Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2010

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2010.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

150 of 37100 entries are shown.
36728 - 36877
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36728 Wingham High School Wingham Geography Rourke, Rebecca
36729 Wingham High School Wingham History Extension Vakauta, Tenika
36730 Wingham High School Wingham Music 1 Ballard, Andrew
36731 Wingham High School Wingham Music 1 Fotheringham, Sarah
36732 Wingham High School Wingham Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Lee, Hannah
36733 Wingham High School Wingham Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Saxby, Amber
36734 Wingham High School Wingham Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Stilwell, Lana
36735 Wingham High School Wingham Visual Arts Horgan, Ksana
36736 Wingham High School Wingham Visual Arts Rourke, Rebecca
36737 Winmalee High School Winmalee Biology Majoros, Annika Victoria
36738 Winmalee High School Winmalee Community and Family Studies Mulvaney, Madeleine Anne
36739 Winmalee High School Winmalee Community and Family Studies Tregillgas, Keely
36740 Winmalee High School Winmalee Drama Kaar, Emily Grace
36741 Winmalee High School Winmalee Drama Palmer, Jessica Kate
36742 Winmalee High School Winmalee Earth and Environmental Science Wood, Luke Andrew
36743 Winmalee High School Winmalee Engineering Studies Kibble, Jonathon James
36744 Winmalee High School Winmalee English Extension 1 Majoros, Annika Victoria
36745 Winmalee High School Winmalee English Extension 1 McGee, Felicity Patricia
36746 Winmalee High School Winmalee English Extension 2 Druce, William Michael
36747 Winmalee High School Winmalee English Extension 2 Majoros, Annika Victoria
36748 Winmalee High School Winmalee General Mathematics Krasny, Dylan Ross
36749 Winmalee High School Winmalee General Mathematics McCowan, Liam Carl
36750 Winmalee High School Winmalee General Mathematics Nicholas, Liam Bernard
36751 Winmalee High School Winmalee History Extension McGee, Felicity Patricia
36752 Winmalee High School Winmalee Hospitality Examination Arranz, Alejandro Gabriel
36753 Winmalee High School Winmalee Legal Studies Mulvaney, Madeleine Anne
36754 Winmalee High School Winmalee Legal Studies Tregillgas, Keely
36755 Winmalee High School Winmalee Mathematics Extension 1 Kibble, Jonathon James
36756 Winmalee High School Winmalee Mathematics Extension 1 Shead, Rachel Ellen
36757 Winmalee High School Winmalee Music 1 Bevis, Aislinn Renetta Joy
36758 Winmalee High School Winmalee Music 1 Nissen, Pia
36759 Winmalee High School Winmalee Music 1 Symes, Timothy Paul
36760 Winmalee High School Winmalee Music 1 Tregillgas, Keely
36761 Winmalee High School Winmalee Music 2 Shead, Rachel Ellen
36762 Winmalee High School Winmalee Music Extension Shead, Rachel Ellen
36763 Winmalee High School Winmalee Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Barrett, Benjamin Mihai
36764 Winmalee High School Winmalee Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Collins, Lucy Anne
36765 Winmalee High School Winmalee Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Saunders, Isabella Maria
36766 Winmalee High School Winmalee Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Walton, Samuel Alexander
36767 Winmalee High School Winmalee Senior Science Gorman, Kirsty Leigh
36768 Winmalee High School Winmalee Senior Science McCowan, Liam Carl
36769 Winmalee High School Winmalee Visual Arts Saunders, Isabella Maria
36770 Winmalee High School Winmalee Visual Arts Taylor, Ariel Dhee
36771 Wollondilly Anglican College Tahmoor Business Studies Graff, James
36772 Wollondilly Anglican College Tahmoor Business Studies Hanson, Rebekah
36773 Wollondilly Anglican College Tahmoor Music 1 Graff, James
36774 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Ancient History Potter, Tayla Maree
36775 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Biology Hyde, Brodie Lee
36776 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Biology Potter, Tayla Maree
36777 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Community and Family Studies Lewis, Courtney Rose
36778 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Dance Cooke, Elena Stephanie
36779 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Dance Dean, Kyle Jesse
36780 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Dance Hyde, Brodie Lee
36781 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Dance McKeen, Teagan Elyce
36782 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Dance Serray, Carina Frances
36783 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Dance York, Renee Lisa
36784 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Drama Baxter, Jack James
36785 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Drama Heffernan, Lucy Kathleen
36786 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Drama McCloud-Taylor, Skye Pauline
36787 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Drama Rowe, Jemma Lee
36788 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow English (Advanced) Heffernan, Lucy Kathleen
36789 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow English (Advanced) McCloud-Taylor, Skye Pauline
36790 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow General Mathematics Glasgow-Beveridge, Brianna-Shea
36791 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow General Mathematics Halta, Crystal Fiona
36792 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow General Mathematics Potter, Tayla Maree
36793 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow General Mathematics Thurley-Hart, Constance Adelaide
36794 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow History Extension Vanderstappen, Jerom
36795 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Mathematics Heo, Seong-Joon
36796 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Mathematics Hyde, Brodie Lee
36797 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Mathematics Issa, Jason
36798 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Mathematics Extension 1 Heo, Seong-Joon
36799 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Modern History Ferguson Hook, Lauren Jane
36800 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Modern History Heffernan, Lucy Kathleen
36801 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Modern History Manojlovic, Novak
36802 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Modern History McCloud-Taylor, Skye Pauline
36803 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Modern History Vanderstappen, Jerom
36804 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Music 1 Dawson, Jack David
36805 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Music 1 Evans, Shannon
36806 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Music 1 Heffernan, Lucy Kathleen
36807 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Music 1 Hurry, Mitchell William
36808 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Music 1 O'Driscoll, Declan James Walker
36809 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Music 1 Porter, Jade
36810 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Music 1 Rizk, Jamelle
36811 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Music Extension Manojlovic, Novak
36812 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Music Extension Thurley-Hart, Constance Adelaide
36813 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Lewis, Courtney Rose
36814 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Potter, Tayla Maree
36815 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Society and Culture Heffernan, Lucy Kathleen
36816 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Society and Culture Ljiljak, Snezana
36817 Wollongong High School of the Performing Arts Fairy Meadow Textiles and Design McKeen, Teagan Elyce
36818 Wollumbin High School Murwillumbah English Extension 2 Bertram, Natassja Marie
36819 Wollumbin High School Murwillumbah English Extension 2 Lasker, Emma Louise
36820 Wollumbin High School Murwillumbah English Extension 2 Turner, Liana Anitra
36821 Wollumbin High School Murwillumbah Legal Studies Araujo, Gabriel
36822 Wollumbin High School Murwillumbah Mathematics Araujo, Gabriel
36823 Wollumbin High School Murwillumbah Mathematics Sharp, Jesse Aeden
36824 Wollumbin High School Murwillumbah Mathematics Tillott, Mitchell Evan
36825 Wollumbin High School Murwillumbah Mathematics Extension 1 Sharp, Jesse Aeden
36826 Wollumbin High School Murwillumbah Mathematics Extension 1 Tillott, Mitchell Evan
36827 Woodenbong Central School Woodenbong Information Technology Examination Hoffman, Andrew
36828 Woodenbong Central School Woodenbong Mathematics Extension 1 Allen, Mark Andrew
36829 Woodenbong Central School Woodenbong Software Design and Development Hoffman, Melissa
36830 Woodenbong Central School Woodenbong Software Design and Development Hoffman, Robert
36831 Woolgoolga High School Woolgoolga Ancient History Pitsis, Katelin Renee
36832 Woolgoolga High School Woolgoolga Ancient History Roach, Sharntelle
36833 Woolgoolga High School Woolgoolga Chemistry Duryea, Mitchell Patrick
36834 Woolgoolga High School Woolgoolga Dance Pitsis, Katelin Renee
36835 Woolgoolga High School Woolgoolga English (Advanced) Dennis, Chelsea Sue
36836 Woolgoolga High School Woolgoolga English (Advanced) Pitsis, Katelin Renee
36837 Woolgoolga High School Woolgoolga English (Advanced) Wall, Holly Lee
36838 Woolgoolga High School Woolgoolga General Mathematics Bhasin, Harleen
36839 Woolgoolga High School Woolgoolga General Mathematics Schmidt, Caitlin Therese
36840 Woolgoolga High School Woolgoolga General Mathematics Seymour, Jessica Caitlin
36841 Woolgoolga High School Woolgoolga Mathematics Atwal, Joshua
36842 Woolgoolga High School Woolgoolga Music 1 Wills, Jazmin Gabrielle
36843 Woolgoolga High School Woolgoolga Textiles and Design Jamson-Carter, Ashaya
36844 Woolgoolga High School Woolgoolga Visual Arts Dennis, Chelsea Sue
36845 Woolgoolga High School Woolgoolga Visual Arts Klum, Jaimie Louisa
36846 Woolgoolga High School Woolgoolga Visual Arts Pitsis, Katelin Renee
36847 Woolgoolga High School Woolgoolga Visual Arts Roach, Sharntelle
36848 Woolgoolga High School Woolgoolga Visual Arts Schmidt, Caitlin Therese
36849 Woolgoolga High School Woolgoolga Visual Arts Seymour, Jessica Caitlin
36850 Woolgoolga High School Woolgoolga Visual Arts Steuart, Caitlin Georgia
36851 Woolooware High School Woolooware Ancient History Estrada, Sarah Mia
36852 Woolooware High School Woolooware Ancient History Fleet, Amelia Patricia
36853 Woolooware High School Woolooware Ancient History Rees, Alexander Edward
36854 Woolooware High School Woolooware Ancient History Venables, John Ryan
36855 Woolooware High School Woolooware Business Studies Fleet, Amelia Patricia
36856 Woolooware High School Woolooware Business Studies Ingram, Hannah Elise
36857 Woolooware High School Woolooware Electrotechnology Examination Favelle, Ryan Michael
36858 Woolooware High School Woolooware Engineering Studies Read, Mitchell Allan
36859 Woolooware High School Woolooware English Extension 1 Rees, Alexander Edward
36860 Woolooware High School Woolooware English Extension 1 Reynolds, Kirsty
36861 Woolooware High School Woolooware Food Technology Fleet, Amelia Patricia
36862 Woolooware High School Woolooware Food Technology Lanaghan, Rachael Elizabeth
36863 Woolooware High School Woolooware Food Technology Woods, Kaitlyn Therese
36864 Woolooware High School Woolooware General Mathematics Giezekamp, Jessica Robyn
36865 Woolooware High School Woolooware General Mathematics Henderson, Ellyn Jean
36866 Woolooware High School Woolooware General Mathematics McDougall, Jake Russell
36867 Woolooware High School Woolooware General Mathematics Reynolds, Kirsty
36868 Woolooware High School Woolooware General Mathematics Spence, Matthew Robert
36869 Woolooware High School Woolooware General Mathematics Van Ruth, Lauren Kate
36870 Woolooware High School Woolooware Hospitality Examination Lanaghan, Rachael Elizabeth
36871 Woolooware High School Woolooware Industrial Technology Andrews, Callum Sam
36872 Woolooware High School Woolooware Industrial Technology MacKenzie, Johnathon David Wood
36873 Woolooware High School Woolooware Industrial Technology Read, Mitchell Allan
36874 Woolooware High School Woolooware Industrial Technology Safonov, Dennis
36875 Woolooware High School Woolooware Industrial Technology Spence, Matthew Robert
36876 Woolooware High School Woolooware Legal Studies Millar, Kendra Louise
36877 Woolooware High School Woolooware Legal Studies Rees, Alexander Edward
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 17 Feb 2023
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