Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2009

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2009.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

200 of 34718 entries are shown.
23089 - 23288
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23089 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Mathematics Extension 1 Hendler, Shane
23090 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Mathematics Extension 1 Kong, Xiaole
23091 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Mathematics Extension 1 Leibowitz, Gordon
23092 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Mathematics Extension 1 Mak, Chun Hung
23093 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Mathematics Extension 1 Murdoch, Annaliese
23094 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Mathematics Extension 1 Nabarro, Jordan
23095 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Mathematics Extension 1 Sacks, Laura
23096 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Mathematics Extension 1 Wang, Li
23097 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Mathematics Extension 1 Xu, Jia Shun
23098 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Mathematics Extension 1 Zeng, Ziheng
23099 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Mathematics Extension 1 Zhang, Shufan
23100 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Mathematics Extension 2 Barter, Rebecca
23101 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Mathematics Extension 2 Bermeister, Sasha
23102 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Mathematics Extension 2 Govendir, Matt
23103 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Mathematics Extension 2 Han, Peng Ju
23104 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Mathematics Extension 2 Xu, Jia Shun
23105 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Mathematics Extension 2 Zhang, Shufan
23106 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Modern History Baranov, Linda
23107 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Modern History Edelstein, Gabriella
23108 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Modern History Krook, Joshua
23109 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Modern History Leibowitz, Gordon
23110 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Modern History Markezinis, Christopher
23111 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Modern History Murdoch, Annaliese
23112 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Modern History Needleman, Hayley
23113 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Modern History Roper, Isabel
23114 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Modern History Vallianos, Jack
23115 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Music 1 Barter, Rebecca
23116 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Music 1 Rapaport, Emma
23117 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Music 1 Sandler, Anthony
23118 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Govendir, Matt
23119 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Gregory, Nicole
23120 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Kelly, Sinead
23121 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Nabarro, Jordan
23122 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Physics Bermeister, Sasha
23123 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Physics Xu, Jia Shun
23124 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Physics Zhang, Shufan
23125 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Visual Arts Hendler, Shane
23126 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Visual Arts Kauffman, Christopher
23127 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Visual Arts Murdoch, Annaliese
23128 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Visual Arts Penn, Natasha
23129 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Visual Arts Rogers, Axel
23130 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Visual Arts Roper, Isabel
23131 Reddam House Bondi Campus North Bondi Visual Arts Sleigh, Aviva
23132 Redeemer Baptist School North Parramatta Mathematics Extension 1 Sun, Yage James
23133 Redeemer Baptist School North Parramatta Mathematics Extension 1 Thambyaiyah, Deborah Jebadharshini
23134 Redeemer Baptist School North Parramatta Mathematics Extension 1 Yoo, Sarang
23135 Redeemer Baptist School North Parramatta Mathematics Extension 2 Sun, Yage James
23136 Redeemer Baptist School North Parramatta Modern History Akyol, Cagla
23137 Redfield College Dural Ancient History Bestwick, Derrick
23138 Redfield College Dural Biology Cheung, Dennis
23139 Redfield College Dural Biology Supan, Roy
23140 Redfield College Dural Business Studies Perrottet, Gabriel
23141 Redfield College Dural Business Studies Supan, Roy
23142 Redfield College Dural Business Studies Williams, Joseph
23143 Redfield College Dural Chemistry Bestwick, Derrick
23144 Redfield College Dural Chemistry Cheung, Dennis
23145 Redfield College Dural Economics Burfitt, Sebastian
23146 Redfield College Dural Economics Kugel, Michael
23147 Redfield College Dural Economics Perrottet, Gabriel
23148 Redfield College Dural Economics Supan, Roy
23149 Redfield College Dural English (Advanced) Cheung, Dennis
23150 Redfield College Dural English (Advanced) Limbers, Paul
23151 Redfield College Dural English (Advanced) Murphy, Joseph
23152 Redfield College Dural English (Advanced) Perrottet, Gabriel
23153 Redfield College Dural English (Advanced) Supan, Roy
23154 Redfield College Dural English Extension 2 Limbers, Paul
23155 Redfield College Dural General Mathematics Beard, Andrew
23156 Redfield College Dural General Mathematics Faehrmann, Justin
23157 Redfield College Dural General Mathematics Harb, Peter
23158 Redfield College Dural General Mathematics McCaughan, Colm
23159 Redfield College Dural Information Technology Examination Willis, Michael
23160 Redfield College Dural Latin Continuers McCaughan, Colm
23161 Redfield College Dural Latin Continuers Murphy, Joseph
23162 Redfield College Dural Mathematics Bestwick, Derrick
23163 Redfield College Dural Mathematics Kugel, Michael
23164 Redfield College Dural Mathematics Limbers, Paul
23165 Redfield College Dural Mathematics Nader, Jeremy
23166 Redfield College Dural Mathematics Extension 1 Bestwick, Derrick
23167 Redfield College Dural Mathematics Extension 1 Cheung, Dennis
23168 Redfield College Dural Mathematics Extension 1 Murphy, Joseph
23169 Redfield College Dural Mathematics Extension 1 Nader, Jeremy
23170 Redfield College Dural Mathematics Extension 1 Perrottet, Gabriel
23171 Redfield College Dural Mathematics Extension 2 Perrottet, Gabriel
23172 Redfield College Dural Modern History Burfitt, Sebastian
23173 Redfield College Dural Modern History Byrne, Keiran
23174 Redfield College Dural Music 1 Kugel, Michael
23175 Redfield College Dural Music 1 McKertich, Fraser
23176 Redfield College Dural Physics Bestwick, Derrick
23177 Redfield College Dural Physics Cheung, Dennis
23178 Redfield College Dural Physics Perrottet, Gabriel
23179 Redfield College Dural Software Design and Development Nader, Jeremy
23180 Redfield College Dural Visual Arts Limbers, Paul
23181 Richard Johnson Anglican College Oakhurst Music 2 Martinovici, Jonathan
23182 Richmond High School Richmond Biology Dawson, Jo Nicola
23183 Richmond High School Richmond General Mathematics Ryan, Mark
23184 Richmond High School Richmond Industrial Technology Jones, Matthew Maddison Bryce
23185 Richmond High School Richmond Music 1 Stewart, Tameka Lee
23186 Richmond High School Richmond Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Dawson, Jo Nicola
23187 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Ancient History Han, Angela
23188 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Ancient History Malgo, Angie Kathleen
23189 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Biology Uhrig, Emily Jean
23190 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Chemistry Joo, Jin Suk Lauren
23191 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Chinese Background Speakers Chen, Yiwen Eva
23192 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Chinese Background Speakers Huang, Xiaoling
23193 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Chinese Background Speakers Liu, Fang
23194 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Chinese Background Speakers Yu, Lizhen
23195 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Design and Technology Asanovski, Fatima
23196 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Design and Technology Hunt, Olivia
23197 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville English (Advanced) Axelsen, Nina Suzanne
23198 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville English (Advanced) Buchanan, Natalie Kimberley
23199 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville English (Advanced) Cho, Becky
23200 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville English (Advanced) Han, Angela
23201 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville English (Advanced) Malgo, Angie Kathleen
23202 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville English (Advanced) Ng, Aimee
23203 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville English (Advanced) Quinon, Narelle
23204 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville English as a Second Language Chu, Ji Hyeon Joanne
23205 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville English as a Second Language Joo, Jin Suk Lauren
23206 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville English as a Second Language Liu, Fang
23207 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville English Extension 1 Buchanan, Natalie Kimberley
23208 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville English Extension 1 Constantine, Alicia
23209 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville English Extension 2 Calaitzopoulos, Alexa Maree
23210 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville English Extension 2 Goldstein, Lucinda Jane
23211 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville English Extension 2 Kaye-Smith, Jessica Dominique
23212 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville English Extension 2 Nelsson, Genevieve Rosemarie
23213 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville General Mathematics Hook, Margurite Louise
23214 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville General Mathematics Malgo, Angie Kathleen
23215 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville General Mathematics Uhrig, Emily Jean
23216 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Geography Hunt, Olivia
23217 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Geography Uhrig, Emily Jean
23218 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville German Continuers Andronikashvili, Ana
23219 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville History Extension Malgo, Angie Kathleen
23220 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Hospitality Examination Barnett, Sarah Ann
23221 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Information Processes and Technology van Egdom, Carissa Jane
23222 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Japanese Beginners Chu, Ji Hyeon Joanne
23223 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Japanese Beginners Yu, Lizhen
23224 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Legal Studies Callanan, Ella Phoenix
23225 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Legal Studies D'Aran, Isabelle Georgia
23226 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Legal Studies Nelsson, Genevieve Rosemarie
23227 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Legal Studies Parnian, Natasha
23228 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Legal Studies van Egdom, Carissa Jane
23229 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Mathematics Chan, Amy
23230 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Mathematics Cho, Becky
23231 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Mathematics Hui, Cindy Xien Mun
23232 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Mathematics Hui, Sandy
23233 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Mathematics Extension 1 Andronikashvili, Ana
23234 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Mathematics Extension 1 Chan, Amy
23235 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Mathematics Extension 1 Gao, Jing Xing
23236 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Mathematics Extension 1 Joo, Jin Suk Lauren
23237 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Mathematics Extension 1 Ling, Xi
23238 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Mathematics Extension 1 Ng, Aimee
23239 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Mathematics Extension 1 Yu, Lizhen
23240 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Mathematics Extension 2 Joo, Jin Suk Lauren
23241 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Mathematics Extension 2 Yu, Lizhen
23242 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Modern History Malgo, Angie Kathleen
23243 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Textiles and Design Andrews, Elise Monica
23244 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Textiles and Design Asanovski, Fatima
23245 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Textiles and Design Sulaman, Ramsha
23246 Riverside Girls High School Gladesville Textiles and Design Uhrig, Emily Jean
23247 Robert Townson High School Raby Ancient History Peterson, Bradley Paul
23248 Robert Townson High School Raby Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Curtain, Joshua Bradley
23249 Robert Townson High School Raby Visual Arts Renn, Monica Claire
23250 Rooty Hill High School Rooty Hill Business Studies Kumar, Patricia
23251 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Ancient History Hwang, Jai Soonjae
23252 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Biology Nobis, Julia Maree
23253 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Business Studies Geron, Joshua Charles
23254 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Business Studies Glance, Angela Michelle
23255 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Chemistry Barrie, Neil David
23256 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Chemistry Camphausen, Robin
23257 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Chemistry Vu, Nam Khanh
23258 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Drama Dobson, Lucy Angela
23259 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Engineering Studies Elsayed, Mahdi Faisal
23260 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights English (Advanced) Dobson, Lucy Angela
23261 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights English (Advanced) Guilliatt, Jessie May
23262 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights English (Advanced) Komlos, Sara
23263 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights English (Advanced) Zwartz, Henry Haddon
23264 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights English as a Second Language Vu, Nam Khanh
23265 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Food Technology Karamihalis, Alexandra Elisabeth
23266 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Geography Glance, Angela Michelle
23267 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights History Extension Guilliatt, Jessie May
23268 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights History Extension Komlos, Sara
23269 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Hospitality Examination Karamihalis, Alexandra Elisabeth
23270 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Japanese Continuers Kim, Min-Ji
23271 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Japanese Extension Kim, Min-Ji
23272 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Legal Studies Hwang, Jai Soonjae
23273 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Legal Studies Morgan, Georgia Kate
23274 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Mathematics Elsayed, Mahdi Faisal
23275 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Mathematics Geron, Joshua Charles
23276 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Mathematics Kim, Min-Ji
23277 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Mathematics Kim, Woo Seung
23278 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Mathematics Moses, Danny Ephrem
23279 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Mathematics Extension 1 Barrie, Neil David
23280 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Mathematics Extension 1 Camphausen, Robin
23281 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Mathematics Extension 1 Kim, Min-Ji
23282 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Mathematics Extension 1 Kim, Woo Seung
23283 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Mathematics Extension 1 Vu, Nam Khanh
23284 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Mathematics Extension 2 Barrie, Neil David
23285 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Mathematics Extension 2 Camphausen, Robin
23286 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Mathematics Extension 2 Vu, Nam Khanh
23287 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Modern Hebrew Continuers Rabinowitz, Daniel
23288 Rose Bay Secondary College Dover Heights Modern Hebrew Continuers Shariev, Artur
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 27 Jan 2021
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