This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2010.
Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.
14644 | La Salle Academy | Lithgow | Business Studies | Mourtos, Logan |
14645 | La Salle Academy | Lithgow | Drama | Featherstone, Regina |
14646 | La Salle Academy | Lithgow | English (Advanced) | Featherstone, Regina |
14647 | La Salle Academy | Lithgow | English (Advanced) | Kerr, Sophie-May |
14648 | La Salle Academy | Lithgow | English (Advanced) | King, Sean |
14649 | La Salle Academy | Lithgow | Geography | Kerr, Sophie-May |
14650 | La Salle Academy | Lithgow | Studies of Religion II | Featherstone, Regina |
14651 | La Salle Catholic College | Bankstown | Chemistry | Nehme, Antonious |
14652 | La Salle Catholic College | Bankstown | General Mathematics | Brock, Gregory |
14653 | La Salle Catholic College | Bankstown | General Mathematics | Da Silva, Kevin |
14654 | La Salle Catholic College | Bankstown | General Mathematics | Hekkenberg, Joseph |
14655 | La Salle Catholic College | Bankstown | General Mathematics | Marrapodi, Rocco |
14656 | La Salle Catholic College | Bankstown | General Mathematics | Nemme, Jamie |
14657 | La Salle Catholic College | Bankstown | Information Processes and Technology | Hekkenberg, Joseph |
14658 | La Salle Catholic College | Bankstown | Mathematics | Nehme, Antonious |
14659 | La Salle Catholic College | Bankstown | Mathematics | Nguyen, Timothy An Duy |
14660 | La Salle Catholic College | Bankstown | Mathematics | Truong, Jason Hoang Thien |
14661 | La Salle Catholic College | Bankstown | Mathematics | Vu, Joseph |
14662 | La Salle Catholic College | Bankstown | Mathematics Extension 1 | Cao, Bao Gia Lam |
14663 | La Salle Catholic College | Bankstown | Mathematics Extension 1 | Hanna, Charbel |
14664 | La Salle Catholic College | Bankstown | Mathematics Extension 1 | Issa, Patrick |
14665 | La Salle Catholic College | Bankstown | Mathematics Extension 1 | Nguyen, Timothy An Duy |
14666 | La Salle Catholic College | Bankstown | Mathematics Extension 1 | Tran, Vinh |
14667 | La Salle Catholic College | Bankstown | Mathematics Extension 1 | Truong, Joseph Hoang Thinh |
14668 | La Salle Catholic College | Bankstown | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Hekkenberg, Joseph |
14669 | La Salle Catholic College | Bankstown | Studies of Religion I | Das, Pronoy |
14670 | La Salle Catholic College | Bankstown | Studies of Religion I | Magann, Liam |
14671 | Lake Illawarra High School | Lake Illawarra | Ancient History | Sebben, Joshua |
14672 | Lake Illawarra High School | Lake Illawarra | Biology | Doyle, Jack Douglas |
14673 | Lake Illawarra High School | Lake Illawarra | Biology | Young, Savannah Patrice |
14674 | Lake Illawarra High School | Lake Illawarra | English (Advanced) | Koessler, Trent |
14675 | Lake Illawarra High School | Lake Illawarra | History Extension | Koessler, Trent |
14676 | Lake Illawarra High School | Lake Illawarra | Legal Studies | Koessler, Trent |
14677 | Lake Illawarra High School | Lake Illawarra | Legal Studies | Sebben, Joshua |
14678 | Lake Illawarra High School | Lake Illawarra | Mathematics | Koessler, Trent |
14679 | Lake Illawarra High School | Lake Illawarra | Music 1 | Geddes, Samantha Jayne |
14680 | Lake Illawarra High School | Lake Illawarra | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Doyle, Jack Douglas |
14681 | Lake Illawarra High School | Lake Illawarra | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Geddes, Samantha Jayne |
14682 | Lake Illawarra High School | Lake Illawarra | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Prior, Maddison Leigh |
14683 | Lake Illawarra High School | Lake Illawarra | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Thomas, Phoebe Jean |
14684 | Lake Macquarie High School | Booragul | Business Studies | Thornton, Heidi Rose |
14685 | Lake Macquarie High School | Booragul | Mathematics | Morris, Graham David |
14686 | Lake Munmorah High School | Lake Munmorah | Biology | Asprey, Billie Jane |
14687 | Lake Munmorah High School | Lake Munmorah | Community and Family Studies | Rumore, Miranda Lyn |
14688 | Lake Munmorah High School | Lake Munmorah | Food Technology | Asprey, Billie Jane |
14689 | Lake Munmorah High School | Lake Munmorah | General Mathematics | Asprey, Billie Jane |
14690 | Lake Munmorah High School | Lake Munmorah | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Asprey, Billie Jane |
14691 | Lake Munmorah High School | Lake Munmorah | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Rumore, Miranda Lyn |
14692 | Lambton High School | Lambton | Ancient History | Bice, Riley Jade |
14693 | Lambton High School | Lambton | Ancient History | Bradney, Alexandra Louise |
14694 | Lambton High School | Lambton | Biology | Bice, Riley Jade |
14695 | Lambton High School | Lambton | Dance | Fleming, Charlotte Lindsay |
14696 | Lambton High School | Lambton | Drama | Bradney, Alexandra Louise |
14697 | Lambton High School | Lambton | Earth and Environmental Science | Clausen, Declan Philip |
14698 | Lambton High School | Lambton | English (Advanced) | Bice, Riley Jade |
14699 | Lambton High School | Lambton | English (Advanced) | Bradney, Alexandra Louise |
14700 | Lambton High School | Lambton | English (Advanced) | Maddalena, Justin Luke |
14701 | Lambton High School | Lambton | English (Advanced) | O'Toole, Suzannah Louise |
14702 | Lambton High School | Lambton | English (Advanced) | Platt, Alex Lee |
14703 | Lambton High School | Lambton | English Extension 2 | Bradney, Alexandra Louise |
14704 | Lambton High School | Lambton | French Beginners | Bice, Riley Jade |
14705 | Lambton High School | Lambton | French Beginners | Shakespeare, Kate |
14706 | Lambton High School | Lambton | General Mathematics | Collard, Daniel Ronald |
14707 | Lambton High School | Lambton | General Mathematics | Elliott, Jordan Leah |
14708 | Lambton High School | Lambton | General Mathematics | O'Reilly, Alexander Alan |
14709 | Lambton High School | Lambton | German Continuers | James, Mia Giomar |
14710 | Lambton High School | Lambton | History Extension | Platt, Alex Lee |
14711 | Lambton High School | Lambton | Hospitality Examination | Collard, Daniel Ronald |
14712 | Lambton High School | Lambton | Industrial Technology | Bowe, Kyle William |
14713 | Lambton High School | Lambton | Industrial Technology | Jackson, Lachlan Vaughan |
14714 | Lambton High School | Lambton | Information Processes and Technology | Maddalena, Justin Luke |
14715 | Lambton High School | Lambton | Information Processes and Technology | Muller, David Keith |
14716 | Lambton High School | Lambton | Legal Studies | Bradney, Alexandra Louise |
14717 | Lambton High School | Lambton | Mathematics | Bice, Riley Jade |
14718 | Lambton High School | Lambton | Mathematics | Clausen, Declan Philip |
14719 | Lambton High School | Lambton | Mathematics | Moghaddas, Diana |
14720 | Lambton High School | Lambton | Mathematics | Muller, David Keith |
14721 | Lambton High School | Lambton | Mathematics Extension 1 | Moghaddas, Diana |
14722 | Lambton High School | Lambton | Modern History | Muller, David Keith |
14723 | Lambton High School | Lambton | Modern History | O'Toole, Suzannah Louise |
14724 | Lambton High School | Lambton | Modern History | Platt, Alex Lee |
14725 | Lambton High School | Lambton | Music Extension | Collard, Daniel Ronald |
14726 | Lambton High School | Lambton | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Brady, Renee Monique |
14727 | Lambton High School | Lambton | Visual Arts | Bell, Stephanie Louise |
14728 | Lambton High School | Lambton | Visual Arts | Neale, Lily Ernestine |
14729 | Lambton High School | Lambton | Visual Arts | Platt, Alex Lee |
14730 | Leeton High School | Leeton | Ancient History | Hanlon, Kirralee Amy |
14731 | Leeton High School | Leeton | English (Advanced) | Hanlon, Kirralee Amy |
14732 | Leeton High School | Leeton | General Mathematics | Napier, Renelle Brittany |
14733 | Leeton High School | Leeton | Mathematics Extension 2 | Keith, Daniel |
14734 | Leeton High School | Leeton | Music 1 | Hanlon, Kirralee Amy |
14735 | Leeton High School | Leeton | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Borgese, Jessica |
14736 | Leumeah High School | Leumeah | English (Advanced) | Halliday, Jake Lochlan |
14737 | Leumeah High School | Leumeah | English (Advanced) | Woods, Tamara Kate |
14738 | Leumeah High School | Leumeah | Geography | Halliday, Jake Lochlan |
14739 | Leumeah High School | Leumeah | Geography | Woods, Tamara Kate |
14740 | Leumeah High School | Leumeah | Mathematics Extension 1 | Halliday, Jake Lochlan |
14741 | Leumeah High School | Leumeah | Modern History | Woods, Tamara Kate |
14742 | Lindisfarne Anglican School | Terranora | Biology | Bulmer, Jason Andrew |
14743 | Lindisfarne Anglican School | Terranora | Biology | Jephcote, Lana D |
14744 | Lindisfarne Anglican School | Terranora | Biology | Rigby, Timothy John |
14745 | Lindisfarne Anglican School | Terranora | English (Advanced) | Graham, Simon Rhys Harris |
14746 | Lindisfarne Anglican School | Terranora | English (Advanced) | Jephcote, Lana D |
14747 | Lindisfarne Anglican School | Terranora | English (Advanced) | Lipshus, Sarah Jordan |
14748 | Lindisfarne Anglican School | Terranora | English (Advanced) | Schaefer, Jae Maree |
14749 | Lindisfarne Anglican School | Terranora | English (Advanced) | Shanahan, Melanie Renee |
14750 | Lindisfarne Anglican School | Terranora | English Extension 1 | Duncan, Sophie Elizabeth |
14751 | Lindisfarne Anglican School | Terranora | English Extension 1 | Schaefer, Jae Maree |
14752 | Lindisfarne Anglican School | Terranora | English Extension 1 | Shanahan, Melanie Renee |
14753 | Lindisfarne Anglican School | Terranora | French Beginners | Shanahan, Melanie Renee |
14754 | Lindisfarne Anglican School | Terranora | General Mathematics | Hayes, Gabrielle |
14755 | Lindisfarne Anglican School | Terranora | General Mathematics | Michaud, Chayelle-Dane |
14756 | Lindisfarne Anglican School | Terranora | Hospitality Examination | Diehm, Tamika Louise |
14757 | Lindisfarne Anglican School | Terranora | Legal Studies | Graham, Simon Rhys Harris |
14758 | Lindisfarne Anglican School | Terranora | Legal Studies | Schaefer, Jae Maree |
14759 | Lindisfarne Anglican School | Terranora | Legal Studies | Shanahan, Melanie Renee |
14760 | Lindisfarne Anglican School | Terranora | Mathematics Extension 1 | Graham, Simon Rhys Harris |
14761 | Lindisfarne Anglican School | Terranora | Mathematics Extension 2 | Graham, Simon Rhys Harris |
14762 | Lindisfarne Anglican School | Terranora | Modern History | Graham, Simon Rhys Harris |
14763 | Lindisfarne Anglican School | Terranora | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Jephcote, Lana D |
14764 | Lindisfarne Anglican School | Terranora | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Rigby, Timothy John |
14765 | Lindisfarne Anglican School | Terranora | Senior Science | Bulmer, Jason Andrew |
14766 | Lindisfarne Anglican School | Terranora | Senior Science | Doolan, Karina Elisabeth |
14767 | Lindisfarne Anglican School | Terranora | Senior Science | Henderson-Jones, Ella Grace |
14768 | Lindisfarne Anglican School | Terranora | Senior Science | Jephcote, Lana D |
14769 | Lindisfarne Anglican School | Terranora | Senior Science | Rigby, Timothy John |
14770 | Lindisfarne Anglican School | Terranora | Studies of Religion I | Schaefer, Jae Maree |
14771 | Lindisfarne Anglican School | Terranora | Studies of Religion I | Shanahan, Melanie Renee |
14772 | Lisarow High School | Lisarow | Business Services Examination | Huenerbein, Jodie Paris |
14773 | Lisarow High School | Lisarow | Community and Family Studies | Allan, Amber Paige |
14774 | Lisarow High School | Lisarow | Community and Family Studies | Huenerbein, Jodie Paris |
14775 | Lisarow High School | Lisarow | Community and Family Studies | Lecky, Toni-Lee |
14776 | Lisarow High School | Lisarow | English Extension 1 | Gulpers, Kieren Paige |
14777 | Lisarow High School | Lisarow | English Extension 2 | Gulpers, Kieren Paige |
14778 | Lisarow High School | Lisarow | General Mathematics | Davidson, Tamara Jane |
14779 | Lisarow High School | Lisarow | General Mathematics | Langlands, Renee Heather |
14780 | Lisarow High School | Lisarow | General Mathematics | Lindsay, Shane David |
14781 | Lisarow High School | Lisarow | General Mathematics | Robinson, Frazer Brad |
14782 | Lisarow High School | Lisarow | General Mathematics | Rutherford, Damian Louis |
14783 | Lisarow High School | Lisarow | Legal Studies | Lecky, Toni-Lee |
14784 | Lisarow High School | Lisarow | Mathematics | Craig, Mitchell Alec |
14785 | Lisarow High School | Lisarow | Music 1 | Gulpers, Kieren Paige |
14786 | Lisarow High School | Lisarow | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Lecky, Toni-Lee |
14787 | Lisarow High School | Lisarow | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Mitchell, Alexandra Mary |
14788 | Lisarow High School | Lisarow | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Weedon, Laura Allyn |
14789 | Lisarow High School | Lisarow | Textiles and Design | Bevan, Rachel Leigh |
14790 | Lithgow High School | Lithgow | Electrotechnology Examination | Jones, Ethan Dean |
14791 | Lithgow High School | Lithgow | Engineering Studies | Banning, Dylan Michael |
14792 | Lithgow High School | Lithgow | Industrial Technology | Hanrahan, Joshua James |
14793 | Lithgow High School | Lithgow | Industrial Technology | Rhodes, Thomas Andrew |