Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2009

Filtered by School Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2009.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

65 of 65 entries are shown.
Jump to row:
Rows per page:
1 The Scots School Albury Albury Ancient History Drabble, Caitlin
2 The Scots School Albury Albury Ancient History Gardner, Samara
3 The Scots School Albury Albury Ancient History Hebbard, Andrew
4 The Scots School Albury Albury Ancient History Moriarty, James
5 The Scots School Albury Albury Ancient History Rennick, Alexander
6 The Scots School Albury Albury Biology Bloye, Erin
7 The Scots School Albury Albury Biology Cousins, Zoe
8 The Scots School Albury Albury Biology Dunnett-De Jong, Larry
9 The Scots School Albury Albury Biology Jemmeson, Alyssa
10 The Scots School Albury Albury Biology Kelly, Lauren
11 The Scots School Albury Albury Biology Minter, Jonathan
12 The Scots School Albury Albury Biology Sharman, Mia
13 The Scots School Albury Albury Biology Smith-Wellnitz, Oliver
14 The Scots School Albury Albury Business Studies Drabble, Caitlin
15 The Scots School Albury Albury Business Studies Kelly, Lauren
16 The Scots School Albury Albury Business Studies White, Alexander
17 The Scots School Albury Albury Chemistry Cousins, Zoe
18 The Scots School Albury Albury Chemistry Hebbard, Andrew
19 The Scots School Albury Albury Chemistry Jemmeson, Alyssa
20 The Scots School Albury Albury Design and Technology Ward, Mitchell
21 The Scots School Albury Albury Drama Drabble, Caitlin
22 The Scots School Albury Albury Drama Driver, Elizabeth
23 The Scots School Albury Albury Drama Gardner, Samara
24 The Scots School Albury Albury English (Advanced) Jemmeson, Alyssa
25 The Scots School Albury Albury English Extension 1 Cousins, Zoe
26 The Scots School Albury Albury English Extension 2 Gardner, Samara
27 The Scots School Albury Albury French Continuers Jemmeson, Alyssa
28 The Scots School Albury Albury General Mathematics Dunnett-De Jong, Larry
29 The Scots School Albury Albury General Mathematics Hawkesworth, Michael
30 The Scots School Albury Albury General Mathematics Pelly, Rachel
31 The Scots School Albury Albury General Mathematics Rennick, Alexander
32 The Scots School Albury Albury General Mathematics van Gelderen, Matthew
33 The Scots School Albury Albury General Mathematics Warne, Jeremy
34 The Scots School Albury Albury Geography Hebbard, Andrew
35 The Scots School Albury Albury Geography Howard, William
36 The Scots School Albury Albury Hospitality Examination Meers, Angela
37 The Scots School Albury Albury Japanese Continuers Miegel, Vanessa
38 The Scots School Albury Albury Japanese Continuers Thwaites, Alice
39 The Scots School Albury Albury Japanese Extension Thwaites, Alice
40 The Scots School Albury Albury Legal Studies Driver, Elizabeth
41 The Scots School Albury Albury Legal Studies Moriarty, James
42 The Scots School Albury Albury Mathematics Wright, Thomas
43 The Scots School Albury Albury Mathematics Extension 1 Bloye, Erin
44 The Scots School Albury Albury Mathematics Extension 1 Jemmeson, Alyssa
45 The Scots School Albury Albury Mathematics Extension 1 Slaven, Andrew
46 The Scots School Albury Albury Mathematics Extension 2 Bloye, Erin
47 The Scots School Albury Albury Mathematics Extension 2 Jemmeson, Alyssa
48 The Scots School Albury Albury Modern History McIntosh, Jessica
49 The Scots School Albury Albury Modern History Thwaites, Alice
50 The Scots School Albury Albury Music 1 Bloye, Erin
51 The Scots School Albury Albury Music 1 Siuhengalu, Louisa
52 The Scots School Albury Albury Music 1 Young, Henry
53 The Scots School Albury Albury Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Dunnett-De Jong, Larry
54 The Scots School Albury Albury Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Howard, William
55 The Scots School Albury Albury Personal Development, Health and Physical Education McIntosh, Jessica
56 The Scots School Albury Albury Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Meers, Angela
57 The Scots School Albury Albury Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Smith-Wellnitz, Oliver
58 The Scots School Albury Albury Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Wolfenden, Bede
59 The Scots School Albury Albury Physics Edwards-Mouat, Grace
60 The Scots School Albury Albury Physics Hebbard, Andrew
61 The Scots School Albury Albury Physics Slaven, Andrew
62 The Scots School Albury Albury Physics Wolfenden, Bede
63 The Scots School Albury Albury Physics Wright, Thomas
64 The Scots School Albury Albury Software Design and Development Moriarty, James
65 The Scots School Albury Albury Software Design and Development Young, Henry
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 27 Jan 2021
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