Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2014

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2014.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

25 of 35980 entries are shown.
34767 - 34791
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34767 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla Ancient History Shipton, Brittany
34768 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla Biology Maher, Alison
34769 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla Business Services Examination French, Tayla
34770 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla Chemistry Bellingham, Jared
34771 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla English (Advanced) Maher, Alison
34772 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla English Extension 1 Maher, Alison
34773 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla English Extension 1 Peel, Ebonylee
34774 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla English Extension 2 Maher, Alison
34775 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla Mathematics Bellingham, Jared
34776 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla Mathematics Edwards, Jordan
34777 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla Mathematics Extension 1 Bellingham, Jared
34778 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla Mathematics Extension 1 Edwards, Jordan
34779 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla Mathematics General 2 Brennan, William
34780 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla Music 1 Boyle, Jessica
34781 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla Music 1 Colley, Mason
34782 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla Music 1 Rossetto, Joseph
34783 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Hansen, Bonnie
34784 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Peel, Ebonylee
34785 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla Society and Culture Ward, Alanah
34786 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla Studies of Religion I Shipton, Brittany
34787 Vincentia High School Vincentia Ancient History Shaw, Tallara Ebony
34788 Vincentia High School Vincentia Ancient History Taylor, Laura Helen
34789 Vincentia High School Vincentia Biology Taylor, Laura Helen
34790 Vincentia High School Vincentia Chemistry Taylor, Laura Helen
34791 Vincentia High School Vincentia Design and Technology Burdfield, Jessica Maree
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 14 Feb 2023
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