Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2010

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2010.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

150 of 37100 entries are shown.
35874 - 36023
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35874 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla Business Services Examination Harley, Anna Louise
35875 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla Business Studies Chapman, William Robert
35876 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla Business Studies Hoskin, Shae Jessica
35877 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla Construction Examination Orphin, Jarrah James
35878 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla Engineering Studies Johnston, Luke Kenneth
35879 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla English (Advanced) Keith, Rhiannon Eden
35880 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla General Mathematics Banks, Bonnie Linda
35881 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla General Mathematics Bennett, Martyn James
35882 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla General Mathematics Chisholm, Douglas
35883 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla General Mathematics Hoskin, Shae Jessica
35884 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla General Mathematics Pennisi, Sebastian Christopher
35885 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla Hospitality Examination Bridle, Molly Jane
35886 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla Hospitality Examination Salafia, Erin Leslie
35887 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla Information Processes and Technology Johnston, Luke Kenneth
35888 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla Information Processes and Technology Miller, Harrison Matthew
35889 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla Mathematics Johnston, Luke Kenneth
35890 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla Music 1 Kelly, Dylan Joseph
35891 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla Music 1 Sadler, Georgia Lauren
35892 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Chapman, William Robert
35893 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla Physics Johnston, Luke Kenneth
35894 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla Senior Science Kelly, Dylan Joseph
35895 Ulladulla High School Ulladulla Textiles and Design Fricke, Jessica Louise
35896 Uniworld High School Chippendale Chinese Background Speakers Weng, Mengting
35897 Uniworld High School Chippendale Chinese Background Speakers Ye, Xiuhong
35898 Uniworld High School Chippendale Japanese Beginners Ge, Qing
35899 Uniworld High School Chippendale Mathematics Li, Qin
35900 Uniworld High School Chippendale Mathematics Weng, Mengting
35901 Uralla Central School Uralla Chinese Beginners Rowe, Amethyst
35902 Uralla Central School Uralla Engineering Studies Tobler, Jake
35903 Uralla Central School Uralla Information Processes and Technology Tobler, Jake
35904 Vincentia High School Vincentia Aboriginal Studies Simpson, Georgia Louise
35905 Vincentia High School Vincentia Ancient History Gilberg, Aimee
35906 Vincentia High School Vincentia Industrial Technology Krause, Christopher
35907 Wadalba Community School Wadalba Community and Family Studies Moir, Georgia
35908 Wade High School Griffith French Beginners Grewal, Bavandeep
35909 Wade High School Griffith General Mathematics Burge, Craig William
35910 Wade High School Griffith German Beginners Minato, Ciara Ellen
35911 Wade High School Griffith German Beginners Palmer, Aislinn Sarah
35912 Wade High School Griffith German Continuers Frank, Benjamin Daniel
35913 Wade High School Griffith Legal Studies Townsend, Maggie Marinda
35914 Wade High School Griffith Mathematics Devalentin, Daniel James
35915 Wade High School Griffith Mathematics Frank, Benjamin Daniel
35916 Wade High School Griffith Visual Arts Devalentin, Daniel James
35917 Wade High School Griffith Visual Arts Frank, Benjamin Daniel
35918 Wagga Wagga Christian College Wagga Wagga Community and Family Studies Faust, Kathryn Rose
35919 Wagga Wagga Christian College Wagga Wagga Community and Family Studies Morgan, Laurelle Jane
35920 Wagga Wagga Christian College Wagga Wagga Community and Family Studies Poulos, Chloe Renae
35921 Wagga Wagga Christian College Wagga Wagga General Mathematics Whiter, Joshua Michael
35922 Wagga Wagga Christian College Wagga Wagga Information Technology Examination Morgan, Laurelle Jane
35923 Wagga Wagga Christian College Wagga Wagga Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Morgan, Laurelle Jane
35924 Wagga Wagga High School Wagga Wagga Business Studies Norton, James Aaron
35925 Wagga Wagga High School Wagga Wagga Community and Family Studies Luhrs, Sarah Imogen
35926 Wagga Wagga High School Wagga Wagga Dance Leske, Claire Elizabeth
35927 Wagga Wagga High School Wagga Wagga Design and Technology Davis, Jaydon Matthew
35928 Wagga Wagga High School Wagga Wagga Design and Technology Menzies, Douglas Maxwell
35929 Wagga Wagga High School Wagga Wagga English (Advanced) McMillan, Rachel Clare
35930 Wagga Wagga High School Wagga Wagga English (Advanced) Overton, Caitlin
35931 Wagga Wagga High School Wagga Wagga English (Advanced) Salzke, Kaitlin Johanna
35932 Wagga Wagga High School Wagga Wagga English Extension 1 Overton, Caitlin
35933 Wagga Wagga High School Wagga Wagga English Extension 2 Hillam, Matilda Grace
35934 Wagga Wagga High School Wagga Wagga English Extension 2 Overton, Caitlin
35935 Wagga Wagga High School Wagga Wagga General Mathematics Cornwell, Guy Joseph
35936 Wagga Wagga High School Wagga Wagga General Mathematics Isherwood, Katy Josephine
35937 Wagga Wagga High School Wagga Wagga General Mathematics Mathers, Bridgette
35938 Wagga Wagga High School Wagga Wagga General Mathematics Mitchell, Stephanie Frances
35939 Wagga Wagga High School Wagga Wagga Legal Studies Carey, Shannan Joan
35940 Wagga Wagga High School Wagga Wagga Legal Studies Slater, Erin Jayne
35941 Wagga Wagga High School Wagga Wagga Mathematics Salzke, Kaitlin Johanna
35942 Wagga Wagga High School Wagga Wagga Modern History McMillan, Rachel Clare
35943 Wagga Wagga High School Wagga Wagga Modern History Norton, James Aaron
35944 Wagga Wagga High School Wagga Wagga Music 1 Cornwell, Guy Joseph
35945 Wagga Wagga High School Wagga Wagga Music 1 Stow, Quinn Steven
35946 Wagga Wagga High School Wagga Wagga Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Carey, Shannan Joan
35947 Wagga Wagga High School Wagga Wagga Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Mattingly, Alice Maree
35948 Wagga Wagga High School Wagga Wagga Personal Development, Health and Physical Education McMillan, Rachel Clare
35949 Wagga Wagga High School Wagga Wagga Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Slater, Erin Jayne
35950 Wagga Wagga High School Wagga Wagga Senior Science Luhrs, Sarah Imogen
35951 Wagga Wagga High School Wagga Wagga Society and Culture Norton, James Aaron
35952 Wagga Wagga High School Wagga Wagga Textiles and Design Lin, Chia-Jung
35953 Wagga Wagga High School Wagga Wagga Textiles and Design McMillan, Rachel Clare
35954 Warialda High School Warialda Food Technology Pinkerton, Kellie Jane
35955 Warilla High School Barrack Heights Ancient History Beasley, Alice Joy
35956 Warilla High School Barrack Heights Biology Beasley, Alice Joy
35957 Warilla High School Barrack Heights English (Advanced) Mangos, Danielle
35958 Warilla High School Barrack Heights Mathematics Arapali, Tyson Robert Joseph
35959 Warilla High School Barrack Heights Mathematics Markovic, Sasha
35960 Warilla High School Barrack Heights Spanish Beginners Mangos, Danielle
35961 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay Biology Maguire, Rachel Clare
35962 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay Business Studies Evans, Jane Elizabeth Grace
35963 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay Business Studies Jaszczyk, Daniel John
35964 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay Business Studies Killen, Andrew Bernhard
35965 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay Business Studies Law, Justine Wei Wun
35966 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay Design and Technology Thea, Julie
35967 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay Drama Clark, Elise Susan
35968 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay Drama Drew, Gina Rose
35969 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay Economics Law, Justine Wei Wun
35970 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay English (Advanced) Cottingham, Amanda Jane
35971 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay English (Advanced) Maguire, Rachel Clare
35972 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay English Extension 2 Zable-Andrews, Wanagi Meyer
35973 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay French Continuers Clarke, Jason
35974 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay French Extension Clarke, Jason
35975 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay General Mathematics Blakemore, William Paul
35976 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay General Mathematics Devine, Jessica
35977 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay General Mathematics Evans, Jane Elizabeth Grace
35978 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay General Mathematics Freedman, Joshua Brett
35979 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay General Mathematics Pichaloff, Thomas Oscar
35980 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay German Continuers Mueller, Kristin Ruth
35981 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay Industrial Technology Marjoribanks, Jackson
35982 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay Industrial Technology Parsons, Aaron Robert
35983 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay Information Technology Examination Johnson, Taylor Robert
35984 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay Mathematics Cottingham, Amanda Jane
35985 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay Mathematics Henderson, Michael James
35986 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay Mathematics Kapoor, Sanchit
35987 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay Mathematics Killen, Andrew Bernhard
35988 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay Modern History Maguire, Rachel Clare
35989 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay Modern History Rodgers, Caitlin Jane
35990 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay Music 1 Blakemore, William Paul
35991 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Amos, Elisha Jordan
35992 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Elliott, Kahlee Jane
35993 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay Personal Development, Health and Physical Education McEwan, Cory Louise
35994 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay Senior Science Cook, Olivia Rose
35995 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay Senior Science Svigelj, Alexandra Gabrielle
35996 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay Spanish Beginners Clarke, Jason
35997 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay Textiles and Design Oliver, Sarah Marie
35998 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay Visual Arts Batchelor, Demi Lee
35999 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay Visual Arts Browne, Hayden James
36000 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay Visual Arts Chock, Lauren Eliza
36001 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay Visual Arts Gurr, Felicity Susan
36002 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay Visual Arts Sheargold, Matilda Jane
36003 Warners Bay High School Warners Bay Visual Arts Zable-Andrews, Wanagi Meyer
36004 Warrawong High School Warrawong Mathematics Ruan, Yuxi
36005 Warrawong High School Warrawong Mathematics Youssef, Steve
36006 Warren Central School Warren General Mathematics Hunt, Erica Frances
36007 Warren Central School Warren Hospitality Examination Hunt, Erica Frances
36008 Warren Central School Warren Hospitality Examination Van Lubeck, Tessa Mary
36009 Wauchope High School Wauchope Food Technology Bannerman, Jessica
36010 Wauchope High School Wauchope Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Bannerman, Jessica
36011 Waverley College Waverley Ancient History Miletich, Christopher
36012 Waverley College Waverley Ancient History Turner, Ben Robert
36013 Waverley College Waverley Ancient History Whiting, Oliver
36014 Waverley College Waverley Ancient History Williams-Spooner, Matthew
36015 Waverley College Waverley Biology Pontidas, Kosta
36016 Waverley College Waverley Business Studies Augusto, Duarte
36017 Waverley College Waverley Business Studies Chin, Brandon
36018 Waverley College Waverley Business Studies Davis, Myles
36019 Waverley College Waverley Business Studies Meoli, Matthew
36020 Waverley College Waverley Business Studies Moffroid, Maxime
36021 Waverley College Waverley Business Studies Stewart, Thomas
36022 Waverley College Waverley Business Studies Taylor, Aaron
36023 Waverley College Waverley Chemistry O'Rourke, Anthony Ryan
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 17 Feb 2023
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