Student HSC Distinguished Achievers, New South Wales, 2008

Filtered by Subject Name

This report lists the school, subject and student names of every HSC band 6 or band E4 result that was awarded in 2008.

Note that where a student has undertaken studies at more than one school, the student's main school is shown.

200 of 1454 entries are shown.
401 - 600
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401 Homebush Boys High School Homebush General Mathematics Burjan, Alexander Paul
402 Homebush Boys High School Homebush General Mathematics Cooper, Camryn
403 Homebush Boys High School Homebush General Mathematics Giannone, Joseph
404 Homebush Boys High School Homebush General Mathematics Kerem, Ibrahim
405 Homebush Boys High School Homebush General Mathematics Shute, James Jordan
406 Homebush Boys High School Homebush General Mathematics Siomos, Nicholas Paul
407 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby General Mathematics Chan, Tabitha Ming-See
408 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby General Mathematics Duffy, Caroline Jane
409 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby General Mathematics Foon, Yelise
410 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby General Mathematics Gan, Cassandra Lee
411 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby General Mathematics Isachsen, Kari Louise Vivian
412 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby General Mathematics Lee, Kirsten
413 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby General Mathematics Mahaffey, Lauren Elizabeth
414 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby General Mathematics May, Rebecca Jean Mahoney
415 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby General Mathematics McKenzie-Lindgren, Madeleine Lilian
416 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby General Mathematics Salah, Tala
417 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby General Mathematics Strilakos, Stephanie Kate
418 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby General Mathematics Williams, Caitlin Jane
419 Hornsby Girls High School Hornsby General Mathematics Yeung Shi Chung, Valerie Rachel
420 Hunter Christian School Mayfield General Mathematics Caine, Hannah Leah
421 Hunter Christian School Mayfield General Mathematics Salm, Kylie
422 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield General Mathematics Dumbrell, Eva
423 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield General Mathematics Ennis, Sebastian Philip
424 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield General Mathematics Hall, Karina Melissa
425 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield General Mathematics Hamer, David Ian
426 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield General Mathematics Izzard, Robert Campbell
427 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield General Mathematics Parra, Kirsty Vanessa
428 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield General Mathematics Setter, Lloyd Cameron
429 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield General Mathematics Treloar, Brendan Joseph
430 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield General Mathematics Trickett, John Edward
431 Hurlstone Agricultural High School Glenfield General Mathematics Wilson, Lauren Angela
432 Illawarra Christian School Cordeaux Campus Cordeaux Heights General Mathematics Titus, Dominic Jack
433 Inaburra School Bangor General Mathematics Crawford, Samuel
434 Inaburra School Bangor General Mathematics Grierson, Karina Janet Dye
435 Inaburra School Bangor General Mathematics Hollowell, Ainslie
436 Inaburra School Bangor General Mathematics Johnston, Adam
437 Inaburra School Bangor General Mathematics Pearson, Chloe
438 Inaburra School Bangor General Mathematics Sinden, Rowan
439 Inaburra School Bangor General Mathematics Vassiliou, Michelle
440 Inaburra School Bangor General Mathematics Voss, Caitlin
441 International Grammar School Ultimo General Mathematics Grant, Paris
442 International Grammar School Ultimo General Mathematics Leabeater, Myles
443 International Grammar School Ultimo General Mathematics Weller, Kerrin
444 International Grammar School Ultimo General Mathematics Yap, Xinyi
445 Irrawang High School Raymond Terrace General Mathematics Lawrence, Nikki Anne
446 Irrawang High School Raymond Terrace General Mathematics Wilson, Hannah Rose
447 James Fallon High School North Albury General Mathematics Lee, Vanessa Anne
448 James Sheahan Catholic High School Orange General Mathematics Clark, Allison
449 James Sheahan Catholic High School Orange General Mathematics Limn, Graham
450 John Therry Catholic College Rosemeadow General Mathematics Bailey, Scott Christopher
451 John Therry Catholic College Rosemeadow General Mathematics Flegg, Stephanie Louise
452 John Therry Catholic College Rosemeadow General Mathematics Joesoep, Nicholas Lee
453 John Therry Catholic College Rosemeadow General Mathematics McCarthy, Sarah Jane
454 Junee High School Junee General Mathematics Belling, Adam Christopher
455 Kambala Rose Bay General Mathematics Baranova, Karina
456 Kambala Rose Bay General Mathematics Bennett, Gillian Elisabeth
457 Kambala Rose Bay General Mathematics Cox, Joanna Alexandra
458 Kambala Rose Bay General Mathematics Falkiner, Grace Anne
459 Kambala Rose Bay General Mathematics Funnell, Elizabeth Kate
460 Kambala Rose Bay General Mathematics Ireland, Genevieve Margaret
461 Kambala Rose Bay General Mathematics Levis, Samantha Joy
462 Kambala Rose Bay General Mathematics Roberts, Alexandra Ruth
463 Kambala Rose Bay General Mathematics Sarris, Isabella Claire
464 Kandos High School Kandos General Mathematics Stafford, Amy-Beth
465 Katoomba High School Katoomba General Mathematics Cameron, Liam Charles
466 Kellyville High School Kellyville General Mathematics Gollan, Morgan Louise
467 Kellyville High School Kellyville General Mathematics Klaassen, Jeroen
468 Kellyville High School Kellyville General Mathematics McGowan, Hollie Jane
469 Kellyville High School Kellyville General Mathematics Price, Mark Peter
470 Kellyville High School Kellyville General Mathematics Stokes, Daniel
471 Kempsey High School Kempsey General Mathematics Jones, Andrew
472 Kiama High School Kiama General Mathematics Prosser, Ashleigh Elizabeth
473 Killara High School Killara General Mathematics Barnes, Benjamin John Gray
474 Killara High School Killara General Mathematics Bowman, Mitchell Errol
475 Killara High School Killara General Mathematics Braun, Jessica
476 Killara High School Killara General Mathematics Brigden, Marianna
477 Killara High School Killara General Mathematics Eddie, Thomas
478 Killara High School Killara General Mathematics Reisen, Kim Hayley
479 Killara High School Killara General Mathematics Shin, Mee-Yung
480 Killara High School Killara General Mathematics Solari, Zak Oliver
481 Killara High School Killara General Mathematics Zimmerman, Christian
482 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights General Mathematics Brandler, Amy Louise
483 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights General Mathematics Farahar, Hannah Louise
484 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights General Mathematics Gates, Cameron James
485 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights General Mathematics Gudar, Aydin
486 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights General Mathematics Minus, Robert Lloyd
487 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights General Mathematics Payne, Ryan
488 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights General Mathematics Pourbozorgi, Sepehr
489 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights General Mathematics Russell-Jones, Stephanie Kate
490 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights General Mathematics Sheldon, John Nicholas
491 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights General Mathematics Smith, Joshua Adam
492 Killarney Heights High School Killarney Heights General Mathematics Welsh, Angela Renee
493 Kincoppal Rose Bay School of the Sacred Heart Vaucluse General Mathematics Brogan, Julia
494 Kincoppal Rose Bay School of the Sacred Heart Vaucluse General Mathematics Bussoletti, Emma Therese
495 Kincoppal Rose Bay School of the Sacred Heart Vaucluse General Mathematics Hudson, Rachel Kathleen
496 Kincoppal Rose Bay School of the Sacred Heart Vaucluse General Mathematics Junk, Phoebe Trudy
497 Kincoppal Rose Bay School of the Sacred Heart Vaucluse General Mathematics Lenahan, Fiona Margaret
498 Kincoppal Rose Bay School of the Sacred Heart Vaucluse General Mathematics Melvey, Belinda Danielle
499 Kincoppal Rose Bay School of the Sacred Heart Vaucluse General Mathematics Robinson, Alexandra Caitlin
500 Kincumber High School Kincumber General Mathematics Howell, Paige
501 Kincumber High School Kincumber General Mathematics Williamson, Scott Alexander
502 Kingscliff High School Kingscliff General Mathematics Evans, Hadassah Ja'el
503 Kingsgrove North High School Kingsgrove General Mathematics Parmagos, Helena
504 Kinross Wolaroi School Orange General Mathematics Burgess, Alexandra Rae
505 Kinross Wolaroi School Orange General Mathematics Burns, Caroline Ruth
506 Kinross Wolaroi School Orange General Mathematics Cameron, Peta Amelia
507 Kinross Wolaroi School Orange General Mathematics Douch, Joseph Arthur
508 Kinross Wolaroi School Orange General Mathematics Flinn, Stuart Roy
509 Kinross Wolaroi School Orange General Mathematics Hain, Amelia Margaret
510 Kinross Wolaroi School Orange General Mathematics Holman, Helen Anne
511 Kinross Wolaroi School Orange General Mathematics Quigley, Laura Kate
512 Kinross Wolaroi School Orange General Mathematics Tedder, Lucy Eleanor
513 Kinross Wolaroi School Orange General Mathematics Wallington, Veronica Anne
514 Kinross Wolaroi School Orange General Mathematics Wilson, Emma Jane
515 Kinross Wolaroi School Orange General Mathematics Wright, Jessica Anne
516 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee General Mathematics Brown, James Peter Colin
517 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee General Mathematics Champion, Jared Dane
518 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee General Mathematics Cobb, Cassandra Anderson
519 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee General Mathematics Coulter, Matthew Allen
520 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee General Mathematics Fogden, Billy Charles
521 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee General Mathematics Girle, David William
522 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee General Mathematics Harris, Thomas James
523 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee General Mathematics Maguire, Sinead
524 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee General Mathematics Morgan, Alexandra Lee
525 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee General Mathematics Nicholson, Elyse Christina
526 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee General Mathematics Small, Cameron Alexander
527 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee General Mathematics Tsekouras, Thomas John
528 Kirrawee High School Kirrawee General Mathematics Zagame, Nicola
529 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga General Mathematics Bell, Charles Llewellyn
530 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga General Mathematics Bryan, Craig Robert
531 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga General Mathematics Buchanan, James Thomas Dean
532 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga General Mathematics Cribb, Nicholas Peter
533 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga General Mathematics Dave, Sanjeev Siddharth
534 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga General Mathematics Dobson, Nicholas George
535 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga General Mathematics Essing, Paul Albert
536 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga General Mathematics Gregory, Edward Charles Probert
537 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga General Mathematics Hayward, Nathan John
538 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga General Mathematics Hepburn, Christopher Andrew
539 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga General Mathematics Higgins, Scott Anthony
540 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga General Mathematics Jackson, William Edward
541 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga General Mathematics Jones, Matthew John Kirkby
542 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga General Mathematics Jorgenson, Christopher Phillip
543 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga General Mathematics Laughlin, Nicholas James
544 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga General Mathematics Lines, Alexander Edward
545 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga General Mathematics McWilliam, Nicholas Jock
546 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga General Mathematics Morris, Alexander Tom
547 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga General Mathematics Parker, Maxwell John
548 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga General Mathematics Schwebel, David Thomas James
549 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga General Mathematics Seage, Stephen Kenneth
550 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga General Mathematics Shedden, David Peters
551 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga General Mathematics Sroczynski, Robert Edward
552 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga General Mathematics Thompson, Callum Charles
553 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga General Mathematics Wearne, Cooper John Beveridge
554 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga General Mathematics Wilson, Cameron Mark
555 Knox Grammar School Wahroonga General Mathematics Zylstra, Michael Dylan Willis
556 Kooringal High School Kooringal General Mathematics Edmanson, Michelle Anne
557 Kotara High School Adamstown General Mathematics Fisher, Kimberley Anne-Maree
558 Kotara High School Adamstown General Mathematics Paterson, Claire Alyce
559 Ku-ring-gai High School North Turramurra General Mathematics Player, Rebecca
560 Ku-ring-gai High School North Turramurra General Mathematics Steven, Brook
561 Ku-ring-gai High School North Turramurra General Mathematics Yip, Daniel
562 La Salle Academy Lithgow General Mathematics Cronin, Allan Mark
563 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown General Mathematics Boutros, Rabieh
564 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown General Mathematics Markowski, John
565 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown General Mathematics Varrica, Adam
566 La Salle Catholic College Bankstown General Mathematics Zucchetto, Mark
567 Lake Munmorah High School Lake Munmorah General Mathematics Hackenberg, Carl Philip
568 Lake Munmorah High School Lake Munmorah General Mathematics Lockett, Joshua Edward
569 Leumeah High School Leumeah General Mathematics Clissold, Aaron
570 Lisarow High School Lisarow General Mathematics Brander, Michael Timothy
571 Lisarow High School Lisarow General Mathematics Corrigan, Brianna Alyce
572 Lisarow High School Lisarow General Mathematics Hills, Jessica Anne
573 Lisarow High School Lisarow General Mathematics Rayner, Matthew Graeme
574 Lisarow High School Lisarow General Mathematics Taylor, Jessica Ann
575 Lisarow High School Lisarow General Mathematics Wazirzada, Bilal Masood
576 Loreto Kirribilli Kirribilli General Mathematics Gasparre, Genevieve
577 Loreto Kirribilli Kirribilli General Mathematics MacHutchison, Stephanie
578 Loreto Kirribilli Kirribilli General Mathematics McHardy, Gemma
579 Loreto Kirribilli Kirribilli General Mathematics Phelps, Brigid
580 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst General Mathematics Abate, Jessica
581 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst General Mathematics Broekhuijse, Jennifer
582 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst General Mathematics Commins, Kaitlin
583 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst General Mathematics Dirkis, Alexandra
584 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst General Mathematics Enright, Hannah
585 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst General Mathematics Fabbro, Francesca
586 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst General Mathematics Fazzolari, Caroline
587 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst General Mathematics Fletcher, Rachel
588 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst General Mathematics Haydon, Nikki
589 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst General Mathematics Lagudi, Alyssa
590 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst General Mathematics Marano, Tessa
591 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst General Mathematics McCaffrey, Fiona
592 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst General Mathematics McNamee, Anna
593 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst General Mathematics Monaghan, Claire
594 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst General Mathematics Neville, Kate
595 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst General Mathematics O'Hare, Lauren
596 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst General Mathematics Pendergast, Victoria
597 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst General Mathematics Raward, Melissa
598 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst General Mathematics Ryan, Grace
599 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst General Mathematics Wilson, Sarah
600 Loreto Normanhurst Normanhurst General Mathematics Wyllie, Genna
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 5 Dec 2016
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