1 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | Ancient History | Ho, Stephanie |
2 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | Ancient History | Ky, Jenny |
3 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | Ancient History | Nastevski, Christopher |
4 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | Ancient History | To, Jade |
5 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | Ancient History | Tran, Thomas |
6 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | Ancient History | Yin, Cindy |
7 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | Biology | Tran, Eric |
8 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | Business Studies | Nastevski, Christopher |
9 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | Business Studies | Nguyen, Jonathon |
10 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | Business Studies | Xiong, Zhuyu |
11 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | Chemistry | Chau, Mousawi Mahmood |
12 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | Chemistry | Hanh, Jacky |
13 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | Chemistry | Le, Tu Quang |
14 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | Chemistry | Po, Vincent |
15 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | Chinese Background Speakers | He, Rulin |
16 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | Community and Family Studies | To, Jade |
17 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | Community and Family Studies | Vo, Lisa |
18 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | Economics | Xiong, Zhuyu |
19 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | English (Advanced) | Ku, Hui-Te Danny |
20 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | English (Advanced) | Ky, Jenny |
21 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | English (Standard) | Le, Tu Quang |
22 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | English (Standard) | Nguyen, TinaThi |
23 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | English (Standard) | Po, Vincent |
24 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | English as a Second Language | Liang, Yunyi |
25 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | English Extension 1 | Ky, Jenny |
26 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | General Mathematics | Cao, Danny |
27 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | General Mathematics | Chen, Wen Yu |
28 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | General Mathematics | Chung, Julie |
29 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | General Mathematics | Dang, Anna |
30 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | General Mathematics | Hii, Patrick |
31 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | General Mathematics | Hu, David Ka Hao |
32 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | General Mathematics | Ma, Lisa |
33 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | General Mathematics | Nastevski, Christopher |
34 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | General Mathematics | Ng, Kevin |
35 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | General Mathematics | Songsataporn, Jason |
36 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | General Mathematics | Van Vloten, Athena |
37 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | Hospitality Examination | Nguyen, TinaThi |
38 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | Hospitality Examination | Songsataporn, Jason |
39 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | Japanese Continuers | Songsataporn, Jason |
40 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | Legal Studies | To, Jade |
41 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | Legal Studies | Tran, Eric |
42 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | Legal Studies | Tran, Thomas |
43 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | Mathematics | Chan, Linda |
44 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | Mathematics | He, Rulin |
45 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | Mathematics | Huang, Lo Yee |
46 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | Mathematics | Li, Allan |
47 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | Mathematics | Ly, Matthew |
48 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | Mathematics | Mo, Robert |
49 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | Mathematics | Nguyen, TinaThi |
50 | Canley Vale High School | Canley Vale | Mathematics | Thi, Andrew |