1410 | Ballina High School | Ballina | Community and Family Studies | Wenzel-Nicholson, Andrea Lynette |
1411 | Ballina High School | Ballina | English (Advanced) | Sines, Jason Edward |
1412 | Ballina High School | Ballina | English Extension 2 | Burke, Carina Elise |
1413 | Ballina High School | Ballina | English Extension 2 | Sines, Jason Edward |
1414 | Ballina High School | Ballina | Industrial Technology | Corkill, Cameron Leigh |
1415 | Ballina High School | Ballina | Mathematics | Sines, Jason Edward |
1416 | Ballina High School | Ballina | Visual Arts | Burke, Carina Elise |
1417 | Bankstown Girls High School | Bankstown | Business Studies | Lal, Sherrilyn Monisha |
1418 | Bankstown Girls High School | Bankstown | Design and Technology | Al Safar Ali, Dua |
1419 | Bankstown Girls High School | Bankstown | Design and Technology | Ali, Dianna |
1420 | Bankstown Girls High School | Bankstown | Design and Technology | Ali, Noura |
1421 | Bankstown Girls High School | Bankstown | Design and Technology | Bui, Thi Ky Duyen |
1422 | Bankstown Girls High School | Bankstown | English as a Second Language | Ashrafi, Sajida |
1423 | Bankstown Girls High School | Bankstown | English as a Second Language | Tran, Thi Nhung |
1424 | Bankstown Girls High School | Bankstown | English Extension 1 | Lal, Sherrilyn Monisha |
1425 | Bankstown Girls High School | Bankstown | English Extension 1 | Le, Katrina |
1426 | Bankstown Girls High School | Bankstown | English Extension 1 | Omais, Mona |
1427 | Bankstown Girls High School | Bankstown | History Extension | Lal, Sherrilyn Monisha |
1428 | Bankstown Girls High School | Bankstown | Mathematics Extension 1 | Nguyen, Hoang Thien Trang |
1429 | Bankstown Girls High School | Bankstown | Mathematics Extension 1 | Tran, Thi Nhung |
1430 | Bankstown Girls High School | Bankstown | Mathematics Extension 2 | Nguyen, Hoang Thien Trang |
1431 | Bankstown Girls High School | Bankstown | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Ashrafi, Sajida |
1432 | Bankstown Girls High School | Bankstown | Visual Arts | Tran, Kathy |
1433 | Bankstown Senior College | Bankstown | Arabic Beginners | Boulad, Mira |
1434 | Bankstown Senior College | Bankstown | Biology | Han, Sang Hun Danny |
1435 | Bankstown Senior College | Bankstown | Business Studies | Han, Sang Hun Danny |
1436 | Bankstown Senior College | Bankstown | English as a Second Language | Han, Sang Hun Danny |
1437 | Banora Point High School | Banora Point | Music 1 | McIveen, Angus |
1438 | Barellan Central School | Barellan | Industrial Technology | Wilmot, Thomas Scott |
1439 | Barham High School | Barham | Biology | McConnell, Michael |
1440 | Barham High School | Barham | Chemistry | McConnell, Michael |
1441 | Barham High School | Barham | English Extension 1 | McConnell, Michael |
1442 | Barham High School | Barham | Hospitality Examination | Weekley, Georgia Joan |
1443 | Barham High School | Barham | Legal Studies | McConnell, Michael |
1444 | Barham High School | Barham | Mathematics | McConnell, Michael |
1445 | Barker College | Hornsby | Agriculture | Duggan, Evangeline Rebecca |
1446 | Barker College | Hornsby | Agriculture | Giltrap, James George |
1447 | Barker College | Hornsby | Agriculture | Lee, Jason |
1448 | Barker College | Hornsby | Agriculture | McCarthy, William John |
1449 | Barker College | Hornsby | Ancient History | Achterstraat, Amelia Jane |
1450 | Barker College | Hornsby | Ancient History | Brescia, Angelique Jacqueline |
1451 | Barker College | Hornsby | Ancient History | Brodie, Thomas Benjamin |
1452 | Barker College | Hornsby | Ancient History | Buddin, Hugh Goode |
1453 | Barker College | Hornsby | Ancient History | Ferris, Ellen Wendy |
1454 | Barker College | Hornsby | Ancient History | Fowell, Richard Benjamin |
1455 | Barker College | Hornsby | Ancient History | Greenberg, Miles David |
1456 | Barker College | Hornsby | Ancient History | Keen, Alexander John |
1457 | Barker College | Hornsby | Ancient History | Kirby, Robyn Ann |
1458 | Barker College | Hornsby | Ancient History | Knox, Sophie Elizabeth |
1459 | Barker College | Hornsby | Ancient History | Krust, Rachel Louisa |
1460 | Barker College | Hornsby | Ancient History | Simpson, Alastair Phillip |
1461 | Barker College | Hornsby | Ancient History | Slater, Alexa Clare |
1462 | Barker College | Hornsby | Ancient History | Smerdon, Julia Rosemarie |
1463 | Barker College | Hornsby | Ancient History | Stein, Katherine |
1464 | Barker College | Hornsby | Ancient History | Tall, Grant Michael |
1465 | Barker College | Hornsby | Ancient History | Thompson, Alexandra Kate |
1466 | Barker College | Hornsby | Ancient History | Timp, Luke Marshall |
1467 | Barker College | Hornsby | Ancient History | Varnay, Michael Andrew |
1468 | Barker College | Hornsby | Ancient History | Wickremesinghe, Dineth Jerome |
1469 | Barker College | Hornsby | Biology | Arndt, Natascha |
1470 | Barker College | Hornsby | Biology | Barnes, Alexander Paris |
1471 | Barker College | Hornsby | Biology | Bickford, Claudia Louise |
1472 | Barker College | Hornsby | Biology | Black, Bronte Louise |
1473 | Barker College | Hornsby | Biology | Duggan, Evangeline Rebecca |
1474 | Barker College | Hornsby | Biology | Dunn, Jared Robert |
1475 | Barker College | Hornsby | Biology | Eldridge, Georgia Mae |
1476 | Barker College | Hornsby | Biology | Friend-Ngui, Geraldine Helen |
1477 | Barker College | Hornsby | Biology | Giltrap, James George |
1478 | Barker College | Hornsby | Biology | Grainger, Richard John |
1479 | Barker College | Hornsby | Biology | Griffin, Holly Elise |
1480 | Barker College | Hornsby | Biology | Keen, Alexander John |
1481 | Barker College | Hornsby | Biology | Knox, Sophie Elizabeth |
1482 | Barker College | Hornsby | Biology | Lee, Jason |
1483 | Barker College | Hornsby | Biology | Livanas, Triffin Trevor |
1484 | Barker College | Hornsby | Biology | May, Elizabeth Ann |
1485 | Barker College | Hornsby | Biology | Mills, Daniel Matthew |
1486 | Barker College | Hornsby | Biology | Ratanawongprasat, Natalie |
1487 | Barker College | Hornsby | Biology | Ridehalgh, Georgina Elizabeth |
1488 | Barker College | Hornsby | Biology | Saikawa, Gohto |
1489 | Barker College | Hornsby | Biology | Schamschula, Joshua David |
1490 | Barker College | Hornsby | Biology | Schlotfeldt, Kathryn Julia |
1491 | Barker College | Hornsby | Biology | Skews, Calvin Seth |
1492 | Barker College | Hornsby | Biology | Stein, Katherine |
1493 | Barker College | Hornsby | Biology | Wee, Rachel Kah-Cian |
1494 | Barker College | Hornsby | Business Studies | Allchurch, Richard Peter |
1495 | Barker College | Hornsby | Business Studies | Burton, Jack Henry |
1496 | Barker College | Hornsby | Business Studies | Colderick, Murray Jack |
1497 | Barker College | Hornsby | Business Studies | Daly, Shane Gerard |
1498 | Barker College | Hornsby | Business Studies | Dunn, Jared Robert |
1499 | Barker College | Hornsby | Business Studies | Eggington, Harry David |
1500 | Barker College | Hornsby | Business Studies | Fowell, Richard Benjamin |
1501 | Barker College | Hornsby | Business Studies | Griffin, Holly Elise |
1502 | Barker College | Hornsby | Business Studies | Lowings, Amber Elizabeth |
1503 | Barker College | Hornsby | Business Studies | McCaugherty, Ryan Anthony |
1504 | Barker College | Hornsby | Business Studies | Page, Matthew William |
1505 | Barker College | Hornsby | Business Studies | Schuster, Daniel |
1506 | Barker College | Hornsby | Business Studies | Snodgrass, Matthew Peter |
1507 | Barker College | Hornsby | Business Studies | Tall, Grant Michael |
1508 | Barker College | Hornsby | Business Studies | Wickremesinghe, Dineth Jerome |
1509 | Barker College | Hornsby | Chemistry | Batchen, Daniel James |