Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2012

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2012.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

200 of 35055 entries are shown.
32637 - 32836
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32637 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Chemistry McCosker, Alice
32638 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Chemistry Wijesinghe, Kishan
32639 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Dance Belcher, James
32640 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Economics Verma, Rahil
32641 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Economics Wijesinghe, Kishan
32642 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong English (Advanced) Browne, Evan
32643 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong English (Advanced) Butler, Siobhan
32644 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong English (Advanced) Early, James
32645 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong English (Advanced) Fernandez, Lisa
32646 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong English (Advanced) Folder, Naomi
32647 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong English (Advanced) Lees, Briana (Bri)
32648 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong English (Advanced) McNamara, Daniel
32649 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong English Extension 1 Allison, Hugh
32650 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong English Extension 1 Browne, Evan
32651 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong English Extension 1 Butler, Siobhan
32652 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong English Extension 1 Early, James
32653 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong English Extension 1 Folder, Naomi
32654 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong English Extension 1 Lees, Briana (Bri)
32655 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong English Extension 2 Butler, Siobhan
32656 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong French Continuers Browne, Evan
32657 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong General Mathematics Boswell, Madeline
32658 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong General Mathematics Lees, Briana (Bri)
32659 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong General Mathematics McIntosh, Hamish
32660 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong General Mathematics McNeilly, Callum
32661 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong General Mathematics O'Donnell, Emily
32662 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Geography Martin, Alistair
32663 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Geography O'Donnell, Emily
32664 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Industrial Technology Bujaroski, Adrian
32665 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Industrial Technology Dragutinovich, Thomas (Tom)
32666 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Industrial Technology Harrison, William
32667 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Industrial Technology Poort, Jarrod
32668 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Industrial Technology Porteous, James
32669 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Information Processes and Technology Kroek, David
32670 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Information Processes and Technology Morlando, Alexander
32671 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Japanese Continuers Butler, Sam
32672 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Korean Background Speakers You, Da Eun (Lia)
32673 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Mathematics Browne, Evan
32674 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Mathematics Chapple, Samuel (Sam)
32675 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Mathematics Folder, Naomi
32676 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Mathematics Marzano, Nicholas
32677 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Mathematics Extension 1 Allison, Hugh
32678 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Mathematics Extension 1 Davis, Rosemary (Rosie)
32679 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Mathematics Extension 1 Drastik, Penelope Helen
32680 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Mathematics Extension 1 McCosker, Alice
32681 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Mathematics Extension 1 Wijesinghe, Kishan
32682 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Mathematics Extension 2 Drastik, Penelope Helen
32683 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Mathematics Extension 2 Wijesinghe, Kishan
32684 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Modern History Butler, Siobhan
32685 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Modern History Davis, Rosemary (Rosie)
32686 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Music 1 Biddle, Noah
32687 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Music 1 Chilcott, Aiden
32688 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Music 1 Dominis, Katerina (Katie)
32689 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Music 1 McIntosh, Hamish
32690 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Music 2 Boswell, Madeline
32691 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Music 2 Early, James
32692 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Music 2 Gibbs, Charlotte
32693 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Music 2 Grenyer, Kees
32694 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Music 2 Hort, Jessica
32695 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Music 2 McNamara, Daniel
32696 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Music Extension Hort, Jessica
32697 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Chapple, Samuel (Sam)
32698 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Physics Allison, Hugh
32699 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Physics Davis, Rosemary (Rosie)
32700 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Physics McCosker, Alice
32701 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Physics Wijesinghe, Kishan
32702 The Jannali High School Jannali Ancient History Garbutt, Zoe Nicole
32703 The Jannali High School Jannali Ancient History Kowalski, Charlotte Jade
32704 The Jannali High School Jannali Ancient History Young, Ashleigh Elizabeth
32705 The Jannali High School Jannali Biology Garbutt, Zoe Nicole
32706 The Jannali High School Jannali Biology Peacey, Ashlee Jane
32707 The Jannali High School Jannali Chemistry Peacey, Ashlee Jane
32708 The Jannali High School Jannali Community and Family Studies Deeth, Georgia
32709 The Jannali High School Jannali Community and Family Studies MacDonald, Ashlee Jean
32710 The Jannali High School Jannali Community and Family Studies Pound, Olivia Ann
32711 The Jannali High School Jannali Community and Family Studies Waterworth, Samantha
32712 The Jannali High School Jannali Community and Family Studies Young, Ashleigh Elizabeth
32713 The Jannali High School Jannali Engineering Studies Baxter, Angus Stewart
32714 The Jannali High School Jannali English (Advanced) Smith, Roseanna Jane
32715 The Jannali High School Jannali Food Technology Brandt-Sawdy, Erin Kathleen
32716 The Jannali High School Jannali Food Technology Deeth, Georgia
32717 The Jannali High School Jannali Food Technology Kowalski, Charlotte Jade
32718 The Jannali High School Jannali Food Technology Peacey, Ashlee Jane
32719 The Jannali High School Jannali Food Technology Pound, Olivia Ann
32720 The Jannali High School Jannali General Mathematics McColl, Caitlin
32721 The Jannali High School Jannali General Mathematics Paglia, Lisa-Marie
32722 The Jannali High School Jannali Hospitality Examination MacDonald, Ashlee Jean
32723 The Jannali High School Jannali Music 1 Manos, Luke William
32724 The Jannali High School Jannali Music 1 Radovich, Daniel Alexander
32725 The Jannali High School Jannali Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Pink, Rebecca Jayne
32726 The Jannali High School Jannali Senior Science McColl, Caitlin
32727 The Jannali High School Jannali Society and Culture Cheeseman, Cassandra Joy
32728 The Jannali High School Jannali Society and Culture McColl, Caitlin
32729 The Jannali High School Jannali Society and Culture McGrath, Daniel Scott
32730 The Jannali High School Jannali Society and Culture Smith, Roseanna Jane
32731 The Jannali High School Jannali Textiles and Design Pink, Rebecca Jayne
32732 The Jannali High School Jannali Textiles and Design Smith, Roseanna Jane
32733 The Jannali High School Jannali Textiles and Design White, Brittanee
32734 The Jannali High School Jannali Textiles and Design Wood, Rhiarne Elise
32735 The Kings School North Parramatta Agriculture Pratt, Benjamin Arthur James
32736 The Kings School North Parramatta Agriculture Weal, Nicholas Millner
32737 The Kings School North Parramatta Ancient History Bliss, Jack Harrison
32738 The Kings School North Parramatta Ancient History Konstantopoulos, David Paul
32739 The Kings School North Parramatta Ancient History Magee, Patrick James Brian
32740 The Kings School North Parramatta Biology Allen, Digby Wigram Maiden
32741 The Kings School North Parramatta Biology Bailey, Maximilian Robert
32742 The Kings School North Parramatta Biology Bliss, Jack Harrison
32743 The Kings School North Parramatta Biology Goding, Curtis Alexander
32744 The Kings School North Parramatta Biology Hollard, Sebastian Kane
32745 The Kings School North Parramatta Biology Liddle, Ryan Mark
32746 The Kings School North Parramatta Biology Matson, Matthew
32747 The Kings School North Parramatta Biology Noh, Scott
32748 The Kings School North Parramatta Biology O'Keefe, Ryan Edward
32749 The Kings School North Parramatta Biology Paver, Ian Kenneth
32750 The Kings School North Parramatta Biology Pegler, Thomas Edward
32751 The Kings School North Parramatta Biology Perera, Vidura Thejana
32752 The Kings School North Parramatta Biology Pratt, Benjamin Arthur James
32753 The Kings School North Parramatta Biology Stanford, Gregory William
32754 The Kings School North Parramatta Biology Tan, Justin Wei Ming
32755 The Kings School North Parramatta Business Studies Bukovinsky, Jak
32756 The Kings School North Parramatta Business Studies Custance, Bert John
32757 The Kings School North Parramatta Business Studies Ferris, Andrew Peter
32758 The Kings School North Parramatta Business Studies Hawke, Edward Antony John
32759 The Kings School North Parramatta Business Studies Joyce, Ryland James Edward
32760 The Kings School North Parramatta Business Studies Joyner, Charles Henry
32761 The Kings School North Parramatta Business Studies Khot, Eshan Dhananjay
32762 The Kings School North Parramatta Business Studies Mackay, Calum
32763 The Kings School North Parramatta Business Studies Matson, Matthew
32764 The Kings School North Parramatta Business Studies Pollock, Adam John
32765 The Kings School North Parramatta Business Studies Robertson, John Bruce
32766 The Kings School North Parramatta Business Studies St Pier, Alexander Michael
32767 The Kings School North Parramatta Business Studies Stanford, Gregory William
32768 The Kings School North Parramatta Business Studies Tregoning, Nicholas Charles
32769 The Kings School North Parramatta Business Studies Trotman, Justin Yiu-Siang
32770 The Kings School North Parramatta Business Studies Walmsley, Julian Alexander
32771 The Kings School North Parramatta Business Studies Weal, Nicholas Millner
32772 The Kings School North Parramatta Business Studies Wylie, Max Alfred Francis
32773 The Kings School North Parramatta Chemistry Bennett, Scott Edward
32774 The Kings School North Parramatta Chemistry Brooks, Alexander James
32775 The Kings School North Parramatta Chemistry Chelliah, Avinesh
32776 The Kings School North Parramatta Chemistry Goding, Curtis Alexander
32777 The Kings School North Parramatta Chemistry Jacob, Matthew John
32778 The Kings School North Parramatta Chemistry Kliner, Jack Mark
32779 The Kings School North Parramatta Chemistry Lai, Calvin Ka Chun
32780 The Kings School North Parramatta Chemistry Lysaght, Thomas Edward Royse
32781 The Kings School North Parramatta Chemistry Mok, Eric Hosung
32782 The Kings School North Parramatta Chemistry Noh, Scott
32783 The Kings School North Parramatta Chemistry Paver, Ian Kenneth
32784 The Kings School North Parramatta Chemistry Perera, Vidura Thejana
32785 The Kings School North Parramatta Chemistry Ryu, Dong Woo Paul
32786 The Kings School North Parramatta Chemistry Shen, Bowen
32787 The Kings School North Parramatta Chemistry Wong, Tat Wang
32788 The Kings School North Parramatta Chinese Continuers Mok, Eric Hosung
32789 The Kings School North Parramatta Drama Beattie, Lachlan Clay
32790 The Kings School North Parramatta Drama Benness, Hugo Christopher Voo
32791 The Kings School North Parramatta Drama Brighton, Benjamin Nicholas
32792 The Kings School North Parramatta Drama Gage, Dylan Leigh
32793 The Kings School North Parramatta Drama Goding, Curtis Alexander
32794 The Kings School North Parramatta Drama Hatoum, Bishara
32795 The Kings School North Parramatta Drama Howlett, Michael Christopher
32796 The Kings School North Parramatta Drama Joyce, Ryland James Edward
32797 The Kings School North Parramatta Drama Mackay, Calum
32798 The Kings School North Parramatta Drama Peacock, Cameron John
32799 The Kings School North Parramatta Drama Pegler, Thomas Edward
32800 The Kings School North Parramatta Drama Pratt, Benjamin Arthur James
32801 The Kings School North Parramatta Drama Rodrigues, Jarrod Anthony
32802 The Kings School North Parramatta Drama Stephens, Jack Rennison
32803 The Kings School North Parramatta Drama Walton, Alex Miller
32804 The Kings School North Parramatta Earth and Environmental Science St Pier, Alexander Michael
32805 The Kings School North Parramatta Economics Bukovinsky, Jak
32806 The Kings School North Parramatta Economics Kho, Frickson
32807 The Kings School North Parramatta Economics Khot, Eshan Dhananjay
32808 The Kings School North Parramatta Economics Konstantopoulos, David Paul
32809 The Kings School North Parramatta Economics Lysaght, Thomas Edward Royse
32810 The Kings School North Parramatta Economics Milano, Harley
32811 The Kings School North Parramatta Economics Trotman, Justin Yiu-Siang
32812 The Kings School North Parramatta Economics Weal, Nicholas Millner
32813 The Kings School North Parramatta Engineering Studies Burdis, David Graham
32814 The Kings School North Parramatta Engineering Studies Liddle, Ryan Mark
32815 The Kings School North Parramatta Engineering Studies MacAlpine, James Ian
32816 The Kings School North Parramatta Engineering Studies Mallett, James William
32817 The Kings School North Parramatta Engineering Studies Peacock, Cameron John
32818 The Kings School North Parramatta English (Advanced) Allen, Digby Wigram Maiden
32819 The Kings School North Parramatta English (Advanced) Benness, Hugo Christopher Voo
32820 The Kings School North Parramatta English (Advanced) Bennett, Scott Edward
32821 The Kings School North Parramatta English (Advanced) Bliss, Jack Harrison
32822 The Kings School North Parramatta English (Advanced) Brooks, Alexander James
32823 The Kings School North Parramatta English (Advanced) Bukovinsky, Jak
32824 The Kings School North Parramatta English (Advanced) Chelliah, Avinesh
32825 The Kings School North Parramatta English (Advanced) Fang, Jerry Jun Hao
32826 The Kings School North Parramatta English (Advanced) Goding, Curtis Alexander
32827 The Kings School North Parramatta English (Advanced) Herath, Chamath Bandara
32828 The Kings School North Parramatta English (Advanced) Jin, Young Hwee
32829 The Kings School North Parramatta English (Advanced) Kho, Frickson
32830 The Kings School North Parramatta English (Advanced) Khot, Eshan Dhananjay
32831 The Kings School North Parramatta English (Advanced) Kliner, Jack Mark
32832 The Kings School North Parramatta English (Advanced) Konstantopoulos, David Paul
32833 The Kings School North Parramatta English (Advanced) Lysaght, Thomas Edward Royse
32834 The Kings School North Parramatta English (Advanced) Milano, Harley
32835 The Kings School North Parramatta English (Advanced) Mok, Eric Hosung
32836 The Kings School North Parramatta English (Advanced) Noh, Scott
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 14 Jan 2022
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