Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2011

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2011.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

150 of 36190 entries are shown.
1410 - 1559
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1410 Ballina High School Ballina Community and Family Studies Wenzel-Nicholson, Andrea Lynette
1411 Ballina High School Ballina English (Advanced) Sines, Jason Edward
1412 Ballina High School Ballina English Extension 2 Burke, Carina Elise
1413 Ballina High School Ballina English Extension 2 Sines, Jason Edward
1414 Ballina High School Ballina Industrial Technology Corkill, Cameron Leigh
1415 Ballina High School Ballina Mathematics Sines, Jason Edward
1416 Ballina High School Ballina Visual Arts Burke, Carina Elise
1417 Bankstown Girls High School Bankstown Business Studies Lal, Sherrilyn Monisha
1418 Bankstown Girls High School Bankstown Design and Technology Al Safar Ali, Dua
1419 Bankstown Girls High School Bankstown Design and Technology Ali, Dianna
1420 Bankstown Girls High School Bankstown Design and Technology Ali, Noura
1421 Bankstown Girls High School Bankstown Design and Technology Bui, Thi Ky Duyen
1422 Bankstown Girls High School Bankstown English as a Second Language Ashrafi, Sajida
1423 Bankstown Girls High School Bankstown English as a Second Language Tran, Thi Nhung
1424 Bankstown Girls High School Bankstown English Extension 1 Lal, Sherrilyn Monisha
1425 Bankstown Girls High School Bankstown English Extension 1 Le, Katrina
1426 Bankstown Girls High School Bankstown English Extension 1 Omais, Mona
1427 Bankstown Girls High School Bankstown History Extension Lal, Sherrilyn Monisha
1428 Bankstown Girls High School Bankstown Mathematics Extension 1 Nguyen, Hoang Thien Trang
1429 Bankstown Girls High School Bankstown Mathematics Extension 1 Tran, Thi Nhung
1430 Bankstown Girls High School Bankstown Mathematics Extension 2 Nguyen, Hoang Thien Trang
1431 Bankstown Girls High School Bankstown Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Ashrafi, Sajida
1432 Bankstown Girls High School Bankstown Visual Arts Tran, Kathy
1433 Bankstown Senior College Bankstown Arabic Beginners Boulad, Mira
1434 Bankstown Senior College Bankstown Biology Han, Sang Hun Danny
1435 Bankstown Senior College Bankstown Business Studies Han, Sang Hun Danny
1436 Bankstown Senior College Bankstown English as a Second Language Han, Sang Hun Danny
1437 Banora Point High School Banora Point Music 1 McIveen, Angus
1438 Barellan Central School Barellan Industrial Technology Wilmot, Thomas Scott
1439 Barham High School Barham Biology McConnell, Michael
1440 Barham High School Barham Chemistry McConnell, Michael
1441 Barham High School Barham English Extension 1 McConnell, Michael
1442 Barham High School Barham Hospitality Examination Weekley, Georgia Joan
1443 Barham High School Barham Legal Studies McConnell, Michael
1444 Barham High School Barham Mathematics McConnell, Michael
1445 Barker College Hornsby Agriculture Duggan, Evangeline Rebecca
1446 Barker College Hornsby Agriculture Giltrap, James George
1447 Barker College Hornsby Agriculture Lee, Jason
1448 Barker College Hornsby Agriculture McCarthy, William John
1449 Barker College Hornsby Ancient History Achterstraat, Amelia Jane
1450 Barker College Hornsby Ancient History Brescia, Angelique Jacqueline
1451 Barker College Hornsby Ancient History Brodie, Thomas Benjamin
1452 Barker College Hornsby Ancient History Buddin, Hugh Goode
1453 Barker College Hornsby Ancient History Ferris, Ellen Wendy
1454 Barker College Hornsby Ancient History Fowell, Richard Benjamin
1455 Barker College Hornsby Ancient History Greenberg, Miles David
1456 Barker College Hornsby Ancient History Keen, Alexander John
1457 Barker College Hornsby Ancient History Kirby, Robyn Ann
1458 Barker College Hornsby Ancient History Knox, Sophie Elizabeth
1459 Barker College Hornsby Ancient History Krust, Rachel Louisa
1460 Barker College Hornsby Ancient History Simpson, Alastair Phillip
1461 Barker College Hornsby Ancient History Slater, Alexa Clare
1462 Barker College Hornsby Ancient History Smerdon, Julia Rosemarie
1463 Barker College Hornsby Ancient History Stein, Katherine
1464 Barker College Hornsby Ancient History Tall, Grant Michael
1465 Barker College Hornsby Ancient History Thompson, Alexandra Kate
1466 Barker College Hornsby Ancient History Timp, Luke Marshall
1467 Barker College Hornsby Ancient History Varnay, Michael Andrew
1468 Barker College Hornsby Ancient History Wickremesinghe, Dineth Jerome
1469 Barker College Hornsby Biology Arndt, Natascha
1470 Barker College Hornsby Biology Barnes, Alexander Paris
1471 Barker College Hornsby Biology Bickford, Claudia Louise
1472 Barker College Hornsby Biology Black, Bronte Louise
1473 Barker College Hornsby Biology Duggan, Evangeline Rebecca
1474 Barker College Hornsby Biology Dunn, Jared Robert
1475 Barker College Hornsby Biology Eldridge, Georgia Mae
1476 Barker College Hornsby Biology Friend-Ngui, Geraldine Helen
1477 Barker College Hornsby Biology Giltrap, James George
1478 Barker College Hornsby Biology Grainger, Richard John
1479 Barker College Hornsby Biology Griffin, Holly Elise
1480 Barker College Hornsby Biology Keen, Alexander John
1481 Barker College Hornsby Biology Knox, Sophie Elizabeth
1482 Barker College Hornsby Biology Lee, Jason
1483 Barker College Hornsby Biology Livanas, Triffin Trevor
1484 Barker College Hornsby Biology May, Elizabeth Ann
1485 Barker College Hornsby Biology Mills, Daniel Matthew
1486 Barker College Hornsby Biology Ratanawongprasat, Natalie
1487 Barker College Hornsby Biology Ridehalgh, Georgina Elizabeth
1488 Barker College Hornsby Biology Saikawa, Gohto
1489 Barker College Hornsby Biology Schamschula, Joshua David
1490 Barker College Hornsby Biology Schlotfeldt, Kathryn Julia
1491 Barker College Hornsby Biology Skews, Calvin Seth
1492 Barker College Hornsby Biology Stein, Katherine
1493 Barker College Hornsby Biology Wee, Rachel Kah-Cian
1494 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Allchurch, Richard Peter
1495 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Burton, Jack Henry
1496 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Colderick, Murray Jack
1497 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Daly, Shane Gerard
1498 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Dunn, Jared Robert
1499 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Eggington, Harry David
1500 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Fowell, Richard Benjamin
1501 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Griffin, Holly Elise
1502 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Lowings, Amber Elizabeth
1503 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies McCaugherty, Ryan Anthony
1504 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Page, Matthew William
1505 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Schuster, Daniel
1506 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Snodgrass, Matthew Peter
1507 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Tall, Grant Michael
1508 Barker College Hornsby Business Studies Wickremesinghe, Dineth Jerome
1509 Barker College Hornsby Chemistry Batchen, Daniel James
1510 Barker College Hornsby Chemistry Brodie, Thomas Benjamin
1511 Barker College Hornsby Chemistry Bui, Daniel Anh
1512 Barker College Hornsby Chemistry Davis, Matthew Lachlan
1513 Barker College Hornsby Chemistry Edmunds, Claire Louise
1514 Barker College Hornsby Chemistry Ho, Marcus Chi
1515 Barker College Hornsby Chemistry Keen, Alexander John
1516 Barker College Hornsby Chemistry Killick, Nathan Michael
1517 Barker College Hornsby Chemistry Martin, Amy Rose
1518 Barker College Hornsby Chemistry Mills, Daniel Matthew
1519 Barker College Hornsby Chemistry Needham, Clare Jennifer
1520 Barker College Hornsby Chemistry Ratanawongprasat, Natalie
1521 Barker College Hornsby Chemistry Rush, Jonathan Edward
1522 Barker College Hornsby Chemistry Saikawa, Gohto
1523 Barker College Hornsby Chemistry Soussa, James Andre
1524 Barker College Hornsby Design and Technology Daly, Shane Gerard
1525 Barker College Hornsby Design and Technology Ho, Sherwin Yu
1526 Barker College Hornsby Design and Technology Lowings, Amber Elizabeth
1527 Barker College Hornsby Design and Technology Telfer, James William
1528 Barker College Hornsby Design and Technology Wade, Alice Victoria
1529 Barker College Hornsby Drama Bennett, Lachlan Jack
1530 Barker College Hornsby Drama Crumlin, Jack Richard
1531 Barker College Hornsby Drama D'Arcy, Jack Read
1532 Barker College Hornsby Drama Day, Harry Angus
1533 Barker College Hornsby Drama Hawthorne, Thomas Stuart
1534 Barker College Hornsby Drama Heise, Mikaela Dominique
1535 Barker College Hornsby Drama Leek, Scott Alexander
1536 Barker College Hornsby Drama McNee, Jonathan Warwick
1537 Barker College Hornsby Drama Officer, Charlotte Jane
1538 Barker College Hornsby Drama Price, Jack Francis
1539 Barker College Hornsby Drama Quaife, Timothy Stanley
1540 Barker College Hornsby Dutch Continuers Bardoel, Niels Theodore
1541 Barker College Hornsby Earth and Environmental Science Duggan, Evangeline Rebecca
1542 Barker College Hornsby Earth and Environmental Science Fagen, Nicole Louise
1543 Barker College Hornsby Earth and Environmental Science Grainger, Richard John
1544 Barker College Hornsby Earth and Environmental Science Mead, Camilla Christina
1545 Barker College Hornsby Earth and Environmental Science Ridehalgh, Georgina Elizabeth
1546 Barker College Hornsby Earth and Environmental Science Roberts, Jarryd Lachlan
1547 Barker College Hornsby Earth and Environmental Science Schamschula, Joshua David
1548 Barker College Hornsby Earth and Environmental Science Westmore, Lachlan David
1549 Barker College Hornsby Economics Achterstraat, Amelia Jane
1550 Barker College Hornsby Economics Bui, Daniel Anh
1551 Barker College Hornsby Economics Ivimey, Shane Dean
1552 Barker College Hornsby Economics Lomax, Kayla Elise
1553 Barker College Hornsby Economics May, Elizabeth Ann
1554 Barker College Hornsby Economics Molloy, Declan Stephen
1555 Barker College Hornsby Economics O'Harte, Thomas Charles
1556 Barker College Hornsby Economics Samarasinghe, Sereena
1557 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Achterstraat, Amelia Jane
1558 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Akopian, Eva Eileen
1559 Barker College Hornsby English (Advanced) Arndt, Natascha
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 14 Feb 2023
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