This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2008.
Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.
17273 | Mount St Joseph Milperra | Milperra | Society and Culture | Villanueva, Claudine |
17274 | Mount St Joseph Milperra | Milperra | Studies of Religion I | Bui, Teresa |
17275 | Mount St Joseph Milperra | Milperra | Studies of Religion I | Dao, Thuy-Kim |
17276 | Mount St Joseph Milperra | Milperra | Studies of Religion I | Lawler, Veronica Mary |
17277 | Mount St Joseph Milperra | Milperra | Studies of Religion I | Marafioti, Vanessa |
17278 | Mount St Joseph Milperra | Milperra | Studies of Religion I | Saidey, Lara |
17279 | Mount St Joseph Milperra | Milperra | Studies of Religion I | Scopacasa, Sarah |
17280 | Mount St Joseph Milperra | Milperra | Studies of Religion II | Azzi, Mary |
17281 | Mount St Joseph Milperra | Milperra | Studies of Religion II | Bottalico, Kayla |
17282 | Mount St Joseph Milperra | Milperra | Studies of Religion II | El-Aswad, Pamela |
17283 | Mount St Joseph Milperra | Milperra | Studies of Religion II | Johnson, Emma |
17284 | Mount St Joseph Milperra | Milperra | Textiles and Design | Colombini, Jenna Elise |
17285 | Mount St Joseph Milperra | Milperra | Textiles and Design | Wakim, Vivienne Maria |
17286 | Mount St Joseph Milperra | Milperra | Visual Arts | Hope, Stephanie Marie Joanne |
17287 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | Biology | Howell, Daniel Reece |
17288 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | Biology | O'Connor, Daniel |
17289 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | Business Studies | Jordan, Pierce Anthony |
17290 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | Business Studies | O'Connor, Daniel |
17291 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | Chemistry | Howell, Daniel Reece |
17292 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | Community and Family Studies | Harrison, Lila Rose |
17293 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | Earth and Environmental Science | McLennan, Max |
17294 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | Earth and Environmental Science | Peterson, Skye |
17295 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | Earth and Environmental Science | Roberts, Kara Jayne |
17296 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | Earth and Environmental Science | Ross, William |
17297 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | Earth and Environmental Science | Willemse, Riley Joel |
17298 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | English (Advanced) | O'Dwyer, Ruth Elizabeth |
17299 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | English Extension 1 | O'Dwyer, Ruth Elizabeth |
17300 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | General Mathematics | Egan, Sebastian |
17301 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | General Mathematics | Jordan, Pierce Anthony |
17302 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | General Mathematics | Malcolmson, Dale Edward |
17303 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | General Mathematics | McLennan, Max |
17304 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | General Mathematics | Morgan, Michelle |
17305 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | General Mathematics | O'Connor, Daniel |
17306 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | General Mathematics | O'Dwyer, Ruth Elizabeth |
17307 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | General Mathematics | Roberts, Kara Jayne |
17308 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | Geography | Jordan, Pierce Anthony |
17309 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | Geography | O'Dwyer, Ruth Elizabeth |
17310 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | Geography | Roberts, Kara Jayne |
17311 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | Geography | Ross, William |
17312 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | Geography | Swift, Mitchell Blair |
17313 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | Legal Studies | Jordan, Pierce Anthony |
17314 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | Legal Studies | McLennan, Max |
17315 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | Legal Studies | Wilcox, Emily Erin |
17316 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | Mathematics | Branch, Kirstin |
17317 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | Mathematics | Vlismas, Luke |
17318 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | Mathematics Extension 1 | Vlismas, Luke |
17319 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | Mathematics Extension 2 | Walker, Ryan Joseph Sidney |
17320 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | Senior Science | Budd, Georgia Caitlin |
17321 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | Senior Science | Moffat, Jackie Leigh |
17322 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | Senior Science | Vlismas, Luke |
17323 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | Studies of Religion I | Egan, Sebastian |
17324 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | Studies of Religion I | Iwanuscha, Jessica |
17325 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | Studies of Religion I | Jordan, Pierce Anthony |
17326 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | Studies of Religion I | McLennan, Max |
17327 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | Studies of Religion I | O'Connor, Daniel |
17328 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | Studies of Religion I | O'Dwyer, Ruth Elizabeth |
17329 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | Studies of Religion I | Peterson, Skye |
17330 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | Studies of Religion I | Roberts, Kara Jayne |
17331 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | Studies of Religion I | Ross, William |
17332 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | Studies of Religion I | Stubbs, Eliza |
17333 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | Studies of Religion I | Walker, Ryan Joseph Sidney |
17334 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | Studies of Religion I | Wilcox, Emily Erin |
17335 | Mount St Patrick College | Murwillumbah | Visual Arts | Peterson, Skye |
17336 | Mount View High School | Cessnock | Community and Family Studies | Lucas, Kelsey Avalon |
17337 | Mount View High School | Cessnock | English Extension 2 | Lucas, Kelsey Avalon |
17338 | Mount View High School | Cessnock | General Mathematics | Wright, Ellen Kimberley |
17339 | Mount View High School | Cessnock | Geography | Edwards, Kaitlin Margaret |
17340 | Mount View High School | Cessnock | Geography | Hobbs, Megan Lee |
17341 | Mount View High School | Cessnock | Geography | McCloskey, Jacob |
17342 | Mount View High School | Cessnock | Industrial Technology | Edwards, Kaitlin Margaret |
17343 | Mount View High School | Cessnock | Legal Studies | Haddow, Melissa Jane |
17344 | Mount View High School | Cessnock | Legal Studies | McCloskey, Jacob |
17345 | Mount View High School | Cessnock | Mathematics | Edwards, Kaitlin Margaret |
17346 | Mount View High School | Cessnock | Mathematics Extension 1 | Chapman, Daniel John |
17347 | Mount View High School | Cessnock | Modern History | Warren-Davey, William Cody |
17348 | Mount View High School | Cessnock | Music 1 | Waterson, Jack |
17349 | Mount View High School | Cessnock | Retail Operations Examination | Chapman, Claire Coral |
17350 | Mount View High School | Cessnock | Textiles and Design | Gyler, Kate Anne |
17351 | Mount View High School | Cessnock | Textiles and Design | Hedges, Sophie Ellen |
17352 | Mount View High School | Cessnock | Textiles and Design | Power, Mary Louise |
17353 | Mount View High School | Cessnock | Visual Arts | Mason, Phillipa Maree |
17354 | Mountain View Adventist College | Doonside | French Beginners | Picton, Andrew Eddie John |
17355 | Mountain View Adventist College | Doonside | Information Processes and Technology | Capote, Viviana Janet |
17356 | Mountain View Adventist College | Doonside | Mathematics | Capote, Viviana Janet |
17357 | Mudgee High School | Mudgee | Biology | Sawyers, Jordan Elizabeth |
17358 | Mudgee High School | Mudgee | Community and Family Studies | Hill, Eliza Rose |
17359 | Mudgee High School | Mudgee | Community and Family Studies | Morrissey, Michelle Amanda |
17360 | Mudgee High School | Mudgee | Community and Family Studies | Plummer, Bethany Rita |
17361 | Mudgee High School | Mudgee | Community and Family Studies | Theunissen, Kayla |
17362 | Mudgee High School | Mudgee | Community and Family Studies | Van Lijf, Parisse Clarissa |
17363 | Mudgee High School | Mudgee | Engineering Studies | Lawry, Brendan William |
17364 | Mudgee High School | Mudgee | English (Advanced) | Kempton, Hannah Rose |
17365 | Mudgee High School | Mudgee | Food Technology | Plummer, Bethany Rita |
17366 | Mudgee High School | Mudgee | Food Technology | Rayner, Melinda Paige |
17367 | Mudgee High School | Mudgee | Food Technology | Roberts, Tenille Lee |
17368 | Mudgee High School | Mudgee | General Mathematics | Cutrupi, Rebecca May |
17369 | Mudgee High School | Mudgee | General Mathematics | Fairleigh, Callum |
17370 | Mudgee High School | Mudgee | Industrial Technology | Hobbs, Geremy Alan |
17371 | Mudgee High School | Mudgee | Industrial Technology | McAdam, Katerina Martika |
17372 | Mudgee High School | Mudgee | Mathematics | Beach, Chloe |
17373 | Mudgee High School | Mudgee | Mathematics | Binks, Scott Phillip |
17374 | Mudgee High School | Mudgee | Mathematics | Bryant, Lucy Ellen |
17375 | Mudgee High School | Mudgee | Mathematics | McLean, Joachim James |
17376 | Mudgee High School | Mudgee | Mathematics | Roth, Rebecca Alice |
17377 | Mudgee High School | Mudgee | Mathematics | Sawyers, Jordan Elizabeth |
17378 | Mudgee High School | Mudgee | Mathematics Extension 1 | Binks, Scott Phillip |
17379 | Mudgee High School | Mudgee | Mathematics Extension 1 | Dean, Thomas Patrick |
17380 | Mudgee High School | Mudgee | Mathematics Extension 1 | Reyes, Jared Arthur |
17381 | Mudgee High School | Mudgee | Mathematics Extension 1 | Sawyers, Jordan Elizabeth |
17382 | Mudgee High School | Mudgee | Mathematics Extension 2 | Dean, Thomas Patrick |
17383 | Mudgee High School | Mudgee | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Binks, Scott Phillip |
17384 | Mudgee High School | Mudgee | Primary Industries Examination | Rogers, Kimberley Elise |
17385 | Mudgee High School | Mudgee | Textiles and Design | Plummer, Bethany Rita |
17386 | Mudgee High School | Mudgee | Visual Arts | Endacott, Gyan Josephine |
17387 | Muirfield High School | North Rocks | Ancient History | Lucas, Charlotte Emma |
17388 | Muirfield High School | North Rocks | Drama | Paterson, Ashley Jane |
17389 | Muirfield High School | North Rocks | English (Advanced) | Lonsdale, Ashleigh Shay |
17390 | Muirfield High School | North Rocks | English (Advanced) | Lucas, Charlotte Emma |
17391 | Muirfield High School | North Rocks | English (Advanced) | Paterson, Ashley Jane |
17392 | Muirfield High School | North Rocks | General Mathematics | Dobbs, Stephen Gregory |
17393 | Muirfield High School | North Rocks | General Mathematics | Nagy, Loretta |
17394 | Muirfield High School | North Rocks | Industrial Technology | Blue, Mitchell Andrew |
17395 | Muirfield High School | North Rocks | Mathematics Extension 1 | Choi, Amy Sun-Young |
17396 | Muirfield High School | North Rocks | Senior Science | Burton, Tom Michael |
17397 | Muirfield High School | North Rocks | Senior Science | Rhee, Ioon |
17398 | Muirfield High School | North Rocks | Society and Culture | Lucas, Charlotte Emma |
17399 | Mullumbimby High School | Mullumbimby | Business Studies | Bigg, Matthew Ian |
17400 | Mullumbimby High School | Mullumbimby | Chemistry | Bigg, Matthew Ian |
17401 | Mullumbimby High School | Mullumbimby | Chemistry | Schaefer, Adam Linus |
17402 | Mullumbimby High School | Mullumbimby | Community and Family Studies | Barton, Jessica Elle |
17403 | Mullumbimby High School | Mullumbimby | Community and Family Studies | Miller, Rosalie Kaytlin |
17404 | Mullumbimby High School | Mullumbimby | Drama | Barton, Jessica Elle |
17405 | Mullumbimby High School | Mullumbimby | Drama | Cullen, Emma |
17406 | Mullumbimby High School | Mullumbimby | Drama | Daoud-Opit, Lowanna Lillian |
17407 | Mullumbimby High School | Mullumbimby | Drama | Miller, Rosalie Kaytlin |
17408 | Mullumbimby High School | Mullumbimby | English (Advanced) | Gewin, Matteas |
17409 | Mullumbimby High School | Mullumbimby | English (Advanced) | Kennerley, Joseph |
17410 | Mullumbimby High School | Mullumbimby | English (Advanced) | Nelson, Sinden Kiara |
17411 | Mullumbimby High School | Mullumbimby | English Extension 1 | Gewin, Matteas |
17412 | Mullumbimby High School | Mullumbimby | English Extension 1 | Kennerley, Joseph |
17413 | Mullumbimby High School | Mullumbimby | English Extension 2 | Cooper, Claire Elizabeth |
17414 | Mullumbimby High School | Mullumbimby | English Extension 2 | Kennerley, Joseph |
17415 | Mullumbimby High School | Mullumbimby | General Mathematics | Church, Adam Sean |
17416 | Mullumbimby High School | Mullumbimby | General Mathematics | Hawking, Zachary Dane |
17417 | Mullumbimby High School | Mullumbimby | General Mathematics | Olsen, Emily |
17418 | Mullumbimby High School | Mullumbimby | Japanese Continuers | Schultejohann, Shaw |
17419 | Mullumbimby High School | Mullumbimby | Mathematics | Bigg, Matthew Ian |
17420 | Mullumbimby High School | Mullumbimby | Mathematics | Gewin, Matteas |
17421 | Mullumbimby High School | Mullumbimby | Mathematics Extension 1 | Schaefer, Adam Linus |
17422 | Mullumbimby High School | Mullumbimby | Music 1 | Gewin, Matteas |
17423 | Mullumbimby High School | Mullumbimby | Music 1 | Kennerley, Joseph |
17424 | Mullumbimby High School | Mullumbimby | Music 1 | Warmington, Jasper |
17425 | Mullumbimby High School | Mullumbimby | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Callanan, Anika Jade |
17426 | Mullumbimby High School | Mullumbimby | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Fitzgerald, Kaitlin Renee |
17427 | Mullumbimby High School | Mullumbimby | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Phillips, Shannon Michelle |
17428 | Mullumbimby High School | Mullumbimby | Physics | Kennerley, Joseph |
17429 | Mullumbimby High School | Mullumbimby | Senior Science | Nelson, Sinden Kiara |
17430 | Mullumbimby High School | Mullumbimby | Visual Arts | Hansen, Madeleine Dahl |
17431 | Mulwaree High School | Goulburn | Community and Family Studies | Clack, Kayla Jane |
17432 | Mulwaree High School | Goulburn | Community and Family Studies | Dineen, Holly Kathleen |
17433 | Mulwaree High School | Goulburn | General Mathematics | Brown, Josephine Clair |
17434 | Mulwaree High School | Goulburn | Industrial Technology | Beck, Timothy |
17435 | Mulwaree High School | Goulburn | Industrial Technology | Bennett, Lewarna Dawn |
17436 | Mulwaree High School | Goulburn | Industrial Technology | Garzotto, Jayne Faye |
17437 | Mulwaree High School | Goulburn | Legal Studies | Clack, Kayla Jane |
17438 | Mulwaree High School | Goulburn | Retail Operations Examination | Brown, Josephine Clair |
17439 | Murray High School | Lavington | Biology | Edwards, Daniel Mark |
17440 | Murray High School | Lavington | Business Studies | Watt, Jacqueline Nardia |
17441 | Murray High School | Lavington | Community and Family Studies | Schulz, Jessica Leanne |
17442 | Murray High School | Lavington | English (Advanced) | Koschel, Samantha Grace |
17443 | Murray High School | Lavington | English (Advanced) | Salehi, Kimia |
17444 | Murray High School | Lavington | English Extension 1 | Salehi, Kimia |
17445 | Murray High School | Lavington | Mathematics | Kaye, Addison John |
17446 | Murray High School | Lavington | Mathematics | Koschel, Samantha Grace |
17447 | Murray High School | Lavington | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Edwards, Daniel Mark |
17448 | Murray High School | Lavington | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Koschel, Samantha Grace |
17449 | Murray High School | Lavington | Senior Science | Watt, Jacqueline Nardia |
17450 | Murwillumbah High School | Murwillumbah | Drama | Archer, Ella Josephine |
17451 | Murwillumbah High School | Murwillumbah | Drama | Oakley, Marissah Rose |
17452 | Murwillumbah High School | Murwillumbah | Drama | Unwin, Miranda Elise |
17453 | Murwillumbah High School | Murwillumbah | Drama | Worden, Kyra Lee |
17454 | Murwillumbah High School | Murwillumbah | General Mathematics | Walker, Jessica Rose |
17455 | Murwillumbah High School | Murwillumbah | Information Processes and Technology | Dignan, Thomas Robert |
17456 | Murwillumbah High School | Murwillumbah | Music 1 | Armour, Jessica Jane |
17457 | Murwillumbah High School | Murwillumbah | Music 1 | Arnold, Aidan Kenneth Parrott |
17458 | Murwillumbah High School | Murwillumbah | Music 1 | Newell, Richmond Mackay |
17459 | Murwillumbah High School | Murwillumbah | Music 1 | Osborne-Jones, Connor Andrew |
17460 | Murwillumbah High School | Murwillumbah | Music 1 | Patrick, Luke Samuel |
17461 | Murwillumbah High School | Murwillumbah | Senior Science | Abram, Michaela Louise |
17462 | Murwillumbah High School | Murwillumbah | Visual Arts | Miller, Joseph Arthur |
17463 | Muswellbrook High School | Muswellbrook | Chemistry | Boldery, Kenneth Edward |
17464 | Muswellbrook High School | Muswellbrook | Community and Family Studies | Llewelyn, Sarah Maree |
17465 | Muswellbrook High School | Muswellbrook | English (Advanced) | Baum, Hannah Louise |
17466 | Muswellbrook High School | Muswellbrook | English Extension 2 | Baum, Hannah Louise |
17467 | Muswellbrook High School | Muswellbrook | Music 1 | Hermon, Andrew Neil |
17468 | Muswellbrook High School | Muswellbrook | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Boldery, Kenneth Edward |
17469 | Muswellbrook High School | Muswellbrook | Personal Development, Health and Physical Education | Llewelyn, Sarah Maree |
17470 | Muswellbrook High School | Muswellbrook | Physics | Boldery, Kenneth Edward |
17471 | Muswellbrook High School | Muswellbrook | Senior Science | Hope, Sarah Lynda |
17472 | Muswellbrook High School | Muswellbrook | Visual Arts | Baum, Hannah Louise |