Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2010

Filtered by Subject Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2010.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

50 of 815 entries are shown.
551 - 600
Jump to row:
Rows per page:
551 SCEGGS Darlinghurst Darlinghurst Modern History Richards, Samantha
552 SCEGGS Darlinghurst Darlinghurst Modern History Robertson, Mairi Aileen
553 SCEGGS Darlinghurst Darlinghurst Modern History Ross, Nerida Isabel Kennedy
554 SCEGGS Darlinghurst Darlinghurst Modern History Sulman, Finola Mary
555 SCEGGS Darlinghurst Darlinghurst Modern History Yeh, Julia Mei-Zhen
556 SCEGGS Darlinghurst Darlinghurst Modern History Zele, Georgia Marie
557 Sefton High School Sefton Modern History Hang, Mary
558 Sefton High School Sefton Modern History Quach, Helen
559 Sefton High School Sefton Modern History Xu, Lu Lucy
560 SHORE Sydney Church of England Grammar School North Sydney Modern History Armstrong, James Russel Monchal
561 SHORE Sydney Church of England Grammar School North Sydney Modern History Bain, Ashford Cameron
562 SHORE Sydney Church of England Grammar School North Sydney Modern History Bell-Romero, Nico
563 SHORE Sydney Church of England Grammar School North Sydney Modern History Coward, James Hamilton
564 SHORE Sydney Church of England Grammar School North Sydney Modern History Dubler, Felix Luther Oatley
565 SHORE Sydney Church of England Grammar School North Sydney Modern History Gibson, Edward Patrick
566 SHORE Sydney Church of England Grammar School North Sydney Modern History Goswell, Alexander Henry
567 SHORE Sydney Church of England Grammar School North Sydney Modern History Hanbury-Brown, Lachlan Meyrick
568 SHORE Sydney Church of England Grammar School North Sydney Modern History Hawke, Mason Nicholas
569 SHORE Sydney Church of England Grammar School North Sydney Modern History McKeith, Nicholas Harry
570 SHORE Sydney Church of England Grammar School North Sydney Modern History Murphy, Sam Camlin
571 SHORE Sydney Church of England Grammar School North Sydney Modern History Read, Michael Charles Horder
572 SHORE Sydney Church of England Grammar School North Sydney Modern History Tong, Jonathan Chun Hei
573 Smiths Hill High School Wollongong Modern History Brophy, Eleanor
574 Smiths Hill High School Wollongong Modern History Connor, Natalie
575 Smiths Hill High School Wollongong Modern History Dunn, Liam Edward
576 Smiths Hill High School Wollongong Modern History Edmonds, William Lachlan
577 Smiths Hill High School Wollongong Modern History Hopkins, Elysia May
578 Smiths Hill High School Wollongong Modern History Hovanyecz, Sarah Maree
579 Smiths Hill High School Wollongong Modern History Lavergne, Zoe Claire
580 Smiths Hill High School Wollongong Modern History Philpott, Bradley James
581 Smiths Hill High School Wollongong Modern History Sears, Maddison
582 Smiths Hill High School Wollongong Modern History Wilcox Watson, Dominic William
583 South Sydney High School Maroubra Modern History Coyle, Lauren Fiona
584 St Aloysius College Milsons Point Modern History Caccamo, Cameron
585 St Aloysius College Milsons Point Modern History Cooper, Paul
586 St Aloysius College Milsons Point Modern History Cordi, Nicholas
587 St Aloysius College Milsons Point Modern History Craft, William
588 St Aloysius College Milsons Point Modern History de Gail, Michael
589 St Aloysius College Milsons Point Modern History Farinha, Daniel
590 St Aloysius College Milsons Point Modern History Juwana, James
591 St Aloysius College Milsons Point Modern History Martorana, Joel
592 St Aloysius College Milsons Point Modern History Ryan, Luke Dominic
593 St Aloysius College Milsons Point Modern History Walsh, Peter
594 St Andrews Cathedral School Sydney Modern History Benedict, Sophia
595 St Andrews Cathedral School Sydney Modern History Munro, Matilda Anna
596 St Augustines College Brookvale Modern History Burrows, Matthew
597 St Augustines College Brookvale Modern History Guy, Thomas
598 St Augustines College Brookvale Modern History Hart, Justin
599 St Augustines College Brookvale Modern History Pashley, Nathan
600 St Augustines College Brookvale Modern History Paul, Benjamin
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 17 Feb 2023
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