Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2013

Filtered by School Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2013.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

23 of 223 entries are shown.
201 - 223
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201 Merewether High School Broadmeadow Society and Culture Hartup, Danielle Elyse
202 Merewether High School Broadmeadow Society and Culture Ilgen, Benjamin Ryan
203 Merewether High School Broadmeadow Society and Culture Kenworthy, Laure-Elise Dorothea
204 Merewether High School Broadmeadow Society and Culture King, Claudia Ellen
205 Merewether High School Broadmeadow Society and Culture Lewis, Phoebe Jean
206 Merewether High School Broadmeadow Society and Culture Lipscomb, Hannah Jaffray
207 Merewether High School Broadmeadow Society and Culture McQualter, Hayley Olivia
208 Merewether High School Broadmeadow Society and Culture Spencer, Matilda Elizabeth
209 Merewether High School Broadmeadow Society and Culture Stoodley, Isobel Louise
210 Merewether High School Broadmeadow Society and Culture Thong, Grace Hui Ling
211 Merewether High School Broadmeadow Society and Culture Watson-Moore, Lydia Mary
212 Merewether High School Broadmeadow Society and Culture Worthington, Emily Jade Frances
213 Merewether High School Broadmeadow Studies of Religion I Ladwig, Jordan Michaela
214 Merewether High School Broadmeadow Studies of Religion I Spencer, Matilda Elizabeth
215 Merewether High School Broadmeadow Studies of Religion I Zhuang, Rebecca
216 Merewether High School Broadmeadow Studies of Religion II Douglas, Angus Eames
217 Merewether High School Broadmeadow Studies of Religion II Gallimore, Olivia Kate
218 Merewether High School Broadmeadow Studies of Religion II O'Riordan, Megan Emily
219 Merewether High School Broadmeadow Visual Arts Bobrowski, Maia Isobel
220 Merewether High School Broadmeadow Visual Arts Burgess, Claire Elizabeth
221 Merewether High School Broadmeadow Visual Arts Iervasi, Lily Hevave
222 Merewether High School Broadmeadow Visual Arts Sorby, Erika Elizabeth
223 Merewether High School Broadmeadow Visual Arts Zhuang, Rebecca
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 14 Feb 2023
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