Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2009

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2009.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

200 of 34718 entries are shown.
14188 - 14387
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14188 Loyola Senior High School Mount Druitt Mathematics Fernandez, Kenneth
14189 Loyola Senior High School Mount Druitt Mathematics Extension 1 Elbrihi, Jaunade
14190 Loyola Senior High School Mount Druitt Music 1 Garcia, Amabelle
14191 Loyola Senior High School Mount Druitt Physics Christy, Allen Mario
14192 Loyola Senior High School Mount Druitt Senior Science Yousif, Christina
14193 Loyola Senior High School Mount Druitt Studies of Religion I Hooper, Alison Louise
14194 Lucas Heights Community School Barden Ridge Business Studies Moodley, Prianca
14195 Lucas Heights Community School Barden Ridge English (Standard) Nicholls, Emma Jean
14196 Lucas Heights Community School Barden Ridge Food Technology Akkawy, Bianca-Lee
14197 Lucas Heights Community School Barden Ridge General Mathematics Willson, Natalie Gail
14198 Lucas Heights Community School Barden Ridge Legal Studies Akkawy, Bianca-Lee
14199 Lucas Heights Community School Barden Ridge Legal Studies Moodley, Prianca
14200 Lucas Heights Community School Barden Ridge Senior Science Moodley, Prianca
14201 Lucas Heights Community School Barden Ridge Society and Culture Moodley, Prianca
14202 Lumen Christi Catholic College Pambula Beach Biology Hides, Jaala
14203 Lumen Christi Catholic College Pambula Beach Biology Nugent, Erin
14204 Lumen Christi Catholic College Pambula Beach History Extension Bassett, Benjamin
14205 Lumen Christi Catholic College Pambula Beach History Extension Carr, Georgia
14206 Lumen Christi Catholic College Pambula Beach History Extension Marshman, James
14207 Lumen Christi Catholic College Pambula Beach Hospitality Examination Skitt, Deanna
14208 Lumen Christi Catholic College Pambula Beach Industrial Technology Grainger, Edward
14209 Lumen Christi Catholic College Pambula Beach Industrial Technology Littlejohns, Vaughn
14210 Lumen Christi Catholic College Pambula Beach Industrial Technology McCambridge, Christopher
14211 Lumen Christi Catholic College Pambula Beach Information Processes and Technology MacFetters, Patrick
14212 Lumen Christi Catholic College Pambula Beach Mathematics Grainger, Edward
14213 Lumen Christi Catholic College Pambula Beach Mathematics Marshman, James
14214 Lumen Christi Catholic College Pambula Beach Mathematics Nugent, Erin
14215 Lumen Christi Catholic College Pambula Beach Mathematics Extension 1 Marshman, James
14216 Lumen Christi Catholic College Pambula Beach Mathematics Extension 1 Russell, William
14217 Lumen Christi Catholic College Pambula Beach Mathematics Extension 2 Russell, William
14218 Lumen Christi Catholic College Pambula Beach Modern History Bassett, Benjamin
14219 Lumen Christi Catholic College Pambula Beach Modern History Carr, Georgia
14220 Lumen Christi Catholic College Pambula Beach Modern History Skitt, Deanna
14221 Lumen Christi Catholic College Pambula Beach Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Hides, Jaala
14222 Lumen Christi Catholic College Pambula Beach Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Holmes, Jessica
14223 Lumen Christi Catholic College Pambula Beach Personal Development, Health and Physical Education McDonald, Aaron
14224 Lumen Christi Catholic College Pambula Beach Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Nugent, Erin
14225 Lumen Christi Catholic College Pambula Beach Physics Grainger, Edward
14226 Lumen Christi Catholic College Pambula Beach Studies of Religion I Bassett, Benjamin
14227 Lumen Christi Catholic College Pambula Beach Studies of Religion I Buckley, Caroline
14228 Lumen Christi Catholic College Pambula Beach Studies of Religion I D'Arcy, Clark
14229 Lumen Christi Catholic College Pambula Beach Studies of Religion I Dickson, Olivia
14230 Lumen Christi Catholic College Pambula Beach Studies of Religion I Hides, Jaala
14231 Lumen Christi Catholic College Pambula Beach Studies of Religion I McDonald, Aaron
14232 Lumen Christi Catholic College Pambula Beach Studies of Religion I Nugent, Erin
14233 Lumen Christi Catholic College Pambula Beach Studies of Religion I Skitt, Deanna
14234 Lumen Christi Catholic College Pambula Beach Textiles and Design Buckley, Caroline
14235 Lumen Christi Catholic College Pambula Beach Textiles and Design Skitt, Deanna
14236 Lurnea High School Lurnea Biology Khalil, Farzeen Tasneem
14237 Lurnea High School Lurnea Visual Arts Khalil, Farzeen Tasneem
14238 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty Ancient History Dixon, Justin John Ronald
14239 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty Ancient History Glynn, Elyse Catherine
14240 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty Ancient History Penman, James Gregory
14241 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty Biology Willmann, Laura Alexandra
14242 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty Business Studies Bertini, Annick Chantal
14243 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty Business Studies Kennedy, Peter James
14244 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty Chemistry Hughes, Luke Mountain Roy
14245 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty Chemistry Nagi, Kusam
14246 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty Chemistry Thompson, Robert Charles
14247 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty Design and Technology Behringer, Alyse Maree
14248 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty Design and Technology Tucker, Benjamin David
14249 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty Drama Hambling, Annaleize Natalia
14250 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty Economics Behringer, Alyse Maree
14251 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty Economics Dixon, Justin John Ronald
14252 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty General Mathematics Brooks, Aaron Rodney
14253 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty General Mathematics Seeney, Jay Gordon
14254 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty General Mathematics Tajsic, Andrew
14255 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty History Extension Dixon, Justin John Ronald
14256 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty History Extension Penman, James Gregory
14257 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty Indonesian Continuers Ward, Amy
14258 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty Indonesian Continuers Willmann, Laura Alexandra
14259 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty Information Processes and Technology Geist, Joel James
14260 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty Information Processes and Technology Tucker, Benjamin David
14261 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty Legal Studies Bertini, Annick Chantal
14262 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty Legal Studies Hambling, Annaleize Natalia
14263 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty Legal Studies He, Susan
14264 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty Legal Studies Kennedy, Peter James
14265 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty Mathematics Dixon, Justin John Ronald
14266 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty Mathematics Lambert, Elizabeth Anne Arundel
14267 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty Mathematics Thompson, Robert Charles
14268 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty Mathematics Extension 1 Hewson, Daniel James
14269 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty Mathematics Extension 1 Hughes, Luke Mountain Roy
14270 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty Mathematics Extension 1 Nagi, Kusam
14271 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty Mathematics Extension 1 Rana, Moeed
14272 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty Mathematics Extension 1 Thompson, Robert Charles
14273 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty Mathematics Extension 2 Hughes, Luke Mountain Roy
14274 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty Music 1 Glynn, Elyse Catherine
14275 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty Music 1 Penman, James Gregory
14276 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty Physics Dixon, Justin John Ronald
14277 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty Physics Hughes, Luke Mountain Roy
14278 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty Physics Nagi, Kusam
14279 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty Physics Thompson, Robert Charles
14280 Macarthur Anglican School Cobbitty Studies of Religion I Willmann, Laura Alexandra
14281 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Ancient History Briones, Danielle
14282 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Ancient History Sirdah, Claudia
14283 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Arabic Extension Hayek, Zaka
14284 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Biology Shah, Aarti
14285 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Business Studies Huang, Jia Dai
14286 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Business Studies Singla, Rohini
14287 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Business Studies Vaghela, Kanishka Ramesh
14288 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Business Studies Zhou, Jiu Xin Jenny
14289 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Chemistry Shah, Aarti
14290 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Chinese Background Speakers Chi, Lijuan
14291 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Chinese Continuers Lim, Emily
14292 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Dance Busi, Surya Teja
14293 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Earth and Environmental Science Brahmbhatt, Krishna
14294 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Earth and Environmental Science Nguyen, Megan Wendy
14295 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Economics Deeb, Nadia
14296 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Economics Huang, Jia Dai
14297 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Economics Singla, Rohini
14298 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Economics Veraiahgari, Mounica
14299 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta English (Advanced) Barakat, Tala
14300 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta English (Advanced) Briones, Danielle
14301 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta English (Advanced) Dabliz, Racha
14302 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta English (Advanced) Deeb, Nadia
14303 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta English (Advanced) Gideon, Grace Melody
14304 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta English (Advanced) Hakimi, Kerana Sadaf
14305 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta English (Advanced) Huang, Jia Dai
14306 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta English (Advanced) Nath, Aneeta
14307 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta English (Advanced) Nathani, Shruti
14308 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta English (Advanced) Nguyen, Megan Wendy
14309 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta English (Advanced) Prithiviraj, Suvadika
14310 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta English (Advanced) Rahimi, Marwa Nadia
14311 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta English (Advanced) Rampal, Kritika
14312 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta English (Advanced) Shah, Aarti
14313 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta English (Advanced) Shahwar, Durre
14314 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta English Extension 1 Huang, Jia Dai
14315 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta English Extension 2 Rampal, Kritika
14316 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Food Technology Jaro, Roneth Pearl
14317 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Food Technology Nath, Aneeta
14318 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta General Mathematics Hawat, Marwah
14319 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta German Continuers Arbabzadah, Lale
14320 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Industrial Technology Gideon, Grace Melody
14321 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Information Processes and Technology Kwok, Katherine
14322 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Legal Studies Deeb, Nadia
14323 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Legal Studies Moustafa, Viyan
14324 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Mathematics Brahmbhatt, Krishna
14325 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Mathematics Cam, Savanna
14326 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Mathematics Deeb, Nadia
14327 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Mathematics Gideon, Grace Melody
14328 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Mathematics Nathani, Shruti
14329 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Mathematics Rahimi, Marwa Nadia
14330 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Mathematics Shah, Aarti
14331 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Mathematics Shakeri, Khatera
14332 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Mathematics Veraiahgari, Mounica
14333 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Mathematics Extension 1 Huang, Jia Dai
14334 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Mathematics Extension 1 Nathani, Shruti
14335 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Mathematics Extension 1 Rahimi, Marwa Nadia
14336 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Mathematics Extension 1 Shah, Aarti
14337 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Mathematics Extension 1 Singla, Rohini
14338 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Modern History Deeb, Nadia
14339 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Modern History Marial, Gezal
14340 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Modern History Moustafa, Viyan
14341 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Modern History Rahimi, Marwa Nadia
14342 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Modern History Shahwar, Durre
14343 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Physics Shah, Aarti
14344 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Society and Culture Briones, Danielle
14345 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Society and Culture Dabliz, Racha
14346 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Society and Culture Deeb, Nadia
14347 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Society and Culture Hakimi, Kerana Sadaf
14348 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Society and Culture Hawat, Marwah
14349 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Society and Culture Khan, Marium
14350 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Society and Culture Marial, Gezal
14351 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Society and Culture Moustafa, Viyan
14352 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Society and Culture Rahimi, Marwa Nadia
14353 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Society and Culture Svasta, Adriana
14354 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Tamil Continuers Ravindran, Subahari
14355 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Textiles and Design Shakeri, Khatera
14356 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Visual Arts Busi, Surya Teja
14357 Macarthur Girls High School Parramatta Visual Arts Zhou, Jiu Xin Jenny
14358 Macintyre High School Inverell Ancient History Penberthy, Amanda Leigh
14359 Macintyre High School Inverell Community and Family Studies Doyle, Nicholas William Wallace
14360 Macintyre High School Inverell General Mathematics Eigeland, Sophie Eleanor
14361 Macintyre High School Inverell General Mathematics Walls, Terence Graham
14362 Macintyre High School Inverell History Extension Eigeland, Sophie Eleanor
14363 Macintyre High School Inverell Industrial Technology Campbell, Ben
14364 Macintyre High School Inverell Industrial Technology Walls, Terence Graham
14365 Macintyre High School Inverell Mathematics Penberthy, Amanda Leigh
14366 Macintyre High School Inverell Mathematics Extension 1 Penberthy, Amanda Leigh
14367 Macintyre High School Inverell Modern History Eigeland, Sophie Eleanor
14368 MacKillop Catholic College Woongarrah Ancient History Garvey, Matthew Patrick
14369 MacKillop Catholic College Woongarrah Ancient History Kittkowske, Jeremy Michael
14370 MacKillop Catholic College Woongarrah General Mathematics Charlton, Oliver John
14371 MacKillop Catholic College Woongarrah General Mathematics McIntyre, Candice Amy
14372 MacKillop Catholic College Woongarrah General Mathematics Morrison, Jack Andrew
14373 MacKillop Catholic College Woongarrah General Mathematics Neems, Brodie Jane
14374 MacKillop Catholic College Woongarrah General Mathematics Whitbread, Luke
14375 MacKillop Catholic College Woongarrah Hospitality Examination Thompson, Georgina Ashley
14376 MacKillop Catholic College Woongarrah Legal Studies Ardern, James Graham
14377 MacKillop Catholic College Woongarrah Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Carmody, Megan Ellen
14378 MacKillop Catholic College Woongarrah Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Neems, Brodie Jane
14379 MacKillop Catholic College Woongarrah Studies of Religion I Carmody, Megan Ellen
14380 MacKillop Catholic College Woongarrah Studies of Religion I Garvey, Matthew Patrick
14381 MacKillop Catholic College Woongarrah Studies of Religion I Moroney, Jessica Casey
14382 MacKillop Catholic College Woongarrah Studies of Religion I Rimington, Matthew Robert
14383 MacKillop Catholic College Woongarrah Studies of Religion II Hoolihan, Peter James
14384 MacKillop Catholic College Woongarrah Studies of Religion II Neems, Brodie Jane
14385 MacKillop Catholic College Woongarrah Textiles and Design Izzard, Tegan May
14386 MacKillop Catholic College Woongarrah Textiles and Design McFarlane, Alex Louise
14387 MacKillop Catholic College Woongarrah Visual Arts Sanders, James Andrew
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 27 Jan 2021
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