Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2011

Filtered by Subject Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2011.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

200 of 3045 entries are shown.
2751 - 2950
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2751 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst Mathematics Chen, David
2752 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst Mathematics Daley, Patrick
2753 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst Mathematics Doolabh, Keyur
2754 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst Mathematics Elkington, Liam
2755 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst Mathematics Immidi, Naga Tarang
2756 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst Mathematics Korchemny, Nick
2757 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst Mathematics Macdonald, Charles
2758 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst Mathematics Mallen-Cooper, Max
2759 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst Mathematics Mazzochi, Charles
2760 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst Mathematics Mills, Ashley
2761 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst Mathematics Patrick, Samuel
2762 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst Mathematics Selwyn, Joseph
2763 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst Mathematics Ward, Patrick
2764 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst Mathematics Williams, George
2765 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst Mathematics Zubrzycki, Alexander
2766 Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus Glebe Mathematics Alderton, Bradley
2767 Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus Glebe Mathematics Chieng, Yuan Ping (Jessica)
2768 Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus Glebe Mathematics Elliott, Daniel
2769 Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus Glebe Mathematics Fang, Vincent
2770 Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus Glebe Mathematics Hager, Gerard
2771 Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus Glebe Mathematics Huang, Ming-Lan
2772 Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus Glebe Mathematics Huynh, Hilary
2773 Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus Glebe Mathematics Kim, Yeon Jae
2774 Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus Glebe Mathematics Li, Gui Heng (Henry)
2775 Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus Glebe Mathematics McGill, Max
2776 Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus Glebe Mathematics McNamara, Patrick
2777 Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus Glebe Mathematics Morris, Jeremy
2778 Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus Glebe Mathematics Myo, Carolyn
2779 Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus Glebe Mathematics Ricardo, Gina Hui Ling
2780 Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus Glebe Mathematics Sresutharsan, Athavan
2781 Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus Glebe Mathematics Tang, Eddie
2782 Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus Glebe Mathematics Wang, Zhibai
2783 Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus Glebe Mathematics Wang, Zhicheng
2784 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Arditti, Ricardo Alexander
2785 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Chan, Douglas John
2786 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Dickson, James Mitchell
2787 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Ha, Andrew
2788 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Hamwi, Hamza
2789 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics He, Calvin Yue
2790 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Ho, Lawrence
2791 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Huang, Andy
2792 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Jung, Michael
2793 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics La, Andrew
2794 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Liang, Garston
2795 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Lo Russo, Marcus James
2796 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Luk, Ellison Kingman
2797 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Nguyen, Joshua Duc-Tri
2798 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Nicholas, Peter James
2799 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics O'Gara, Joshua James
2800 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Phu, Felix Yuen Dao
2801 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Seed, Kieran Harry
2802 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Solomon, Andrew John
2803 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Song, Jinsun
2804 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Tan, Robert Wei Zhuang
2805 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Tang, Anthony
2806 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Tran, Calvin Dinh
2807 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Tsathas, Alexandros
2808 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Tsihlis, George
2809 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Tsihlis, Paul
2810 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Walker, Adrian Raymond
2811 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Xu, Quentin Yun Kun
2812 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Yakoubi, Joel William
2813 Sylvania High School Sylvania Mathematics Dimitrovski, Hayden Scott
2814 Sylvania High School Sylvania Mathematics Girgilakis, James
2815 Sylvania High School Sylvania Mathematics Madonis, Kayla
2816 Tangara School for Girls Cherrybrook Mathematics Cheung, Emily Anne
2817 Tangara School for Girls Cherrybrook Mathematics Cox, Courtney
2818 Tangara School for Girls Cherrybrook Mathematics Rajakariar, Andrea Catherine Mary
2819 Tangara School for Girls Cherrybrook Mathematics Wong, Francesca Annalise
2820 Tara Anglican School for Girls North Parramatta Mathematics Lim, Samantha
2821 Tara Anglican School for Girls North Parramatta Mathematics Magill, Jane
2822 Tara Anglican School for Girls North Parramatta Mathematics Pesce, Katya
2823 Tara Anglican School for Girls North Parramatta Mathematics Sutton, Aimee
2824 Tara Anglican School for Girls North Parramatta Mathematics Todd, Evelyn
2825 Tara Anglican School for Girls North Parramatta Mathematics Yew, Denise
2826 Tara Anglican School for Girls North Parramatta Mathematics Zhang, Meng Qi
2827 Tara Anglican School for Girls North Parramatta Mathematics Zhang, Meng Wei
2828 Taylors College Waterloo Mathematics Cheng, Shirley Shu-Ya
2829 Taylors College Waterloo Mathematics Hoang, Ba Nam
2830 Taylors College Waterloo Mathematics Piao, Linji
2831 Taylors College Waterloo Mathematics Tan, Haoran
2832 Tempe High School Tempe Mathematics Bhuiyan, Johib Mobashir
2833 Tempe High School Tempe Mathematics Ching, Karin
2834 Tempe High School Tempe Mathematics Han, Jeremy
2835 Tempe High School Tempe Mathematics Hoang, Jackie
2836 Tempe High School Tempe Mathematics Liu, Karen Jia Xin
2837 Tempe High School Tempe Mathematics Lu, Vivien
2838 Tempe High School Tempe Mathematics Nguyen, Angela
2839 Tempe High School Tempe Mathematics Picton, Alexander Thomas
2840 Tempe High School Tempe Mathematics Tan, Roger Ri Peng
2841 Tempe High School Tempe Mathematics Wang, Jialun Galon
2842 Tempe High School Tempe Mathematics Yu, Samuel
2843 Tempe High School Tempe Mathematics Yuan, Zhehao Wallace
2844 Terrigal High School Terrigal Mathematics Webster, Daniel Luke
2845 The Armidale School Armidale Mathematics Brunckhorst, Ben James
2846 The Armidale School Armidale Mathematics Kozera, Joseph Stan
2847 The Armidale School Armidale Mathematics Maunder, Hugh Colin
2848 The Henry Lawson High School Grenfell Mathematics Pham Hien, Phuong
2849 The Hills Grammar School Kenthurst Mathematics Allen, Nicholas
2850 The Hills Grammar School Kenthurst Mathematics Kan, Amelia
2851 The Hills Grammar School Kenthurst Mathematics Morgan, Ashleigh
2852 The Hills Grammar School Kenthurst Mathematics Natividad, Daniel
2853 The Hills Grammar School Kenthurst Mathematics Pua, Rui Shuin
2854 The Hills Grammar School Kenthurst Mathematics Rowley, John
2855 The Hills Grammar School Kenthurst Mathematics Russell, Jeffrey
2856 The Hills Grammar School Kenthurst Mathematics Terry, Sandrine
2857 The Hills Grammar School Kenthurst Mathematics Ung, Aaron
2858 The Hills Grammar School Kenthurst Mathematics Wang, Elsie
2859 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Mathematics Costabile, Patrick
2860 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Mathematics Fernandez, Lisa
2861 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Mathematics Hipsley, Alexander (Alex)
2862 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Mathematics Ranasinghe, Rohan
2863 The Illawarra Grammar School Wollongong Mathematics Sunderland, Laura
2864 The Kings School North Parramatta Mathematics Appino, Anthony Raymond
2865 The Kings School North Parramatta Mathematics Behne-Smith, Jonathan
2866 The Kings School North Parramatta Mathematics Crossing, William James Thomson
2867 The Kings School North Parramatta Mathematics Cupit, Geoffrey Rix
2868 The Kings School North Parramatta Mathematics Green, Lachlan James
2869 The Kings School North Parramatta Mathematics Hacker, Jacob Lucas
2870 The Kings School North Parramatta Mathematics Harvey, Thomas Mitchell
2871 The Kings School North Parramatta Mathematics Heanly, Alexander Richmond
2872 The Kings School North Parramatta Mathematics Hough, Nicholas Alexander
2873 The Kings School North Parramatta Mathematics Jayasekera, Darren Shavin
2874 The Kings School North Parramatta Mathematics Mo, Morgan
2875 The Kings School North Parramatta Mathematics Parashar, Abhinav
2876 The Kings School North Parramatta Mathematics Perger, Bradley David
2877 The Kings School North Parramatta Mathematics Read, Oliver Jacob Phillip
2878 The Kings School North Parramatta Mathematics Sheppard, Samuel John
2879 The Kings School North Parramatta Mathematics Wharton, Matthew Harry
2880 The Riverina Anglican College Wagga Wagga Mathematics Donaldson, Laura Emily
2881 The Riverina Anglican College Wagga Wagga Mathematics Roberts, Todd Vincent
2882 The Riverina Anglican College Wagga Wagga Mathematics Wright, Alexander Miles
2883 The Scots College Bellevue Hill Mathematics Bartlett, William
2884 The Scots College Bellevue Hill Mathematics Collison, James
2885 The Scots College Bellevue Hill Mathematics Gallagher, Daniel
2886 The Scots College Bellevue Hill Mathematics Lee, Bill
2887 The Scots College Bellevue Hill Mathematics Liddle, Jim
2888 The Scots College Bellevue Hill Mathematics Seeto, Gus
2889 The Scots College Bellevue Hill Mathematics Sweet, Thomas
2890 The Scots College Bellevue Hill Mathematics Sze, Ka
2891 The Scots College Bellevue Hill Mathematics Tan, Kay
2892 The Scots College Bellevue Hill Mathematics Whitehead, Gregory
2893 The Scots College Bellevue Hill Mathematics Wilson, Cameron
2894 The Scots School Bathurst Mathematics Schulz, Hannah Elia Heugh
2895 The Scots School Albury Albury Mathematics Cameron, Sarah
2896 The Scots School Albury Albury Mathematics Hampel, Thomas
2897 The Scots School Albury Albury Mathematics MacLeod, Conor
2898 The Scots School Albury Albury Mathematics Spinks, Alexina
2899 Toongabbie Christian College Toongabbie Mathematics Jeoung, Caleb
2900 Toongabbie Christian College Toongabbie Mathematics Tumambing, Daniel Justin
2901 Toronto High School Toronto Mathematics Hardy, Daniel Stewart
2902 Trinity Catholic College Auburn Campus Auburn Mathematics Alim, Timothy
2903 Trinity Catholic College Auburn Campus Auburn Mathematics Bhat, Tejas
2904 Trinity Catholic College Auburn Campus Auburn Mathematics Daniel, Nicole
2905 Trinity Catholic College Auburn Campus Auburn Mathematics Luong, Kendra
2906 Trinity Catholic College Auburn Campus Auburn Mathematics Luong, Mikey
2907 Trinity Catholic College Auburn Campus Auburn Mathematics Nehme, Christian
2908 Trinity Catholic College Auburn Campus Auburn Mathematics Nguyen, Minh Quang
2909 Trinity Catholic College Auburn Campus Auburn Mathematics Pham, Peter
2910 Trinity Catholic College Auburn Campus Auburn Mathematics Tran, Patrick
2911 Trinity Catholic College Auburn Campus Auburn Mathematics Vu, Viet-Tu
2912 Trinity Catholic College Auburn Campus Auburn Mathematics Zhang, Shangheng
2913 Trinity Catholic College Goulburn Goulburn Mathematics Walkom, Kurt James
2914 Trinity Catholic College Lismore East Lismore Mathematics Bedding, Daniel
2915 Trinity Catholic College Lismore East Lismore Mathematics James, Charles
2916 Trinity Grammar School Summer Hill Mathematics Azer, Mark
2917 Trinity Grammar School Summer Hill Mathematics Cai, Kevin Zelun
2918 Trinity Grammar School Summer Hill Mathematics Chan, Yu
2919 Trinity Grammar School Summer Hill Mathematics Cho, Angus Kin Kun
2920 Trinity Grammar School Summer Hill Mathematics Choe, Jay Younghoon
2921 Trinity Grammar School Summer Hill Mathematics Coble, Angus Alan
2922 Trinity Grammar School Summer Hill Mathematics Dunn, Matthew Stephen
2923 Trinity Grammar School Summer Hill Mathematics Goetz, Naeman Nathanael
2924 Trinity Grammar School Summer Hill Mathematics Ibrahim, Daniel Kyrillos
2925 Trinity Grammar School Summer Hill Mathematics Ibrahim, David Mina
2926 Trinity Grammar School Summer Hill Mathematics Kanagalingam, Saravanan
2927 Trinity Grammar School Summer Hill Mathematics Katsinas, Chris
2928 Trinity Grammar School Summer Hill Mathematics Knapman, Grant Keith
2929 Trinity Grammar School Summer Hill Mathematics Kol, Kevin
2930 Trinity Grammar School Summer Hill Mathematics Lai, David William
2931 Trinity Grammar School Summer Hill Mathematics Larcos, Eric Eugene
2932 Trinity Grammar School Summer Hill Mathematics Loui, Patrick William Clark
2933 Trinity Grammar School Summer Hill Mathematics Oen, Matthew Stewart
2934 Trinity Grammar School Summer Hill Mathematics Patel, Kiran James
2935 Trinity Grammar School Summer Hill Mathematics Pike, Christopher William
2936 Trinity Grammar School Summer Hill Mathematics Sandrasegaran, Aran Elangovan Kesavan
2937 Trinity Grammar School Summer Hill Mathematics Wallace, Lachlan William
2938 Trinity Grammar School Summer Hill Mathematics Yap, Michael
2939 Tumut High School Tumut Mathematics Jiang, Bailin
2940 Turramurra High School South Turramurra Mathematics Cao, Leishen
2941 Turramurra High School South Turramurra Mathematics Choi, Jeehay
2942 Turramurra High School South Turramurra Mathematics Dong, Shuyang
2943 Turramurra High School South Turramurra Mathematics Drummond, Jessica
2944 Turramurra High School South Turramurra Mathematics Feng, Haixiao
2945 Turramurra High School South Turramurra Mathematics Game, Thomas
2946 Turramurra High School South Turramurra Mathematics Huang, Keer
2947 Turramurra High School South Turramurra Mathematics Kavianpour, Poya
2948 Turramurra High School South Turramurra Mathematics Lam, Yat Sing
2949 Turramurra High School South Turramurra Mathematics Li, Siyi
2950 Turramurra High School South Turramurra Mathematics Ling, Ruixin
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 14 Feb 2023
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