Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2008

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2008.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

200 of 34282 entries are shown.
7405 - 7604
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7405 Engadine High School Engadine Society and Culture Gilbert, Allie
7406 Engadine High School Engadine Society and Culture Levin, Michelle
7407 Engadine High School Engadine Society and Culture Meredith, Jessica Kate
7408 Engadine High School Engadine Society and Culture Miller, Sophie Alice
7409 Engadine High School Engadine Textiles and Design Lehane, Jessica Therese
7410 Engadine High School Engadine Textiles and Design Martin, Rebecca Kate
7411 Engadine High School Engadine Textiles and Design Naylor, Madeline Lee
7412 Engadine High School Engadine Visual Arts Hughes, Tamara Nadine
7413 Engadine High School Engadine Visual Arts Moloney, Jade Tanya
7414 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Ancient History Davis, Alexander Ross
7415 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Ancient History Dimmock, Tristan
7416 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Ancient History Kelly, Mitchell Edward
7417 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Ancient History Miller, Philip James
7418 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Ancient History Scarf, Christopher Joseph
7419 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Ancient History Tam, Calvin Ho Yin
7420 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Ancient History Wakeling, Timothy John
7421 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Biology Koey, Aaron Wei Chieh
7422 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Biology Rhook, Dane John
7423 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Biology Webster, Grant Nicholas
7424 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Business Studies Chan, Alan Yongyuth
7425 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Business Studies George, Mark Frederick
7426 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Business Studies Zhang, Jingyi
7427 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Chemistry Bakhtiar, Arsalan
7428 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Chemistry Chen, Alex
7429 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Chemistry Koey, Aaron Wei Chieh
7430 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Chemistry Neti, Naveen
7431 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Chemistry Perera, Charith Jayanga
7432 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Chemistry Rhook, Dane John
7433 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Chemistry Yoon, Joseph
7434 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Chinese Background Speakers Chen, Wei Tony
7435 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Earth and Environmental Science McCaffery, Bradley Kim
7436 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Earth and Environmental Science Webster, Grant Nicholas
7437 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Economics Bakhtiar, Arsalan
7438 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Economics Cho, Augustine
7439 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Economics George, Mark Frederick
7440 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Economics Gupta, Anirudh
7441 Epping Boys High School Eastwood English (Advanced) Gupta, Anirudh
7442 Epping Boys High School Eastwood English (Advanced) Kelly, Mitchell Edward
7443 Epping Boys High School Eastwood English (Advanced) Khurshed, Rory Ian
7444 Epping Boys High School Eastwood English (Advanced) Koey, Aaron Wei Chieh
7445 Epping Boys High School Eastwood English (Advanced) Yoon, Joseph
7446 Epping Boys High School Eastwood English as a Second Language Chen, Wei Tony
7447 Epping Boys High School Eastwood English as a Second Language Kwan, Robert Chee Long
7448 Epping Boys High School Eastwood English as a Second Language Suwito, Daniel Kristianto
7449 Epping Boys High School Eastwood English Extension 1 Gupta, Anirudh
7450 Epping Boys High School Eastwood English Extension 1 Kelly, Mitchell Edward
7451 Epping Boys High School Eastwood English Extension 1 Khurshed, Rory Ian
7452 Epping Boys High School Eastwood English Extension 1 Yoon, Joseph
7453 Epping Boys High School Eastwood English Extension 2 Kelly, Mitchell Edward
7454 Epping Boys High School Eastwood English Extension 2 Khurshed, Rory Ian
7455 Epping Boys High School Eastwood General Mathematics McCaffery, Bradley Kim
7456 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Geography Lau, William
7457 Epping Boys High School Eastwood History Extension Davis, Alexander Ross
7458 Epping Boys High School Eastwood History Extension Dimmock, Tristan
7459 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Industrial Technology Donlan, Christopher Mark
7460 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Information Processes and Technology Packham, Daniel Charles Henry
7461 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Information Processes and Technology Perera, Charith Jayanga
7462 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Information Processes and Technology Tze, Wilson
7463 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Information Processes and Technology Zhang, Jingyi
7464 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Information Processes and Technology Zhou, Johnny
7465 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Information Technology Examination Marfavi, Aryan
7466 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Legal Studies Scarf, Christopher Joseph
7467 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Mathematics Au, Steven
7468 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Mathematics Chen, Wei Tony
7469 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Mathematics Chew, Gavin C Yuong
7470 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Mathematics Han, Ronald Min-Wu
7471 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Mathematics Koey, Aaron Wei Chieh
7472 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Mathematics Kwan, Jeffrey Chee Chun
7473 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Mathematics Lee, Joshua Jung Min
7474 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Mathematics Leung, Ricky
7475 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Mathematics Marfavi, Aryan
7476 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Mathematics Packham, Daniel Charles Henry
7477 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Mathematics Perera, Charith Jayanga
7478 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Mathematics Suwito, Daniel Kristianto
7479 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Mathematics Tze, Wilson
7480 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Mathematics Zhou, Johnny
7481 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Mathematics Extension 1 Bakhtiar, Arsalan
7482 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Mathematics Extension 1 Chen, Alex
7483 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Mathematics Extension 1 Cheung, Jeff Tai Kit
7484 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Mathematics Extension 1 Cho, Augustine
7485 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Mathematics Extension 1 Fang, Fred Jixiao
7486 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Mathematics Extension 1 Ho, Christopher
7487 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Mathematics Extension 1 Hwang, Joseph Keon Woong
7488 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Mathematics Extension 1 Kwan, Robert Chee Long
7489 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Mathematics Extension 1 Morath, Steven Peter Charles
7490 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Mathematics Extension 1 Neti, Naveen
7491 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Mathematics Extension 1 Pan, Steven Qianyue
7492 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Mathematics Extension 1 Rhook, Dane John
7493 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Mathematics Extension 1 Tsui, Mark Ka Yan
7494 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Mathematics Extension 1 Yoon, Joseph
7495 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Mathematics Extension 2 Bakhtiar, Arsalan
7496 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Mathematics Extension 2 Chen, Alex
7497 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Mathematics Extension 2 Fang, Fred Jixiao
7498 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Mathematics Extension 2 Kwan, Robert Chee Long
7499 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Mathematics Extension 2 Morath, Steven Peter Charles
7500 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Mathematics Extension 2 Tsui, Mark Ka Yan
7501 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Mathematics Extension 2 Yoon, Joseph
7502 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Modern History Davis, Alexander Ross
7503 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Modern History Dimmock, Tristan
7504 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Modern History Gupta, Anirudh
7505 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Modern History Scarf, Christopher Joseph
7506 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Music 1 Maher, Riley Leeson
7507 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Music 2 Nissen, Mitchell
7508 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Music Extension Nissen, Mitchell
7509 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Physics Perera, Charith Jayanga
7510 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Physics Tze, Wilson
7511 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Physics Yoon, Joseph
7512 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Visual Arts Davis, Alexander Ross
7513 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Visual Arts Kelly, Mitchell Edward
7514 Epping Boys High School Eastwood Visual Arts Khurshed, Rory Ian
7515 Erina High School Erina Ancient History Bready, Claire Elizabeth
7516 Erina High School Erina Arabic Continuers Kassoua, Heba
7517 Erina High School Erina Arabic Extension Kassoua, Heba
7518 Erina High School Erina Biology Carter, Sophie Grace
7519 Erina High School Erina Business Services Examination Curran, Chloe Alissa
7520 Erina High School Erina Community and Family Studies Tysoe, Jessica Amy
7521 Erina High School Erina Earth and Environmental Science Carter, Sophie Grace
7522 Erina High School Erina English (Advanced) Bready, Claire Elizabeth
7523 Erina High School Erina General Mathematics Batcheldor, Chloe Maree
7524 Erina High School Erina General Mathematics Hall, Lauren Michelle
7525 Erina High School Erina General Mathematics Tysoe, Jessica Amy
7526 Erina High School Erina Legal Studies Bready, Claire Elizabeth
7527 Erina High School Erina Legal Studies Carter, Sophie Grace
7528 Erina High School Erina Music 1 Duurland, Meea-Lei Aloha
7529 Erina High School Erina Music 1 Ramsden, Nicholas Hugh
7530 Erina High School Erina Music 1 Vacchini, Lachlan Francis
7531 Erina High School Erina Textiles and Design Duurland, Meea-Lei Aloha
7532 Erina High School Erina Textiles and Design Kidd, Jessica Clare
7533 Erina High School Erina Textiles and Design Tysoe, Jessica Amy
7534 Erskine Park High School Erskine Park Biology Soare, Alexander
7535 Erskine Park High School Erskine Park Business Studies Zhang, Shuai
7536 Erskine Park High School Erskine Park Chemistry Soare, Alexander
7537 Erskine Park High School Erskine Park Chemistry Zhang, Shuai
7538 Erskine Park High School Erskine Park Community and Family Studies White, Rhiannon Lee
7539 Erskine Park High School Erskine Park General Mathematics White, Rhiannon Lee
7540 Erskine Park High School Erskine Park Mathematics Extension 1 Soare, Alexander
7541 Erskine Park High School Erskine Park Mathematics Extension 1 Zhang, Shuai
7542 Erskine Park High School Erskine Park Mathematics Extension 2 Soare, Alexander
7543 Erskine Park High School Erskine Park Mathematics Extension 2 Zhang, Shuai
7544 Erskine Park High School Erskine Park Personal Development, Health and Physical Education White, Rhiannon Lee
7545 Erskine Park High School Erskine Park Visual Arts Shorten, Gemma Robyn
7546 Evans High School Blacktown Chemistry Sobti, Anurag
7547 Evans High School Blacktown General Mathematics Park, Hye-Mi
7548 Evans River Community School Evans Head Ancient History Samuels, Terri Jane
7549 Evans River Community School Evans Head Biology Marty, Tom Evans
7550 Evans River Community School Evans Head Chemistry Marty, Tom Evans
7551 Evans River Community School Evans Head Drama Samuels, Terri Jane
7552 Evans River Community School Evans Head Information Technology Examination Faull, Benjamin John
7553 Evans River Community School Evans Head Mathematics Marty, Tom Evans
7554 Evans River Community School Evans Head Physics Marty, Tom Evans
7555 Fairfield High School Fairfield Ancient History Osorio, Lorylene Anne
7556 Fairfield High School Fairfield Ancient History Penato, Soraya
7557 Fairfield High School Fairfield Engineering Studies Ngo, Christopher
7558 Fairfield High School Fairfield Industrial Technology Ghandour, Zac
7559 Fairfield High School Fairfield Information Processes and Technology Ricafort, Lawrence
7560 Fairfield High School Fairfield Information Processes and Technology Yeo, Eric Thet
7561 Fairfield High School Fairfield Legal Studies Penato, Soraya
7562 Fairfield High School Fairfield Mathematics Lieu, Janet
7563 Fairfield High School Fairfield Mathematics Ngo, Christopher
7564 Fairfield High School Fairfield Mathematics Extension 1 Lieu, Thieu Ban
7565 Fairfield High School Fairfield Mathematics Extension 1 Ngo, Christopher
7566 Fairfield High School Fairfield Mathematics Extension 2 Lieu, Thieu Ban
7567 Fairfield High School Fairfield Mathematics Extension 2 Ngo, Thuan
7568 Fairfield High School Fairfield Physics Ngo, Thuan
7569 Fairfield High School Fairfield Society and Culture Osorio, Lorylene Anne
7570 Fairfield High School Fairfield Software Design and Development Ngo, Christopher
7571 Fairfield High School Fairfield Software Design and Development Ngo, Thuan
7572 Fairfield High School Fairfield Software Design and Development Ricafort, Lawrence
7573 Fairfield High School Fairfield Software Design and Development Vuong, Gia Ming
7574 Fairvale High School Fairfield West Biology Chan, Vivian
7575 Fairvale High School Fairfield West Business Studies Dankha, Savio
7576 Fairvale High School Fairfield West Business Studies Toma, Mariana
7577 Fairvale High School Fairfield West Chemistry Chan, Vivian
7578 Fairvale High School Fairfield West Community and Family Studies Konecke, Tessa Jane
7579 Fairvale High School Fairfield West Geography Elhlou, Adele
7580 Fairvale High School Fairfield West Mathematics Chan, Vivian
7581 Fairvale High School Fairfield West Mathematics Hanani, Steven
7582 Fairvale High School Fairfield West Mathematics Ta, Michael
7583 Fairvale High School Fairfield West Mathematics Extension 1 Hanani, Steven
7584 Fairvale High School Fairfield West Mathematics Extension 1 Ta, Michael
7585 Fairvale High School Fairfield West Mathematics Extension 1 Vu, Khoa Dang
7586 Fairvale High School Fairfield West Music 1 Dao, Melissa
7587 Fairvale High School Fairfield West Music 1 Faalelei, Leonora Leala
7588 Fairvale High School Fairfield West Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Dankha, Savio
7589 Fairvale High School Fairfield West Retail Operations Examination Dankha, Savio
7590 Fairvale High School Fairfield West Visual Arts Cordoba, Carla Elisa
7591 Farrer Memorial Agricultural High School Calala Business Studies Chew, Benjamin
7592 Farrer Memorial Agricultural High School Calala Business Studies Honeyman, Peter
7593 Farrer Memorial Agricultural High School Calala Business Studies Kelly, Thomas
7594 Farrer Memorial Agricultural High School Calala Economics Kelly, Thomas
7595 Farrer Memorial Agricultural High School Calala English Extension 2 Honeyman, Peter
7596 Farrer Memorial Agricultural High School Calala English Extension 2 Levy, Nicholas
7597 Farrer Memorial Agricultural High School Calala Industrial Technology Dillon, Gerard
7598 Farrer Memorial Agricultural High School Calala Industrial Technology Hellyer, Mark
7599 Farrer Memorial Agricultural High School Calala Industrial Technology Norris, Cameron
7600 Farrer Memorial Agricultural High School Calala Industrial Technology Shelton, Jack
7601 Farrer Memorial Agricultural High School Calala Industrial Technology Williams, Benjamin
7602 Farrer Memorial Agricultural High School Calala Mathematics Extension 1 Kelly, Thomas
7603 Farrer Memorial Agricultural High School Calala Music 1 Levy, Nicholas
7604 Farrer Memorial Agricultural High School Calala Music 1 Wilson, Matthew
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 5 Dec 2016
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