Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2014

Filtered by School Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2014.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

172 of 172 entries are shown.
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1 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Ancient History Ganley, Dana Mary
2 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Ancient History Johnston, Anna Mai
3 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Ancient History Johnstone, Alice Grace
4 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Ancient History Lambourne, Ainslie
5 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Ancient History McNaughton, Holly Jane
6 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Ancient History Wall, Matilda Elise
7 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Biology Darnell, Madison Josephine
8 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Biology Louw, Dominique Claire Christob
9 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Biology McKinlay, Isabella Mairi Georgia
10 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Business Studies Bowman, Jacinta Sinead
11 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Business Studies Colbran, Isabella Elsa Joy
12 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Business Studies Collins, Emma Kate
13 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Business Studies Ganley, Dana Mary
14 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Business Studies Gillespie, Olivia Emily
15 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Business Studies Girling, Lara Jade
16 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Business Studies Gooding, Rose Victoria
17 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Business Studies Hardy, Madeleine Lucy
18 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Business Studies Liles, Gemma Patricia
19 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Business Studies Thorn, Julia Grace
20 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Business Studies Vassiliou, Adriana
21 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Business Studies Whiston, Lydia Grace
22 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Drama Carter, Natalie Lauren
23 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Drama Faure, Katherine Grace Steggall
24 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Drama Iron, Charly Rose
25 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Drama McNaughton, Holly Jane
26 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Drama Ohlsson, Rosie Emily
27 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Drama Stam, Jordan Nicole Renee
28 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Drama Wall, Matilda Elise
29 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Economics Bowman, Jacinta Sinead
30 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Economics Louw, Dominique Claire Christob
31 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Barr, Nicola Kate
32 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Bowman, Jacinta Sinead
33 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Byrne, Charlie Rose
34 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Carter, Natalie Lauren
35 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Chin, Tiffany Pei Ming
36 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Collins, Emma Kate
37 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Darnell, Madison Josephine
38 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Dery, Eliana Grace
39 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Faure, Katherine Grace Steggall
40 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Fitzpatrick, Madison Zaida
41 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Ganley, Dana Mary
42 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Gillespie, Olivia Emily
43 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Girling, Lara Jade
44 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Gooding, Rose Victoria
45 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Gray, Lara Cristina
46 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Houston, Morgan Sarah
47 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Johnstone, Alice Grace
48 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Lambourne, Ainslie
49 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Liles, Gemma Patricia
50 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Louw, Dominique Claire Christob
51 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) McKinlay, Isabella Mairi Georgia
52 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) McNaughton, Holly Jane
53 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Oomens, Annabelle Emily
54 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Prendiville, Alexandra Drayton
55 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Spencer, Ottilia Margaret Diamant
56 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Stam, Jordan Nicole Renee
57 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Stitt, Elizabeth Jane
58 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Sydney, Kia
59 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Wall, Matilda Elise
60 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Wells, Bissy Ellen Jane
61 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Whiston, Lydia Grace
62 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Wiggs, Isabella Katerina
63 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English Extension 1 Carter, Natalie Lauren
64 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English Extension 1 Chin, Tiffany Pei Ming
65 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English Extension 1 Faure, Katherine Grace Steggall
66 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English Extension 1 Gillespie, Olivia Emily
67 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English Extension 1 Johnston, Anna Mai
68 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English Extension 1 Lambourne, Ainslie
69 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English Extension 1 McKinlay, Isabella Mairi Georgia
70 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English Extension 1 McNaughton, Holly Jane
71 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English Extension 1 Oomens, Annabelle Emily
72 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English Extension 1 Wall, Matilda Elise
73 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English Extension 2 McKinlay, Isabella Mairi Georgia
74 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English Extension 2 Oomens, Annabelle Emily
75 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman French Continuers Colbran, Isabella Elsa Joy
76 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman French Continuers Costa, Evie Madeline
77 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman French Continuers Fitzpatrick, Madison Zaida
78 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman French Continuers Gray, Lara Cristina
79 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman French Continuers Houston, Morgan Sarah
80 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman French Continuers Johnstone, Alice Grace
81 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman French Continuers Liles, Gemma Patricia
82 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman French Continuers Wall, Matilda Elise
83 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman French Continuers Whiston, Lydia Grace
84 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Geography Bowman, Jacinta Sinead
85 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Geography Carter, Natalie Lauren
86 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Geography Girling, Lara Jade
87 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Geography Gray, Lara Cristina
88 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Geography McKinlay, Isabella Mairi Georgia
89 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Geography Spencer, Ottilia Margaret Diamant
90 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Geography Stam, Jordan Nicole Renee
91 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Geography Vassiliou, Adriana
92 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Geography Wall, Matilda Elise
93 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman German Continuers Boynton, Yvette Edgar
94 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman German Continuers Darnell, Madison Josephine
95 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman German Continuers Fitzpatrick, Madison Zaida
96 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman History Extension Collins, Emma Kate
97 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman History Extension Ganley, Dana Mary
98 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman History Extension Lambourne, Ainslie
99 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman History Extension Stam, Jordan Nicole Renee
100 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman History Extension Wall, Matilda Elise
101 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman History Extension Whiston, Lydia Grace
102 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Hospitality Examination Day, Natalie Lynette
103 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Hospitality Examination Ohlsson, Rosie Emily
104 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Italian Beginners Allchin, Emma Elizabeth
105 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Italian Beginners Costa, Evie Madeline
106 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Italian Beginners Darnell, Madison Josephine
107 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Italian Beginners Fitzpatrick, Madison Zaida
108 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Italian Beginners Nestel, Jacqueline Ruth
109 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Mathematics Barr, Nicola Kate
110 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Mathematics Boynton, Yvette Edgar
111 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Mathematics Chin, Tiffany Pei Ming
112 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Mathematics Darnell, Madison Josephine
113 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Mathematics Gooding, Rose Victoria
114 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Mathematics Houston, Morgan Sarah
115 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Mathematics Louw, Dominique Claire Christob
116 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Mathematics Macho, Dimity Grace
117 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Mathematics McNaughton, Holly Jane
118 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Mathematics Whiston, Lydia Grace
119 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Mathematics Extension 1 Carlisle, Emma Jayne
120 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Mathematics Extension 1 Chin, Tiffany Pei Ming
121 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Mathematics Extension 2 Carlisle, Emma Jayne
122 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Mathematics General 2 Carter, Natalie Lauren
123 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Mathematics General 2 Colbran, Isabella Elsa Joy
124 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Mathematics General 2 Davis, Emily Adelaide
125 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Mathematics General 2 Day, Natalie Lynette
126 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Mathematics General 2 Fitzpatrick, Madison Zaida
127 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Mathematics General 2 Ganley, Dana Mary
128 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Mathematics General 2 Gray, Lara Cristina
129 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Mathematics General 2 Hardy, Madeleine Lucy
130 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Mathematics General 2 Iron, Charly Rose
131 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Mathematics General 2 Johnston, Anna Mai
132 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Mathematics General 2 Nestel, Jacqueline Ruth
133 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Mathematics General 2 Pratt, Avril May
134 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Mathematics General 2 Prendiville, Alexandra Drayton
135 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Modern History Bowman, Jacinta Sinead
136 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Modern History Carter, Natalie Lauren
137 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Modern History Gray, Lara Cristina
138 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Modern History Houston, Morgan Sarah
139 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Modern History Liles, Gemma Patricia
140 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Modern History Oomens, Annabelle Emily
141 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Modern History Spencer, Ottilia Margaret Diamant
142 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Modern History Whiston, Lydia Grace
143 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Music 1 Davis, Emily Adelaide
144 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Music 1 Stam, Jordan Nicole Renee
145 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Music 2 Dalton, Lucy Li
146 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Music 2 Macdonald, Sabrina Sachi Chowdhary
147 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Music 2 Oomens, Annabelle Emily
148 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Music Extension Oomens, Annabelle Emily
149 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Barr, Nicola Kate
150 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Boynton, Yvette Edgar
151 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Gooding, Rose Victoria
152 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Hardy, Madeleine Lucy
153 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Iron, Charly Rose
154 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Nestel, Jacqueline Ruth
155 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Smith, Daisy Louise
156 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Physics Carlisle, Emma Jayne
157 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Swedish Continuers Laidlaw, Matilda Judith
158 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Textiles and Design Colbran, Isabella Elsa Joy
159 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Textiles and Design Gillespie, Olivia Emily
160 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Textiles and Design Hurley, Grace Elizabeth
161 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Textiles and Design Lambourne, Ainslie
162 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Textiles and Design McKinlay, Isabella Mairi Georgia
163 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Textiles and Design Pratt, Avril May
164 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Textiles and Design Wood-Weber, Georgina Natasha
165 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Visual Arts Athas, Christina Patricia
166 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Visual Arts Collins, Emma Kate
167 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Visual Arts Faure, Katherine Grace Steggall
168 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Visual Arts Johnston, Anna Mai
169 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Visual Arts Lambourne, Ainslie
170 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Visual Arts Mager, Chantale Jacqueline Katha
171 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Visual Arts Porges, Freya Rose
172 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Visual Arts Sydney, Kia
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 14 Feb 2023
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