Do, Amy Ngoc Anh
83 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Huynh, Tony Thanh
84 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Jiang, Leeann
85 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Kang, Anna Su Mi
86 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Lau, Tevin Wai Yiu
87 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Le, Lincoln
88 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Lieu, Jessica
89 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Lin, Yang
90 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Liu, Ryan
91 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Ma, Sandra
92 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Mantilla, Rowan Francisco
93 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Millhouse, Amy
94 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Mo, Helena Luyi
95 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Nguyen, Claire Hieu Chau
96 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Nguyen, Jimmy Quyen Huu
97 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Nguyen, Kevin Hai
98 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Nguyen, Lorraine Dinh
99 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Nguyen, Tran Yvonne
100 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Nguyen, Victor Hoang Khoi
101 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Park, Sung Yeon
102 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Sarkar, Sudipta Shekhar
103 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Tang, Eva
104 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Truong, Alan Si
105 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Truong, Eric
106 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Vu, Nathan
107 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Wang, Victor
108 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Wong, Jessica
109 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Zeng, Kyle Zhaoyang
110 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 1 Hanna, Rida
111 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 1 Huynh, Tony Thanh
112 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 1 Kang, Anna Su Mi
113 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 1 Karakira, Jason Ghassan
114 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 1 Lam, Louisa Mach
115 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 1 Lau, Marco Jing Ho
116 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 1 Li, Kwan Ho
117 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 1 Lin, Yang
118 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 1 Liu, Rachel
119 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 1 Luu, Kevin
120 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 1 Ly, Hayden Huy Gia
121 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 1 Ma, Jennifer
122 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 1 Ma, Sandra
123 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 1 Mantilla, Rowan Francisco
124 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 1 Millhouse, Amy
125 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 1 Mo, Helena Luyi
126 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 1 Ng, Kevin Kwok Hui
127 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 1 Ngo, Jessica
128 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 1 Ngo, Matthew Thach
129 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 1 Nguyen, Jasmine
130 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 1 Nguyen, Jenny Hoan My
131 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 1 Nguyen, Kevin Hai
132 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 1 Nguyen, Thien Kim
133 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 1 Nguyen, Tommy
134 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 1 Nhan, Justin Fay
135 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 1 Park, Sung Yeon
136 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 1 Perng, Steven
137 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 1 Tang, Eva
138 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 1 Thai, Tony
139 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 1 Tran, Sean Son Nam
140 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 1 Trau, Elaine
141 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 1 Tu, Raychel Yap
142 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 1 Virakorn, Elizabeth Anh
143 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 1 Vuong, Adrian Lik-Hong
144 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 1 Wang, James Wei
145 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 1 Yan, Le Wei
146 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 2 Hanna, Rida
147 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 2 Karakira, Jason Ghassan
148 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 2 Lau, Marco Jing Ho
149 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 2 Li, Kwan Ho
150 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 2 Luu, Kevin
151 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 2 Ly, Hayden Huy Gia
152 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 2 Ngo, Matthew Thach
153 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 2 Nguyen, Thien Kim
154 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 2 Nhan, Justin Fay
155 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 2 Perng, Steven
156 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 2 Wang, James Wei
157 Sefton High School Sefton Mathematics Extension 2 Yan, Le Wei
158 Sefton High School Sefton Modern History Choudhari, Shipra
159 Sefton High School Sefton Modern History Dao, Elizabeth Nguyen
160 Sefton High School Sefton Modern History Ha, Trenett
161 Sefton High School Sefton Modern History Hanna, Rida
162 Sefton High School Sefton Modern History Huynh, Phat Tan
163 Sefton High School Sefton Modern History Huynh, Tony Thanh
164 Sefton High School Sefton Modern History Lau, Tevin Wai Yiu
165 Sefton High School Sefton Modern History Lau, Vanessa Pui Shan
166 Sefton High School Sefton Modern History Ly, Hayden Huy Gia
167 Sefton High School Sefton Modern History Nhan, Justin Fay
168 Sefton High School Sefton Modern History Park, Sung Yeon
169 Sefton High School Sefton Modern History Phu-Ly, Jenny
170 Sefton High School Sefton Modern History Shen, Michael Ming Zhe
171 Sefton High School Sefton Modern History Yawary, Mohammad Zaki
172 Sefton High School Sefton Modern History Yuen, Anna Fung
173 Sefton High School Sefton Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Dang, Calvin
174 Sefton High School Sefton Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Khuu, Tuyet Linh
175 Sefton High School Sefton Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Lee, Ashleigh
176 Sefton High School Sefton Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Mo, Helena Luyi
177 Sefton High School Sefton Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Ngo, Jessica
178 Sefton High School Sefton Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Nguyen, Jasmine
179 Sefton High School Sefton Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Tran, Rosanna
180 Sefton High School Sefton Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Tu, Cherie
181 Sefton High School Sefton Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Valencia, Anastasia
182 Sefton High School Sefton Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Wong, Jessica
183 Sefton High School Sefton Physics Luu, Kevin
184 Sefton High School Sefton Physics Wang, James Wei
185 Sefton High School Sefton Physics Yan, Le Wei
186 Sefton High School Sefton Studies of Religion I Kaouar, Silvana
187 Sefton High School Sefton Studies of Religion I Ma, Sandra
188 Sefton High School Sefton Studies of Religion I Phung, Jennifer
189 Sefton High School Sefton Visual Arts Ha, Trenett
190 Sefton High School Sefton Visual Arts Liu, Yi Yang
191 Sefton High School Sefton Visual Arts Millhouse, Amy
192 Sefton High School Sefton Visual Arts Nguyen, Claire Hieu Chau
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 14 Oct 2024
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