Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2013

Filtered by Subject Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2013.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

50 of 1086 entries are shown.
1 - 50
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1 The Kings School North Parramatta Mathematics Extension 2 Abboud, Andrew George
2 Caringbah High School Caringbah Mathematics Extension 2 Adair, Taiga
3 Loreto Kirribilli Kirribilli Mathematics Extension 2 Adamo, Olivia Anne
4 Gosford High School Gosford Mathematics Extension 2 Adamson, Blake
5 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst Mathematics Extension 2 Adkins, Toby
6 Baulkham Hills High School Baulkham Hills Mathematics Extension 2 Agarwal, Nalini
7 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga Mathematics Extension 2 Ahluwalia, Arun
8 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Extension 2 Akhtar, Faisal
9 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Extension 2 Alameddine, Marwa
10 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst Mathematics Extension 2 Alexander, Oliver
11 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst Mathematics Extension 2 Allchurch, Tom
12 Castle Hill High School Castle Hill Mathematics Extension 2 An, Jong Seo
13 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield Mathematics Extension 2 Anantha Padmanabhan, Saikrishna
14 The Kings School North Parramatta Mathematics Extension 2 Anthony, Phelopatir
15 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 2 Aron, Tanvi
16 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 2 Asatryan, Gabriel
17 Arthur Phillip High School Parramatta Mathematics Extension 2 Au, Minh
18 Baulkham Hills High School Baulkham Hills Mathematics Extension 2 Au, Vincey Wing Sze
19 Alpha Omega Senior College Auburn Mathematics Extension 2 Ayoubi, Aminah
20 Caringbah High School Caringbah Mathematics Extension 2 Badger, John Peter
21 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Mathematics Extension 2 Bae, Lydia Hee-Jee
22 James Ruse Agricultural High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 2 Bai, Jenny
23 SHORE Sydney Church of England Grammar School North Sydney Mathematics Extension 2 Baird, Kirk John
24 James Ruse Agricultural High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 2 Bak, Grace Geunhye
25 Baulkham Hills High School Baulkham Hills Mathematics Extension 2 Bal, Manroop Singh
26 St Marks Coptic Orthodox College Wattle Grove Mathematics Extension 2 Balamon, Anthony
27 North Sydney Boys High School Crows Nest Mathematics Extension 2 Ballurkar, Kieran
28 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Extension 2 Balnozan, Igor
29 James Ruse Agricultural High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 2 Bang, Joseph
30 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst Mathematics Extension 2 Bansal, Akhil
31 Moriah College Queens Park Mathematics Extension 2 Baram, Liora
32 Wyndham College Quakers Hill Mathematics Extension 2 Beard, Jesse
33 Abbotsleigh Wahroonga Mathematics Extension 2 Bell, Sophie Alexandra
34 Northern Beaches Secondary College Manly Campus North Curl Curl Mathematics Extension 2 Bergmark, Joshua Lee
35 Glenwood High School Glenwood Mathematics Extension 2 Beshai, George
36 Penrith High School Penrith Mathematics Extension 2 Bhatt, Kunal
37 Malek Fahd Islamic School Greenacre Mathematics Extension 2 Birro, Selin
38 St Marks Coptic Orthodox College Wattle Grove Mathematics Extension 2 Bishay, Peter
39 St Gregorys College Campbelltown Gregory Hills Mathematics Extension 2 Boucher, Dean
40 St Ignatius College Lane Cove Mathematics Extension 2 Bouffler, Andrew St Joseph
41 Kincumber High School Kincumber Mathematics Extension 2 Bradbury, Jake
42 Parramatta Marist High School Westmead Mathematics Extension 2 Braga San Martin, Matias
43 St Ives High School St Ives Mathematics Extension 2 Brand, Matthew Isaac
44 Baulkham Hills High School Baulkham Hills Mathematics Extension 2 Brizhinev, Dmitry
45 St John Bosco College Engadine Mathematics Extension 2 Brooks, Nicholas
46 The Scots College Bellevue Hill Mathematics Extension 2 Brown, Saxon
47 Blakehurst High School Blakehurst Mathematics Extension 2 Bu, Daniel Haidan
48 Baulkham Hills High School Baulkham Hills Mathematics Extension 2 Bulsara, Bianca
49 William Clarke College Kellyville Mathematics Extension 2 Burke, Matthew
50 SHORE Sydney Church of England Grammar School North Sydney Mathematics Extension 2 Burns, Thomas Henry
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 14 Feb 2023
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