Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2015

Filtered by School Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2015.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

50 of 255 entries are shown.
101 - 150
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Rows per page:
101 Gosford High School Gosford French Continuers Jones, Alana
102 Gosford High School Gosford French Continuers Kingsland, Mitchell
103 Gosford High School Gosford French Continuers Waters, Siobhan
104 Gosford High School Gosford German Beginners Hechenberger, Arden
105 Gosford High School Gosford German Beginners Jorgenson, Krista
106 Gosford High School Gosford German Beginners Kitchener, Abbie
107 Gosford High School Gosford German Beginners Macherel, Charlotte
108 Gosford High School Gosford German Continuers Foster, Christian
109 Gosford High School Gosford History Extension Ferry, Caleb
110 Gosford High School Gosford Information Processes and Technology Dyball, Matthew
111 Gosford High School Gosford Information Processes and Technology Zhang, Benson
112 Gosford High School Gosford Japanese Continuers Lim, Hwee Taur
113 Gosford High School Gosford Japanese Continuers Zheng, Zhao-Quan
114 Gosford High School Gosford Legal Studies Ferry, Caleb
115 Gosford High School Gosford Legal Studies Phillips, Emmi
116 Gosford High School Gosford Legal Studies Sheath, Benjamin
117 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Booth, Kelly
118 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Cesca, Jessica
119 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Edwards, Jack
120 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Englund, Charlotte
121 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Fang, Irene
122 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Gupta, Saurav
123 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Hansen, Kurt
124 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Hechenberger, Arden
125 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Kelly, Samuel
126 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Kennedy, Coco
127 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Lam, Yin Tung
128 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Lee, Nayeon
129 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Lill, Mark
130 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Lim, Hwee Taur
131 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Longford, Ashleigh
132 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Peres, Noah
133 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Rockoff, Jordan
134 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Schweisfurth, Aidan
135 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Sheath, Micah
136 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Sutherland, Peter
137 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Thonse Bhat, Raghav
138 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Tomov, Valentin
139 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Walker-Philcox, Emalee
140 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Waters, Siobhan
141 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Zheng, Zhao-Mei
142 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Extension 1 Box, Hannah
143 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Extension 1 Davidson, William
144 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Extension 1 Fardy, Morgan
145 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Extension 1 Jones, Alana
146 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Extension 1 Joseph, Janine
147 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Extension 1 Kelly-Ng, Matthew
148 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Extension 1 Kim, David
149 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Extension 1 Kingsland, Mitchell
150 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Extension 1 Li, Eva
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 14 Oct 2024
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