Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2011

Filtered by School Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2011.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

39 of 139 entries are shown.
101 - 139
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101 Cerdon College Merrylands Mathematics Extension 1 Halim, Jacinta
102 Cerdon College Merrylands Mathematics Extension 1 On, Kathy
103 Cerdon College Merrylands Mathematics Extension 1 Trinh, Zenie
104 Cerdon College Merrylands Mathematics Extension 2 Halim, Jacinta
105 Cerdon College Merrylands Mathematics Extension 2 Trinh, Zenie
106 Cerdon College Merrylands Modern History Bacon, Jesse Irene
107 Cerdon College Merrylands Modern History Flores, Mary Anne
108 Cerdon College Merrylands Modern History Huynh, Cindy
109 Cerdon College Merrylands Modern History Van Leeuwen, Jillian
110 Cerdon College Merrylands Music 1 Versace, Rachael
111 Cerdon College Merrylands Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Duncan, Jordan
112 Cerdon College Merrylands Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Galafassi, Natasha
113 Cerdon College Merrylands Studies of Religion I Bacon, Jesse Irene
114 Cerdon College Merrylands Studies of Religion I Fernandez, April
115 Cerdon College Merrylands Studies of Religion I Flores, Mary Anne
116 Cerdon College Merrylands Studies of Religion I Garchitorena, Kimberly
117 Cerdon College Merrylands Studies of Religion I Georges, Miriam
118 Cerdon College Merrylands Studies of Religion I Hage, Stephanie
119 Cerdon College Merrylands Studies of Religion I Hedley, Allyson Marie
120 Cerdon College Merrylands Studies of Religion I Kumar, Prashna
121 Cerdon College Merrylands Studies of Religion I Le, Karoline
122 Cerdon College Merrylands Studies of Religion I Lipsham, Jessica Amy Grace
123 Cerdon College Merrylands Studies of Religion I Massaad, Jade
124 Cerdon College Merrylands Studies of Religion I Newcombe, Lauren
125 Cerdon College Merrylands Studies of Religion I Orbase, Marie France Louise
126 Cerdon College Merrylands Studies of Religion I Roumanos, Renee
127 Cerdon College Merrylands Studies of Religion I Spiteri, Marissa
128 Cerdon College Merrylands Studies of Religion I Tiglao, Julianne
129 Cerdon College Merrylands Studies of Religion I Ung, Erina
130 Cerdon College Merrylands Studies of Religion I Van Leeuwen, Jillian
131 Cerdon College Merrylands Studies of Religion I Versace, Rachael
132 Cerdon College Merrylands Studies of Religion I Wireko-Brobby, Denise
133 Cerdon College Merrylands Studies of Religion II Eid, Stephanie
134 Cerdon College Merrylands Studies of Religion II Halim, Jacinta
135 Cerdon College Merrylands Studies of Religion II Kahwajy, Natalie
136 Cerdon College Merrylands Studies of Religion II Purnawan-Lee, Clarissa
137 Cerdon College Merrylands Studies of Religion II Taniane, Caitlin
138 Cerdon College Merrylands Studies of Religion II Trinh, Zenie
139 Cerdon College Merrylands Visual Arts Flores, Mary Anne
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 14 Feb 2023
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