This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2013.
Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.
1 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Ancient History | Beilharz, Daniel James |
2 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Biology | Esdaile, Claire Elizabeth |
3 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Biology | Park, Noah Thomas |
4 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Biology | Triggs, Laura Hayley |
5 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Business Studies | Ho, Bianca Beryl |
6 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Business Studies | McCarthy, Hayley Michelle |
7 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Chemistry | Sedra, Tadros Michael |
8 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Chemistry | Triggs, Laura Hayley |
9 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Community and Family Studies | Herrmann, Bree Elyce |
10 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Community and Family Studies | Lyons, Thomas Sean |
11 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Community and Family Studies | Seddon, Johanna Monique |
12 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Community and Family Studies | Skene, Rebecca May |
13 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Dance | Franco, Leah Catherine |
14 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Dance | Gatherer, Mikaela Rose |
15 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Dance | Herrmann, Bree Elyce |
16 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Dance | Ioannou, Mia Hannah Eleni |
17 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Dance | Kneller, Elyse Clare |
18 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Dance | Shiels, Nicole Deborah |
19 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Drama | Delany, Jordan Perette |
20 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Drama | Formby, Ellen Lynda |
21 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Drama | Kneller, Elyse Clare |
22 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Drama | Spring, Keegan Richard |
23 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Drama | Vallely, Lucy Amelia |
24 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Economics | Ho, Bianca Beryl |
25 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | English (Advanced) | Carson, Taryn Jayne |
26 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | English (Advanced) | Spring, Keegan Richard |
27 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | English (Advanced) | Triggs, Laura Hayley |
28 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | English (Standard) | Goldston, Bronte Jayde |
29 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | General Mathematics | Nelson, Georgia Rose |
30 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | German Extension | Wedmore v Baintner-Banati, Clara Victoria |
31 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Hospitality Examination | Miller, Ricquelle |
32 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Information Processes and Technology | Elyard, Matthew William |
33 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Legal Studies | Carson, Taryn Jayne |
34 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Legal Studies | Ho, Bianca Beryl |
35 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Mathematics | Esdaile, Claire Elizabeth |
36 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Mathematics | Ho, Bianca Beryl |
37 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Mathematics | McCarthy, Hayley Michelle |
38 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Mathematics | Roberts, Lachlan Peter |
39 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Mathematics | Triggs, Laura Hayley |
40 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Mathematics Extension 1 | Sedra, Tadros Michael |
41 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Mathematics Extension 1 | Williams, Benjamin Keith |
42 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Mathematics Extension 2 | Sedra, Tadros Michael |
43 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Mathematics Extension 2 | Williams, Benjamin Keith |
44 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Music 1 | Brann, Luke Jonathon |
45 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Music 1 | Leake, Austin Marshall |
46 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Music Extension | Delany, Jordan Perette |
47 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Music Extension | Hobden, Danica Anais |
48 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Music Extension | Keith, Jordan Michael |
49 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Music Extension | Spring, Keegan Richard |
50 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Music Extension | Vallely, Lucy Amelia |
51 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Dickson, Michael Anthony |
52 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Hagtharp, David Lloyd |
53 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Johnson, Kelly Maree |
54 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Lyons, Thomas Sean |
55 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Triggs, Laura Hayley |
56 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Physics | Sedra, Tadros Michael |
57 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Society and Culture | Dickson, Michael Anthony |
58 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Textiles and Design | Adamson, Brittany Amber |
59 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Textiles and Design | Beckinsale, Sarah Louise |
60 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Textiles and Design | Buck, Addyson Jane |
61 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Textiles and Design | Parkin, Emily Maree |
62 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Visual Arts | Bishop, Alison Nicole |
63 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Visual Arts | Dabron, Emily May |
64 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Visual Arts | Formby, Ellen Lynda |
65 | Kirrawee High School | Kirrawee | Visual Arts | Spring, Keegan Richard |