Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2008

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2008.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

200 of 34282 entries are shown.
23050 - 23249
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23050 Roseville College Roseville Mathematics Tattersall, Rebecca
23051 Roseville College Roseville Mathematics Extension 1 Brown, Samantha
23052 Roseville College Roseville Mathematics Extension 1 Eatough, Chloe
23053 Roseville College Roseville Mathematics Extension 1 Lee, Chloe
23054 Roseville College Roseville Mathematics Extension 1 Lim, Holly Yi-Zhen
23055 Roseville College Roseville Mathematics Extension 1 Poon, Lauren
23056 Roseville College Roseville Mathematics Extension 1 Stannard, Caitlin
23057 Roseville College Roseville Modern History Ganz, Kathryn
23058 Roseville College Roseville Modern History Hinder, Margaret
23059 Roseville College Roseville Modern History McGill, Alexandra
23060 Roseville College Roseville Modern History Munro, Claire
23061 Roseville College Roseville Modern History O'Regan, Katherine
23062 Roseville College Roseville Modern History Sena, Rebekah
23063 Roseville College Roseville Modern History Stannard, Caitlin
23064 Roseville College Roseville Music 1 Short, Crystie
23065 Roseville College Roseville Music 2 Poon, Lauren
23066 Roseville College Roseville Music 2 Siddall, Jemima
23067 Roseville College Roseville Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Browne, Lauren
23068 Roseville College Roseville Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Cocks, Laura Elizabeth
23069 Roseville College Roseville Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Correy, Amber
23070 Roseville College Roseville Physics Stannard, Caitlin
23071 Roseville College Roseville Senior Science Coulson, Dominique
23072 Roseville College Roseville Senior Science Kelly, Angela
23073 Roseville College Roseville Visual Arts Hor, Iris Yue-Yun
23074 Roseville College Roseville Visual Arts Jagger, Caroline
23075 Roseville College Roseville Visual Arts Lim, Holly Yi-Zhen
23076 Roseville College Roseville Visual Arts Morris, Neridah
23077 Roseville College Roseville Visual Arts Nicol, Laura
23078 Roseville College Roseville Visual Arts Schweikert, Casey
23079 Roseville College Roseville Visual Arts Sena, Rebekah
23080 Roseville College Roseville Visual Arts Yeung, Emily
23081 Rouse Hill Anglican College Rouse Hill Community and Family Studies Scicluna, Natasha
23082 Rouse Hill Anglican College Rouse Hill English Extension 1 Kennelly, Jessica
23083 Rouse Hill Anglican College Rouse Hill Food Technology Scicluna, Natasha
23084 Rouse Hill Anglican College Rouse Hill General Mathematics Baldwin, Warwick
23085 Rouse Hill Anglican College Rouse Hill German Continuers Nagel, Manuel
23086 Rouse Hill Anglican College Rouse Hill History Extension Kennelly, Jessica
23087 Rouse Hill Anglican College Rouse Hill Visual Arts Kennelly, Jessica
23088 Rutherford Technology High School Rutherford Music 1 Boyd, Benjamin John
23089 Rutherford Technology High School Rutherford Music 1 Hodge, Joel Anthony
23090 Rutherford Technology High School Rutherford Music 1 Mudd, Matthew James
23091 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Accounting Lee, Grace Eun Hye
23092 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Ancient History McVittie, Victoria Francesca
23093 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Biology Chu, Belle (Chu Ho Pui)
23094 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Biology Dhaliwal, Anupreet Kaur
23095 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Biology Ma, Christine Huanyi
23096 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Business Studies Ma, Christine Huanyi
23097 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Chemistry Gunaratne, Yodithya
23098 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Chemistry Ma, Christine Huanyi
23099 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Economics Wong, Long-Kin
23100 Ryde Secondary College Ryde English (Advanced) Gunaratne, Yodithya
23101 Ryde Secondary College Ryde English (Advanced) Ma, Christine Huanyi
23102 Ryde Secondary College Ryde General Mathematics Hickey, Alexander
23103 Ryde Secondary College Ryde General Mathematics McSpadden, Kirsten Lee
23104 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Hospitality Examination Hua, Christopher
23105 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Indonesian Continuers Choy, Adriana
23106 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Indonesian Continuers Gunaratne, Yodithya
23107 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Indonesian Continuers Jin, Seonmi
23108 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Indonesian Continuers Ku, Cindi Dewi
23109 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Indonesian Extension Jin, Seonmi
23110 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Japanese Beginners Lee, Grace Eun Hye
23111 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Japanese Beginners Park, Phil Soo Pil
23112 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Japanese Beginners Yun, Daniel (Jae Seok)
23113 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Japanese Beginners Zhou, Tom Yishang
23114 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Korean Continuers Hwang, Soo Hyun (Susan)
23115 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Mathematics Barnes, Riley
23116 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Mathematics Bidny, Dmitri
23117 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Mathematics Lawless, Glenn Robert
23118 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Mathematics Lee, Catherine Hyun Jee
23119 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Mathematics Xue, Dean Ling
23120 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Mathematics Extension 1 Ahn, Peter Juyoung
23121 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Mathematics Extension 1 Cheng, Zhangkai (Jason)
23122 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Mathematics Extension 1 Fathieh, Sina
23123 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Mathematics Extension 1 Gunaratne, Yodithya
23124 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Mathematics Extension 1 Hong, Jingcheng
23125 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Mathematics Extension 1 Jin, Seonmi
23126 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Mathematics Extension 1 Kim, Ken Dong Hoon
23127 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Mathematics Extension 1 Kim, Youn-Mee
23128 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Mathematics Extension 1 Lawless, Kevin Edward
23129 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Mathematics Extension 1 Lee, Catherine Hyun Jee
23130 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Mathematics Extension 1 Lee, Ricky Ming Ho
23131 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Mathematics Extension 1 Ma, Christine Huanyi
23132 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Mathematics Extension 1 Park, Phil Soo Pil
23133 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Mathematics Extension 1 Soleiman, Michael
23134 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Mathematics Extension 1 Yeap, Mathew Peter
23135 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Mathematics Extension 1 Yoo, Gloria
23136 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Mathematics Extension 2 Fathieh, Sina
23137 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Mathematics Extension 2 Gunaratne, Yodithya
23138 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Mathematics Extension 2 Lee, Ricky Ming Ho
23139 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Mathematics Extension 2 Ma, Christine Huanyi
23140 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Music 1 Chu, Belle (Chu Ho Pui)
23141 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Music 1 Inguva, Chidrupi Shilpitha
23142 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Hickey, Alexander
23143 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Physics Gunaratne, Yodithya
23144 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Physics Soleiman, Michael
23145 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Russian Background Speakers Bidny, Dmitri
23146 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Senior Science Mishra, Rajiv
23147 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Senior Science Wilson, Tami Lynne
23148 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Textiles and Design Lee, Lisa (Min-Joo)
23149 Ryde Secondary College Ryde Textiles and Design Wilson, Tami Lynne
23150 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Ancient History Agostino, Sara
23151 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Ancient History Boukouvalas, Alexandra
23152 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Ancient History Curr Smith, Victoria
23153 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Ancient History Daaboul, Stephanie
23154 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Ancient History Grant, Madeleine
23155 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Ancient History Mastro, Vanessa
23156 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Ancient History Moss, Lauren
23157 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Ancient History Rock, Genevieve
23158 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Biology Fehon, Charlotte
23159 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Biology Lee, Michelle
23160 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Biology Mastro, Vanessa
23161 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Biology Tibbertsma, Johanna
23162 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Business Services Examination Madonis, Stephanie
23163 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Business Studies Cordi, Rebecca
23164 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Business Studies Gazal, Natalie
23165 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Business Studies Thomas, Karla
23166 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Business Studies Yee-Joy, Natalie
23167 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Chemistry Oh, Maria
23168 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Design and Technology Adaley, Nicole
23169 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Design and Technology Groome, Olivia
23170 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Design and Technology Margiotta, Jessica
23171 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Design and Technology Raneri, Alicia
23172 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Design and Technology Tibbertsma, Johanna
23173 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Drama Curry, Sinead
23174 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Drama Devaney, Siobhan
23175 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Drama Do Carmo, Stephanie
23176 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Drama McEachern, Suzanne
23177 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Economics Mulcahy, Elizabeth
23178 Santa Sabina College Strathfield English (Advanced) Adaley, Nicole
23179 Santa Sabina College Strathfield English (Advanced) Agostino, Sara
23180 Santa Sabina College Strathfield English (Advanced) Calgaro, Christina
23181 Santa Sabina College Strathfield English (Advanced) Daaboul, Stephanie
23182 Santa Sabina College Strathfield English (Advanced) Farrell, Emma
23183 Santa Sabina College Strathfield English (Advanced) Humphreys, Elise
23184 Santa Sabina College Strathfield English (Advanced) Lee, Angela
23185 Santa Sabina College Strathfield English (Advanced) Mastro, Vanessa
23186 Santa Sabina College Strathfield English (Advanced) Mulcahy, Elizabeth
23187 Santa Sabina College Strathfield English (Advanced) Oh, Maria
23188 Santa Sabina College Strathfield English (Advanced) Tibbertsma, Johanna
23189 Santa Sabina College Strathfield English (Advanced) Vaccari, Laura
23190 Santa Sabina College Strathfield English (Advanced) Verduci, Nadia
23191 Santa Sabina College Strathfield English (Advanced) Yee-Joy, Natalie
23192 Santa Sabina College Strathfield English (Standard) Gazal, Natalie
23193 Santa Sabina College Strathfield English Extension 1 Verduci, Nadia
23194 Santa Sabina College Strathfield English Extension 1 Yee-Joy, Natalie
23195 Santa Sabina College Strathfield English Extension 2 Calgaro, Christina
23196 Santa Sabina College Strathfield English Extension 2 Humphreys, Elise
23197 Santa Sabina College Strathfield English Extension 2 McGraw, Kate
23198 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Entertainment Industry Examination McNamara, Elizabeth
23199 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Entertainment Industry Examination Worner, Jessica
23200 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Food Technology Abraham, Marielle
23201 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Food Technology Ferrone, Elizabeth
23202 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Food Technology Fortunato, Tania
23203 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Food Technology Pascale, Amanda
23204 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Food Technology Raneri, Alicia
23205 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Food Technology Rogers, Grace
23206 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Food Technology Russo, Alexandra
23207 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Food Technology Stanton, Amy
23208 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Food Technology Vella, Peta
23209 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Food Technology Watton, Kimberly
23210 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Food Technology Whiley, Adriane
23211 Santa Sabina College Strathfield French Beginners Galassi, Alexandra
23212 Santa Sabina College Strathfield French Beginners Migliorino, Sarah
23213 Santa Sabina College Strathfield French Beginners Nolimaio, Rebecca
23214 Santa Sabina College Strathfield French Beginners Severino, Jessica
23215 Santa Sabina College Strathfield French Continuers Fehon, Charlotte
23216 Santa Sabina College Strathfield French Continuers Pereira, Kathleen
23217 Santa Sabina College Strathfield French Extension Fehon, Charlotte
23218 Santa Sabina College Strathfield French Extension Pereira, Kathleen
23219 Santa Sabina College Strathfield General Mathematics Potter, Elyse
23220 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Geography Bailey, Stephanie
23221 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Geography Christofi, Elena
23222 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Geography Curr Smith, Victoria
23223 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Geography Curry, Sinead
23224 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Geography de Mattia, Louise
23225 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Geography Potter, Elyse
23226 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Geography Vaccari, Laura
23227 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Geography Woods, Georgina
23228 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Geography Yee, Cassandra
23229 Santa Sabina College Strathfield History Extension Humphreys, Elise
23230 Santa Sabina College Strathfield History Extension Rock, Genevieve
23231 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Hospitality Examination Rogers, Grace
23232 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Information Processes and Technology Gazal, Natalie
23233 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Information Processes and Technology Khoury, Daniella
23234 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Information Processes and Technology Madonis, Stephanie
23235 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Information Processes and Technology Saad, Rachelle
23236 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Italian Beginners Calgaro, Christina
23237 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Italian Beginners Mulcahy, Elizabeth
23238 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Italian Continuers Caltabiano, Christina
23239 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Italian Continuers Deluchi, Erica
23240 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Italian Continuers Ferrone, Elizabeth
23241 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Italian Extension Mastro, Vanessa
23242 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Italian Extension Nolimaio, Rebecca
23243 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Japanese Beginners Farlow, Ann-Marie
23244 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Japanese Beginners Saad, Rachelle
23245 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Japanese Continuers Oh, Maria
23246 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Japanese Extension Calgaro, Christina
23247 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Japanese Extension Oh, Maria
23248 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Latin Continuers Agostino, Sara
23249 Santa Sabina College Strathfield Mathematics Abraham, Marielle
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 5 Dec 2016
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