This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2009.
Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.
31476 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Chemistry | Shao, Emily |
31477 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Chinese Background Speakers | Yang, Cui Yao |
31478 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Chinese Background Speakers | Zheng, Rosa (Yuhang) |
31479 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Chinese Beginners | Nitithumbundit, Sittha |
31480 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Chinese Beginners | Zebua, Pundarika |
31481 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Community and Family Studies | Thomson, Maeve |
31482 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Drama | Lawrance Johnson, Daisy |
31483 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Economics | Austin, Gareth Sean |
31484 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Economics | Maddox, Kip |
31485 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Economics | Tran, Minh-Tu |
31486 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | English (Advanced) | Austin, Gareth Sean |
31487 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | English (Advanced) | Chen, Vivienne |
31488 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | English (Advanced) | Dufficy, Tom |
31489 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | English (Advanced) | Galea, Angela Molly |
31490 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | English (Advanced) | Grenfell, Oscar |
31491 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | English (Advanced) | Hirsch, Aran Fred |
31492 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | English (Advanced) | Maddox, Kip |
31493 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | English (Advanced) | Neuman, Ariana |
31494 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | English (Advanced) | Pettitt, Ally |
31495 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | English (Advanced) | Shao, Emily |
31496 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | English (Advanced) | Thomas, Heather Maria |
31497 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | English (Advanced) | Tran, Minh-Tu |
31498 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | English (Advanced) | Tu, Susan |
31499 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | English (Advanced) | Vogel, Katie Rose |
31500 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | English Extension 1 | Austin, Gareth Sean |
31501 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | English Extension 1 | Dufficy, Tom |
31502 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | English Extension 1 | Tran, Minh-Tu |
31503 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | English Extension 2 | Griffin, Lewis |
31504 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Entertainment Industry Examination | Corben, Thomas Alfred |
31505 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | General Mathematics | Dang, Viet |
31506 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | General Mathematics | Rickert, Imogen Astrid |
31507 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | General Mathematics | Thomas, Heather Maria |
31508 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | General Mathematics | Thomson, Maeve |
31509 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | General Mathematics | Williamson, Matthew |
31510 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | History Extension | Austin, Gareth Sean |
31511 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | History Extension | Hirsch, Aran Fred |
31512 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Indonesian Continuers | Dufficy, Tom |
31513 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Indonesian Extension | Dufficy, Tom |
31514 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Industrial Technology | Ling, Queenie |
31515 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Japanese Beginners | Lay, Christopher |
31516 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Japanese Continuers | Satola, Phillip |
31517 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Legal Studies | Austin, Gareth Sean |
31518 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Legal Studies | Liang, Lena |
31519 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Legal Studies | Neuman, Ariana |
31520 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Legal Studies | Pettitt, Ally |
31521 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Legal Studies | Thomas, Heather Maria |
31522 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Mathematics | Chen, Vivienne |
31523 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Mathematics | Chiu, Kar Leng |
31524 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Mathematics | Cho, Ivan Kin Leung |
31525 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Mathematics | Davis, Phillip |
31526 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Mathematics | Heung, Bennett |
31527 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Mathematics | Lay, Christopher |
31528 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Mathematics | Lee, Chris Dong-Hoon |
31529 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Mathematics | Liu, Zida |
31530 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Mathematics | Liu, Zitong |
31531 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Mathematics | Maddox, Kip |
31532 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Mathematics | Nhieu, Eric |
31533 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Mathematics | Ormsby, Patrick |
31534 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Mathematics | Thai, Chau |
31535 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Mathematics | Wang, Wan Lu |
31536 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Mathematics | Warsing, David |
31537 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Mathematics | Yan, Mengzhen |
31538 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Mathematics Extension 1 | Feng, Kenneth |
31539 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Mathematics Extension 1 | Heung, Bennett |
31540 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Mathematics Extension 1 | Hu, David Xi Ming |
31541 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Mathematics Extension 1 | Lee, Chris Dong-Hoon |
31542 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Mathematics Extension 1 | Ning, Zhaoying (Freda) |
31543 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Mathematics Extension 1 | Ormsby, Patrick |
31544 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Mathematics Extension 1 | Shao, Emily |
31545 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Mathematics Extension 1 | Tran, Duc Phuc |
31546 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Mathematics Extension 1 | Wang, Wan Lu |
31547 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Mathematics Extension 1 | Wongphoommuang, Rujira |
31548 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Mathematics Extension 1 | Yan, Erkang |
31549 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Mathematics Extension 1 | Yang, Cui Yao |
31550 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Mathematics Extension 2 | Hu, David Xi Ming |
31551 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Mathematics Extension 2 | Shao, Emily |
31552 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Mathematics Extension 2 | Yang, Cui Yao |
31553 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Modern History | Austin, Gareth Sean |
31554 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Modern History | Brewster, Vanessa Scot |
31555 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Modern History | Hirsch, Aran Fred |
31556 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Modern History | Neuman, Ariana |
31557 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Modern History | Thomas, Heather Maria |
31558 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Modern History | Tran, Minh-Tu |
31559 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Music 1 | Burnat, Theodore |
31560 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Music 1 | Corben, Thomas Alfred |
31561 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Davis, Phillip |
31562 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Galea, Angela Molly |
31563 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Noor, Denny |
31564 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Physics | Liu, Zida |
31565 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Physics | Shao, Emily |
31566 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Physics | Yang, Cui Yao |
31567 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Society and Culture | Grenfell, Oscar |
31568 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Society and Culture | King, Lucy Jasmine |
31569 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Society and Culture | Quinteros, Samuel Galileo |
31570 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Society and Culture | Rickert, Imogen Astrid |
31571 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Society and Culture | Rossie, Matilda Ada Birrali |
31572 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Studies of Religion II | Burn-Petersen, Emma |
31573 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Studies of Religion II | Pettitt, Ally |
31574 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Studies of Religion II | Quinteros, Samuel Galileo |
31575 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Textiles and Design | Pettitt, Ally |
31576 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Visual Arts | Brewster, Vanessa Scot |
31577 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Visual Arts | Dotulung, Aby Lazuli |
31578 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Visual Arts | Goodyer, Vincent |
31579 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Visual Arts | Griffin, Lewis |
31580 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Visual Arts | McDonald, Tarryn Lee Sara |
31581 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Visual Arts | Puru-Watt, Kynan |
31582 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Visual Arts | Quinteros, Samuel Galileo |
31583 | Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus | Glebe | Visual Arts | Vogel, Katie Rose |
31584 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Biology | Cheah, Kai-Bing |
31585 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Biology | Nguyen, Peter Thanh Tam |
31586 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Business Studies | Ho, Morich |
31587 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Business Studies | Ko, Austin |
31588 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Business Studies | Mangraviti, Anthony |
31589 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Business Studies | Trinh, Rick Tran |
31590 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Chemistry | Baker, David Andrew |
31591 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Chemistry | Bin-Kalam, Saad |
31592 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Chemistry | Cheah, Kai-Bing |
31593 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Chemistry | Li, Sherwin |
31594 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Chemistry | Mustafa, Haris Mohammad |
31595 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Chemistry | Nguyen, Peter Thanh Tam |
31596 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Chemistry | Rehan, Rajan |
31597 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Chemistry | Rosse, Antoine Louis |
31598 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Chemistry | Vo, Tony Xuan Tung |
31599 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Chemistry | Wangoo, Laltaksh |
31600 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Chemistry | Xing, Simon Aowen |
31601 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Chemistry | Yoon, Martin |
31602 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Economics | Baker, David Andrew |
31603 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Economics | Bin-Kalam, Saad |
31604 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Economics | Garg, Shivam |
31605 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Economics | Hanna, Jesse Mark Leslie |
31606 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Economics | Kirkpatrick, James Lewin |
31607 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Economics | Mustafa, Haris Mohammad |
31608 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Economics | Rehan, Rajan |
31609 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Engineering Studies | Dahoud, Mustapha |
31610 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Engineering Studies | Fu, Chuan Qiang |
31611 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Engineering Studies | Funai, Nicholas Gustavo |
31612 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Engineering Studies | Lam, Kenneth Waichung |
31613 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Engineering Studies | Le, John Tuan Anh |
31614 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Engineering Studies | Lee, Kevin Victor |
31615 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Engineering Studies | Qiu, Roger Yulong |
31616 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Engineering Studies | Raman, Vignesh |
31617 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Engineering Studies | Romanowski, Conrad |
31618 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | English (Advanced) | Baker, David Andrew |
31619 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | English (Advanced) | Billiris, John James |
31620 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | English (Advanced) | Bin-Kalam, Saad |
31621 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | English (Advanced) | Chowdhury, Nayeem |
31622 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | English (Advanced) | Fajilan, Francois Julian |
31623 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | English (Advanced) | Faraj, Phillip |
31624 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | English (Advanced) | Heath, Samuel Michael |
31625 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | English (Advanced) | Hellyer, Miles Campbell |
31626 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | English (Advanced) | Johns, Christopher Leslie |
31627 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | English (Advanced) | Karvountzis, Nicholas James |
31628 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | English (Advanced) | Kirkpatrick, James Lewin |
31629 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | English (Advanced) | Lee, Ivan Shung Yan |
31630 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | English (Advanced) | Mangraviti, Anthony |
31631 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | English (Advanced) | Mason, Noel |
31632 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | English (Advanced) | Mustafa, Haris Mohammad |
31633 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | English (Advanced) | Rehan, Rajan |
31634 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | English (Advanced) | Rosse, Antoine Louis |
31635 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | English (Advanced) | Vallis, Evan |
31636 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | English (Advanced) | Wangoo, Laltaksh |
31637 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | English (Advanced) | Wong, Jason |
31638 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | English (Advanced) | Yeung, Adrian Ji Ngai |
31639 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | English Extension 1 | Heath, Samuel Michael |
31640 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | English Extension 1 | Hellyer, Miles Campbell |
31641 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | English Extension 1 | Karvountzis, Nicholas James |
31642 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | English Extension 1 | Kirkpatrick, James Lewin |
31643 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | English Extension 1 | Lau, Derek Chi Tao |
31644 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | English Extension 1 | Rosse, Antoine Louis |
31645 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | English Extension 1 | Taurail, Junior |
31646 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | English Extension 1 | Vallis, Evan |
31647 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | English Extension 2 | Brown, Mitchell |
31648 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | English Extension 2 | Heath, Samuel Michael |
31649 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | English Extension 2 | Johns, Christopher Leslie |
31650 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | English Extension 2 | Mason, Noel |
31651 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Geography | Middleton, Ben |
31652 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | History Extension | Kirkpatrick, James Lewin |
31653 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | History Extension | Vallis, Evan |
31654 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Hungarian Continuers | Belovai, Thomas |
31655 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Information Processes and Technology | Chen, Andrew Ziang |
31656 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Information Processes and Technology | Cheng, Adam |
31657 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Information Processes and Technology | Kanagaratnam, Anosh |
31658 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Information Processes and Technology | Lo Russo, Marcus James |
31659 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Information Processes and Technology | Mohammed-Rahim, Jaan Nabeel |
31660 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Information Processes and Technology | Singh, Harmeet |
31661 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Information Processes and Technology | Singh, Ravi Mohan |
31662 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Information Processes and Technology | Solomon, Andrew John |
31663 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Information Processes and Technology | Yang, James Ting Feng |
31664 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Information Technology Examination | Howell, Trentan David |
31665 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Japanese Continuers | Li, Edward Ho Yung |
31666 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Japanese Continuers | Rosse, Antoine Louis |
31667 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Legal Studies | Boulaevski, Alexander |
31668 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Legal Studies | Faraj, Phillip |
31669 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Legal Studies | Hanna, Jesse Mark Leslie |
31670 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Legal Studies | Hellyer, Miles Campbell |
31671 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Mathematics | Baker, David Andrew |
31672 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Mathematics | Bhuiyan, Mahir Hossain |
31673 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Mathematics | Chan, Adam Benny |
31674 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Mathematics | Chan, Gavin Ka Wing |
31675 | Sydney Technical High School | Bexley | Mathematics | Chan, John Ka Chun |