Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2015

Filtered by School Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2015.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

65 of 65 entries are shown.
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Rows per page:
1 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Ancient History Dawson, Finn
2 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Biology Dewey, Tiffany
3 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Chemistry Arnold, William
4 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Chemistry Turkovic, Daniel
5 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Chemistry Wu, Zhuolun
6 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Chinese Background Speakers Cai, Qiaolin
7 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Chinese Background Speakers Zhang, Mingjun/Martina
8 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Construction Examination Dodd, Nathan
9 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights English (Advanced) Golby, Melissa
10 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights English (Standard) Hill, Cameron
11 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights French Continuers Dejean, Chloe
12 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights French Continuers Drabbe, Alize
13 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Heritage Japanese Kuroda, Mao
14 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Heritage Korean Kim, Joo Yeon/Jenny
15 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Industrial Technology Binkanee, Akrom
16 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Industrial Technology Burk, Mitchell
17 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Industrial Technology Harris, Ben
18 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Industrial Technology Reeve, Daniel
19 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Japanese Beginners Chen, Yiyuan/Vicky
20 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Japanese Beginners Chen, Yiyun/Vivian
21 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Japanese Beginners Zhao, Mingchuan
22 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Japanese Continuers Turkovic, Daniel
23 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Macedonian Continuers Makreska, Angela
24 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Cai, Qiaolin
25 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Diggins, Courtney
26 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Kim, Joo Yeon/Jenny
27 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Li, Yixuan/Amy
28 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Perche, Benjamin
29 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Tanno, Joshua
30 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Turkovic, Daniel
31 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Wang, Ziyue
32 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Extension 1 Arnold, William
33 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Extension 1 Fang, Lawrence
34 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Extension 1 Kojima, Takuya-John
35 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Extension 1 Ma, Xingyao/Alex
36 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Extension 1 Perche, Benjamin
37 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Extension 1 Qiao, Antong
38 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Extension 1 Seelig, Ryan
39 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Extension 1 Sheng, QiQi
40 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Extension 1 Turkovic, Daniel
41 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Extension 1 Wang, Ziyue
42 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Extension 1 Wu, Zhuolun
43 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Extension 1 Yu, Shitian
44 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Extension 1 Zhang, Mingjun/Martina
45 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Extension 1 Zhao, Mingchuan
46 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Extension 2 Seelig, Ryan
47 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Extension 2 Yu, Shitian
48 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics Extension 2 Zhao, Mingchuan
49 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics General 2 Bennett, Ami
50 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics General 2 Binkanee, Akrom
51 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics General 2 Dawson, Finn
52 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics General 2 Harris, Ben
53 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics General 2 Lamaro, Philip
54 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics General 2 Makreska, Angela
55 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics General 2 Parsons, Jack
56 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Mathematics General 2 Reeve, Daniel
57 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Modern History Golby, Melissa
58 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Music 1 Bragg, William
59 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Music 1 Frazier, Dillon
60 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Dewey, Tiffany
61 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Physics Arnold, William
62 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Senior Science Dost, Shamya
63 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Senior Science Lamaro, Philip
64 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Senior Science Ramshaw, Grace
65 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights Software Design and Development Kojima, Takuya-John
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 14 Oct 2024
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