Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2011

Filtered by School Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2011.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

77 of 77 entries are shown.
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Rows per page:
1 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland General Mathematics Aitken, Blake
2 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Community and Family Studies Askew, Kaitlyn
3 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Senior Science Boland, Anna
4 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Visual Arts Boland, Anna
5 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Design and Technology Bourke, Alanna
6 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Cashman, Timothy
7 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Charlwood, Nathan
8 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland English (Advanced) Dalton, Joshua
9 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland English Extension 1 Dalton, Joshua
10 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Modern History Dalton, Joshua
11 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Dance Darling, Emma
12 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Studies of Religion I Doherty, Samantha
13 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Dowd, Samantha
14 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Industrial Technology Fabris, Andrew
15 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Industrial Technology Freeland, Thomas
16 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Geraghty, Kieran
17 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Extension 1 Gilham, Nathan
18 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Music 1 Gilham, Nathan
19 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland General Mathematics Gow, Elizabeth
20 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Hanrahan, Kieran
21 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Harley, Juliette
22 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Visual Arts Hill, Jordan
23 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Holt, Jack
24 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Senior Science Hooper, Rachael
25 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Senior Science Iffland, Dominic
26 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Design and Technology Larum, Bethany
27 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Drama Larum, Bethany
28 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland English (Advanced) Larum, Bethany
29 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland English Extension 1 Larum, Bethany
30 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Studies of Religion II Larum, Bethany
31 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Chemistry Li, Damien
32 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Extension 1 Li, Damien
33 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Physics Li, Damien
34 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Chemistry Lo Russo, Joshua
35 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Extension 1 Lo Russo, Joshua
36 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Physics Lo Russo, Joshua
37 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Studies of Religion I Lo Russo, Joshua
38 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland General Mathematics Lodington, Jack
39 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Music 1 Magistro, Kayla
40 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Martin, Amelia
41 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Ancient History Monaghan, Allison
42 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Mathematics Extension 1 Monaghan, Allison
43 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Drama Murr, Christelle
44 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Senior Science O'Neill, Bridget
45 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Visual Arts O'Neill, Bridget
46 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Industrial Technology Pagano, Samuel
47 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Senior Science Pagano, Samuel
48 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland General Mathematics Pemberton, Jacqueline
49 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Pemberton, Jacqueline
50 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Hospitality Examination Phillips, Chelsea
51 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Ancient History Price, Toneya
52 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Price, Toneya
53 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Studies of Religion II Price, Toneya
54 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Industrial Technology Robinson, James
55 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Community and Family Studies Ryan, Clare
56 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Music 1 Salis, Chloe
57 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland General Mathematics Schlede, Olivia
58 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Drama Simpson, Emma
59 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland English (Advanced) Smith, Luke
60 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Drama Smith, Shannon
61 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland English (Advanced) Smith, Shannon
62 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland English Extension 1 Smith, Shannon
63 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland English Extension 2 Smith, Shannon
64 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Studies of Religion I Smith, Shannon
65 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Visual Arts Smith, Shannon
66 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland English (Advanced) Tonge, Hannah
67 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland English Extension 1 Tonge, Hannah
68 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Food Technology Tonge, Hannah
69 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Modern History Tonge, Hannah
70 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Studies of Religion II Tonge, Hannah
71 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Industrial Technology Truman, Michael
72 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Industrial Technology Walker, Alexander
73 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland General Mathematics Watkiss, Luke
74 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland General Mathematics Wellington, Rebecca
75 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Hospitality Examination Wellington, Rebecca
76 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland General Mathematics Wong, Jacqueline
77 St Patricks College Sutherland Sutherland Visual Arts Wong, Jacqueline
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 14 Feb 2023
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