Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2010

Filtered by Subject Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2010.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

50 of 3272 entries are shown.
3001 - 3050
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3001 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Chau, William Quoc Hung
3002 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Chen, Henry
3003 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Cheng, Kenny Chi-Kin
3004 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Cung, Daniel Viet
3005 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Devineni, Siddharth
3006 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Ganatra, Neil
3007 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Hor, Shuvadip
3008 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Islam, Ifrat Nushan
3009 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Kader, Nibir
3010 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Kwan, Aaron Long Yin
3011 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Ling, Wilson
3012 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Liu, Andy
3013 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Low, Pit Wai
3014 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Low, Pit Weng
3015 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Lum, Tristan Lock Chow
3016 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Madiwale, Siddharth
3017 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Mai, Joseph
3018 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Mukherjee, Anith
3019 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Ng, Kevin Siew Hoong
3020 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Nguyen, Ky Phong
3021 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Nguyen, Matthew L
3022 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics O'Gara, Joseph Anthony
3023 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Pan, Alex
3024 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Quach, Kevin
3025 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Rezkalla, Steven David
3026 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Rokkas, Nicholas
3027 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Sane, Omkar
3028 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Simeonov, George Krassimirov
3029 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Sura, Neil
3030 Sydney Technical High School Bexley Mathematics Tayeb, Zaed
3031 Sylvania High School Sylvania Mathematics Christodoulou, Michael
3032 Sylvania High School Sylvania Mathematics Daley, Brandon Lee
3033 Sylvania High School Sylvania Mathematics Kabakov, Peter John
3034 Tangara School for Girls Cherrybrook Mathematics De Andrade, Claudia
3035 Tangara School for Girls Cherrybrook Mathematics Gerges, Jessica
3036 Tangara School for Girls Cherrybrook Mathematics McAuley, Elizabeth
3037 Tara Anglican School for Girls North Parramatta Mathematics Arander, Kawisha
3038 Tara Anglican School for Girls North Parramatta Mathematics Chelliah, Anamika
3039 Tara Anglican School for Girls North Parramatta Mathematics Cincotta, Alexa
3040 Tara Anglican School for Girls North Parramatta Mathematics Tran, Melissa
3041 Tara Anglican School for Girls North Parramatta Mathematics Wong, Jessica Gah Man
3042 Taree High School Taree Mathematics Tyrpenou, Brett Anthony
3043 Taylors College Waterloo Mathematics Atikhomkamalasai, Pratana
3044 Taylors College Waterloo Mathematics Cao, Thi Phuong Nhung
3045 Taylors College Waterloo Mathematics Chen, Qirong
3046 Taylors College Waterloo Mathematics Huang, Tianyin
3047 Taylors College Waterloo Mathematics Jiang, Qing Ke
3048 Taylors College Waterloo Mathematics Lin, Shuxian
3049 Taylors College Waterloo Mathematics Yang, Xiaoyue
3050 Temora High School Temora Mathematics Lavelle, Stuart
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 17 Feb 2023
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