Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2008

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2008.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

200 of 34282 entries are shown.
4383 - 4582
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4383 Caringbah High School Caringbah Mathematics Extension 2 Xiang, Hank
4384 Caringbah High School Caringbah Mathematics Extension 2 Zhang, Nicola Jie Shan
4385 Caringbah High School Caringbah Modern Greek Continuers Samaras, Anna Elly
4386 Caringbah High School Caringbah Modern History Dunlop, Timothy Scott
4387 Caringbah High School Caringbah Modern History Dunne, Ryan James
4388 Caringbah High School Caringbah Modern History Egan, Natalie Helen
4389 Caringbah High School Caringbah Modern History Feggans, Christopher
4390 Caringbah High School Caringbah Modern History Flynn, Maureen Ann
4391 Caringbah High School Caringbah Modern History Kembrey, Melanie Jane
4392 Caringbah High School Caringbah Modern History Nour, Daniel
4393 Caringbah High School Caringbah Modern History Parkhill, Thomas Robert
4394 Caringbah High School Caringbah Music 1 Chu, Cameron Frederick
4395 Caringbah High School Caringbah Music 1 Malliate, Marc Jeremy
4396 Caringbah High School Caringbah Music 2 Freeman, Errol Hin Hampton
4397 Caringbah High School Caringbah Music 2 Grasevski, Nicholas James
4398 Caringbah High School Caringbah Music 2 Napper, Stephen John
4399 Caringbah High School Caringbah Music 2 Xiang, Hank
4400 Caringbah High School Caringbah Music Extension Grasevski, Nicholas James
4401 Caringbah High School Caringbah Music Extension Napper, Stephen John
4402 Caringbah High School Caringbah Music Extension Xiang, Hank
4403 Caringbah High School Caringbah Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Armstrong, Samantha Jade
4404 Caringbah High School Caringbah Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Becker, Lauren Teresa
4405 Caringbah High School Caringbah Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Fleming, Georgie
4406 Caringbah High School Caringbah Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Fohn, Stephanie Judith
4407 Caringbah High School Caringbah Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Millward, Lynee Carla
4408 Caringbah High School Caringbah Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Theodoulou, Meropi
4409 Caringbah High School Caringbah Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Tinker, Erin-Maree
4410 Caringbah High School Caringbah Physics Boey, Nicholas
4411 Caringbah High School Caringbah Physics Gunn, Felicity
4412 Caringbah High School Caringbah Physics Hamdan, Bechar
4413 Caringbah High School Caringbah Physics Parkhill, Thomas Robert
4414 Caringbah High School Caringbah Physics Poulos, Rebecca Caroline
4415 Caringbah High School Caringbah Physics Shah, Chiraag
4416 Caringbah High School Caringbah Physics Sinclair, James Robert
4417 Caringbah High School Caringbah Physics Wong, Brendon
4418 Caringbah High School Caringbah Physics Wong, Jordon
4419 Caringbah High School Caringbah Society and Culture Becker, Lauren Teresa
4420 Caringbah High School Caringbah Society and Culture Brooks, Gillian Amalia
4421 Caringbah High School Caringbah Society and Culture Feggans, Christopher
4422 Caringbah High School Caringbah Society and Culture Fleming, Georgie
4423 Caringbah High School Caringbah Society and Culture Hickey, Polina
4424 Caringbah High School Caringbah Society and Culture Kaczerepa, Gemma
4425 Caringbah High School Caringbah Society and Culture Robinson, Stephanie Maria
4426 Caringbah High School Caringbah Society and Culture Rumery, Michelle Lorraine
4427 Caringbah High School Caringbah Society and Culture Tinker, Erin-Maree
4428 Caringbah High School Caringbah Software Design and Development Armstrong, Rebecca Louise
4429 Caringbah High School Caringbah Software Design and Development Chan, Vivian
4430 Caringbah High School Caringbah Software Design and Development Corby, Benjamin Patrick
4431 Caringbah High School Caringbah Software Design and Development Hughes, Kristy Louise
4432 Caringbah High School Caringbah Studies of Religion I Becker, Lauren Teresa
4433 Caringbah High School Caringbah Studies of Religion I Flynn, Maureen Ann
4434 Caringbah High School Caringbah Studies of Religion I Nour, Daniel
4435 Caringbah High School Caringbah Studies of Religion I Remedios, Ingrid Andrea
4436 Caringbah High School Caringbah Studies of Religion I Theodoulou, Meropi
4437 Caringbah High School Caringbah Visual Arts Brown, Emma Elizabeth
4438 Caringbah High School Caringbah Visual Arts King, Ellen Meredith
4439 Caringbah High School Caringbah Visual Arts Nguyen, Pham Dong-Phuong Caroline
4440 Caringbah High School Caringbah Visual Arts Venables, Jessica Anne
4441 Carinya Christian School Tamworth Tamworth Design and Technology Bernays, Monique Elyse
4442 Carinya Christian School Tamworth Tamworth General Mathematics Balding, Harrison Grant
4443 Carinya Christian School Tamworth Tamworth General Mathematics Logan, Thomas David
4444 Carinya Christian School Tamworth Tamworth Information Technology Examination Chaffey, Craig Joseph
4445 Carinya Christian School Tamworth Tamworth Music 1 Balding, Harrison Grant
4446 Carinya Christian School Tamworth Tamworth Music 2 Mirow, James Richard
4447 Carinya Christian School Tamworth Tamworth Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Balding, Harrison Grant
4448 Carinya Christian School Tamworth Tamworth Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Lynch, Adriana Kaylene
4449 Carinya Christian School Tamworth Tamworth Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Turner, Emily Ruth
4450 Carinya Christian School Tamworth Tamworth Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Woodley, Michael Mark
4451 Carlingford High School Carlingford Accounting Ting, Lai Man Irwin
4452 Carlingford High School Carlingford Ancient History Halim, Amanda Wong
4453 Carlingford High School Carlingford Ancient History Lin, Annie An Yun
4454 Carlingford High School Carlingford Ancient History Vorobieff, Richard
4455 Carlingford High School Carlingford Biology Lam, Brian Ming Yan
4456 Carlingford High School Carlingford Biology Lee, John Jun Ho
4457 Carlingford High School Carlingford Biology Webster, Sebastian
4458 Carlingford High School Carlingford Biology Yeung, Ernest Chi Ngai
4459 Carlingford High School Carlingford Business Studies Baldeo, Anmol Jainen
4460 Carlingford High School Carlingford Business Studies Halim, Amanda Wong
4461 Carlingford High School Carlingford Business Studies Ho, Wilbur Jone Hon
4462 Carlingford High School Carlingford Business Studies Meenakshi Sundharam, Meera
4463 Carlingford High School Carlingford Chemistry Funamoto, Jiro
4464 Carlingford High School Carlingford Chemistry Jiang, Sam Shan
4465 Carlingford High School Carlingford Chemistry Lam, Brian Ming Yan
4466 Carlingford High School Carlingford Chemistry Lee, Siu Man Vincent
4467 Carlingford High School Carlingford Chemistry Leung, Brian Hoi Ming
4468 Carlingford High School Carlingford Chemistry Phoon, Kar Mun
4469 Carlingford High School Carlingford Chemistry Ting, Lai Man Irwin
4470 Carlingford High School Carlingford Chemistry Webster, Sebastian
4471 Carlingford High School Carlingford Chemistry Yeung, Ernest Chi Ngai
4472 Carlingford High School Carlingford Chinese Background Speakers Lin, Nicole Wan Ru
4473 Carlingford High School Carlingford Community and Family Studies Hampe, Kimberley
4474 Carlingford High School Carlingford Community and Family Studies Lu, Yolanda
4475 Carlingford High School Carlingford Community and Family Studies Shirazi, Sherryne
4476 Carlingford High School Carlingford Economics Baldeo, Anmol Jainen
4477 Carlingford High School Carlingford Economics Cheng, David Hung Ting
4478 Carlingford High School Carlingford Economics Luo, Mark Shu Wei
4479 Carlingford High School Carlingford Economics Samson, Scott James
4480 Carlingford High School Carlingford English (Advanced) Baldeo, Anmol Jainen
4481 Carlingford High School Carlingford English (Advanced) Jeong, Minju
4482 Carlingford High School Carlingford English (Advanced) Lu, Yolanda
4483 Carlingford High School Carlingford English (Standard) Gan, Gillian
4484 Carlingford High School Carlingford English as a Second Language Jiang, Sam Shan
4485 Carlingford High School Carlingford English as a Second Language Phoon, Kar Mun
4486 Carlingford High School Carlingford English Extension 2 Abel, Alexi Jean-Louis
4487 Carlingford High School Carlingford English Extension 2 Luo, Mark Shu Wei
4488 Carlingford High School Carlingford English Extension 2 Shaw, Daniel Jordan
4489 Carlingford High School Carlingford French Beginners Jeon, Yu Jin
4490 Carlingford High School Carlingford French Beginners Wong, Felicia Wai Deng
4491 Carlingford High School Carlingford General Mathematics Coggins, Justin Dayne
4492 Carlingford High School Carlingford General Mathematics Deigan, Christopher Timothy
4493 Carlingford High School Carlingford General Mathematics King, Craig John
4494 Carlingford High School Carlingford General Mathematics Roberts, Kyle Albert
4495 Carlingford High School Carlingford General Mathematics Shaw, Daniel Jordan
4496 Carlingford High School Carlingford Geography Samson, Scott James
4497 Carlingford High School Carlingford Information Technology Examination Deigan, Christopher Timothy
4498 Carlingford High School Carlingford Japanese Continuers Funamoto, Jiro
4499 Carlingford High School Carlingford Japanese Continuers Jeong, Minju
4500 Carlingford High School Carlingford Japanese Continuers Jung, Stephanie Seo Ryung
4501 Carlingford High School Carlingford Japanese Continuers Kim, Hayley In Hwa
4502 Carlingford High School Carlingford Japanese Extension Funamoto, Jiro
4503 Carlingford High School Carlingford Japanese Extension Jeong, Minju
4504 Carlingford High School Carlingford Legal Studies Baldeo, Anmol Jainen
4505 Carlingford High School Carlingford Legal Studies Gan, Gillian
4506 Carlingford High School Carlingford Legal Studies Low, Darren Jen Howe
4507 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Baldeo, Anmol Jainen
4508 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Bigdeli, Ahmad Reza
4509 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Fang, Tony Wen
4510 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Funamoto, Jiro
4511 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Gan, Gillian
4512 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Halim, Amanda Wong
4513 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Ho, Wilbur Jone Hon
4514 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Jeon, Yu Jin
4515 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Kim, Hayley In Hwa
4516 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Kim, John Yun Joong
4517 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Lee, Kelvin Kien Hoanh
4518 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Low, Darren Jen Howe
4519 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Memari, Shayan
4520 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Phoon, Kar Mun
4521 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Reddy, Vipul
4522 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Simpson, Calum John
4523 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Yeung, Ernest Chi Ngai
4524 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Yong, William Tzu Loong
4525 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Yoon, James Jun Han
4526 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Zhao, Agul Tao Tao
4527 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 1 Cao, Hancong
4528 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 1 Cheng, David Hung Ting
4529 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 1 Cheng, Mark Mengyuan
4530 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 1 Cheung, Ivan Chun Pui
4531 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 1 Fang, Tony Wen
4532 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 1 Funamoto, Jiro
4533 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 1 Ho, Jimson Wai Yu
4534 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 1 Jeong, Minju
4535 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 1 Jiang, Sam Shan
4536 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 1 Kim, Andrew
4537 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 1 Kim, Daniel Sae Yun
4538 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 1 Lam, Brian Ming Yan
4539 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 1 Lau, Brian Cheuk Ki
4540 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 1 Lee, John Jun Ho
4541 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 1 Lee, Siu Man Vincent
4542 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 1 Leung, Brian Hoi Ming
4543 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 1 Phoon, Kar Mun
4544 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 1 Reddy, Vipul
4545 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 1 Shim, Paul Joon Tae
4546 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 1 Song, Hyun Soo Michael
4547 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 1 Ting, Lai Man Irwin
4548 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 1 Wong, William
4549 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 1 Wu, Tony Weitao
4550 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 1 Yong, William Tzu Loong
4551 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 1 Zhao, Agul Tao Tao
4552 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 2 Cao, Hancong
4553 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 2 Cheng, David Hung Ting
4554 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 2 Cheung, Ivan Chun Pui
4555 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 2 Jiang, Sam Shan
4556 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 2 Kim, Andrew
4557 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 2 Lam, Brian Ming Yan
4558 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 2 Lee, John Jun Ho
4559 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 2 Lee, Siu Man Vincent
4560 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 2 Leung, Brian Hoi Ming
4561 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 2 Luo, Mark Shu Wei
4562 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 2 Song, Hyun Soo Michael
4563 Carlingford High School Carlingford Mathematics Extension 2 Ting, Lai Man Irwin
4564 Carlingford High School Carlingford Music 1 Phoon, Kar Mun
4565 Carlingford High School Carlingford Music 2 Kim, Andrew
4566 Carlingford High School Carlingford Music 2 Low, Darren Jen Howe
4567 Carlingford High School Carlingford Music Extension Brown, Andrew Nicholas
4568 Carlingford High School Carlingford Music Extension Kim, Andrew
4569 Carlingford High School Carlingford Music Extension Urquhart, Thomas Boyd
4570 Carlingford High School Carlingford Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Shaw, Daniel Jordan
4571 Carlingford High School Carlingford Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Tran, Lee Fu
4572 Carlingford High School Carlingford Physics Cheng, David Hung Ting
4573 Carlingford High School Carlingford Physics Funamoto, Jiro
4574 Carlingford High School Carlingford Physics Jiang, Sam Shan
4575 Carlingford High School Carlingford Physics Kim, Andrew
4576 Carlingford High School Carlingford Physics Lam, Brian Ming Yan
4577 Carlingford High School Carlingford Physics Lee, Siu Man Vincent
4578 Carlingford High School Carlingford Physics Leung, Brian Hoi Ming
4579 Carlingford High School Carlingford Physics Phoon, Kar Mun
4580 Carlingford High School Carlingford Physics Yeung, Ernest Chi Ngai
4581 Carlingford High School Carlingford Senior Science Kim, Hayley In Hwa
4582 Carlingford High School Carlingford Senior Science Leung, Brian Hoi Ming
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 5 Dec 2016
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