This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2008.
Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.
22150 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Bennett, Gillian Francis Beryl |
22151 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Clarke, Sophie Heather |
22152 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Dowling, Veronica Louise |
22153 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Kynoch, Nicola Michelle |
22154 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Maddocks, Nicole Marie |
22155 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Rashid-Salehi, Mojdeh |
22156 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Walker, Samantha Kate |
22157 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Wawn, Mirabella Verney |
22158 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Senior Science | Chong, Nicole Jacqueline |
22159 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Senior Science | Clarke, Sophie Heather |
22160 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Senior Science | Hetherington, Catrina Iverna |
22161 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Senior Science | Keppo, Susannah Eleanor |
22162 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Senior Science | Leszinsky, Mia Jane |
22163 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Senior Science | Ng, Ying Chern |
22164 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Senior Science | Rossler, Jenna Kelsey |
22165 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Senior Science | Spalding, Elizabeth Maree |
22166 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Senior Science | Szonyi, Alexandra Angelica |
22167 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Software Design and Development | Nahm, Nicole Dahyun |
22168 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Software Design and Development | Nguyen, Katherine Minh Anh |
22169 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Studies of Religion I | Wilson, Clara Elizabeth |
22170 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Visual Arts | Adams, Kimberley Jane |
22171 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Visual Arts | Bennett, Gillian Francis Beryl |
22172 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Visual Arts | Brooks, Grace Isobel |
22173 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Visual Arts | Burk, Michelle Mary |
22174 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Visual Arts | Burvill, Maya Alexandra |
22175 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Visual Arts | Butler-Nixon, Emma Maude |
22176 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Visual Arts | Butterworth, Julie Kathleen |
22177 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Visual Arts | Bylett, Elizabeth Helen |
22178 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Visual Arts | Chan, Rina yuen Ming |
22179 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Visual Arts | Clarke, Sophie Heather |
22180 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Visual Arts | Dowling, Veronica Louise |
22181 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Visual Arts | Funch-Thomsen, Ashleigh |
22182 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Visual Arts | Hamilton, Anna Maryan |
22183 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Visual Arts | Lam, Levanna Hiu Yeung |
22184 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Visual Arts | Law, Tiffany Jane |
22185 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Visual Arts | Mount, Tula Cheng |
22186 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Visual Arts | Nashar, Claire Elizabeth |
22187 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Visual Arts | Newell, Elyse Laura Emma |
22188 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Visual Arts | Reed, Arissara Donna |
22189 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Visual Arts | Rekhraj, Jaskiran Kaur |
22190 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Visual Arts | Stevenson, Jacqueline Robin |
22191 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Visual Arts | Stevenson, Sarah |
22192 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Visual Arts | Stoneham, Amelia Elizabeth |
22193 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Visual Arts | Tso, Michelle Wai Yun |
22194 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Visual Arts | Underwood, Ashleigh Elspeth |
22195 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Visual Arts | Vakili, Rey-Hanna |
22196 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Visual Arts | Vogel, Kirsten |
22197 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Visual Arts | Walker, Samantha Kate |
22198 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Visual Arts | Yu, Vanessa Hao-Yan |
22199 | Pymble Ladies College | Pymble | Visual Arts | Zemancheff, Rosemary Jayne |
22200 | Queanbeyan High School | Queanbeyan | Industrial Technology | Crockford, Jordan |
22201 | Queanbeyan High School | Queanbeyan | Senior Science | Bartlett, Douglas |
22202 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Ancient History | Robertson, Julia Rose |
22203 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Ancient History | Sewell, Michelle Marie |
22204 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Ancient History | Watson, Harriet Dagmar |
22205 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Biology | Green, Elizabeth Kathryn |
22206 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Biology | Leske, Kate Emily |
22207 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Biology | Strange, Merryn Elizabeth |
22208 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Business Studies | Croxson, Gabriella Patricia |
22209 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Business Studies | Howard, Alexandra Maree |
22210 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Business Studies | Lambooy, Loesje Rose |
22211 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Business Studies | Leske, Kate Emily |
22212 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Business Studies | Loewensohn, Nicole |
22213 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Business Studies | Rein, Grace Emily |
22214 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Drama | Bailes, Rachael Clare |
22215 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Drama | Croxson, Gabriella Patricia |
22216 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Drama | Freedman, Lucinda |
22217 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Drama | Howe, Courtney |
22218 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Drama | Lambooy, Loesje Rose |
22219 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Drama | Robertson, Julia Rose |
22220 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Drama | Yates, Isabella Chloe |
22221 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Economics | Croxson, Gabriella Patricia |
22222 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Economics | Hardwick Morris, Zoe |
22223 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Economics | Johnston, Lucy Becker |
22224 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Economics | Loewensohn, Nicole |
22225 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | English (Advanced) | Ahearne, Victoria Kate Gabriel |
22226 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | English (Advanced) | Croxson, Gabriella Patricia |
22227 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | English (Advanced) | Freedman, Lucinda |
22228 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | English (Advanced) | Howe, Courtney |
22229 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | English (Advanced) | Johnston, Lucy Becker |
22230 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | English (Advanced) | Kerr, Sally Kay |
22231 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | English (Advanced) | King, Melissa Louise |
22232 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | English (Advanced) | Knapman, Fiona Louise |
22233 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | English (Advanced) | Lambooy, Loesje Rose |
22234 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | English (Advanced) | Leske, Kate Emily |
22235 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | English (Advanced) | Loewensohn, Nicole |
22236 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | English (Advanced) | Owen, Chelsea Robyn |
22237 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | English (Advanced) | Rein, Grace Emily |
22238 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | English (Advanced) | Robertson, Julia Rose |
22239 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | English (Advanced) | Scriven, Emma |
22240 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | English (Advanced) | Sewell, Michelle Marie |
22241 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | English (Advanced) | Strange, Merryn Elizabeth |
22242 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | English (Advanced) | Thorburn, Kate Danielle |
22243 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | English (Advanced) | Warhurst, Lucy Elizabeth |
22244 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | English (Advanced) | Wenham, Alexandra Louise |
22245 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | English (Advanced) | Yates, Isabella Chloe |
22246 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | English (Advanced) | Zwolinski, Emily Kate |
22247 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | English Extension 1 | Croxson, Gabriella Patricia |
22248 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | English Extension 1 | Lambooy, Loesje Rose |
22249 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | English Extension 1 | Loewensohn, Nicole |
22250 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | English Extension 1 | Robertson, Julia Rose |
22251 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | English Extension 1 | Warhurst, Lucy Elizabeth |
22252 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | English Extension 2 | Croxson, Gabriella Patricia |
22253 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | English Extension 2 | King, Melissa Louise |
22254 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | English Extension 2 | Warhurst, Lucy Elizabeth |
22255 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | French Continuers | Gunn, Chloe Emilie |
22256 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | French Continuers | Loewensohn, Nicole |
22257 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | French Continuers | Thorburn, Kate Danielle |
22258 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | French Extension | Loewensohn, Nicole |
22259 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | General Mathematics | Bailes, Rachael Clare |
22260 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | General Mathematics | Denman, Stephanie Elizabeth |
22261 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | General Mathematics | Epper, Florence Kate |
22262 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | General Mathematics | Fairbairn, Jessica Diana |
22263 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | General Mathematics | Green, Elizabeth Kathryn |
22264 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | General Mathematics | Heath, Jennifer Tamsyn Cary |
22265 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | General Mathematics | Howard, Alexandra Maree |
22266 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | General Mathematics | Kerr, Sally Kay |
22267 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | General Mathematics | Leske, Kate Emily |
22268 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | General Mathematics | Mackenzie, Lucy Catherine |
22269 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | General Mathematics | Sewell, Michelle Marie |
22270 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | General Mathematics | Wenham, Alexandra Louise |
22271 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | General Mathematics | Wiggins, Chantelle Leilani |
22272 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | General Mathematics | Yates, Isabella Chloe |
22273 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | General Mathematics | Zwolinski, Emily Kate |
22274 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Geography | Freedman, Lucinda |
22275 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Geography | Hall, Olivia Andrea |
22276 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Geography | Howe, Courtney |
22277 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Geography | Johnston, Lucy Becker |
22278 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Geography | Scriven, Emma |
22279 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Geography | Strange, Merryn Elizabeth |
22280 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Geography | Young, Samantha Claire |
22281 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | History Extension | Warhurst, Lucy Elizabeth |
22282 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Hospitality Examination | Heath, Jennifer Tamsyn Cary |
22283 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Information Processes and Technology | Stead, Amanda Bronwyn |
22284 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Italian Beginners | Heath, Jennifer Tamsyn Cary |
22285 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Italian Beginners | King, Melissa Louise |
22286 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Italian Beginners | McGowan, Skye Annabella |
22287 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Italian Beginners | Wenham, Alexandra Louise |
22288 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Mathematics | Bennell, Natalie Peta |
22289 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Mathematics | Knapman, Fiona Louise |
22290 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Mathematics | Loewensohn, Nicole |
22291 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Mathematics | Strange, Merryn Elizabeth |
22292 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Mathematics | Thorburn, Kate Danielle |
22293 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Mathematics Extension 1 | Hardwick Morris, Zoe |
22294 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Mathematics Extension 1 | Knapman, Fiona Louise |
22295 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Mathematics Extension 1 | Strange, Merryn Elizabeth |
22296 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Modern History | Howe, Courtney |
22297 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Modern History | Johnston, Lucy Becker |
22298 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Modern History | King, Melissa Louise |
22299 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Modern History | Lambooy, Loesje Rose |
22300 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Modern History | Rein, Grace Emily |
22301 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Modern History | Thorburn, Kate Danielle |
22302 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Modern History | Warhurst, Lucy Elizabeth |
22303 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Music 1 | Denman, Stephanie Elizabeth |
22304 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Music 1 | Watson, Harriet Dagmar |
22305 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Music 1 | Whitfield, Jessica Claire |
22306 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Music 2 | Knapman, Fiona Louise |
22307 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Epper, Florence Kate |
22308 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Knapman, Fiona Louise |
22309 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Scriven, Emma |
22310 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Physics | Hardwick Morris, Zoe |
22311 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Physics | Strange, Merryn Elizabeth |
22312 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Textiles and Design | Denman, Stephanie Elizabeth |
22313 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Textiles and Design | Kerr, Anna Louise |
22314 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Textiles and Design | Kerr, Sally Kay |
22315 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Textiles and Design | Manettas, Katherine Maria |
22316 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Textiles and Design | Wenham, Alexandra Louise |
22317 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Visual Arts | King, Melissa Louise |
22318 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Visual Arts | Stewart, Stephanie Jill |
22319 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Visual Arts | Warhurst, Lucy Elizabeth |
22320 | Queenwood School for Girls | Mosman | Visual Arts | Wenham, Alexandra Louise |
22321 | Quirindi High School | Quirindi | English (Advanced) | Brady, Emma Kristen |
22322 | Quirindi High School | Quirindi | English Extension 1 | Brady, Emma Kristen |
22323 | Quirindi High School | Quirindi | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Brady, Emma Kristen |
22324 | Randwick Boys High School | Randwick | Biology | Tang, Khar Mun |
22325 | Randwick Boys High School | Randwick | Biology | Yuen, Eric |
22326 | Randwick Boys High School | Randwick | Chemistry | Nigole, William |
22327 | Randwick Boys High School | Randwick | Chemistry | Tang, Khar Mun |
22328 | Randwick Boys High School | Randwick | Chemistry | Yuen, Eric |
22329 | Randwick Boys High School | Randwick | English as a Second Language | Tang, Khar Mun |
22330 | Randwick Boys High School | Randwick | English as a Second Language | Yuen, Eric |
22331 | Randwick Boys High School | Randwick | French Continuers | Lau, Derrick |
22332 | Randwick Boys High School | Randwick | French Continuers | Lau, Derwin |
22333 | Randwick Boys High School | Randwick | Mathematics | Tang, Khar Mun |
22334 | Randwick Boys High School | Randwick | Mathematics Extension 1 | Contractor, Steefan |
22335 | Randwick Boys High School | Randwick | Mathematics Extension 1 | Jiang, Bohuai |
22336 | Randwick Boys High School | Randwick | Mathematics Extension 1 | Mach, Long Tin |
22337 | Randwick Boys High School | Randwick | Mathematics Extension 1 | Ng, Anthony Ga Jun |
22338 | Randwick Boys High School | Randwick | Mathematics Extension 1 | Nigole, William |
22339 | Randwick Boys High School | Randwick | Mathematics Extension 1 | Tang, Khar Mun |
22340 | Randwick Boys High School | Randwick | Mathematics Extension 1 | Yuen, Eric |
22341 | Randwick Boys High School | Randwick | Mathematics Extension 2 | Mach, Long Tin |
22342 | Randwick Boys High School | Randwick | Mathematics Extension 2 | Ng, Anthony Ga Jun |
22343 | Randwick Boys High School | Randwick | Mathematics Extension 2 | Yuen, Eric |
22344 | Randwick Boys High School | Randwick | Physics | Tang, Khar Mun |
22345 | Randwick Boys High School | Randwick | Physics | Yong, Richard Chung Hee |
22346 | Randwick Boys High School | Randwick | Russian Background Speakers | Legeyda, Yaroslav |
22347 | Randwick Girls High School | Randwick | Ancient History | Cahill, Dannielle |
22348 | Randwick Girls High School | Randwick | Ancient History | Coe, Sarah Elizabeth |
22349 | Randwick Girls High School | Randwick | Biology | Chan, Grace Lok Yee |