Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2010

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2010.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

150 of 37100 entries are shown.
14644 - 14793
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14644 La Salle Academy Lithgow Business Studies Mourtos, Logan
14645 La Salle Academy Lithgow Drama Featherstone, Regina
14646 La Salle Academy Lithgow English (Advanced) Featherstone, Regina
14647 La Salle Academy Lithgow English (Advanced) Kerr, Sophie-May
14648 La Salle Academy Lithgow English (Advanced) King, Sean
14649 La Salle Academy Lithgow Geography Kerr, Sophie-May
14650 La Salle Academy Lithgow Studies of Religion II Featherstone, Regina
14651 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Chemistry Nehme, Antonious
14652 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown General Mathematics Brock, Gregory
14653 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown General Mathematics Da Silva, Kevin
14654 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown General Mathematics Hekkenberg, Joseph
14655 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown General Mathematics Marrapodi, Rocco
14656 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown General Mathematics Nemme, Jamie
14657 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Information Processes and Technology Hekkenberg, Joseph
14658 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Mathematics Nehme, Antonious
14659 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Mathematics Nguyen, Timothy An Duy
14660 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Mathematics Truong, Jason Hoang Thien
14661 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Mathematics Vu, Joseph
14662 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Mathematics Extension 1 Cao, Bao Gia Lam
14663 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Mathematics Extension 1 Hanna, Charbel
14664 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Mathematics Extension 1 Issa, Patrick
14665 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Mathematics Extension 1 Nguyen, Timothy An Duy
14666 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Mathematics Extension 1 Tran, Vinh
14667 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Mathematics Extension 1 Truong, Joseph Hoang Thinh
14668 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Hekkenberg, Joseph
14669 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Studies of Religion I Das, Pronoy
14670 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown Studies of Religion I Magann, Liam
14671 Lake Illawarra High School Lake Illawarra Ancient History Sebben, Joshua
14672 Lake Illawarra High School Lake Illawarra Biology Doyle, Jack Douglas
14673 Lake Illawarra High School Lake Illawarra Biology Young, Savannah Patrice
14674 Lake Illawarra High School Lake Illawarra English (Advanced) Koessler, Trent
14675 Lake Illawarra High School Lake Illawarra History Extension Koessler, Trent
14676 Lake Illawarra High School Lake Illawarra Legal Studies Koessler, Trent
14677 Lake Illawarra High School Lake Illawarra Legal Studies Sebben, Joshua
14678 Lake Illawarra High School Lake Illawarra Mathematics Koessler, Trent
14679 Lake Illawarra High School Lake Illawarra Music 1 Geddes, Samantha Jayne
14680 Lake Illawarra High School Lake Illawarra Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Doyle, Jack Douglas
14681 Lake Illawarra High School Lake Illawarra Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Geddes, Samantha Jayne
14682 Lake Illawarra High School Lake Illawarra Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Prior, Maddison Leigh
14683 Lake Illawarra High School Lake Illawarra Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Thomas, Phoebe Jean
14684 Lake Macquarie High School Booragul Business Studies Thornton, Heidi Rose
14685 Lake Macquarie High School Booragul Mathematics Morris, Graham David
14686 Lake Munmorah High School Lake Munmorah Biology Asprey, Billie Jane
14687 Lake Munmorah High School Lake Munmorah Community and Family Studies Rumore, Miranda Lyn
14688 Lake Munmorah High School Lake Munmorah Food Technology Asprey, Billie Jane
14689 Lake Munmorah High School Lake Munmorah General Mathematics Asprey, Billie Jane
14690 Lake Munmorah High School Lake Munmorah Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Asprey, Billie Jane
14691 Lake Munmorah High School Lake Munmorah Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Rumore, Miranda Lyn
14692 Lambton High School Lambton Ancient History Bice, Riley Jade
14693 Lambton High School Lambton Ancient History Bradney, Alexandra Louise
14694 Lambton High School Lambton Biology Bice, Riley Jade
14695 Lambton High School Lambton Dance Fleming, Charlotte Lindsay
14696 Lambton High School Lambton Drama Bradney, Alexandra Louise
14697 Lambton High School Lambton Earth and Environmental Science Clausen, Declan Philip
14698 Lambton High School Lambton English (Advanced) Bice, Riley Jade
14699 Lambton High School Lambton English (Advanced) Bradney, Alexandra Louise
14700 Lambton High School Lambton English (Advanced) Maddalena, Justin Luke
14701 Lambton High School Lambton English (Advanced) O'Toole, Suzannah Louise
14702 Lambton High School Lambton English (Advanced) Platt, Alex Lee
14703 Lambton High School Lambton English Extension 2 Bradney, Alexandra Louise
14704 Lambton High School Lambton French Beginners Bice, Riley Jade
14705 Lambton High School Lambton French Beginners Shakespeare, Kate
14706 Lambton High School Lambton General Mathematics Collard, Daniel Ronald
14707 Lambton High School Lambton General Mathematics Elliott, Jordan Leah
14708 Lambton High School Lambton General Mathematics O'Reilly, Alexander Alan
14709 Lambton High School Lambton German Continuers James, Mia Giomar
14710 Lambton High School Lambton History Extension Platt, Alex Lee
14711 Lambton High School Lambton Hospitality Examination Collard, Daniel Ronald
14712 Lambton High School Lambton Industrial Technology Bowe, Kyle William
14713 Lambton High School Lambton Industrial Technology Jackson, Lachlan Vaughan
14714 Lambton High School Lambton Information Processes and Technology Maddalena, Justin Luke
14715 Lambton High School Lambton Information Processes and Technology Muller, David Keith
14716 Lambton High School Lambton Legal Studies Bradney, Alexandra Louise
14717 Lambton High School Lambton Mathematics Bice, Riley Jade
14718 Lambton High School Lambton Mathematics Clausen, Declan Philip
14719 Lambton High School Lambton Mathematics Moghaddas, Diana
14720 Lambton High School Lambton Mathematics Muller, David Keith
14721 Lambton High School Lambton Mathematics Extension 1 Moghaddas, Diana
14722 Lambton High School Lambton Modern History Muller, David Keith
14723 Lambton High School Lambton Modern History O'Toole, Suzannah Louise
14724 Lambton High School Lambton Modern History Platt, Alex Lee
14725 Lambton High School Lambton Music Extension Collard, Daniel Ronald
14726 Lambton High School Lambton Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Brady, Renee Monique
14727 Lambton High School Lambton Visual Arts Bell, Stephanie Louise
14728 Lambton High School Lambton Visual Arts Neale, Lily Ernestine
14729 Lambton High School Lambton Visual Arts Platt, Alex Lee
14730 Leeton High School Leeton Ancient History Hanlon, Kirralee Amy
14731 Leeton High School Leeton English (Advanced) Hanlon, Kirralee Amy
14732 Leeton High School Leeton General Mathematics Napier, Renelle Brittany
14733 Leeton High School Leeton Mathematics Extension 2 Keith, Daniel
14734 Leeton High School Leeton Music 1 Hanlon, Kirralee Amy
14735 Leeton High School Leeton Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Borgese, Jessica
14736 Leumeah High School Leumeah English (Advanced) Halliday, Jake Lochlan
14737 Leumeah High School Leumeah English (Advanced) Woods, Tamara Kate
14738 Leumeah High School Leumeah Geography Halliday, Jake Lochlan
14739 Leumeah High School Leumeah Geography Woods, Tamara Kate
14740 Leumeah High School Leumeah Mathematics Extension 1 Halliday, Jake Lochlan
14741 Leumeah High School Leumeah Modern History Woods, Tamara Kate
14742 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora Biology Bulmer, Jason Andrew
14743 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora Biology Jephcote, Lana D
14744 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora Biology Rigby, Timothy John
14745 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora English (Advanced) Graham, Simon Rhys Harris
14746 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora English (Advanced) Jephcote, Lana D
14747 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora English (Advanced) Lipshus, Sarah Jordan
14748 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora English (Advanced) Schaefer, Jae Maree
14749 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora English (Advanced) Shanahan, Melanie Renee
14750 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora English Extension 1 Duncan, Sophie Elizabeth
14751 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora English Extension 1 Schaefer, Jae Maree
14752 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora English Extension 1 Shanahan, Melanie Renee
14753 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora French Beginners Shanahan, Melanie Renee
14754 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora General Mathematics Hayes, Gabrielle
14755 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora General Mathematics Michaud, Chayelle-Dane
14756 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora Hospitality Examination Diehm, Tamika Louise
14757 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora Legal Studies Graham, Simon Rhys Harris
14758 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora Legal Studies Schaefer, Jae Maree
14759 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora Legal Studies Shanahan, Melanie Renee
14760 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora Mathematics Extension 1 Graham, Simon Rhys Harris
14761 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora Mathematics Extension 2 Graham, Simon Rhys Harris
14762 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora Modern History Graham, Simon Rhys Harris
14763 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Jephcote, Lana D
14764 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Rigby, Timothy John
14765 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora Senior Science Bulmer, Jason Andrew
14766 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora Senior Science Doolan, Karina Elisabeth
14767 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora Senior Science Henderson-Jones, Ella Grace
14768 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora Senior Science Jephcote, Lana D
14769 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora Senior Science Rigby, Timothy John
14770 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora Studies of Religion I Schaefer, Jae Maree
14771 Lindisfarne Anglican School Terranora Studies of Religion I Shanahan, Melanie Renee
14772 Lisarow High School Lisarow Business Services Examination Huenerbein, Jodie Paris
14773 Lisarow High School Lisarow Community and Family Studies Allan, Amber Paige
14774 Lisarow High School Lisarow Community and Family Studies Huenerbein, Jodie Paris
14775 Lisarow High School Lisarow Community and Family Studies Lecky, Toni-Lee
14776 Lisarow High School Lisarow English Extension 1 Gulpers, Kieren Paige
14777 Lisarow High School Lisarow English Extension 2 Gulpers, Kieren Paige
14778 Lisarow High School Lisarow General Mathematics Davidson, Tamara Jane
14779 Lisarow High School Lisarow General Mathematics Langlands, Renee Heather
14780 Lisarow High School Lisarow General Mathematics Lindsay, Shane David
14781 Lisarow High School Lisarow General Mathematics Robinson, Frazer Brad
14782 Lisarow High School Lisarow General Mathematics Rutherford, Damian Louis
14783 Lisarow High School Lisarow Legal Studies Lecky, Toni-Lee
14784 Lisarow High School Lisarow Mathematics Craig, Mitchell Alec
14785 Lisarow High School Lisarow Music 1 Gulpers, Kieren Paige
14786 Lisarow High School Lisarow Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Lecky, Toni-Lee
14787 Lisarow High School Lisarow Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Mitchell, Alexandra Mary
14788 Lisarow High School Lisarow Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Weedon, Laura Allyn
14789 Lisarow High School Lisarow Textiles and Design Bevan, Rachel Leigh
14790 Lithgow High School Lithgow Electrotechnology Examination Jones, Ethan Dean
14791 Lithgow High School Lithgow Engineering Studies Banning, Dylan Michael
14792 Lithgow High School Lithgow Industrial Technology Hanrahan, Joshua James
14793 Lithgow High School Lithgow Industrial Technology Rhodes, Thomas Andrew
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 17 Feb 2023
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