Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2010

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2010.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

150 of 37100 entries are shown.
24285 - 24434
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24285 Queanbeyan High School Queanbeyan Ancient History Clark, Laura Jane Charlotte
24286 Queanbeyan High School Queanbeyan Biology Clark, Laura Jane Charlotte
24287 Queanbeyan High School Queanbeyan Chemistry Zhang, Hongji
24288 Queanbeyan High School Queanbeyan General Mathematics Sutevski, Joshua
24289 Queanbeyan High School Queanbeyan Information Processes and Technology Lee, Hugh
24290 Queanbeyan High School Queanbeyan Information Processes and Technology Zhang, Hongji
24291 Queanbeyan High School Queanbeyan Mathematics Johnston, Daniel
24292 Queanbeyan High School Queanbeyan Mathematics Extension 2 Zhang, Hongji
24293 Queanbeyan High School Queanbeyan Society and Culture Fisher, Shawni-Rose
24294 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Ancient History Barnes, Georgia
24295 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Ancient History Boulton, Elia
24296 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Ancient History Chapman, Olivia
24297 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Ancient History Mills, Emily
24298 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Ancient History Sarjeant, Lauren
24299 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Biology Boulton, Elia
24300 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Biology Ewen, Imogene
24301 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Biology Ferguson, Allana
24302 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Biology Flint, Georgia
24303 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Biology James, Charlotte
24304 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Biology Kok, Hannah
24305 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Biology Mills, Emily
24306 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Biology Orgill, Nikola
24307 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Business Studies Merrony, Imogen
24308 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Business Studies Sarjeant, Lauren
24309 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Business Studies Seller, Annabelle
24310 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Barnes, Georgia
24311 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Bhojwani, Sanya
24312 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Carter, Stephanie
24313 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Chapman, Olivia
24314 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Coleman, Adelaide
24315 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Ewen, Imogene
24316 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Flint, Georgia
24317 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) James, Charlotte
24318 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Lawson, Joanna
24319 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Mills, Emily
24320 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Orgill, Nikola
24321 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Pentz, Alexandra
24322 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English (Advanced) Watson, Antonia
24323 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English Extension 1 Chapman, Olivia
24324 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English Extension 1 Flint, Georgia
24325 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English Extension 1 James, Charlotte
24326 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English Extension 1 Lawson, Joanna
24327 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English Extension 1 Merrony, Imogen
24328 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English Extension 1 Orgill, Nikola
24329 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English Extension 1 Pentz, Alexandra
24330 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman English Extension 1 Watson, Antonia
24331 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman French Continuers Coleman, Adelaide
24332 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman French Continuers Krempff, Sheena
24333 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman French Continuers Mills, Emily
24334 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman French Continuers Sarjeant, Lauren
24335 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman French Continuers Watson, Antonia
24336 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman French Extension Coleman, Adelaide
24337 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman French Extension Harvey, Laura
24338 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman French Extension Krempff, Sheena
24339 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman French Extension Mills, Emily
24340 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman French Extension Sarjeant, Lauren
24341 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman French Extension Watson, Antonia
24342 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman General Mathematics Constanti, Penny
24343 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman General Mathematics Darling - Blair, Carson
24344 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman General Mathematics Dixon, Megan
24345 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman General Mathematics Gooding, Amy
24346 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman General Mathematics Hollands, Lucy
24347 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman General Mathematics Howorth, Jasmin
24348 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman General Mathematics Lee, Jasmine
24349 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman General Mathematics Merrony, Imogen
24350 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman General Mathematics Pride, Sophie
24351 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman General Mathematics Roles, Alexandra
24352 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman General Mathematics Seller, Annabelle
24353 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman General Mathematics Vermeer, Nathalie
24354 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Geography Coleman, Adelaide
24355 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Geography Gilmore, Jennifer
24356 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Geography Pentz, Alexandra
24357 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Geography Vermeer, Nathalie
24358 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman History Extension Carter, Stephanie
24359 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman History Extension Chapman, Olivia
24360 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman History Extension James, Charlotte
24361 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman History Extension Orgill, Nikola
24362 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman History Extension Watson, Antonia
24363 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Italian Beginners Coleman, Adelaide
24364 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Italian Beginners Couston, Anna
24365 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Italian Beginners Roles, Alexandra
24366 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Italian Beginners Sarjeant, Lauren
24367 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Latin Continuers Ewen, Imogene
24368 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Latin Extension Ewen, Imogene
24369 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Mathematics Ewen, Imogene
24370 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Mathematics Kok, Hannah
24371 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Mathematics Lawson, Joanna
24372 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Mathematics Mills, Emily
24373 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Mathematics Extension 1 Ewen, Imogene
24374 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Mathematics Extension 1 Flint, Georgia
24375 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Modern History James, Charlotte
24376 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Modern History Watson, Antonia
24377 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Music 1 Chapman, Olivia
24378 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Music 1 Dixon, Tess
24379 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Music 1 O'Connor, Stephanie
24380 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Music 1 Pentz, Alexandra
24381 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Dixon, Megan
24382 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Howorth, Jasmin
24383 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Lawson, Joanna
24384 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Orgill, Nikola
24385 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Textiles and Design Couston, Anna
24386 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Textiles and Design Darling - Blair, Carson
24387 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Textiles and Design Manettas, Nicola
24388 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Textiles and Design Merrony, Imogen
24389 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Visual Arts Boulton, Elia
24390 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Visual Arts Darling - Blair, Carson
24391 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Visual Arts James, Charlotte
24392 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Visual Arts Krempff, Sheena
24393 Queenwood School for Girls Mosman Visual Arts Manettas, Nicola
24394 Quirindi High School Quirindi General Mathematics Howard, James William
24395 Quirindi High School Quirindi Industrial Technology Bernard, Frederick
24396 Quirindi High School Quirindi Mathematics McGuirk, Lucy Claire
24397 Quirindi High School Quirindi Mathematics Extension 1 McGuirk, Lucy Claire
24398 Quirindi High School Quirindi Personal Development, Health and Physical Education McGuirk, Lucy Claire
24399 Quirindi High School Quirindi Society and Culture McGuirk, Lucy Claire
24400 Randwick Boys High School Randwick Accounting Surjadi, Jerry
24401 Randwick Boys High School Randwick Biology Gomez, Yannis Emmanuel
24402 Randwick Boys High School Randwick Biology Kernecker, Dominik Florian
24403 Randwick Boys High School Randwick Biology Tan, Jinlong
24404 Randwick Boys High School Randwick Chemistry Gao, Max Hong Yi
24405 Randwick Boys High School Randwick Economics Alam, Fahad
24406 Randwick Boys High School Randwick Economics Yi, Kevin
24407 Randwick Boys High School Randwick Engineering Studies Strautins, Guy Gordon
24408 Randwick Boys High School Randwick English as a Second Language Feng, Scott Aodi
24409 Randwick Boys High School Randwick English as a Second Language Than, Thien Tu
24410 Randwick Boys High School Randwick Information Processes and Technology Yi, Kevin
24411 Randwick Boys High School Randwick Mathematics Bozdag, Eren
24412 Randwick Boys High School Randwick Mathematics Rahim, Julhasur
24413 Randwick Boys High School Randwick Mathematics Strautins, Guy Gordon
24414 Randwick Boys High School Randwick Mathematics Tsang, Jordan Ling Wo
24415 Randwick Boys High School Randwick Mathematics Wang, Junping
24416 Randwick Boys High School Randwick Mathematics Extension 1 Alam, Fahad
24417 Randwick Boys High School Randwick Mathematics Extension 1 Bastari, Kenley
24418 Randwick Boys High School Randwick Mathematics Extension 1 Feng, Scott Aodi
24419 Randwick Boys High School Randwick Mathematics Extension 1 Gao, Max Hong Yi
24420 Randwick Boys High School Randwick Mathematics Extension 1 Le, Minh Phuc (Michael)
24421 Randwick Boys High School Randwick Mathematics Extension 1 Rahim, Julhasur
24422 Randwick Boys High School Randwick Mathematics Extension 1 Saleh, Naser Bin
24423 Randwick Boys High School Randwick Mathematics Extension 1 Strautins, Guy Gordon
24424 Randwick Boys High School Randwick Mathematics Extension 1 Sun, Xuran
24425 Randwick Boys High School Randwick Mathematics Extension 1 Tan, Jinlong
24426 Randwick Boys High School Randwick Mathematics Extension 1 Than, Thien Tu
24427 Randwick Boys High School Randwick Mathematics Extension 1 Yi, Kevin
24428 Randwick Boys High School Randwick Mathematics Extension 1 Zhang, You Lu (Michael)
24429 Randwick Boys High School Randwick Mathematics Extension 2 Alam, Fahad
24430 Randwick Boys High School Randwick Mathematics Extension 2 Bastari, Kenley
24431 Randwick Boys High School Randwick Mathematics Extension 2 Feng, Scott Aodi
24432 Randwick Boys High School Randwick Mathematics Extension 2 Gao, Max Hong Yi
24433 Randwick Boys High School Randwick Mathematics Extension 2 Le, Minh Phuc (Michael)
24434 Randwick Boys High School Randwick Mathematics Extension 2 Tan, Jinlong
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 17 Feb 2023
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