Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2008

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2008.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

200 of 34282 entries are shown.
19250 - 19449
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19250 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Visual Arts Voleynik, Maria
19251 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Visual Arts Weng, Yan Qin
19252 North Sydney Girls High School Crows Nest Visual Arts Ye, Alice
19253 Northern Beaches Christian School Terrey Hills Biology Keller, Natalie Lauren
19254 Northern Beaches Christian School Terrey Hills Biology Low, Rachel Clare
19255 Northern Beaches Christian School Terrey Hills Biology Ludlow, Kristiana Clare
19256 Northern Beaches Christian School Terrey Hills Biology Stiddard, Josephine Holly
19257 Northern Beaches Christian School Terrey Hills Business Studies Angus, Craig Alexander Hugh
19258 Northern Beaches Christian School Terrey Hills Business Studies Palmer, Matthew William Davy
19259 Northern Beaches Christian School Terrey Hills Chemistry Bradshaw, Camilla Hannah
19260 Northern Beaches Christian School Terrey Hills Drama Boot, Bryce
19261 Northern Beaches Christian School Terrey Hills Economics Angus, Craig Alexander Hugh
19262 Northern Beaches Christian School Terrey Hills Economics Waterhouse, Joshua James
19263 Northern Beaches Christian School Terrey Hills English (Advanced) Brunner, Aaron Josef
19264 Northern Beaches Christian School Terrey Hills English (Advanced) Low, Rachel Clare
19265 Northern Beaches Christian School Terrey Hills English (Advanced) Ludlow, Kristiana Clare
19266 Northern Beaches Christian School Terrey Hills English (Advanced) Porter, Caitlin Louise
19267 Northern Beaches Christian School Terrey Hills Food Technology Ludlow, Kristiana Clare
19268 Northern Beaches Christian School Terrey Hills French Continuers Brennan, Sebastien Romain
19269 Northern Beaches Christian School Terrey Hills French Extension Brennan, Sebastien Romain
19270 Northern Beaches Christian School Terrey Hills General Mathematics Hipwell, Alison
19271 Northern Beaches Christian School Terrey Hills General Mathematics Ludlow, Kristiana Clare
19272 Northern Beaches Christian School Terrey Hills Information Processes and Technology Arnold, Matt
19273 Northern Beaches Christian School Terrey Hills Mathematics Angus, Craig Alexander Hugh
19274 Northern Beaches Christian School Terrey Hills Mathematics Bradshaw, Camilla Hannah
19275 Northern Beaches Christian School Terrey Hills Mathematics Fawcett, Katherine Elise
19276 Northern Beaches Christian School Terrey Hills Mathematics Low, Rachel Clare
19277 Northern Beaches Christian School Terrey Hills Mathematics Mushenko, Katherine Anne
19278 Northern Beaches Christian School Terrey Hills Mathematics Waterhouse, Joshua James
19279 Northern Beaches Christian School Terrey Hills Mathematics Extension 1 Hotchkies, Bradley David
19280 Northern Beaches Christian School Terrey Hills Mathematics Extension 2 Hotchkies, Bradley David
19281 Northern Beaches Christian School Terrey Hills Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Bradshaw, Camilla Hannah
19282 Northern Beaches Christian School Terrey Hills Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Brunner, Aaron Josef
19283 Northern Beaches Christian School Terrey Hills Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Hollow, Kelly Jade
19284 Northern Beaches Christian School Terrey Hills Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Low, Rachel Clare
19285 Northern Beaches Christian School Terrey Hills Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Ludlow, Kristiana Clare
19286 Northern Beaches Christian School Terrey Hills Physics Bradshaw, Camilla Hannah
19287 Northern Beaches Christian School Terrey Hills Software Design and Development Gray, Adam Joshua
19288 Northern Beaches Christian School Terrey Hills Studies of Religion I Low, Rachel Clare
19289 Northern Beaches Christian School Terrey Hills Visual Arts Mueller-Sewell, Rebecca Zara
19290 Northern Beaches Christian School Terrey Hills Visual Arts Walker, Rebecca Grace
19291 Northern Beaches Secondary College Balgowlah Boys Campus Balgowlah Biology Stewart, Maxwell Theodore
19292 Northern Beaches Secondary College Balgowlah Boys Campus Balgowlah Chemistry Stewart, Maxwell Theodore
19293 Northern Beaches Secondary College Balgowlah Boys Campus Balgowlah English (Advanced) Stewart, Maxwell Theodore
19294 Northern Beaches Secondary College Balgowlah Boys Campus Balgowlah Geography Stephens, Peter John
19295 Northern Beaches Secondary College Balgowlah Boys Campus Balgowlah Mathematics Brigden, Kurt William Logan
19296 Northern Beaches Secondary College Balgowlah Boys Campus Balgowlah Mathematics Stewart, Maxwell Theodore
19297 Northern Beaches Secondary College Balgowlah Boys Campus Balgowlah Mathematics Whitehair, Jackson John Gwynne
19298 Northern Beaches Secondary College Balgowlah Boys Campus Balgowlah Mathematics Extension 1 Gao, Chenchang
19299 Northern Beaches Secondary College Balgowlah Boys Campus Balgowlah Mathematics Extension 1 Stewart, Maxwell Theodore
19300 Northern Beaches Secondary College Balgowlah Boys Campus Balgowlah Physics Whitehair, Jackson John Gwynne
19301 Northern Beaches Secondary College Balgowlah Boys Campus Balgowlah Visual Arts Stewart, Maxwell Theodore
19302 Northern Beaches Secondary College Cromer Campus Cromer Ancient History Flego, Jules Laurence
19303 Northern Beaches Secondary College Cromer Campus Cromer Ancient History Jower, Gabriel Sebastian
19304 Northern Beaches Secondary College Cromer Campus Cromer Ancient History Sladakovic, Jovana
19305 Northern Beaches Secondary College Cromer Campus Cromer Biology Sladakovic, Jovana
19306 Northern Beaches Secondary College Cromer Campus Cromer Construction Examination Locane, Nicolas
19307 Northern Beaches Secondary College Cromer Campus Cromer English (Advanced) Bryant, Skye Signe
19308 Northern Beaches Secondary College Cromer Campus Cromer English (Advanced) Deegenaars, Nicole Sarah
19309 Northern Beaches Secondary College Cromer Campus Cromer English (Advanced) Jower, Gabriel Sebastian
19310 Northern Beaches Secondary College Cromer Campus Cromer English (Advanced) Kovacevic, Jelena
19311 Northern Beaches Secondary College Cromer Campus Cromer English (Advanced) Locane, Nicolas
19312 Northern Beaches Secondary College Cromer Campus Cromer English (Advanced) Skovrlj, Aleksandra
19313 Northern Beaches Secondary College Cromer Campus Cromer English (Advanced) Sladakovic, Jovana
19314 Northern Beaches Secondary College Cromer Campus Cromer Hospitality Examination Sacco, Tonia
19315 Northern Beaches Secondary College Cromer Campus Cromer Industrial Technology Bailey, Zac James
19316 Northern Beaches Secondary College Cromer Campus Cromer Industrial Technology Wye, Jonathan Robert
19317 Northern Beaches Secondary College Cromer Campus Cromer Information Processes and Technology Carden, Thomas Stephen
19318 Northern Beaches Secondary College Cromer Campus Cromer Mathematics Bana, Homeher
19319 Northern Beaches Secondary College Cromer Campus Cromer Mathematics Rakic, Aleksandra
19320 Northern Beaches Secondary College Cromer Campus Cromer Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Deegenaars, Nicole Sarah
19321 Northern Beaches Secondary College Cromer Campus Cromer Russian Background Speakers Romanov, Vladislav
19322 Northern Beaches Secondary College Cromer Campus Cromer Senior Science Bana, Homeher
19323 Northern Beaches Secondary College Cromer Campus Cromer Senior Science Sacco, Tonia
19324 Northern Beaches Secondary College Cromer Campus Cromer Senior Science Stevenson, Kristian Lyle
19325 Northern Beaches Secondary College Cromer Campus Cromer Visual Arts Deegenaars, Nicole Sarah
19326 Northern Beaches Secondary College Cromer Campus Cromer Visual Arts Rakic, Aleksandra
19327 Northern Beaches Secondary College Cromer Campus Cromer Visual Arts Sacco, Tonia
19328 Northern Beaches Secondary College Cromer Campus Cromer Visual Arts Sharkey, Leah Patricia
19329 Northern Beaches Secondary College Cromer Campus Cromer Visual Arts Skovrlj, Aleksandra
19330 Northern Beaches Secondary College Cromer Campus Cromer Visual Arts Vescio, Paige
19331 Northern Beaches Secondary College Cromer Campus Cromer Visual Arts Whittaker, Justin John
19332 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Accounting Sawyer, Reuben Alan De Sa
19333 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Accounting Yoon, Helen Haerim
19334 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Ancient History Arthur, Charlotte Leeann
19335 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Ancient History Duncan, Rebecca Julianne
19336 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Biology Duncan, Rebecca Julianne
19337 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Biology Want, Madeleine Grace
19338 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Business Studies Fenton, Ross Ashley
19339 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Business Studies Hanley, Stephen Patrick
19340 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Chemistry Shen, Yeyun
19341 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Community and Family Studies Falconer, Carly Marie
19342 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Community and Family Studies Hubbard, Rebecca Jade
19343 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Community and Family Studies Kubur, Belma
19344 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Community and Family Studies Rice-Jenkins, Emma Renee
19345 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Earth and Environmental Science Bui, Christy
19346 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Economics Clarke, Anthony James
19347 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Economics Sawyer, Reuben Alan De Sa
19348 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater English (Advanced) Duncan, Rebecca Julianne
19349 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater English (Advanced) Fenton, Ross Ashley
19350 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater English (Advanced) Perry, Allana Clare
19351 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater English (Advanced) Want, Madeleine Grace
19352 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater English Extension 1 Want, Madeleine Grace
19353 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater English Extension 2 Perry, Allana Clare
19354 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Food Technology Glynn, Peta Louise
19355 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater French Beginners Hanley, Stephen Patrick
19356 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater French Beginners Maguire, Emily Celeste
19357 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater French Continuers Want, Madeleine Grace
19358 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater French Extension Want, Madeleine Grace
19359 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater General Mathematics Clarke, Anthony James
19360 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater General Mathematics Gutherson, Joshua Richmond
19361 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Geography Duncan, Rebecca Julianne
19362 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater German Continuers Hansen-Collins, Soleda Jean
19363 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater German Continuers Want, Madeleine Grace
19364 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater History Extension Bylmakers, Nicola
19365 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater History Extension Duncan, Rebecca Julianne
19366 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater History Extension Natoli, Claire Amelia
19367 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Hospitality Examination Fenton, Ross Ashley
19368 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Hospitality Examination Glynn, Peta Louise
19369 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Information Processes and Technology Ambrose, Grant
19370 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Information Processes and Technology Kilani, Sami
19371 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Information Technology Examination Kimura, Yujin
19372 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Legal Studies Clarke, Anthony James
19373 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Legal Studies Kubur, Belma
19374 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Legal Studies Natoli, Claire Amelia
19375 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Mathematics Guckian, Fintan Brendan
19376 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Mathematics Jia, Fangzhi
19377 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Mathematics Kilani, Sami
19378 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Mathematics Yoon, Helen Haerim
19379 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Mathematics Extension 1 Bae, Hyeok Su
19380 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Mathematics Extension 1 Houlton, Hayden Michael
19381 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Mathematics Extension 1 Jia, Fangzhi
19382 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Mathematics Extension 1 Shen, Yeyun
19383 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Mathematics Extension 1 Yoon, Helen Haerim
19384 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Mathematics Extension 2 Shen, Yeyun
19385 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Modern History Houlton, Hayden Michael
19386 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Modern History Perry, Allana Clare
19387 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Groskops, Nicola Jean
19388 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Hill, Ellen
19389 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Senior Science Ambrose, Grant
19390 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Senior Science Cronin, Tenille Gay
19391 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Senior Science Furze, Emma
19392 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Senior Science Penrose, Rachael Lynette
19393 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Society and Culture Geach, Marie-Claire
19394 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Software Design and Development Ambrose, Grant
19395 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Software Design and Development Kilani, Sami
19396 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Software Design and Development Sawyer, Reuben Alan De Sa
19397 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Swedish Continuers Holmstrom, Thomas Erik
19398 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Textiles and Design Godbee, Olivia
19399 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Visual Arts Andronicos, Troy Costa
19400 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Visual Arts Geach, Marie-Claire
19401 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Visual Arts Godbee, Olivia
19402 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Visual Arts Hardwicke, Jessica
19403 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Visual Arts Hubbard, Rebecca Jade
19404 Northern Beaches Secondary College Freshwater Campus Freshwater Visual Arts Makins-Morris, Charlotte
19405 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Accounting Johns, Elli Jacqueline
19406 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Ancient History Saunders, Brooke
19407 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Biology Honeywood, Natasha Kate
19408 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Biology Tubridy, Lucinda Kate
19409 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Business Studies Walker, Sarah
19410 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Business Studies Whyte, Lisa Carolyn
19411 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Chemistry Thwaites, Mikaila Mary
19412 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Dance Covey, Courtney Anne
19413 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Dance Dunwoodie, Zoe Belle
19414 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Dance Resende, Caroline Vincent
19415 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Dance Witney-Cochrane, Kiah Veronica
19416 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English (Advanced) Hampson, Jacqueline Jade
19417 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English (Advanced) Kerr, Eileen Pauline
19418 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English (Advanced) McNeill, Monique Elizabeth
19419 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English (Advanced) Richardson, Amy Kathleen
19420 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English (Advanced) Saunders, Brooke
19421 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English (Advanced) Thwaites, Mikaila Mary
19422 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English Extension 1 Hampson, Jacqueline Jade
19423 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale English Extension 1 Richardson, Amy Kathleen
19424 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Entertainment Industry Examination Clugston, Romy
19425 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Food Technology McNeill, Monique Elizabeth
19426 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale French Continuers Thwaites, Mikaila Mary
19427 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale French Continuers Whyte, Greta Ann
19428 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale French Continuers Whyte, Lisa Carolyn
19429 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale French Extension Thwaites, Mikaila Mary
19430 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale French Extension Whyte, Greta Ann
19431 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale French Extension Whyte, Lisa Carolyn
19432 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale General Mathematics Saunders, Brooke
19433 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Geography Whyte, Lisa Carolyn
19434 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale History Extension Hampson, Jacqueline Jade
19435 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale History Extension Kerr, Eileen Pauline
19436 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale History Extension Whyte, Greta Ann
19437 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Eadie, Rebecca Diane
19438 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Honeywood, Natasha Kate
19439 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Kerr, Eileen Pauline
19440 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Resende, Caroline Vincent
19441 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Thwaites, Mikaila Mary
19442 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Extension 1 Johns, Elli Jacqueline
19443 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Extension 1 Kerr, Eileen Pauline
19444 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Mathematics Extension 1 Thwaites, Mikaila Mary
19445 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Modern History Kerr, Eileen Pauline
19446 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Modern History McNeill, Monique Elizabeth
19447 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Bennet, Emily Frances
19448 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Honeywood, Natasha Kate
19449 Northern Beaches Secondary College Mackellar Girls Campus Manly Vale Personal Development, Health and Physical Education McNeill, Monique Elizabeth
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 5 Dec 2016
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